127 research outputs found

    Image Super-resolution Reconstruction Algorithm Based on Spatial Adaptive Regularization

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    为提高稀疏表示系数的精度和图像的分辨率,提出一种基于稀疏表示和正则化技术的超分重建算法.首先引入自回归正则化项,通过样本图像来训练出描述图像局部; 结构的自回归模型,每个图像块自适应选择一个自回归模型用以调节解空间,实现图像局部的自适应性控制.然后,引入非局部相似正则化项作为自回归正则化项的; 补充,用于保持图像边缘清晰度.从而,完整构造出一种基于自回归正则化和非局部相似正则化的稀疏编码目标函数.为了进一步恢复图像,实现图像去噪、去模糊; ,利用总变分正则化实现全局优化.实验结果表明,与L1SR、SISR、ANR、NE + LS、NE + NNLS、NE + LLE和A + (16; atoms)等算法相比,无论在主观视觉效果还是客观评价指标上,提出的算法都取得了更好的超分重建效果.In order to improve the accuracy of sparse representation coefficients; and the resolution of the image,a novel super reconstruction algorithm; based on sparse representation and regularization technique is proposed.; First,the auto-regressive (AR) regularization term is introduced in; sparse coding objective function. The AR model which describes the local; structure of the image can be trained by using the sample images. And; each image patch adaptively selects an AR model to adjust the solution; space and realize the image local adaptive control. Then,the non-local; (NL) similarity regularization term is introduced as a complement to the; AR regularization term,which is used to preserve the edge sharpness of; the image. Therefore,the sparse coding objective function is constructed; based on the AR regularization and NL similarity regularization. In; order to restore the image and improve the performance of image; denoising and deblurring further,the total-variation regularization is; adopted to realize the global optimization. Experimental results; validate that compared with L1SR,SISR,ANR,NE + LS,NE + NNLS,NE + LLE and; A + (16 atoms) methods,the proposed approach achieves better; super-resolution reconstruction effects in both subjective visual; effects and objective evaluation criteria.国家自然科学基金项目; 泉州市科技计划项目; 华侨大学研究生科研创新能力培育计划项

    Sparse Representation based on Adaptive Dictionary Learning under Bayesian Framework and the Research of Application

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    随着信息技术的不断发展,人们获取的信息量日益膨胀,如何对信号进行简洁有效的表示已经成为研究热点之一。稀疏表示作为一种新兴的信号建模方式,能够以较少的非零系数有效提取信号的本质特性,减少所需要处理的数据量,已在信号去噪、视频压缩、模式识别等领域得到广泛应用。过完备字典的构建以及稀疏分解算法是稀疏表示理论的关键。传统的稀疏表示模型通常是建立在观测数据所含噪声服从高斯分布的假设前提,但是当观测数据混有野点噪声(例如图像中的椒盐噪声)时,这样的假设往往会导致不精确的重建结果。 本文在深入研究稀疏表示理论基础上,针对现有稀疏表示算法缺陷,结合稀疏贝叶斯学习理论,提出两种基于非参数贝叶斯框架的鲁棒稀疏表...With the improvement of information technology, how to represent a signal briefly and effectively has become a research focus nowadays. Sparse representation ,which is a new signal representation theory,has been widely used in fields such as signal de-noising, video compression and pattern recognition. Only a few number of nonzero coefficients are needed to reveal essential features of the signal ...学位:工学硕士院系专业:信息科学与技术学院_信号与信息处理学号:2332010115315

    Vehicle Logo Recognition Based on Sparse Representation

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    车标识别技术融合了计算机视觉、模式识别与图像处理等多个研究方向,是当前智能交通领域的研究热点之一。现有的车标识别方法大多需要进行车标的精确定位,而车标普遍存在污损、光照、部分遮挡等情况,目前还没有一种有效的方法能够对这些车标进行准确定位,这在很大程度上影响了车标的识别率,也使得现有车标识别方法在实际应用中受到制约。 针对现有车标识别方法的不足,本文在深入研究稀疏表示理论的基础上,提出了基于稀疏表示的车标识别方法。由于稀疏表示能够对信号进行简洁的表示,而最简洁的表示往往具有天然的判别性能。本文利用稀疏表示这一独特的优越性实现对车标的自动识别。相关实验结果表明,基于稀疏表示的车标识别方法对于车标...Vehicle logo recognition (VLR) which relate to computer vision, pattern recognition and image processing and so on, is one of the focus of Intelligence Traffic System. Most of the existing VLR methods need accurate vehicle logo location, but there is no effective method to accurately locate the logo which is subject to illumination, corrosion and part occlusion. It has a great influence on the rec...学位:工程硕士院系专业:信息科学与技术学院_电子与通信工程学号:2312010115296

