17 research outputs found

    The preparation of nano collagen polypeptide chelated calcium and its physicochemical properties

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    本论文以富含胶原蛋白的鱼下脚料主要是鱼鳞为原料,主要进行了以下两个方面的研究工作:(1)从鱼鳞中提取海洋胶原多肽,将胶原多肽与钙金属元素进行螯合,制备纳米胶原多肽螯合钙,并研究其理化性质。(2)选择合适的纳米药物载体,将胶原多肽螯合钙粒子进行有效的包埋,制备成较稳定的核壳型纳米胶原多肽螯合钙,并对其理化性质进行初步的研究。 获得了如下的研究成果: 1.采用简单的化学方法并结合膜分离技术制备了纳米胶原多肽螯合钙粒子,最佳的螯合条件为用1M无机酸水解鱼鳞提取胶原多肽,常温搅拌螯合反应24h。制备的胶原多肽螯合钙采用膜分离纯化,纯化后的蛋白含量为50.86%,钙含量为13.08%,硫酸根含量为3...This thesis focuses on exploiting new calcium supplement from fish waste such as fish scale which is rich with collagen. The work can be devided into two parts: (1) we extracted marine collagen polypeptide from fish scale, prepared nano collagen polypeptide chelated calcium and studied its physicochemical properties. (2) we chose suitable nano drug carriers to encapsulate collagen polypeptide chel...学位:博士后院系专业:海洋与环境学院环境科学与工程系_环境科学学号:200917005


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    Progress of Collagen Peptide Metal Chelates and Related Production Technologies

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    胶原蛋白肽金属螯合物是胶原蛋白肽与金属离子通过配位共价结合或吸附结合方式形成的螯合物。该螯合物作为金属矿物元素补充剂,具有生物利用率高、安全性高、生物活性高等优点。综述了胶原蛋白肽金属螯合物的螯合机理、稳定性、吸收利用、功能活性和生产制备工艺并展望了其开发应用前景,以期为相关研究提供参考。Collagen peptide metal chelates are formed by collagen peptides and metal ions through coordinate covalent bonding or adsorption binding. They have been considered as the potential approach to delivering metal mineral elements to consumers with many virtues, such as higher bioavailability, higher safety and higher bioactivity. Chelate mechanism, stability, absorption and utilization, functional activity and production technologies of collagen metal chelates were reviewed and the development prospect were also foreseen in this paper, which was expected to provide reference for related reasearches.国家自然科学基金项目(41106149;41676129)资助


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    灰星鲨(Mustelus griseus)鱼皮中含有丰富的胶原蛋白,以灰星鲨鱼皮为原料,抗氧化能力作为筛选指标,探讨了木瓜蛋白酶降解鲨鱼皮的最佳工艺条件。结果表明,制备鲨鱼皮抗氧化多肽的最佳水解条...厦门市海洋经济发展专项资金(17GYY011HJ05

    Study and exploitation of Meretrix meretrix Linnaeus polypeptide health product

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    文蛤(MeretrixmeretrixLinnaeus)具有很高的营养价值和药用价值,其食用的营养价值之高和用途之广居各种贝类之首被誉为”天下第一鲜”。本文通过六种蛋白酶酶解文蛤蛋白的产物比较、成分分析和生理功能研究,以期获得具有质量稳定、颜色风味俱佳、多肽分子量小含量高、生理功能丰富的文蛤多肽保健品。 本文以酶解后产物中的游离氨基酸含量的多寡即降解度为标准,研究了菠萝蛋白酶、木瓜蛋白酶、复合胰蛋白酶、胰蛋白酶、中性蛋白酶和碱性蛋白酶六种蛋白酶各自酶解文蛤的pH、温度、酶量和时间等条件,发现它们酶解文蛤的最适pH依次为6.5,7.0,8.0,8.0,7.0,8.0;最适酶解温度除了菠萝蛋白酶...Meretrix meretrix Linnaeus has high nutrition value and medicine value, its edible nutrition value and usage is the best in all kinds of seashells and is honored as “the most delicious food in the world”. By comparing the product of 6 proteinases hydrolyzing and studying the product biology functions, in this paper we try to get Meretrix meretrix Linnaeus health care product with stable quality, g...学位:理学硕士院系专业:生命科学学院生物化学与生物技术系_生物化学与分子生物学学号:20042611

    Properties of Physical and Chemistry of Crocodile Peptide and effects on Biological Process

