6792 research outputs found
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Closing Remarks of the International Astronomical Union Symposium 380
Closing remarks on the IAUS 380We are pleased to summarise the IAU Symposium 380, Cosmic Masers: Proper Motion toward the Next-Generation Large Projects held on March 2023 March 20-24 in Kagoshima City, Japan. It is the sixth symposium focusing on astrophysical masers broadly used in research of star formation and evolved stars, astrometric measurements of the Milky Way galaxy, as well as studies of extragalactic environments
Polish Discourse Corpus (PDC): Corpus Design, ISO-Compliant Annotation, Data Highlights, and Parser Development
This paper presents the Polish Discourse Corpus, a pioneering resource of this kind for Polish and the first corpus in Poland to employ the ISO standard for discourse relation annotation. The Polish Discourse Corpus adopts ISO 24617-8, a segment of the Language Resource Management – Semantic Annotation Framework (SemAF), which outlines a set of core discourse relations adaptable for diverse languages and genres. The paper overviews the corpus architecture, annotation procedures, the challenges that the annotators have encountered, as well as key statistical data concerning discourse relations and connectives in the corpus. It further discusses the initial phases of the discourse parser tailored for the ISO 24617-8 framework. Evaluations on the efficacy and potential refinement areas of the corpus annotation and parsing strategies are also presented. The final part of the paper touches upon anticipated research plans to improve discourse analysis techniques in the project and to conduct discourse studies involving multiple languages
A Duty to Rescue and Its Cost
This research was funded in whole or in part by the National Science Centre, Poland,
grant number 2020/39/B/HS5/00610. For the purpose of Open Access, the author has
applied a CC-BY public copyright license to any Author Accepted Manuscript (AAM)
version arising from this submission.The purpose of the present paper is to analyse the problem of cost generated by
the performance of a duty to rescue. The authors consider three distinct views of this
problem by confronting a scenario in which one party decides to rescue another,
where providing such assistance seems to involve an infringement upon the property
rights of the third party. For example, A rescues drowning B but in the process of doing
so A apparently trespasses upon C’s land. The question that the authors pose is:
Assuming that there is a duty to rescue, who should be charged with the cost of what
seems to be an infringement upon the third party’s property rights? The paper analyses
the following possibilities: the cost should be borne by (a) the victim of the emergency,
(b) the rescuer, (c) the third party whose rights seem to have been encroached
upon. Even though the authors begin with a pronouncedly libertarian assumption
about the third party’s absolute property rights, in the course of the discussion they
come to the conclusion that it is exactly this assumption that should be further probed
and ultimately relaxed in order to reach the most plausible solution to the present
Percepcja ikon w badaniu Eye Trackingowym. Próba znalezienia wzorców interakcji z ikoną w środowiskach cyfrowych
Author accepted versionW artykule przedstawiono badania dotyczące percepcji wizualnej ikon oraz ich oddziaływania na odbiorców. Skupiono się na analizie sposobu postrzegania ikon przez dwie grupy osób, obejmujące osoby świeckie oraz duchowne. Pod uwagę brano takie zmienne jak kierunek ukończonych studiów oraz znajomość ikonografii. Metoda eye tracking została wykorzystana do badania różnic w uwadze wizualnej podczas ekspozycji ikon na ekranie monitora. Z domeny publicznej do badań pobrano cyfrowe wersje szesnastu ikon o różnej tematyce, szkole i stylistyce. W celu pominięcia subiektywności w ocenach, obok słynnych zaprezentowano ikony nieznane, lecz o podobnych cechach wizualnych. W analizie czasowych charakterystyk percepcji wizualnej wykorzystano techniki statystyczne. Wyniki wskazują na istotne różnice w sposobie odbierania i interpretowania ikon pomiędzy badanymi grupami, co sugeruje wpływ wykształcenia teologicznego na styl kognitywno-percepcyjny. Wnioski mogą otworzyć nowe perspektywy dla dalszych badań nad percepcją wizualną oraz interdyscyplinarnych dyskusji na temat roli ikonografii religijnej w kulturze i sztuce
The cognitive requirements for developing a multimodal communication system: Evidence from experimental semiotics and comparative cognition
Specifying the cognitive requirements for developing a structured, symbolic communication system is crucial when considering what made humans language-ready and enabled them to create language. It is equally important to understand to which extent these requirements are shared with other animals and how they evolved. Experimental semiotics elucidates the processes and necessary requirements for the emergence of a symbolic communication system in interaction. We take an evolutionary perspective to find out what cognitive abilities are essential for successful communication, and to what extent these cognitive abilities are present in animals. By conducting a meta-analysis of existing studies and comparing cognitive abilities across species, we identify common factors like theory of mind and categorical perception and highlight the similarities and differences in these abilities between humans and animals. This innovative approach provides valuable insights into the cognitive underpinnings of symbolic communication system emergence, contributing to our understanding of language evolution
Thomas Aquinas, Exegete of the Letter to the Hebrews
Grant OPUS “Biblical Exegesis and Jewish-Christian relations from the perspective of Thomas Aquinas’ Commentary on the Letter to the Hebrews” (no. 2019/35/B/ HS1/00305).This contribution seeks to introduce the reader to Aquinas’scommentary on the Letter to the Hebrews by examining the main exegetical techniques used by Aquinas, identifying the most important patristic and medieval sources and discussing the main theological topics of the Letter through the lens of Aquinas’s though
Św. Szczepan w tekstach prymasa Stefana Wyszyńskiego- odkrywanie dziedzictwa diakonów
W Kościele w Polsce coraz częściej spotykamy diakonów stałych. Ich obecność rodzi różne owoce. Na pewno jednym z nich jest coraz większa wiedza pośród wiernych o tym, że powołanie diakona było obecne w Kościele od samego jego początku. I chociaż odczytywanie miejsca i roli diakona we wspólnocie wiary zmieniało się w dziejach, to bez wątpienia jego powołanie było obecne zawsze. Zainteresowanie powołaniem diakona stałego sprawia, że zaczynamy zauważać i odkrywać wielowątkową obecności diakonów w historii i tradycji Kościoła na ziemiach polskich. Nie mam wątpliwości, że to swoiste wielowiekowe dziedzictwo oczekuje na swoje zainteresowanie, odkrycie i opisanie.
Tematem niniejszego artykułu jest przywołanie odniesień do św. Szczepana, które uczynił prymas Stefan Wyszyński w swoich tekstach i wypowiedziach. Mamy tu na uwadze jego osobiste notatki, które od kilku lat ukazują się w serii "Pro memoria" oraz przemówienia, które od wielu lat wydane są w serii "Dzieła zebrane"
Entrenchment, conventionalization and cumulative culture: A usage-based perspective on language evolution
This paper discusses how concepts from usage-based linguistics can prove fruitful in investigating the evolution of language. In particular, we focus on recent developments in usage-based approaches to language and the question of how they can inform an account of how fully-fledged language emerged from protolinguistic communication. Specifically, we focus on the concepts of entrenchment and conventionalization as well as their interaction in processes of language change and grammaticalization, and we discuss whether and to what extent such concepts can also account for the emergence of structure in hominin interactions