939 research outputs found

    South Fujian Opera Culture Spectacle on Common Memory of Cross-strait: Romance of Litchi and Mirror on the Context of Modernity

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    有闽南人的地方就有“陈三五娘”的传说。这一故事的播撒路径与嬗变轨迹,叠印着闽南文化藉由古今海上丝绸之路向海内外传播的繁复历史,于不期然间成为中西文化环流的鲜明印证与极佳注脚,并渐次演化为“从闽南想象周边”与“从周边想象闽南”的经典文本,而被官方列为“国家级非物质文化遗产”。缘此,本文以荔镜情缘为观察入口与研究进径来阐释闽南城乡的社会运行结构、区域支配关系与多元文化互动,并检视散居于世界各地之海内外闽南人的情感心理结构、社会精神生活与日常生活方式。 本文首先在历史记忆与身份认同理论的分析框架中,从跨越剧种界限、跨越文类畛域、跨越媒介分殊、跨越文化隔阂四个层面,全面梳理“陈三五娘”驳杂多变的跨界...Where there are peoples of South Fujian, where there are Romance of Litchi and Mirror. The diffusion routes and the change trace of the story reflected the complex history of the overseas dissemination of South Fujian Culture through the Maritime Silk Road. As a result, it became the best corroborations and footnotes of the circle of culture between China and the West, and the canon of the margin ...学位:博士后院系专业:人文学院_戏剧与影视学学号:201417004

    Comparative anatomy on leaves of Fissistigma (Annonaceae) from China

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    采用叶片表皮离析法、扫描电镜和石蜡制片法,研究了中国分布的番荔枝科瓜馥木属19种植物叶片的形态结构。结果表明:瓜馥木属叶片形态和结构具有较多的相; 似性,如叶片表皮均具有2-多个细胞的单列丝状毛,表皮细胞内具有一个晶簇,气孔器均为平列型,只分布在叶片的远轴面,远轴面的表皮细胞平周壁形成一个乳; 突,叶片主脉的维管组织除具有正常的维管组织外,还具有一个小的副维管束等,这些特征有助于区分番荔枝科植物的属间关系,支持瓜馥木属是一个很自然的类群; 。但叶片表皮毛的形态及分布,表皮细胞的形状、叶肉中栅栏组织和海绵组织的结构、远轴面的乳突大小以及叶主脉维管组织的细微结构则具有种间差异。尤其有助; 于区分小萼瓜馥木和黑风藤、广西瓜馥木和独山瓜馥木、上思瓜馥木和东方瓜馥木等形态相似、难以区分的植物种类。该研究结果为该属的系统研究和种间正确区分; 提供了重要资料。Leaf morphology and structures of nineteen species of Fissistigma from; China were studied using epidermal maceration,scanning electron; microscope and paraffin section method. The results showed that the; anatomical feathers of Fissistigma revealed a remarkable consistency.; The leaf surface of Fissistigma were covered with bicellulate or; multicellulate uniseriate trichomes. The epidermal cells contained one; clustered crystal. The stomatal apparatus were paracytic with two to; four subsidiary cells and only distributed on abaxial epidermis. The; outer percilinal walls of abaxial epidermal cells were papllate. In the; leaf midrib,there was one additional vascular strand except for normal; vascular tissues. Therefore, these anatomical feathers should be; contributed to differentiate the relationship among genera and support; that Fissistigma is a natural group in Annonaceae. However,the form and; distribution of trichomes,the shape of epidermal cells,the structures of; mesophyll tissues,the sizes of papllate cells and the precise vascular; structures in midrib vary obviously with species. Also,these anatomical; differences between species may be used to distinguish some perplexing; species such as F. minuticalyx and F. polyanthum,F. kwangsiense and F.; cavaleriei,F. tungfangense and F. shangtzeense.国家自然科学基

    香港嶺南中學擴建校舍籌款畫展 (場刊) = Art Exhibition in aid of The Lingnan Middle School Building Fund (Catalogue)

