25 research outputs found

    The Changes of Sugar Content and Composition by Processing of Various Fruits

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    Using 11 types of representative fruits of those cultivated in Iida City and the Shimoina district region of Nagano Prefecture, changes in sugar content and composition were studied using heat treatments as a catalyst. These experiments produced the following results. 1. A high degree of experiment reproducibility and stability using fruits heated in a microwave oven was obtained. It was noted that microwave induced heating could inactivate various enzymes, which could prevent the fruit\u27s glyco-components from transforming. Sugar content and composition in our raw test fruit was however changed largely by enzyme action during their analysis and processing. Fruit boiled in water gave rise to elution of the fruit\u27s sugar. 2. Large differences of 8%-28% of total sugar quantities appeared in our test fruits depending on fruits type, type of harvest, etc. These spontaneous fluctuations of glucose, fructose and sucrose in our selected raw fruits gave a good indication enzyme action within biochemical metabolic mechanisms such as monosaccharides (fructose and glucose) and disaccharides (sucrose, etc...) ⇔ starch and glycosides. 3. Sorbitol was detected in 5 kinds of Rosaceae plants including Apples, Japanese plums, Japanese pears, Peaches and Prunes. Sorbitol contents per 100 grams of these fruits are shown below. Ratios of sorbitol occupied for total sugars described in parentheses; Apples 0.50g (4.0%), Japanese plums 2.47g (16.0%), Japanese pears 2.48g (17.8%), Peaches 3.12g (31.1%) and Prunes 4.38g (25.0%). These sorbitol fluctuations are likely due to enzyme reactions such as aldose reductase and iditol-2-dehydrogenase. These two enzymes promote the following reactions reversibility; Sorbitol ⇔ Glucose and Sorbitol ⇔ Fructose, respectively. 4. Fruits tested in this study were categorized into four groups by sugar compositions. The first being the sucrose type (the sucrose occupied the majority of the sugar\u27s composition; Nectarines, Japanese apricots, and Japanese persimmons). The second group was the sucrose-sorbitol group (the sucrose occupied in the mostly with containing the sorbitol; Prunes, Peaches, and Japanese plums). A third group was the fructose type (where fructose occupied the majority of the fruits sugar compositi on; Blueberries, Grapes, Blackberries, and Japanese persimmons). A final group was fructose-sorbitol (where fructose occupied in the mostly with containing the sorbitol; Apples and Japanese pears). 5. Sucrose quantity in our raw test fruits during analysis and processing tended to increase in Nectarines, Japanese apricots, Prunes, and Japanese plums, and to decrease in Apples, Blueberries, Japanese pears, Blackberries and Japanese persimmons. There exist two possible causes for these fluctuations. One is the enzymatic action caused by increased sucrose compounds like sucrose-phosphate synthase and sucrose phosphatase. The other is β-fructofuranosidase and a-glucosidase in relation to evidence of decreasing sucrose

    いんげんまめ(Phaseolus vulgaris L)の糖質分解酵素:ガラクタナーゼの精製および性質

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    Galactanase activity in a homogenized preparation of the kidney beans, Phaseolusvulgaris L was examined together with the other carbohydrase activities. This enzymewas purified by the affinity column and gel-filtration column chromatography. SDSPAGEshowed the enzyme had molecular weight of 34kDa. The enzyme hydrolyzed the substrate galactan by endo-type of action and produced several galacto-oligosaccharides.Because the substrate galactan used in this experiment was isolated from the gum arabic,which contained β-1, 3 - galactan as a major component, this enzyme wouldcorrespond to β- 1, 3 - galactanase

    Photosynthetic Pigments of the Different Color Types of Porphyra yezoensis UEDA and P. tenera KJELLMAN

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    The thalli of red (two types, Ⅰ and Ⅱ), orange, green, yellow and wild types of Porphyra yezoensis UEDA and green type of P. tenera KJELLMAN were simultaneously cultured in the Ariake Sea for the same period, and were analyzed for photosynthetic pigments. Chlorophyll a, carotenoids, phycoerythrin and phycocyanin were extracted and their contents were spectrophotometrically determined. Phycoerythrin (PE) and phycocyanin (PC) content differed significantly among the specimens, but chlorophyll a and carotenoids levels were about the same. The ratios of PE/PC observed in all type of thalli of P. yezoensis were, by colors in descending order, orange>red I>red Ⅱ>wild >yellow>green. The same order of ratios was also observed among Conchocelis-thalli cultured in the laboratory under similar conditions. On the other hand, the green type of P. tenera resembled closely the green type of P. yezoensis in phycoerythrin and phycocyanin content of Conchocelis-thalli, but the former type was different from the latter type in those contents of the thalli. Phycoerythrin, phycocyanin and allophycocyanin were isolated from each type of thalli by means of ammonium sulfate precipitation and column chromatography on Sephadex G-100 and on calcium phosphate gels. As a result, red Ⅰ, green and yellow types of P. yezoensis differed from the wild type in phycoerythrin and/or phycocyanin types, but phycoerythrin and phycocyanin types of red Ⅱ and orange types of P. yezoensis and green type of P. tenera were the same as those of the wild type. Significant differences in absorption spectrra of allophycocyanin among all specimens were not observed

    Enzymatic Decomposition of Basic Amino Acids by the Cell Free Extract of a Red Alga, Gymnogongrus flabelliformis

