347 research outputs found

    Fabrication of a Spongelike Nanostructured TiO_2 Film and Its Photocatalytic Activity

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    采用电化学阳极氧化法在钛表面构筑了海绵状纳米结构TIO2膜.应用扫描电子显微镜(SEM)和X射线衍射(Xrd)对膜层的形貌和晶型进行了分析和表征,考察了阳极氧化时间对膜层厚度的影响,并通过海绵状纳米结构TIO2膜对甲基橙的光催化降解研究了膜层厚度与光催化活性的关系.结果表明,海绵状纳米结构TIO2膜对甲基橙具有光催化降解作用,而且随着膜层厚度的增加,光催化降解速率显著增大,厚度为2.2μM的海绵状纳米结构TIO2膜对甲基橙的光催化降解速率是厚度为480nM的6.4倍.A spongelike nanostructured titanium dioxide(TiO2) film was fabricated on a titanium substrate by electrochemical anodic oxidation.Scanning electron microscopy(SEM) and X-ray diffraction(XRD) experiments were performed to characterize the morphology and crystalline phase of the spongelike nanostructured TiO2 films.The effect of anodizing time on the thickness of the layers was examined.The relationship between the thickness of the spongelike nanostructured TiO2 film and its photocatalytic activity was investigated by the degradation of methyl orange solution.Results showed that the spongelike nanostructured TiO2 film had a high photocatalytic activity.The photocatalytic degradation rate of a methyl orange solution increased with the film thickness.The photocatalytic degradation rate by the spongelike nanostructured TiO2 film with a thickness of 2.2 μm was 6.4 times as large as that by the spongelike nanostructured TiO2 film with a thickness of 480 nm.福建省自然科学基金(U0750015);福建省科技计划重点课题(2007H0031);厦门市科技计划(3502Z20073004);国家基础科学人才培养基金(J0630429)资助项目---

    Preparation and Characterization of TiO_2 Nanotubes Array by Anodic Oxidation in Anionic Modified Glycerol-Based Electrolyte

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    本文采用电化学阳极氧化法以含氟的甘油和水混合溶液为电解液在纯钛表面制备了一层排列规整的TIO2纳米管阵列,研究了电解液中额外添加3种2价阴离子、不同的电解时间及不同的添加物浓度等因素对所获得的TIO2纳米管阵列形貌的影响。结果表明,在改性电解液中制备的TIO2纳米管阵列的长度均超过了未改性的电解液中制备的,并随着氧化时间的增长,纳米管管口直径增大,管壁变薄;同时添加的(nH4)2TIf6浓度在0.025~0.1 MOl.l-1范围内均可获得管长更长且形貌较好的TIO2纳米管阵列。High-order TiO2 nanotube arrays on titanium foils were prepared in glycerol-based electrolyte containing fluorine and water by electrochemical anodic oxidation in this work.The influence of different dianion additives,different oxidation duration and concentration of electrolyte additives on the effect of the morphology of TiO2 nanotube arrays were investigated.Results showed that the length of TiO2 nanotube arrays in the modified electrolyte were longer than the samples in the unmodified electrolyte.And with the growth of oxidation duration,the diameter of the nanotubes increased,the wall were thinner;moreover better and longer TiO2 nanotube arrays can be prepared in the glycerol-based electrolyte with the range of the concentration of(NH4)2TiF6.国家自然科学基金(No.30970887;30600149); 卫生部科学研究基金(No.WKJ2008-02-037); 福建省杰青项目(No.2011J06019); 教育部重点项目(No.209061); 福建省纳米材料重点实验室科学基金(No.NM10-03)资助项

    Fabrication of Anodic Aluminum Oxide Films and Its Application in MEMS Packaging

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    封装是MEMS器件生产中最大的问题和挑战,其成本占整个MEMS器件成本的50%~80%。目前MEMS封装技术还存在很多问题,例如在硅金共熔键合工艺中,由于硅和金热膨胀系数的差别,键合晶片在退火过程中会产生内应力,影响晶片的键合质量。本文尝试在硅和金之间加入一层多孔氧化铝薄膜(AAO),利用多孔氧化铝的孔洞释放键合晶片在退火过程中产生的内应力,提高晶片的键合质量。因此,本文重点研究AAO特别是硅基AAO的制备工艺,实验探索AAO提高晶片键合质量的可行性。硅基多孔氧化铝薄膜制备工艺的关键问题是硅衬底的保护和阳极氧化时间的选择。本文采用两步氧化法成功制备了硅基多孔氧化铝薄膜,并将AAO应用到硅金键合...MEMS packaging is one of the most serious problems and challenges in MEMS device manufacturing, which costs 50-80 percent of money in packaging. Nowadays there are many key problems in MEMS packaging, for example, because of the different heat expanded coefficients, the residual stress of bonding wafer occurs after the anneal process, which influences the bonding quality. In this paper a method, w...学位:工学硕士院系专业:物理与机电工程学院机电工程系_精密仪器及机械学号:20032900

