130 research outputs found

    A general review of China’s fruit import status

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    This study provides a general review of China’s fruit import status based on literature review, governmental reports, and trade data from China customs department, and international organizations. The study first reviewed the general trend of China’s fruit import, discussing the imported product compositions and origins, factors affecting the imports, and related administrative procedures. Secondly, the study focuses on China’s fruit imports from ASEAN countries, one of the largest trade partners of China, analyzing the characteristics of fruit trade between the two economies. This section also covers a discussion of the trade impact of Belt Road Initiative. The last part of the study offers policy implications and suggestions


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    本研究以'Philippines wild'、'Jam Pa Da'、'Da Moc'及台農2號等四品種為砧木,台農2號為接穗,以探究番木瓜嫁接植株之營養吸收。結果顯示各砧木嫁接株之接穗部位乾物量相近,且田間台農2號自接株與實生株之接穗部位營養元素吸收量相近,顯見嫁接處理影響台農2號之營養吸收並不大。在田間全株營養元素總吸收量方面,N、Ca、Mg及B等元素,於各處理間無差異,而P及K元素則必'Da Moc'的吸收量較低。因此,P及K元素之吸收量會因砧木品種而異。The objectives of this study were to investigate nutrient absorption of ‘Tainung No.2'(TN2) which grafted onto ‘Philippines wild',‘Jam Pa Da'.‘Da Moc', and TN2 four rootstocks. Results showed that the absorption capacity of scion portion between TN2 self-grafted plants and TN2 seedling plants were similar, and the dry matter also similarity among the four grafted papaya. In total nutrient absorption of whole plant in field-grown papaya, had no significant difference among these trestments of N, Ca, Mg and B.But the grafted of ‘Da Moc'absorpted less P and K than others. Therefore, the different rootstock cultivars could influence the absorption of P and K nutrients elements


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    Characterization and cloning and expression of Polyphenol Oxidase (PPO) from Canarium album

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    多酚氧化酶(EC.广泛存在于动物、植物和微生物体内,是一种由核基因编码的含铜金属酶。它是果蔬储藏和加工过程中酶促褐变的重要酶类,能够催化酚类物质的氧化。以橄榄(长营)为原料提取多酚氧化酶进行了分离纯化,得到比活力为1834U/mg的多酚氧化酶粗酶液。研究橄榄多酚氧化酶的理化性质,酶的pH和最适温度分别为6.0和30℃,酶在低于60℃和在pH4.0~8.0范围内较稳定;在30℃、pH6.0条件下,多酚氧化酶催化L-DOPA氧化反应的Km为3.884mmol/L。测定了几种修饰剂对橄榄多酚氧化酶的修饰作用,结果表明二硫键、精氨酸残基、赖氨酸残基和丝氨酸残基对多酚氧化酶具有修饰作...Polyphenol oxidase is widely distributed in animals, plants and microorganisms. It’s a copper-containing enzyme which has complex constructures. Polyphenol oxidase play an important role during the process of enzymetic browning in vegetable and fruit, for the reason that it can catalyze the melanin synthesis. In this paper, we purified the PPO from Canarium album and studied so...学位:理学硕士院系专业:生命科学学院_细胞生物学学号:2162013115254


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    Screening and Expression Analysis of Key Regulator Genes Associated with (Z)-3-Hexenal and (E)-2-Hexenal Transformation during Manufacturing Process of Oolong Tea

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    In this study, the contents of (Z)-3-hexenal and (E)-2-hexenal during oolong tea processing were measured and four (3Z):(2E)-hexenal isomerase (HI) genes were selected based on transcriptomic data. Meanwhile, the correlation between the changes of (Z)-3-hexenal and (E)-2-hexenal contents and related gene expression was analyzed. The results indicated that during oolong tea processing, one of the two compounds fell, while the other rose. Mechanical damage caused by tossing increased and reduced the contents of (Z)-3-hexenal and (E)-2-hexenal, respectively. Subsequent spreading contributed to the transformation of (Z)-3-hexenal into (E)-2-hexenal, resulting in an increase in the content of (E)-2-hexenal. The four selected genes all responded to mechanical stress and water deficit stress. The constructed phylogenetic tree indicated that CsHI was closely related to many germin-like proteins in plants such as tea (Camellia sinensis) and carrot (Daucus carota). This study provides a reference for clarifying the formation and transformation mechanism of volatile substances during oolong tea processing and improving the quality of oolong tea


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    口语词是普通话词汇系统中一种重要的色彩分类 ,与“〈方〉”、“〈文〉”、“〈书〉”一起与普通话词汇有着对称的存在价值 ,取消口语词的标注 ,会导致词汇分类的缺损。标注“〈口〉”的困难在于 :一是口语词与方言词的纠缠 ,二是口语词自身在历史的迁移中的变化。提出确定口语词可遵循的要点 :1 .建立起“口语词”———“普通词语”———“书语词”的同级三类法。 2 .加强口语词与方言词的辨析。 3 .对实际语言生活中的口语词予以经常的关注 ,以使词典中的口语词标注及时反映这种现实。 4.标注突出的、典型的口语词 ,而不必求全。规范词典的功能在于诠释词汇意义的基本内容 ,建立起诠释词汇意义的基本模式