BIOS: Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Rekayasa Komputer
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    49 research outputs found

    Perancangan Aplikasi Tebak Gambar Untuk Anak Tunarungu

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    Indonesia is one of the countries with the largest population in the world so it has various community groups, one of which is children with special needs who are deaf. A deaf child is someone who has lost the ability to hear. At a school in Purwokerto, deaf students cannot recognize general knowledge and arelazy to learn, especially in flat shape material. Often children like this need special tools in their learning to be effective, but the price of a teaching aid is quite expensive, so not all schools can afford it. As the technology of teaching aids develops, an application system that is more practical can be made, users just need to install it, no need to incur costs. In order for everything to be achieved, an MDLC (Multimedia Development Life Cycle) method was applied which was developed by Luther. This method has several stages of research such as concept, design, material collection, assembly, testing and distribution. Where the results of the research contain application designs that suit the needs of deaf children with features that are easy to understand

    Aplikasi Pencarian Toko UMKM Terdekat Berbasis Android Menggunakan Api Google Maps

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    The role of MSMEs is very important in increasing economic development in a region, especially MSMEs for grocery stores. However, there are several obstacles to MSME grocery store operators in Sidoarjo Regency, one of which is the minimal use of E-Commerce for the development of their grocery store business, making it difficult for small shop operators to increase production volumes to achieve greater turnover. Basic food stores in Sidoarjo district are unable to compete with large stores that have online websites such as Indomaret, Alfamart which can make it easy to find products and carry out shopping transactions for customers. One solution to overcome this problem is to create an Android-based application for MSMEs for basic food stores in Sidoarjo Regency using the Google Maps API. With this research, it is greatly facilitated for the community in carrying out buying and selling transactions, starting from payment, time and energy expended. With research that utilizes Google Maps Fire Technology, the people of Sidorejo can easily search for the products they want from grocery stores in the surrounding area and make it easier for shop owners to market their products, so that by making this application it can make it easier to carry out shopping activities and become one of them. a driving force in the community economy

    Perancangan dan Implementasi Animasi Interaktif sebagai Media Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris pada Anak

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    English is now an international language that is used in many areas of life around the world. English is also used in communication to share knowledge around the world. So, the author made an animation program that is both interactive and can be used to teach basic English lessons. So it is useful for children to know the alphabet, numbers, names of fruits, animals, and types of vehicles. Interactive animation is a way for parents who want to teach their kids more about English to help them learn it better. Apart from being a learning tool, animation can also relieve boredom from daily activities. And, of course, the expected result is that users can improve their understanding, knowledge and vocabulary in English

    Alat Penerjemah Bahasa Isyarat Huruf Hijaiyah Menggunakan Sensor Fleksibel dan Mpu 6050 Berbasis Arduino

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    In this era of development, communication is important to convey information to avoid misunderstandings. In several community groups, there are people with disabilities, especially speech impairments. People with speech impairments can only communicate using sign language in their daily lives. People with speech impairments learn the Hijaiyah letters as the basis for forming words and sentences in Arabic, guided by Arabic Sign Language. They use sign language to understand what each other says, whereas it would be difficult for normal people to understand. The method that the author used to create a Hijaiyah sign language translation tool was the experimental method and literature review. This translation tool is based on Arduino Nano with display results using a smartphone consisting of an Arduino Nano circuit equipped with a flexible sensor, MPU 6050 sensor, battery and application on the smartphone. For communication needs, a Bluetooth HC 05 series is used. The results of the Hijaiyah letter translator tool will be displayed on the smartphone application. From the experimental results of this research, an accuracy result of 91% was obtaine

    Perancangan dan Implementasi Sistem Monitoring Jaringan di MA Darut Taqwa Berbasis Web yang Mengintegrasikan dengan API MikroTik

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    MA Darut Taqwa is a school located in Pasuruan Regency, which has implemented a centralized internet network with large bandwidth. The high number of users accessing the network at MA Darut Taqwa requires a real-time monitoring system to ensure the quality and condition of the network on MikroTik. However, this school has not fully used real-time network management, so it requires a user monitoring system using the MikroTik API which is integrated through PHP and MySQL-based websites. This will be very useful for administrators in monitoring the network effectively. The implementation of the proposed system is the development of a PHP-based website that interacts with MikroTik devices via the API. Real-time monitoring is obtained by continuously querying and updating data, as well as providing administrators with up-to-date information about network usage. The results of this study show that the website application functions properly with the results that the website can provide real-time internet speed information on the proxy interface and can manage hotspots and Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP)

    Aplikasi Rekam Medis Pada Puskesmas Bulukandang Berbasis Android Dengan Metode Waterfall