    Fabrication of Black TiO2 Nanotube and Its Infrared Radiation Properties

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    随着纳米科技的兴起,科学技术研究进入一个崭新的阶段。在纳米尺度下,由于纳米材料展现出许多奇特的物理和化学性质,使得纳米材料及其应用成为当前科学研究最为丰富和活跃的领域。基于电化学阳极氧化的二氧化钛(TiO2)纳米管阵列属于宽禁带N型半导体,具有稳定的化学性质,由于其无毒、自洁、催化活性高等特点,在光催化、太阳能电池、以及能源、生物和环保等领域被广泛应用。目前纳米结构TiO2材料的应用研究主要集中于可见光到紫外光范围,尚未见到其在红外光范围的应用研究报道。定向有序排列的TiO2纳米管阵列,具有较大的比表面积和载流子定向传输特性等特点,因此很适合用于制造基于电阻加热效应的红外辐射光源。黑色TiO2...With the rise of nanotechnology, the science and technology enter into a new filed. Since nanomaterials exhibit many unique physical and chemical properties in the nanometer scale, such nanomaterials and their applications become the most abundant and active scientific research fields. Titanium dioxide (TiO2) nanotube arrays fabricated by electrochemical anodic oxidation belong Wide Bandgap N-type...学位:工学硕士院系专业:萨本栋微米纳米科学技术研究院_微电子学与固体电子学学号:3352013115246

    Fabrication of Highly Ordered Titanium Dioxide Nanotube Array and Investigation of Its Photocatalytic Activity

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    采用电化学阳极氧化法在钛表面构筑了一种结构有序、微米级的TiO2纳米管阵列膜层.考察了制备电压、氧化时间、溶液搅拌等实验参数对TiO2纳米管阵列形貌和尺寸的影响.应用SEM和XRD对膜层的形貌和晶型进行了分析和表征,并通过TiO2纳米管阵列膜对甲基橙的光催化降解,研究了TiO2纳米管阵列膜层结构与光催化活性的关系.结果表明:阳极电压和溶液搅拌对制备TiO2纳米管阵列的结构起到关键的作用.控制20V电压制备的TiO2纳米管阵列膜,管长达2.6~3.3μm,经500℃热处理后具有最高的光催化活性,其光催化性能明显优于一般的TiO2纳米颗粒膜.A highly ordered titanium dioxide (TiO2) nanotube array film on titanium substrate was fabri- cated by using an electrochemical anodic oxidation method, and some preparation parameters of the TiO2 nanotube arrays were investigated as well. The SEM and XRD experiments were performed to characterize the morphology and crystalline phase of the TiO2 nanotube arrays. It was found that the morphology of the TiO2 nanotube arrays was greatly associated with the anodization voltage. The photocatalytic activity of the TiO2 nanotube array film was evaluated by the decolorization of methyl orange under the illumination of a high-pressure mercury lamp. The results showed that the TiO2 nanotube arrays prepared at 20 V and an- nealed at 500 ℃ exhibited the best photocatalytic activity to the degradation of methyl orange. And the photocatalytic activity of the TiO2 nanotube array film was much higher than that of the regular TiO2 nanoparticle film.国家自然科学基金(No.50571085);; 福建省科技项目(Nos.2005HZ01-3,2007H0031)资助项目

    The study of Anodizing and Coloring on the Titanium and Titanium Alloys

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    摘要 为了在钛材表面获得装饰性高,功能性强的涂层,本文采用阳极氧化法和微弧氧化法对钛材进行氧化着色处理。利用XRD,SEM,EDS,RST等手段对三种工艺下获得的涂层进行表征,综合分析了涂层的外观颜色、微观形貌、组织结构、化学组成,以及临界载荷。详细探讨了各工艺条件对着色氧化膜的影响规律,并优选出可获得质量满意的颜色层的工艺参数。 研究结果表明: 将电解抛光引入钛及钛合金彩色阳极氧化工艺中,不仅解决了传统工艺中氢氟酸的污染问题,还大大改善了着色表面形貌,提高了氧化膜的抗污性能。在电解抛光工序中,电压,阳极电流密度,电解时间,电解液成分等是影响电解抛光质量的主要因素;在阳极氧化工序中,电压...Abstract In order to acquire coatings with well decoration and functionality, the colored coatings were prepared by anodic oxidation and Micro-arc oxidation (MAO) in this paper. The appearance, morphology, structure, chemical composition, and the critical load of the colored coatings were characterized by using XRD, SEM, EDS and RST technique. Effects of processing parameters on each colored oxid...学位:工学硕士院系专业:化学化工学院化学工程与生物工程系_化学工艺学号:2062007115089