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    嶺南大學留港同學會與香港嶺南中學校董會於1955年11月期間決定擴建校舍、增辦高中部,並組織擴校籌建委員會,發動募捐及著手建築新校舍事宜。擴校籌建委員會募捐籌得二十七萬餘元,並獲香港政府貸款三十萬元,故擴建計劃順利進行,中學部新校舍於翌年如期竣工,舊校舍亦進行內部改建,煥然一新。學生人數倍增、學校需求遞增,唯擴校貸款仍有待籌措歸還,故學校與多位畫家合作,義展其傑作籌款。 「香港嶺南中學擴建校舍籌款畫展」於1957年11月1日至4日假香港萬宜大廈舉行。慷慨參展的畫家共二十五位:丁衍鏞、司徒衛、司徒奇、李研山、李鳳公、李錫彭、呂燦銘、呂壽琨、何漆園、周一峰、容漱石、張君實、張韶石、陳池秀、馬笑如、梅與天、曾景文、黃潮寬、楊善深、靳微天、趙少昂、鄧芬、鄭絅裳、鄭耀鼎、鮑少游,義展中西畫作共235幀,籌募擴建校舍經費。畫展獲時任香港總督葛量洪爵士伉儷親臨主禮,督憲夫人剪綵開幕,赴會參加者眾、訂畫者踴躍,盛況空前、收穫美滿。畫展委員會為是次畫展印製精美目錄,羅列參展畫家小傳及其畫作。https://commons.ln.edu.hk/lingnan_history_bks/1030/thumbnail.jp

    Natural Response Generation for Chinese Reading Comprehension

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    Machine reading comprehension (MRC) is an important area of conversation agents and draws a lot of attention. However, there is a notable limitation to current MRC benchmarks: The labeled answers are mostly either spans extracted from the target corpus or the choices of the given candidates, ignoring the natural aspect of high-quality responses. As a result, MRC models trained on these datasets can not generate human-like responses in real QA scenarios. To this end, we construct a new dataset called Penguin to promote the research of MRC, providing a training and test bed for natural response generation to real scenarios. Concretely, Penguin consists of 200k training data with high-quality fluent, and well-informed responses. Penguin is the first benchmark towards natural response generation in Chinese MRC on a relatively large scale. To address the challenges in Penguin, we develop two strong baselines: end-to-end and two-stage frameworks. Following that, we further design Prompt-BART: fine-tuning the pre-trained generative language models with a mixture of prefix prompts in Penguin. Extensive experiments validated the effectiveness of this design.Comment: 15 page

    Study on the Crude Extract of Thais clavigera and Substances Analysis with the Anti-inflammatory and Anti-tumor Effects

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    荔枝螺是福建海域常见食用螺类,中药古方记载和民间长期食用证实具有良好的消炎止肿作用,但国内外对其生物活性物质的研究还较少,因此对荔枝螺药效物质基础和作用机制的探究具有重要意义。 本论文以福建海域荔枝螺为研究材料,通过蜂毒磷脂酶抑制,NF-海域报告基因激活以及p65入核观察等手段指导分离荔枝螺抗炎组分,并研究该活性组分的抗癌作用及机制,对主要活性物质进行纯化和结构鉴定。 以蜂毒磷脂酶活性抑制作用为指标确定荔枝螺抗炎部位为腺体乙酸乙酯提取相(E-EA)。在LPS刺激下,E-EA能明显抑制肺癌细胞NCI-H292NF-κB基因表达和p65蛋白进入细胞核,显著抑制LPS诱导的TNFαmRNA上调,...Thais Roeding, as one of the most popular marine foods in Fujian Province, is proved with a strong anti-inflammatory effect according to the traditional Chinese medicine records and long-term using among local people. However, there are few public reports about the active components from this snail. For this reason, it is very significant to find the anti-inflammatory components and study their mo...学位:博士后院系专业:生命科学学院_生物学学号:201117007

    Dynamics model in the system of Tessaratoma papillosa-parasitoid wasp and its application