    Fast Multiclass Dictionaries Learning with Geometrical Directions in Sparse Image Reconstruction

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    欠采样磁共振成像方法通过减少采集数据量来加速成像,并利用图像重建方法得到完整的磁共振图像。这类方法在抑制心脏和腹部等成像运动伪影上具有良好的应用前景,其中利用图像稀疏性的压缩感知方法是磁共振成像的研究热点之一。在图像稀疏重建中,图像稀疏表示的前向逼近误差是图像重建反问题中的重建误差的上限。因此,如何设计稀疏变换来降低图像表示误差进而提高重建图像质量有着重要意义。诸如小波变换只能普适地表示各种图像,而对某一特定重建目标图像的稀疏表示能力有限。因此,近几年学者重点关注图像的自适应稀疏表示,并发现自适应稀疏变换重建的图像质量明显优于典型的非自适应稀疏变换。但是,诸如K-SVD等自适应训练图像表示的方...Compressed sensing magnetic resonance imaging has shown great capability to accelerate data acquisition by exploiting sparsity of images under a certain transform or dictionary. Sparser representations usually lead to lower reconstruction errors, thus enduring efforts have been made to find dictionaries that provide sparser representation of magnetic resonance images. Previously, adaptive sparse r...学位:工程硕士院系专业:物理科学与技术学院_工程硕士(电子与通信工程)学号:3332014115283

    Research on Sand Dumping Detection of Harbor Dredging Based on Signal Enhancement and Feature Extraction

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    随着海洋经济发展,各国对港区建设和航道维护愈加重视。但是,在利益驱使下,疏浚驳船常常在非指定区倾倒泥沙,导致航道内泥沙淤积甚至断航,航道维护成本增加和生态坏境破坏。目前,国内普遍采用安装摄像头、吃水线检测等监控方法,但易受人为破坏和环境因素的影响无法获得好的效果。国外采用更改倾倒区和自然处理的手段并不适用于我国流域众多的国情。因此,航道管理部门急需一种非接触式、稳定可靠的监控手段,以保证疏浚工程作业的质量。 本文根据混浊海水声吸收的原理,周期性地发送和接收Chirp探测信号,利用随机共振和时间反转镜技术对接收信号进行增强,并通过希尔伯特-黄变换和稀疏表示的方法提取探测信号成分并获取特征参数,...With the development of Marine economy, the construction of port and waterway maintenance was paid more and more attention to. However, dredging barges always dump illegally due to benefit, which will lead to a silting in the waterway, a huge economic loss and serious damage to ecological environment. The measures taken generally at present, such as installing cameras and water-line detection, are...学位:工程硕士院系专业:信息科学与技术学院_工程硕士(电子与通信工程)学号:2332013115327

    Adaptive Speech Enhancement Method Based on Sparse Representation

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    现代语音通信系统中,大部分的语音信号往往受到背景噪声的干扰,在一定程度上降低了语音信息的可辨性和人耳的听觉舒适性,不利于后继的语音信号处理工作的开展。为了改善语音质量,语音增强技术应运而生,希望在尽可能不引入新噪声的前提下,抑制背景噪声对语音信息的负面影响,提高带噪语音的可辨性。 鉴于语音信号的稀疏先验性,本文基于稀疏表示框架实现对带噪语音的增强处理。通过对字典训练算法和目标优化函数的分析,分别研究了基于K-SVD(K-SingularValueDecomposition,K-奇异值分解)自适应稀疏字典的语音增强方法、基于CNMF(ConvolutionNonnegativeMatrixFa...In Modern voice communication system, most of the speech signal is often affected by background noise, which reduces the differentiability of speech information of the comfort of auditory in some degree, and influences the subsequent speech signal processing. In order to improve the quality of speech, speech enhancement technology arises at the historic moment, in which we hope inhibit the negativ...学位:工学硕士院系专业:信息科学与技术学院_电路与系统学号:2312012115287