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    介绍了一种采用宽禁带半导体二氧化钛纳米管阵列薄膜材料制备β伏特效应同位素电池的方法.通过对金属钛片的电化学阳极氧化制备了垂直定向、有序排列的二氧化钛纳米管阵列薄膜,研究了退火条件对二氧化钛纳米管阵列薄膜半导体光电性能的影响.通过与镍-63辐射源的集成封装,形成三明治结构镍-63/二氧化钛纳米管阵列薄膜/钛片的β伏特同位素电池.实验结果表明,基于氩气氛围下450?C退火的黑色二氧化钛纳米管阵列薄膜具有高的氧空位缺陷浓度和宽的可见-紫外吸收光谱.在使用β辐射总能量为10 m Ci的镍-63辐射源时,同位素电池的开路电压为1.02 V,短路电流75.52 n A,最大有效转换效率为22.48%.国家自然科学基金(批准号:61574117);;深圳市科技计划项目(批准号:JCYJ20170306141006600)资助的课题~

    Asymmetric light reflectance effect of AAO and preparation of Si, Ge nanostructures using AAO template

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    随着硅微电子产业的迅速发展,器件工艺水平不断提高,器件的尺度减小到纳米量级。然而,体Si是间接带隙材料,发光效率不高,制约了光电子集成的发展。制备高密度、小尺寸和大小均匀的Si基纳米结构对实现高性能的光电子器件具有重要的科学意义和应用价值。多孔阳极氧化铝膜(AAO)具有高度有序、孔径和孔间距可控、热稳定性好、绝缘、制备工艺简单等优点而成为制备均匀纳米结构的首选模板。 AAO是一种宽带隙材料,具有良好的光学特性,在近紫外至近红外波段具有很高的透光性。利用AAO模板在透明的玻璃衬底上制备的不同纳米结构可应用于光催化、光染料电池和光电极等。因此,对玻璃基AAO的制备和光学性质研究也有着重要的意义。...With the rapid development of silicon microelectronics industry, the device technology has improved and size scale is reduced to nanometer scale. However, the low luminous efficiency has restricted the development of optoelectronic integration due to its indirect bandgap. High density, small size and uniform Si nano structures are promising materials to achieve high performance Si-based photonic d...学位:理学硕士院系专业:物理与机电工程学院物理学系_凝聚态物理学号:1982008115299

    Fabrication of highly ordered titanium dioxide nanotube array and investigation of its photocatalytic activity

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    A highly ordered titanium dioxide (TiO2) nanotube array film on titanium substrate was fabricated by using an electrochemical anodic oxidation method, and some preparation parameters of the TiO2 nanotube arrays were investigated as well. The SEM and XRD experiments were performed to characterize the morphology and crystalline phase of the TiO2 nanotube arrays. It was found that the morphology of the TiO2 nanotube arrays was greatly associated with the anodization voltage. The photocatalytic activity of the TiO2 nanotube array film was evaluated by the decolorization of methyl orange under the illumination of a high-pressure mercury lamp. The results showed that the TiO2 nanotube arrays prepared at 20 V and annealed at 500 degrees C exhibited the best photocatalytic activity to the degradation of methyl orange. And the photocatalytic activity of the TiO2 nanotube array film was much higher than that of the regular TiO2 nanoparticle film

    Progress on fabrication, modification and applications of titania nanotube Arrays

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    Titania nanotube arrays as a novel nano-material has unique highly ordered array structure, good mechanical and chemical stability, as well as excellent corrosion resistance. It has been fabricated by electrochemical anodization of pure Ti sheet in electrolytes containing small amounts of fluoric ions. This paper reviews the new research achievements of TiO2 nanotube arrays on the preparation processes, forming mechanism, modification and the applications in the photocatalytic degradation of pollutants, solar cells, gas sensor materials, photolysis water. The existing problems and further prospects in this field are also discussed