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    Medical records are patient record files containing patient examinations and examination histories from the initial patient treatment until they are needed again. At the Bulukandang Health Center, there are obstacles in the patient's medical record service, because recording is still carried out using a hybrid system. The hybrid filing system used by the Bulukandang Health Center is in the form of physical documents and archiving of paper documents. The purpose of this research is to create a Medical Record application at the Bulukandang Health Center based on Android. Before this application is built, this application is first designed using Figma. Then this medical record application was built using Android Studio software, accessing the data with get and post methods through the RESTFUL API. The Waterfall method is used in system development. Based on the results of Black Box testing the application built can be used without errors and bugs. Based on testing using the usability scale obtained a score of 81 from 10 respondents' responses, indicating that a score of 81 for the Acceptability Ranges version was obtained Acceptable. So that this application can help staff and employees of the health center, so that work is more effective and efficient

    Sikap Mahasiswa dalam Adopsi Aplikasi Keuangan BRIMO dengan Pendekatan Technology Acceptance Model (TAM)

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    This study aims to investigate the attitudes of university students towards the adoption of the BRIMO financial application using the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) approach. The research employed a quantitative survey-based methodology, with the target population consisting of students who are users of the BRIMO application. The research sample comprised more than 100 respondents selected through convenience sampling. The questionnaire was developed based on relevant previous research, and data were collected using a Likert scale with 4 categories. Data analysis was conducted using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with the Partial Least Squares (PLS) method. The findings of the study revealed that the perceived ease of use has a significant positive impact on the usage attitude towards the BRIMO application among students. However, the perceived usefulness was not found to have a significant influence on the usage attitude. Additionally, the perceived ease of use was also found to have a significant positive effect on the perceived usefulness, with the perceived usefulness acting as a mediating variable between the perceived ease of use and the usage attitude towards the BRIMO application among students

    Minat Penggunaan M-Banking Bank Konvensional di Kabupaten Sumbawa: Implementasi Technology Acceptance Model

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    This study aims to examine the public's interest in using m-banking in conventional banks in Sumbawa Regency. The Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) was employed as the underlying framework, and the research was conducted using a field survey method. Data for this study were collected online through convenience sampling using a self-registered questionnaire. The data were analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) Partial Least Squares (PLS). The findings indicate significant influences between attitude toward using, perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, and smartphone self efficacy on m-banking usage intention. Perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, and user experience have a significant impact on m-banking usage intention. Additionally, smartphone self efficacy also influences the perceived ease of use in m-banking, but it does not have an effect on the perceived usefulness. These findings provide a better understanding of the factors influencing the public's interest in using m-banking in conventional banks in Sumbawa Regency

    Penerapan Algoritma String Matching dan Regular Expression pada Aplikasi Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (KBBI)

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    The Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (KBBI) application is a software or application that allows users to access and search for the meaning of a single word in Indonesian along with its spelling. Indonesian has a complex morphological structure, where words can change form through affixation (addition of prefixes or suffixes), reduplication, or internal changes that create many dialectal variations and spelling variations that can affect word forms and writing patterns. This causes a variety of words that are similar but different in writing. On the other hand, that the Indonesian Dictionary application needs speed and accuracy of word searches then the program makes adjustments to those in the dictionary. Therefore, researchers analyze based on the data that has been obtained by the KBBI application using string matching (brute force) and regular expression algorithms. Researchers hope that the algorithms that have been analyzed can help solve problems in the KBBI application in conducting word searches to find the meaning of spelling funds. &nbsp

    Sentimen Analisis Untuk Mengukur Kepercayaan Masyarakat Terhadap Pengadaan Vaksin Covid-19 Berbasis Bernoulli Naive Bayes

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    Penelitian ini berisi tentang analisis sentimen masyarakat Indonesia pada Twitter terhadap kebijakan pemerintah dalam menangani kasus pandemi covid-19. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Bernoulli Naive Bayes dalam melakukan pemodelan dan pengujian klasifikasi terhadap data sentimen. Digunakan juga metode pengukuran performa akurasi, presisi dan recall untuk mengukur performa metode Bernoulli Naive Bayes. Pada pembagian dan skenario pengujian digunakan teknik K Fold Cross Validation dengan nilai k = 2, 4, 5, 8 dan 10. ketidakseimbangan data dalam penelitian ini diselesaikan dengan menggunakan teknik Synthetic Minority Oversampling Technique (SMOTE). Dari hasil pengujian dengan model tanpa menggunakan teknik Synthetic Minority Oversampling Technique (SMOTE) diperoleh hasil dengan tingkat akurasi sebesar 80.58%, tingkat presisi sebesar 80.33% dan tingkat recall sebesar 85.57%. sedangkan hasil pengujian dengan menggunakan teknik Synthetic Minority Oversampling Technique (SMOTE) pada pemodelan, diperoleh tingkat akurasi 80.20%, tingkat presisi 78.04% dan tingkat recall 86.77%. &nbsp


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