Jurnal Online Fakultas Syariah dan Hukum (UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya)
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    Pembunuhan Berencana dalam Pasal 340 KUHP dalam Perspektif Justice Colaborator

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    This paper aims to describe and analyze premeditated murder as regulated in Article 340 of the Criminal Code from the perspective of a Justice Collaborator in the murder case of Joshua Hutabarat. At the end of the article, it is concluded that: Justice Collaborators are needed when the state has difficulties uncovering and investigating a crime. In Indonesia, the provisions on Justice Collaborators refer to Law Number 13 of 2006 concerning the Protection of Witnesses and Victims, where Justice Collaborators have rights in the form of physical and psychological protection, legal protection, special treatment, and obtaining awards. In disclosing the death case, there has been Obstruction of Justice, with indications of destroying the CCTV DVR at the TKP, engineering the TKP, shooting bullets into the wall of the house, and bribery to close the case. Therefore, in disclosing and investigating it, the panel of judges approved a justice collaborator, namely Richard Eliezer, with the indicator of imposing a light sentence in the form of imprisonment for one year and six months.


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    Abstract: This article discusses the social interaction between the bride and groom prior their marriage in Sawunggaling Wonokromo, Surabaya. In Islam, as long as the couple has not legally tied knot of marriage, they are not allowed to meet, let alone to make sexual intercourse. Any sexual intercourse outside wedlock is considered adultery and a major sin in Islam. Even if a man and a woman have been engaged to each other, this does not legalize sexual intercourse as long they have not tied knot. However, in Sawunggaling Wonokromo, Surabaya, after a man and a woman engaged for marriage, they are allowed to meet, to chat and even to have sexual intercourse. This interaction is a token of love and the man will be responsible to whatever happening to his fiancée. Certainly, this practice is contradictory to Islamic teaching. A man and a woman engaged to each other will only allowed to meet with the attendance of a member of family to avoid unlawful relationship. Abstrak: Artikel ini membahas tentang pergaulan calon suami istri pada masa pra peminangan di Sawunggaling Wonokromo Surabaya. Pergaulan calon suami-istri dalam masa pra peminangan yang berlaku di Kelurahan Sawunggaling adalah kedua calon diperkenankan bergaul bebas layaknya suami-istri seperti jalan-jalan berdua ke mana saja mereka suka, bincang-bincang berdua dan bahkan tidur sekamar juga ditolelir oleh masyarakat di sana. Pergaulan tersebut merupakan manifestasi kecintaan tehadap calonnya, dan si laki-laki akan bertanggung jawab dengan apapun yang akan terjadi terhadap tunangannya. Ada dua  faktor yang mempengaruhi pergaulan tersebut yaitu: Pertama, faktor lingkungan setempat yang memiliki kebiasaan memperkenankan calon suami-istri bergaul bebas. Kedua, faktor pendidikan masyarakat setempat, yang belum begitu paham terhadap hukum perkawinan Islam khususnya tentang peminangan (khitbah). Bentuk pergaulan calon suami istri pada masa pra peminangan yang terjadi di Sawunggaling Wonokromo Surabaya, dilarang dan diharamkan dalam syariat Islam. Islam hanya memperbolehkan kedua calon bertemu dan pertemuan tersebut harus didampingi mahram supaya tidak terjadi kemungkaran (fÄhishah).Â

    The Closure of Isbat For Polygamous Marriage on Legal Purpose Perspective

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    After attendance, the enactment of the Supreme Court Circular (SEMA) Number 3 of 2018 answers the legal vacuum over isbat for Polygamous marriage. But in practice, the SEMA confuses its implementation. This study aims to analyze the application of polygamous marriage law in SEMA number 3 of 2018 and the juridical implications for justice, expediency, and legal certainty. This research includes normative legal research with statutory and conceptual approaches. Gustav Radbruch's theory of legal purpose is used as his analysis knife. The study concluded that closing the door of Isbat for Polygamous marriage is not the right solution because marriage isbat is one way to obtain legal guarantees in the eyes of the state. The aggrieved subject of the SEMA was a polygamous wife who could not take legal action in seeking justice. Judging from Gustav Radbruch's theory, SEMA number 3 of 2018 has not met the elements of legal objectives. The provisions in SEMA number 3 of 2018 only accommodate the interests of children. The rights of polygamous wives should be prioritized because the benefits received are more significant than tightly closing the door of isbat for Polygamous marriage. It is necessary to review SEMA number 3 of 2018 to contain concrete values of justice, expediency and legal certainty for children and wives

