10,900 research outputs found

    Information and Communication Technologies and Informal Scholarly Communication: A Review of the Social Oriented Research

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    This article reviews and analyzes findings from research on computer mediated informal scholarly communication. Ten empirical research papers, which show the effects and influences of information & communication technologies (ICTs), or the effects of social contexts on ICTs use in informal scholarly communication, were analyzed and compared. Types of ICTs covered in those studies include e-mails, collaboratories, and electronic forums. The review shows that most of the empirical studies examined the ICTs use effects or consequences. Only a few studies examined the social shaping of ICTs and ICT uses in informal scholarly communication. Based on comparisons of the empirical findings this article summarizes the ICT use effects/consequences as identified in the studies into seven categories and discusses their implications

    Integrated learning programme 2016-2017 : term 2

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    This Integrated Learning Programme (ILP) guidebook provides details about ILP courses offered during 2016-2017 second term in Lingnan University, Hong Kong.https://commons.ln.edu.hk/ilp_guidebook/1028/thumbnail.jp

    Study the History of Mandarin On the Base of Lǎo Qǐdà

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    Is it true that the Beijing dialect was Mandarin within the period from the end of the Yuan dynasty to the beginning of the Ming dynasty (the second half of the 14th century)? Were the Interpreter Piao (《樸通事》, Piáo T ōngshì) and the Lǎo Qǐdà(《老乞大》,Lǎo Qǐdà) written in the Beijing colloquial language? Whether had the College of the Standard Pronunciation (正音書院 , Zhèngyīn Shūyuàn) within the period of King Yongzheng of the Qing dynasty (1723-1735) given an impulse to shape the common language of the Chinese? All of these questions mentioned before not only are the key tasks, which have deals with the history of the Chinese language of the modern times; but also are the unavoidable questions in researching the contemporary Chinese language. However, the popular, or the so-called “mainstream” of current opinion looks logical and well argued, but it is specious. Pronunciation is the main basis for estimating the linguistic character of the ancient literature. The Beijing pronunciation (Northern Mandarin) was not the representative of the standard pronunciation of Mandarin of the modern times; the representative was Nanjing pronunciation (Southern Mandarin). The Interpreter Piao and Lǎo Qǐd à were not written in the Beijing colloquial language. And the College of the Standard Pronunciation did not give an impulse to shape the common language of the Chinese; on the opposite, it delayed the process of shaping. Keywords: Mandarin, Beijing dialect, Nanjing pronunciation, the standard and the colloquial pronunciations, the Old China Résumé Le mandarin est-il représenté par le dialecte de Pékin au quatorzième siècle ? Putongshi et Laoqida sont-ils écrits en dialecte de Pékin ? “L’école de ton orthodoxe ” dans la dynastie de Tsing a-t-elle promu la formation du language commun de nationalité Han d’aujourd’hui ? Voilà les questions clés concernant l’histoire du mandarin contemporain et moderne que les manuels de la langue chinoise moderne ne peuvent pas éluder . Pourtant , le point de vue majeur ou plutôt populaire , est faux malgré son apparence bien raisonnable . Les sons du language est la critère principale pour définir la nature languagière des documents anciens . Le symbole de ton orthodoxe du mandarin contemporain n’est effectivement pas le ton de Pékin , mais le ton de Nankin . En Corée , les manuels de chinois Putongshi et Laoqida ne sont pas rédigés en dialecte de Pékin . “L’école de ton orthodoxe ” dans la dynastie de Tsing n’a pratiquement pas promu le processus de formation du language commun de nationalité Han d’aujourd’hui , mais bien au contraire , elle a retardé ce processus . Mots-clés: mandarin , language de Pékin , ton de Nankin , ton orthodoxe et ton populaire, Laoqida 摘 要 元末明初漢語官話 “以北京話為代表”?《樸通事》和《老乞大》 “是用北京口語寫的”?清雍正朝的“正音書院”推動了現代漢民族共同語的形成?這是涉及近現代漢語史的關鍵問題,也是現代漢語教材不能回避的問題。然而流行的或曰 “主流”觀點,看似頭頭是道,實則似是而非。判斷古文獻語言性質的依據主要是語音。近代漢語官話正音的代表,並非北方官話的北京音,而是南方官話的南京音;朝鮮漢語課本《樸通事》和《老乞大》不 “是用北京口語寫的 ”;清雍正朝的 “正音書院”並未推動、反而延緩了現代漢民族共同語形成的進程。關鍵詞:官話;北京話;南京音;正俗音;《老乞大


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    Phonology in J.Macgowan\u27s A Collection of Phrases in The Shanghai Dialect by Alphabet

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    A patient-subject construction in Cantonese

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    A novel patient-subject construction (1a) emerged from children’s and adults’ elicited production. Such construction only appeared when the target aimed for an object relative clause with an inanimate subject and an animate object (IA), as shown in (1b), but not in other animacy configurations or relative clauses of other NP types, such as subject relative clauses. (1) a. Patient-subject relative clause: [RC __ 冚住張被]嗰個BB kam2zyu6 zoeng1 pei2 go2go3bi4bi1 cover-CONT CL blanket that CL baby 'the baby being covered by the blanket' b. Target object relative clause with an inanimate subject and an animate object: [RC張被冚住嗰個 zoeng1 pei2 kam2zyu6 go2 go3 bi4bi1 CL blanket cover-CONT __ ] that CL BB baby 'the baby that the blanket is covering' The relative clause in (1a) can be analysed as a subject relative clause based on the main clause in (2). (2) Patient-subject construction: 個BB冚住張被 go3 bi4bi1 kam2zyu6 zoeng1 pei2 CL baby cover-CONT CL blanket 'the baby is being covered by the blanket' The original patient object becomes the subject, whereas the original agent subject becomes the object of the patient-subject construction. The switch of the syntactic positions does not trigger a change in meaning of the predicate event; the original transitive sense, such as the meaning of the sword stabbing the old man in the example, is preserved. There is, however, a slight difference in semantics between the target transitive construction and the patient-subject construction: the latter carries a sense of describing a state experiencing by the target referent, instead of describing the happening of an event, making the patient subject more like an experiencer in the predicate. The construction resembles an unaccusative one with the subject being the patient of the predicate, yet it is not an unaccusative verb as it is not intransitive; it takes an agentive object. It is similar to the passive voice, which promotes the object to the subject position and demotes the subject to lower positions, yet it does not have the appropriate grammatical markings for passive voice; it is not marked by bei2, and neither does the agent become an oblique object. It also resembles locative inversion, as suggested by the verb often marked by the continuous aspect zyu6, yet it is not necessarily marked by zyu6. This paper explores the nature of the patient-subject construction. By scrutinizing the properties of the construction in detail, it aims to identify what kind of verb construction exactly is the construction with a transitive verb taking a patient subject and an agent object.published_or_final_versio

    「個人成長及全人發展」學習計劃教材套2007 : 小一至小三

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    本教材套 (初小) 的分層德育教育目標如下: 通過與生活事件相關的學習經歷,培養積極的態度和價値觀 透過專題硏習,將所學的知識與日常生活所遇到的道德問題連結起來 藉著進行手腦並用的探究活動來認識本地社會,從而認清自己在社會上的角色https://commons.ln.edu.hk/apias_kit/1001/thumbnail.jp