BIOS: Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Rekayasa Komputer
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    49 research outputs found

    Sistem Pakar Diagnosa Penyakit Tanaman Bawang Merah Menggunakan Metode Certainty Factor

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    The lack of knowledge of farmers and the unequal counseling about onion diseasefrom experts is a strong reason for the difficulty of overcoming or immediately treateddiseases of onions, for this requires early diagnosis of disease onion plants. Thisresearch uses the Certainty Factor method. This method uses the certainty of an experton the symptoms of each disease. By determining the value of MB (Measure ofBelieve) as the level of confidence in the hypothesis and MD (Measure of Disbelieve)the level of distrust of the hypothesis. After using the Certainty Factor formula, thevalue of each disease will be generated from the new symptoms owned by using thehighest value of each disease, so that is the result of disease diagnosis in shallots. Thisstudy uses as many as 35 data as testing and from these data obtained an accuracyvalue of 85.71

    Implementasi QR Code untuk Efisiensi Waktu Pemesanan Menu Makanan dan Minuman di Restoran maupun Kafe

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    The quick response (QR) code provides a fast, easy, convenient, accurate and automatic method of transporting data. By freeing applications and popularizing wireless communications and cellular technology, two-dimensional barcode technology has been used for production, logistics, and sales. To order the benefits of technology to the service sector, for this study, we used various QR code applications in the food or beverage menu service management system in restaurants / cafes. The specific purpose is to allow restaurant waiters to quickly and appropriately provide service to restaurant / cafe customers. Experimental results show that the method developed in this study can significantly improve the service menu, prepare waiters and chefs to provide the right service, shorten the time for ordering the menu, and facilitate the resolution of the problem. Research in actual circumstances will be a full support tool for restaurant / cafe menu services. The results of the test prove agreeing from the point of view of efficiency and cost savings, the new system is fast and efficient, improving very competitive with the release of an improved management system

    Sistem Web Pendukung Keputusan Calon Penerima Bantuan Mandi Cuci Kakus di Kabupaten Banyuwangi

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    Village community especially Banyuwangi District is still many who have BWT (Bath Wash Toilet) but do not meet the standard. Such as the absence of buildings in accordance with the quality of construction that meet the needs of society. Waste water and bath rooms are disposed of in residential environments. The Government of the Public Works Department has given attention in addressing this issue through the development assistance of BWT. But in selecting the candidate beneficiaries the election process is still done conventionally. The Decision Support System (DSS) was built to help make it easier to determine the prospective beneficiaries of BWT. There are seven eligibility criteria used to assess prospective beneficiaries. Self-Connection House (CH), monthly dues per family, land contributions, population density level per hectare, individual septic tank ownership, shallow well water quality, kitchen waste water disposal and bathrooms. DSS is processed using Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) method calculation. The SAW method is capable of precise assessment. The calculation of the SAW method is based on the criteria value and the specified preference weight. On the system, there are 8 village data used to test the system process. The highest village Data became the beneficiary village of BWT. Based on the overall level of software quality can be concluded that the level of information system quality in the criteria is very good with a percentage of 94%

    Perbandingan Metode Double Exponential Smoothing dan Least Square untuk Sistem Prediksi Hasil Produksi Teh

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    Tea is one of the mainstay commodities of Indonesian plantation. In order to meet market demand, it is necessary to plan the right production needs, so that the amount of production capacity and market demand is balanced. To meet the needs of the right production requires good planning. The way that can be done is by making predictions. In this study, the prediction of tea production was carried out using the Double Exponential Smothing and Least Square methods. From the test results, it was found that the MAPE value of the Double Exponential Smoothing method, the most optimal α value is α 0.1 with a MAPE value of 18.084% and for the Least Square method the MAPE value is 17.008%

    Perbandingan Algoritma Boyer-Moore dan Brute Force pada Pencarian Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia Berbasis Android