    Pelibatan Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi dalam Pengawasan Hakim Mahkamah Agung dalam Lingkungan Peradilan Perspektif Fath Dhari’ah

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    The question is still often asked whether the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK), in carrying out its function as the vanguard of corruption eradication (TIPIKOR), also supervises judges within the Supreme Court (MA) judiciary. Even though from a juridical perspective, the KPK's authority is not included in the supervision of individual Supreme Court judges who have become the authority of the Judicial Commission (KY), the KPK continues to supervise issues of corruption, gratuities, buying and selling of cases and other forms of TIPIKOR within the Supreme Court justice environment, and not judges as the object. This research envisages what if the KPK is involved in supervising Supreme Court judges by using the thinking method of Fath Dhari'ah, which considers the good and bad consequences of establishing law. This study uses a normative method with descriptive analysis techniques. The result of this study is that the involvement of the KPK in supervising Supreme Court judges in the Supreme Court justice environment contains more mafsada than the desired maslahah.

    Pasal Penghinaan Presiden dalam Bingkai Negara Demokrasi

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memaparkan tentang konsep negara demokrasi, problematika pasal penghinaan Presiden dan pasal penghinaan Presiden dalam bingkai negara demokrasi. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian hukum normatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan perundang-undangan dan konseptual. Hasil penelitian ini menyebutkan bahwa pasal penghinaan presiden telah menjadi sumber perdebatan di banyak negara. Bagi pihak yang sepakat dengan adanya pasal ini beranggapan bahwa pasal ini dapat memastikan bahwa kepala negara atau penguasa negara dihormati dan tidak dihina oleh masyarakat; dapat membantu melindungi integritas dan reputasi negara serta pemerintah; serta dapat mendorong masyarakat untuk mengekspresikan pendapat dengan cara yang lebih sopan dan bertanggung jawab. Pihak yang tidak menyetujui adanya pasal penghinaan presiden beranggapan bahwa pasal ini dapat digunakan untuk membungkam kebebasan bersuara dan berekspresi masyarakat; dapat dipolitisasi dan digunakan sebagai alat untuk menekan lawan politik; serta kurang sesuai dengan prinsip-prinsip demokrasi dan kebebasan berekspresi yang melindungi hak masyarakat untuk menyatakan pendapat secara bebas. Sebagai negara demokrasi, Indonesia perlu memastikan bahwa penerapan Pasal Penghinaan Presiden tidak melanggar hak asasi manusia dan kebebasan berbicara, serta tetap menjunjung tinggi prinsip keadilan dan transparansi dalam hukum. Oleh karena itu, perlu adanya pengawasan dan kontrol yang ketat dalam penerapan Pasal Penghinaan Presiden untuk memastikan bahwa tidak ada penyalahgunaan dan penyalahartian pasal tersebut

    Meminang Pinangan Orang Lain Menurut Kompilasi Hukum Islam dan Ulama Fiqih

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    Before carrying out a marriage there are stages in the form of a proposal or it can be called a khitbah. Propose comes from the word Pinang with the verb propose. The equivalent of the word propose is applying and in Arabic is khitbah. Proposal in language is asking a woman to be his wife, both for himself and for others. Khitbah is a statement of the man's desire for a certain woman to marry him and the woman announces this engagement. Proposal is one of the important stages before a marriage is carried out, through a proposal it is hoped that both parties can get to know each other better. Therefore in this article the author will discuss further about the proposal, which aims to provide detailed insight to the reader through the research results of this articl


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    Abstract: The article discusses the role of the Indonesian police in preventing the spread of the covid-19 virus from a fiqh siyasah perspective with a statutory approach. Research data were obtained from primary legal materials, namely laws, and regulations related to the Indonesian National Police. Secondary legal materials were collected from books, articles, and news and analyzed descriptively with a deductive mindset. Data on the role of the police during the Covid-19 pandemic based on Law No. 2 of 2002 concerning the National Police of the Republic of Indonesia was analyzed with a review of fiqh siyasah.  This research concludes that the Indonesian National Police agency acts as an instrument of law enforcement and supports the success of the Indonesian government in dealing with covid-19.  Among the duties of the Indonesian National Police during the Covid-19 pandemic are enforcing the law, educating the public, detecting the spread of the covid-19 virus early, and maintaining security.  The police force adheres to the role of al-hisbah in fiqh siyasah, aiming to invite people to act appropriately and prevent people from committing crimes