    Automatic Facial Image Analysis based on Locality Preserving

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    人脸图像分析是一个具有重要理论意义和应用价值的研究方向。如何提取人脸图像特征、实现算法模型并在图像分析过程中获得更加高效、鲁棒的结果,吸引了模式识别、图像处理、计算机视觉、人工智能和神经网络等多个领域的众多学者对其进行研究。本文以人脸为研究对象,重点研究基于流形保持方法的图像特征提取与识别问题。主要工作如下: (1)基于流形保持的人脸图像聚类方法的研究。使用含有干扰信息的人脸图像集作为实验数据集,包含人脸的光照条件变化、遮挡情况变化、面部表情变化、样本数目变化以及随机像素点噪声等干扰因素。选取十种使用邻接图保持局部性的人脸图像分析方法进行聚类分析实验,根据实验结果,探究人脸图像干扰因素对流形...Automatic facial image analysis has very large theoretic and practical values. How to extract facial features, implement the algorithm and obtain more efficient results through facial image analysis and recognition, is attracting a large number of researchers to study from multiple fields such as pattern recognition, computer vision, artificial intelligence and neural network. This thesis focuses ...学位:工程硕士院系专业:信息科学与技术学院_工程硕士(计算机技术)学号:2302014115318

    Models and Algorithms of Compressed Sensing Magnetic Resonance Imaging under Tight-Frame Image Representation

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    压缩感知(CS)技术在加速磁共振成像(MRI)上已经展示非常大的潜力,该技术简称为CS-MRI。它首先通过减少k空间采样数据来加速成像,然后再求解约束图像稀疏性的最优化问题从欠采样的k空间数据中恢复出完整的磁共振图像。如何从有限的数据中快速地重建出高质量的磁共振图像是CS-MRI面临的主要挑战之一。在典型的CS-MRI重建中,正交变换通常用于图像稀疏表示,变换的正交性也使得求解最优化模型具有快速重建算法。近年来,冗余的变换(或字典)因其在磁共振图像稀疏表示的优越性而越来越多地应用于CS-MRI。但针对冗余表示的磁共振稀疏重建模型和算法的研究尚不明确,这制约图像重建质量的提高和快速算法的提出。 ...Compressed Sensing (CS) has shown great potential in accelerating Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). This technique is termed as CS-MRI. It first reduces the k-space samples of MRI images to speed up the imaging process and then reconstruct the whole image by solving an optimization problem which forces image sparsity in the objective. Due to the benefit in fast algorithm designing and theoretical ...学位:工学硕士院系专业:物理科学与技术学院_物理电子学学号:3312013115283


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    Research of Feature Selection Algorithm Based on Sparse Representation

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    在模式识别学科中,特征选择作为其范畴内的一个重要方向,已经演变成近些年来的学习热点。在现实生活中,科学研究的成果已经渗透到很多行业,并在行业中获得实际应用。在学科研究和现实生活应用中,将会面对和处理庞大的数据。该数据往往样本数不多,但是其数据维数很大并且冗余特征多,对计算机的处理资源和处理实时性是很大的挑战,解决“维度灾难”的问题有非常重要的作用。所以特征选择作为数据处理的重要步骤,发挥关键的作用。 由于维度过大的原因,高维数据的回归问题是一个比较大的挑战,一个有效的解决方法就是特征选择。而基于稀疏表示的线性回归已经被证明在处理高维数据时非常有效。传统的稀疏表示的线性回归算法有Lasso算法...In the pattern recognition disciplines, the feature selection as an important direction within its scope, which has evolved into a hotspot in recent years. In real life, the results of scientific research have penetrated into many industries, and obtain practical application in the industries. In disciplinary research and real-life applications, we will face and deal with huge amounts of data. How...学位:工学硕士院系专业:信息科学与技术学院_工程硕士(计算机技术)学号:2302014115319