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    本论文通过3种蛋白酶酶解鳄鱼肉的产物比较、成分分析和生理功能研究,开发鳄鱼多肽保健品。 分别用菠萝蛋白酶、胰蛋白酶以及中性蛋白酶对鳄鱼肉进行酶解处理,以酶解产物中的游离氨基酸含量的多寡即降解度为标准探讨了酶解的最佳条件,包括水解时间、酶量、温度等,结果表明,采用胰蛋白酶酶解较为理想,酶解时间为4h,酶量为0.4%较为合理。将酶解处理液通过离心,去除不溶的杂质,取上清,喷雾干燥,得到的鳄鱼活性多肽粉为白色粉末,得率为10.5%(100g鲜肉得到10.5g干粉),显著高于文蛤肉粉的得率6.5%。 分析该保健品的主要成分、金属元素、氨基酸组成和多肽分子量的范围,发现鳄鱼多肽粉中氨基酸种类齐全,含...In this paper, the crocodile peptide products are developed by comparing the hydrolyzing effects of 4 different proteases, component analysis and physiological function research. On the criterion of dissociating amino acid in enzyme hydrolyzing product, we respecting study the conditions including temperature, enzyme quantity and hydrolyzing time of bromelain, trypsin, neutral proteinase and alka...学位:理学硕士院系专业:生命科学学院生物学系_生物化学与分子生物学学号:2172009115208

    Investigation for Electrophoretic Deposition of Hydroxyapatite Coatings and the Surface Modification of Coatings

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    羟基磷灰石(Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2,HA)是人骨等硬组织的主要无机成分,具有良好的生物相容性和高的生物活性,被广泛用作为生物医用植入材料。然而,HA陶瓷材料的力学性能较差,限制了它在生物医学领域的应用。为此人们致力于发展各种HA涂层或复合材料。在医用金属上涂覆HA涂层是目前复合生物医学材料领域研究的热点之一。电泳沉积法可在复杂形貌的基体上获得均匀的涂层并且涂层的结构和成分可控。这些独特的优势使其在HA陶瓷涂层的制备中引起了广泛的兴趣。但是电泳沉积法制备HA陶瓷涂层普遍存在着结合强度不够高的问题。为了改善电泳沉积法制备的HA涂层的结合强度并进一步提高HA涂层的生物学性能,本论文在实验室课...Hydroxyapatite (Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2, HA), the major inorganic component of human bone and other hard tissues, has been used extensively for biomedical implant applications due to its good bioactivity and excellent biocompatibility. However, the poor mechanical properties of HA ceramic have limited its clinical applications. For this reason, a great deal of research has concentrated on the development...学位:工学硕士院系专业:化学化工学院化学工程与生物工程系_化学工程学号:2062007115088

    Enzymatic Preparation of Quinoa Protein Peptides and Its Lipid-lowering and Uric Acid-Lowering Activity in Vitro

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    To study the optimal enzymatic hydrolysis conditions and uric acid-lowering activity of lipid-lowering peptides from quinoa protein, this study used quinoa as raw material to extract protein, and used pancreatic lipase inhibition rate as the activity index. The enzymatic hydrolysis process of lipid-lowering peptides was optimized by single factor experiment and response surface analysis. The pancreatic lipase inhibitory activity, sodium taurocholate binding activity, cholesterol esterase inhibitory activity, xanthine oxidase inhibitory activity and amino acid composition of quinoa protein peptides were analyzed and characterized. The results showed that the optimal enzymatic hydrolysis conditions of lipid-lowering peptides from quinoa were as follows: pH1.6, enzymatic hydrolysis temperature 42.9 ℃, substrate concentration 3.03%, enzymatic hydrolysis time 1 h and enzyme to substrate ratio 0.2%. The theoretical value of inhibition rate of pancreatic lipase was 90.43%, and the actual value was 90.93%±0.10%. The optimal enzymatic hydrolysates showed excellent effect of lowering lipid in vitro. The IC50 of pancreatic lipase inhibition rate and cholesterol esterase inhibition rate were 7.49 μg/mL and 4.73 mg/mL, respectively. Meanwhile, the EC50 of taurocholic sodium binding rate was 0.53 mg/mL. In addition, the optimal enzymatic hydrolysates showed good xanthine oxidase inhibition effect (IC50=5.97 mg/mL), indicating that it had the uric acid-lowering effect in vitro. Amino acid analysis showed that quinoa protein peptides were rich in essential amino acids (34.23%), and the percentage of hydrophobic amino acid and acidic amino acid were 34.11% and 31.66%, respectively. The quinoa protein peptides had high lipid-lowering and uric acid-lowering activities in vitro, which provided a theoretical basis for the high-value application of quinoa protein peptides


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