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    String matching is an algorithm for matching a text to another text or also known as a text search. There are several algorithms that can be used for string matching, including the Boyer-Moore algorithm and the Brute Force algorithm. The Boyer-Moore algorithm is a string matching algorithm published by Robert S. Boyer and J. Strother Moore in 1977. This algorithm is considered the most efficient algorithm in general applications. The Boyer-Moore algorithm starts matching characters from the pattern on the right. While the Brute Force algorithm is an algorithm that matches a pattern with all text between 0 and n-m to find the existence of a pattern in the text. These two algorithms have different patterns in the search process. In this article, a comparative analysis of the performance of the Boyer-Moore and Brute Force algorithms is carried out in a case study of the search for the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI) based on Android. The search process is carried out by searching based on words and word descriptions. The results of this study indicate that the criteria for running time, the Brute Force algorithm is faster than the Boyer-Moore algorithm with the total running time of the Brute Force algorithm is 168.3 ms in words, 6994.16 ms in word descriptions, while the Boyer-Moore algorithm for running time reached 304.7 ms on the word, 8654.77 ms on the word description. In the testing criteria based on related keywords, the two algorithms can display the same list of related keywords

    Penentuan Cluster Optimum pada Tingkat Pengangguran dan Tingkat Kemiskinan di Jawa Timur Menggunakan Algoritma Fuzzy C-Means

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    There are many methods used in resolving data clustering. One of them is the Fuzzy C-Means (FCM) method, which is a reliable method to solve clustering problems in the East Java region. This study aims to determine the optimum cluster in the East Java region which can help the government to identify problems and assist policymaking in regencies/cities in East Java province. The research process uses data from the central statistical agency, namely the unemployment rate and poverty rate from 2010 to 2015. In this study, the Davies Bouldin Index (DBI) is used as a cluster validation test for determining the optimum cluster. Unemployment rate and poverty rate data were analyzed using RStudio. From the calculation of the FCM method and also the determination of the optimum cluster results obtained in 2 clusters with a DBI value of 1.2759, 3 clusters with a DBI value of 0.9937, 4 clusters with a DBI value of 0.8737. The optimum cluster is in 4 clusters with a minimum DBI value

    Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Puzzle Tokoh Walisongo Metode Steepest Ascent Hill Climbing Berbasis Android

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    Game is one of the applications that can improve one's development and thinkingpower. When someone plays the game, it is indirectly required to complete the missionand obstacles in the game. That is why playing games can be said to enhance one'sdevelopment and thinking power. One game that can improve the development of one'sthinking power is a puzzle game. Puzzle is a game that is played in pairs and pairs, soas to produce something that has been determined by a system. This puzzle game isvery popular with children, adolescents, adults and also parents. Stepest Ascent HillClimbing searches based on the best heuristic value. In this case the use of the operatordoes not determine the inventor of the solution. Steepest Ascent Hill Climbing is analgorithm method that is widely used for optimization problem

    Penerapan Wireless Distribution System (WDS) Mesh Untuk Optimasi Cakupan Area Wi-Fi di UM Jember

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    One very rapid change in computer networks is the use of Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) to access systems both locally and the internet. One way to add an Access Point (AP) so as not to change the configuration of the running software is use the Wireless Distribution System Mesh (WDS) network. The use of WDS mesh at Universitas Muhammmadiyah Jember (UM Jember) enables a slightly different wireless configuration to reduce the connection loss in the user due to the wireless network area coverage. One step is use AP devices into one unit to handle the case of a connection break by utilizing a network service that is WDS Mesh. WDS Mesh can cover Wi-Fi areas at UM Jember, and the results of testing and analysis of client devices for APs that have been configured WDS Mesh with parameters Signal Strength, CCQ, Signal to Noise Ratio Ratio, Throughput is Excellent

    Perbandingan Akurasi Metode TOPSIS dan Metode Weight Product untuk Menentukan Siswa Berprestasi

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    In determining outstanding students (a case study at MTs. Al-Ishlah Jenggawah Jember) there are several criteria to be assessed. The criteria contained in student achievement in MTs. Al-Ishlah includes the average report card, behavior, discipline, neatness and attendance. For the sake of subjective assessment, an appropriate method is needed, namely the Technique for Others Reference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) and Weight Product (WP). The purpose of this study is to compare the accuracy of TOPSIS and WP, ​​where each assessment in this case is that all students are compared with one another, thus providing an output of priority values ​​that produce a rating value for each student. After comparison and analysis, the accuracy of both methods was obtained, namely the TOPSIS method was 84% ​​while the WP method obtained an accuracy value of 87.5%. This means that in the case study, the determination of outstanding students is carried out at MTs. Al-Ishlah Jenggawah Jember showed that the WP method was better than the TOPSIS method


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