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    研究荔枝蝽 -寄生蜂系统的数量变动规律 ,得到一个差分 -积分方程组及求解的递推公式 ,指出了公式中参数的确定方法。推导出荔枝蝽 -寄生蜂系统长期演变的特性 ,用模型证明了人工放蜂防治荔枝蝽的优越性及滥用农药的不良后果 ,给出了人工放蜂的最佳次数 ,最佳时刻及合适的放蜂量的计算公式 ,导出的结论与实验结果相符It is well known that Anastatus sp. and Ooencyrtus sp. are effective in killing Tessaratoma papillosa .So it is important to investigate the population dynamics in parasitoid wasp Τessaratoma papillosa system and to develop strategy of releasing of artificially reared parasitoid to the field.It is a common method to predicate the current pest quantity by its last generation dynamics combining with the analysis of environment factors. Different generations of Tessaratoma papillosas can be easily distinguished but that of parasitoid wasps would not be done. In fact, it is quite difficult to check which generations the parasitoid wasps should belong to.Thus we could not describe exactly the population of parasitoid wasp Tessaratoma papillosa by only differential or difference equations. A coupled equations consisting of both differential equation and difference equation modeling Tessaratoma papillosa parasitoid wasp interaction is necessary. A difference integral equation model for Tessaratoma papillosa parasitoid wasp system using the Lotka Volterra equation and a recurrence formula for solving the equation are presented in this paper. We modelled the population dynamics with the following coupled equations. Let X i (t) denote the egg number of new generation of Tessaratoma papillosa at time t of the i 'th year in a certain space (0≤ t≤T), i =1, 2,3…. The function X 1 (t) (0≤t≤T )can be obtained by fitting actual data. Using Y 1(t) to figure the amount of parasitoid wasps at time t (0≤t≤T) of the i 'th year ( i =1, 2,…) within the same space. Suppose Y i (0) is the number of parasitoid at time 0 of the i 'th year. According to the Lotka Volterra equation, we have dY\-1(t)dt=Y\-1(t)[-α+βX 1(t)] (0≤t≤T) where both α and β are two positive constants.Since X 1 (t) and Y 1 (0) are known, we have Y 1(t)=Y 1(0)e ∫ t o[-α+βX 1(σ)] d σ ,(0≤t≤T) Let k be the average parasitism rate per parasitoid. We use X 1(t)=X 1(t)-kY 1=X 1(t)-kY 1(o)e ∫ t 0[-α+βX 1(σ)] d σ to denote the amount of pest eggs which are not parasitoid in the first year and suppose they can all grow up and lay eggs, where λ serve as the average ovipositor quantity per adult pest. Thus we have: X 2(t)=λX 1(t)=λ[X 1(t)-kY 1(t)]=λX 1(t)-λkY 1(0)e ∫ t 0[-α+βX 1(σ)] d σ Inductively, we obtain the following model:X n(t)=λ[X n-1 (t)-kY n-1 (t)] Y n(t)=Y 1(o)n-1 i=1e ∫ t 0[-α+βX i(σ)] d σ e ∫ t 0[-α+βX n(σ)] d σ (1)Using the integral difference equations above,we can predicate the number of the pest eggs and parasitoid at time t of each year by means of recurrence. The parameter κ , denoting the average number of porosities eggs per parasitoid, is transformed from mean ovipositor number per parasitoid combined with parasitism rates, and λ , denoting the average fecundity value per pest, which can be determined from laboratory rearing experiment respectively. Parameter α and β are confirmed based on model (1), one can obtain. ln (y n(0)/y n-1 (0))=-αT+β∫ T 0x n-1 (σ) d σ (n=1,2,3,…) where ∫ T 0X n(σ) d σ is the ovipositor amount of the pest during the n 'th year. When the amount of pest ovipositor in the i 'th year and the amount of parasitoid wasps at time 0 in the corresponding year, namely ∫ T 0X i(σ) d σand Y i (0), ( i =1,2,… m ) are known, we can obtain the parameters of α and β by linear regression. Long term dynamic characterization of the system is deduced base on the model. In Model (1), assume t=T . Then it follows: X n(T)=λ[X n-1 (T)-kY n-1 (T)] Y n(T)=Y 1(O)ni=1e ∫ T 0[-α+βX i(σ)] d σ (2)when n →∞, Y n(t) becomes a infinite product. We get the following results by using the infinite product theory: Proposition 1 The prerequisi

    The Bioaccumulation and Biotransformation of TBT in Gastropod Whelk(Thais clavigera)

