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    [[abstract]]2012 年台灣航港管理體制朝「政企分離」方向變革,另成立臺灣 港務公司 專責港埠經營業務,以其基隆、臺中、高雄及花蓮等四個分 公司來管轄基 隆港、蘇澳港、臺北港、臺中港、高雄港、安平港、花蓮港等七大國際商 港港棧作業,作業流程的統一標準化,無疑成為亟需面對的課題。為免各 港目前不同作業方式漫長重疊,造成船舶及進出口裝卸延宕,各港口不同 的港棧作業方式流程勢必重新整合簡化,本研究運用分散式系統雲端模式 管理規劃,導入 B2B、B2C、CRM、 ERP、SCM 及 e 化行動商務關鍵元素,作為 雲端投入及產出運算因子,以雲端運算的 IaaS、PaaS 及 SaaS 三個層次架構 呈現之結果,就是預期能 夠提供臺灣地區所有港口作業全面開放業界,擷 取標準化的「公共 雲」「倉儲雲」「運輸雲」資訊流,縮短港棧作業流程, 開啟全方位雲 端管理的港口物流創新服務。[[notice]]補正完


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    應用類神經網路預測高鐵車站之運量 -以左營站為例

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    Ocean\u27s elevenses 美饌巡航

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    Catering to discerning passengers on cruise ships is a major undertaking, but it offers wonderful and bountiful rewards. 在郵輪上為高品味的旅客提供高質素的餐飲服務,是一項龐大而重要的任務,然而對廚師而言,這是個難得而又豐盛的經驗

    Sugar Imports by Chinese Junks and the Expansion of Domestic Consumption during the Edo period

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    During the Edo period (1603–1868), Japan steadfastly maintained its national seclusion policy. Japan’s constant cultural interaction with foreign countries, therefore, took place mainly in the following ways: direct contacts with China and the Netherlands, centering on trade in Nagasaki; contacts with Korea through the So clan on Tsushima Island; and indirect contacts with China via the Kingdom of Ryukyu under the control of the Satsuma clan. Quantitatively, the largest number of direct contacts were made through trade by Chinese junks, called karafune in the Edo period, sailing to Nagasaki almost every year. Japan imported sugar made in China in large quantities through trade by Chinese junks almost annually. Much of the sugar imported from China was produced in coastal areas, such as Chaozhou in the eastern part of Guangdong Province, Xiamen and Quanzhou in southern Fujian Province, as well as in Taiwan. In the early part of the Edo period, China-made sugar was imported by Chinese junks sailing directly from these production areas to Japan. In the mid- and late-Edo period, however, sugar produced in China was not directly transported to Japan; it was first carried by coastal merchant vessels to Zhapu in Zhejiang Province, where the sugar was loaded onto Chinese junks sailing from Zhapu to Japan, and then transported to Nagasaki. Most of the sugar landing in Nagasaki was transported by domestic routes, mainly by Japanese-style wooden ships to Osaka, and then distributed nationwide. Meanwhile, in the early 18th century after the Kyoho era (1716–1736), cane sugar production was encouraged in Japan, following the instruction of the then shogun, Tokugawa Yoshimune( 1684–1751). This enabled Japan to increase its number of sugarproducing districts and amount of sugar production, also improving the quality of the sugar. In an attempt to determine how to establish cultural interaction studies as a field of historical research, this paper reports on sugar imports through Sino-Japan trade and on the expansion of domestic sugar consumption in the Edo period, as a way of considering the issue of cultural interaction from the perspective of physical distribution in East Asia