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    紅藻の一種オキツノリGymnogongrus flabelliformisを-200℃に凍結貯蔵すると藻体遊離アミノ酸の主要成分であるgigartinineおよびcitrullineが著しく減少し7週間の貯蔵で両者とも95%以上が分解された.藻体をpH8.0のTris緩衝液とともに磨砕して得た抽出液を25℃に置いた場合には更に顕著で、あって,gigartinineは3時間で完全に消失した.更に透析処理した抽出液に17種のアミノ酸混合液を添加して分解性をみたところ,この抽出液は特に塩基性アミノ酸を強く分解することを知った. 以上のことは本海藻に塩基性アミノ酸を特異的に分解する酵素の存在を示唆したので,この反応に対する緩衝液の種類の影響,至適温度,pH,基質特異性,分解生産物について調べた.結果は以下の如くである. (1) 燐酸緩衝液はTris緩衝液.硼砂緩衝液に比較してarginine分解の活性を低下させる. (2) 反応の至適温度は30℃附近にある. (3) 反応の至適pHは8.0~9.0の間にある. (4) 塩基性アミノ酸であるL-arginine ,L-ornithine, L-lysine,L-gigartinineは強く分解するが,L-histidine L-methionineにも弱い分解力を持つ.DL-Ornithine,DL-lysine,DL-gigartinineは50%しか分解されず,この反応はL-アミノ酸に特異的であると推察される. (5) Arginine,gigartinineの分解生産物をペーパークロマトグラフィーによって検索したところ,いずれも主生成物として相当するα-ケト酸が検出された.したがって,この海藻抽出液には塩基性アミノ酸の酸化的脱アミノ反応に関与する酵素の存在が推定された.The red alga, Gymnogongrus flabelliformis has a peculiar free amino acid pattern, in which one characteristic amino acid, gigartinine, is the most dominant component1-4). Recently, we observed that the contents of gigartinine and citrulline in the extracts of the alga decreased markedly during storage at about -20℃. The purpose of this paper is to report that the cell free extract of Gymnogongrus flabelliformis has an enzymatic activity for the decomposition of basic L-amino acids. 1) The cell free extract was prepared by grinding the alga with an equal volume of pH 8.0 Tris buffer in a mortar previously chilled and centrifuging for 30 min. at 10,000 rpm under chilling. The supernatant obtained was dialyzed against distilled water for 24 hours. 2) The extract showed a deaminative activity towards L-gigartinine, L-arginine, L-lysine and L-ornithine, and decomposed 50% of DL-gigartinine, DL-lysine and DL-ornithine. It suggests that D-isomers are not affected. 3) The influence of the different kinds of buffer solution on the decomposing activity of the extract towards arginine was examined. The phosphate buffer showed a slightly inhibitive effect. 4) Effects of pH and temperature on the decomposing activity of the extract were examined. The pH optimum was relatively broad. The activity of the extract did not vary appreciably from pH 8.0 to 9.0. The optimum temperature was about 30℃. 5) The decomposition products of arginine and gigartinine were surveyed by paperchromatography and the corresponding a-keto acid to each one of the amino acids was detected, respectively. The data suggest that the extract of the alga has an activity to catalyze oxidative deamination of basic L-amino acids


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    Progressive muscular dystrophy was treated with a ATP and amino acid mixture prepared by the author and the following findings were made. 1. The contents of adenosine nucleotide in the gastrocnemius muscle of progressive muscular dystrophy were markedly lower than in normal subjects. Progressive muscular dystrophy may be divided into five types from the contents of ATP, ADP and AMP. The effects of ATP on progressive muscular dystrophy was influenced by the quantity of residual ADP in the affected muscle. In other words, the content of ADP was more important than the content of ATP. in the treatment with ATP. in the affected muscle. 2. Myoglobin content and water soluble ATP-ase activities in the gastrocnemius muscle of progressive muscular dystrophy increased after treatment with ATP. 3. Aldolase activity in the serum was not markedly changed after ATP treatment. 4. Free amino acids in the gastrocnemius muscle of progressive muscular dystrophy were lower than in normal subjects. These contents together with serum albumin and A/G ratio showed no changes during the treatment with ATP and or Soh-Amin solution which is a slightly modified amino acid solution reported by Silvre and Howe. 5. The mixture of ammo acids prepared by the author contains lysine, glycine, arginin, valine, Ieueine, threonine, tyrosine, methionine, asparagine glutaminc acid, aspartic acid and Soh-Amin solution. This brought about remarkable increase in free amino acids, especially threonine, tyrosine, methionine, glutamic acid and aspartic acid in the gastrocnemius muscle of progressive muscular dystrophy together with an increase in serum albumin and A/G ratio


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    選択栽培された5品種の「ジネンジョ」塊茎を生のまま, あるいは凍結乾燥化し, これらをもとに物理的な性質をはじめ, ジネンジョ特有の強い粘性成分の酸性糖タンパク質等の機能性成分ならびに品種間差異について比較・検討した結果, 以下のことが明らかになった.1.物理的な性質として, 粘度は最高値が「稲武: Inabu」, 最低値が系:Tan-kei」で, それぞれ1,600 mPa/s, 980 mPa/sとなり, 両者間には約1.6 倍もの差異がみられた. また, 根側に比べ, 芽側で粘りが強い傾向がみられ, 同じイモでの局在性の違いが明らかになった.2.デンプン分解酵素のうち, β-アミラーゼ活性では「短系」が顕著に高く(他品種の300倍)その特異性を確認し, ナガイモ的な特徴をもつ品種ではないかと推察した.3.SDS-PAGE後の主要タンパク質バンドは約33 kDaは, 等電点電気泳動ならびにDMB法,PAS染色法によって硫酸化多糖であることを確認した.4.赤血球(ウサギ)凝集反応の結果, 最低濃度430μg pro. /mlにて凝集反応を確認した.これより本ジネンジョ糖タンパク質は, レクチン活性をもつことが示唆された