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    有机锡化合物是迄今为止人为引入海洋环境中毒性最大的污染物之一,也是目前已知内分泌干扰物中唯一的金属化合物,已有大量文献报道三丁基锡(TBT)在极低的环境浓度条件下(ng/L)就可导致150多种海洋腹足类生物产生性畸变的现象,即雌性个体长出雄性生殖器官。疣荔枝螺(Thaisclavigera)不仅是被公认为进行有机锡污染监测的敏感生物标志物,同时也是岩相海岸带生态系统中重要的捕食者之一,其性畸变现象于1988年在香港首次被报道。本文首先对不同性别的疣荔枝螺(Thaisclavigera)通过TBT水相和食物相(以先在TBT水相暴露4周后的牡蛎消化腺为食)暴露45d并净化30d,结果发现TBT均可...Tributyltin (TBT) is not only one of the most toxic chemicals that have been released into marine environments because of artificial activities but also the only one of metallic endocrine disrupting chemicals that has been known to us. It has been widely reported that it could induce imposex in the females of approximately 150 gastropod species even at very low environmental concentrations (ng/L l...学位:理学硕士院系专业:海洋与环境学院海洋学系_环境科学学号:2262007115234

    A general review of China’s fruit import status

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    This study provides a general review of China’s fruit import status based on literature review, governmental reports, and trade data from China customs department, and international organizations. The study first reviewed the general trend of China’s fruit import, discussing the imported product compositions and origins, factors affecting the imports, and related administrative procedures. Secondly, the study focuses on China’s fruit imports from ASEAN countries, one of the largest trade partners of China, analyzing the characteristics of fruit trade between the two economies. This section also covers a discussion of the trade impact of Belt Road Initiative. The last part of the study offers policy implications and suggestions


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    Occurrence and Distribution of Organotin Compounds in Thais clavigera from Xiamen Coast

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    采用戊基化格式衍生法,gC-fPd分析了厦门港周边海域9个小岛屿分布的疣荔枝螺(THAIS ClAVIgErA)体内3种丁基锡化合物(buTylTInS)和3种苯基锡化合物(PHEnylTInS)的存在形态与分布特征.结果表明,丁基锡化合物总浓度(ΣbTS)为0.3~70.6ng.g-1,平均值为28.8ng.g-1,以一丁基锡化合物(MbT)为主.苯基锡化合物总浓度(ΣPHTS)为nd~18.8ng.g-1,平均值为7.9ng.g-1,以三苯基锡化合物为主.厦门港周边海域以丁基锡化合物为主要污染物,占到总有机锡化合物(ΣOTS)的74.3%~96.8%.疣荔枝螺体内(ΣbTS)和(ΣPHTS)呈现从厦门港内到港外逐渐降低的趋势.疣荔枝螺体内TbT和TPHT的浓度显示良好的相关关系(r2=0.7109,P<0.01),说明TPHT和TbT来源趋同,即来源于船舶防污涂料,或水产养殖污染源.与我国东南沿海港口相比,厦门海域疣荔枝螺体内丁基锡化合物的污染处于一个较低水平但比2002年有所加重.Occurrence and distribution of 6 organotin compounds including butyltin and phenyltin species were detected in Thais clavigera which were collected from 9 coastal areas sites around Xiamen Coast,by pentylized derivatization,GC-FPD.Results indicated that all Thais clavigera samples were contaminated with organotin compounds.The concentrations in Thais clavigera soft bodies varied from 0.3 to 70.6 ng.g -1 with a mean value of 28.8 ng.g -1 for butyltin compounds,and from nd to 18.8 ng.g -1 with a mean value of 7.9 ng.g -1 for phenyltin compounds,respectively.MBT and TPhT were high levels in butyltin compounds and phentyltin compounds,respectively.In addition,butyltin compounds were the dominant contaminates in all samples with high percentage from 74.3% to 96.8%.There was a significant correlation between TBT and TPhT (R2 = 0.710 9,p < 0.01).This result showed that both TBT and TPhT came from antifouling paints for ships or for mariculture nets.Compared with those data reported from the other regions around southeast coast of China,present study reveals that contaminated level of organotin compounds in Thais clavigera are relatively lower in Xiamen Coast.But it is higher than those in 2002.国家自然科学基金项目(40476048;20777060