    Kualitas Kesaksian Testimonium De Auditu pada Putusan Mahkamah Syar’iyyah Aceh Terhadap Tindak Pidana Perkosaan Anak

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    Meningkatnya jarimah pemerkosaan terhadap anak tidak diimbangi dengan penegakan hukum yang berpihak pada korban. Banyak putusan mahkamah syar’iyyah aceh yang justru membebaskan pelaku karena minimya alat bukti. kesaksian saksi testimonium de auditu ditolak untuk dipertimbangkan karena saksi dianggap tidak melihat, mendengar dan mengalami langsung peristiwa pidana yang disaksikannya penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis dasar perimbangan hakim dalam menilai kualitas kesaksian saksi testimonium de aiditu dalam Putusan No. 7/JN/2021/MS.Aceh dan menganalisisnya berdasarkan perspektif hukum positi dan fikih jinayah. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Hakim dalam memutus jarimah pemerkosaan terhadap anak di bawah umur pada Putusan Nomor 7/JN/2021/MS.Aceh menilai bahwa kualitas kesaksisan saksi testimonium de auditu tidak dapat diterima sehingga tidak terdapat minimum dua alat bukti yang sah yang dapat membuktikan bahwa Terdakwa telah melakukan pemerkosaan terhadap anak di bawah umur. Kualitas kesaksian saksi testimonium de auditu ditinjau dari hukum positif meskipun bukan atas apa yang dilihat, di dengar dan dialami sendiri tetap dapat dijadikan alat bukti petunjuk. Sedangkan ditinjau dari fiqih jinayah kesaksian testimonium de auditu tidak boleh dikesampingkan atau ditolak sepenuhnya oleh hakim karena Hakim harus mendengarkan keterangan semua pihak demi terciptanya keadilan

    State Policies and Islamic Law Regarding Juvenile Punishment for Theft

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    The development of an increasingly sophisticated era certainly has an impact on children, both positive and negative impacts. Due to the absence of maximum direction and assistance to children, children can at any time do disgraceful acts. When children are involved in the crime of theft, they will be faced with the law and processed. Therefore, there is a need for special guidance and assistance from parents and parties whose status and roles have been recognized as external companions for these children. In this research, the writer uses descriptive qualitative research method with normative juridical research type. The analysis was conducted to determine the form of state and Islamic protection against children who are perpetrators of the crime of theft. The results of the study state that the judge can give a decision on the case of a child crime case of theft. However, legal protection is needed for children who do not commit the crime of theft, considering that they are still underage and still need to be given more maximum attention and guidance. The state protects children because their future is also the future of the state. Every level of society in Indonesia is obligated to provide moral support and guarantee that children in dispute with the law are not excluded from the social environment and society, and that they continue to obtain an appropriate education so that their futures are secure. So that youngsters affected by this law do not feel alienated, continued enjoyment of the nation's youth is possible

    The Early Marriage in Kaliboto Kidul on Maqasid Sharia Perspective

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    The practice of early marriage breeds many problems. This case also quite a lot happened in Kaliboto Kidul, Lumajang. This study traces why the phenomenon occurs. The article also looks at the practice with the perspective of maqashid sharia. Therefore, the important debate is whether the practice of early marriage is entirely problematic or on the other hand has benefits. This paper is packed with an interdisciplinary approach; normative, sociological, and philosophical. This article found that the main reason for the practice of early marriage is because of pregnancy out of wedlock, among other reasons. For this reason, in the perspective of Maqasid Shari'ah, the practice of early marriage can be the best choice to protect women and children (hifz an-nafs and an-nasl), although it still gives birth to new effects, namely during childbirth. However, the danger is still assessed at a lower level of dharuri than allowing the child to be trapped in adultery. Therefore, this article confirms that in the normative, sociological, and philosophical context the practice of early marriage does not fully present harm, but it becomes an option to protect other potential harms


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