13 research outputs found

    Design and Implementation of Association of Community Integrated Information Service System for a Province

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    随着政府机构改革的不断深化和社会团体的逐步发展,科技社团作为我国民间组织的重要组成部分,日益成为与政府部门、企事业单位并称为社会“三大支柱”组织的重要社会团体之一,在政府和企业发挥作用的空间内外,发挥着不可替代的作用。然而,我国科技社团在中国的特殊社会文化环境中成长,尤其是在社会转型时期,我国科技社团的发展呈现出一些新挑战和机遇,然而传统的人工管理方式已经无法适应社团的发展,需要通过信息化手段来提高社团建设和发展的效率和质量。 本文探讨构建某省科协社团综合信息服务系统。该系统分析当前社团管理工作中存在的规律、遗漏的问题和亟待改善的地方。系统的设计和开发依据软件工程理论,完成了系统的需求分析、...With the gradual development of the reform of government institutions and the continuous deepening of the social group, association of science and technology, as an important part of our country folk organization has increasingly become with government departments, enterprises and institutions and said one of the social organization of the "three pillars" of important social groups, in the governm...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201323186

    Study on transformation system of alfalfa and constructed AtPCS1 plant expression vector

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    通过对6种不同基因型苜蓿愈伤组织的形成能力、愈伤组织的分化能力的比较发现,不同苜蓿品种间的分化率存在显著差异(P<0.05),其中甘农1号分化率最高(42.9%);对甘农1号叶片、下胚轴及子叶等外植体的分化再生能力研究发现,叶片起源的愈伤组织分化时间短,且丛生芽形成数量高于下胚轴和子叶;再生芽可在B5培养基上成苗,并在蔗糖浓度为10 g/L的1/2 MS培养基上顺利生根.据此认为,苜蓿甘农1号叶片是适于做遗传转化的理想材料.利用RT-PCR方法扩增拟南芥螯合肽合成酶(AtPCS1)基因全序列构建了AtPCS1的植物表达载体pBI121-AtPCS1,为下一步AtPCS1基因转化苜蓿奠定了基础.Six cultivars of alfalfa with different genotypes were compared with each other in their callus induction capacity and plant regeneration ability.The significant differences were observed(P<0.05) in regeneration ability of these genotypes,and the cultivar Medicago sativa'Gannong No.1' has that the highest regeneration ability.Then the callus induction and plant regeneration ability of different explants as leaf,hypocotyls and cotyledon of Gannong No.1 were studied,and found that the calluses coming from leaf differentiated much earlier and had more regeneration buds than others.The in vitro regenerated plants were successfully rooted in 1/2 MS medium and 10 g/L sugar.The results above suggested that the leaves of the cultivar 'Gannong No.1' would be fit for the ideal explants in transgenic researches.Meantime,the full length of AtPCS1 gene was amplified by RT-PCR from Arabidopsis thaliana(ecotype Columbia).Furthermore,the plant expression vector pBI121-AtPCS1 was constructed,and that were as basic for transgenic alfalfa research in future.福建省自然科学基金(D041004);; 甘肃省自然科学基金(3ZS042-B25-011);; 兰州理工大学博士基金(SB08200602)

    Major QTLs Mapping and Analysis for Rice Grain Chalkiness and Grain Shape Traits

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    本研究用珍佳b(佳辐占/珍汕97b//珍汕97b的回交重组自交系f11,即bC1f11)x珍汕97b的f2群体,对稻米粒长、粒宽、长宽比、粒厚和垩白粒率性状进行遗传分析与QTl定位。结果表明,粒宽、长宽比、粒厚和垩白粒率均属于由多基因控制的数量性状,而粒长受一个主效基因控制。共检测到13个控制糙米粒长、粒宽、长宽比、粒厚和垩白粒率的QTlS。其中,在第3号染色体着丝粒附近rM16-rM411区间同时控制粒长、粒宽、长宽比和粒厚性状,遗传贡献率分别为49.8%、12.6%、39.3%和5.3%;在第5号染色体着丝粒附近rM7118-rM3683区间同时控制垩白粒率、粒宽、长宽比和粒厚性状,遗传贡献率分别为43.9%、44.5%、28.0%和15.0%;同时,在rM169-rM289区间也同时控制垩白粒率、粒宽、长宽比和粒厚性状,但各性状的遗传贡献率均较rM7118-rM3683区间的小。The F2 population was derived from the cross ZS97B (Zhenshan97B)×ZJB (ZhenjiaB) which was the backcross recombinant inbred line from Jiafuzhan×ZS97B.Based on the F2 population, the genetic analysis and QTL mapping of grain appearance quality traits, included grain length, grain width, grain shape (grain length-width ratio), grain thickness and PGWC (percentage of grain with chalkiness), was conducted.Grain width, grain shape, grain thickness and PGWC, belonged to the quantitative trait inheritance.But grain length showed the polygenic inheritance with a major gene.13 QTL associated with grain appearance quality traits were detected in this study.RM16-RM411 located in the pericentromeric region of rice chromosome 3 could explain 49.8%, 39.3%, 12.6%, 5.3% of the phenotypic variation, respectively, for grain length, grain shape, grain width and grain thickness.RM7118-RM3683 located in the centromeric region of rice chromosome 5 was associated with PVE (phenotypic variation explained) of 43.9%, 44.5%, 28.0% and 15.0%, respectively, for PGWC, grain width, grain thickness and grain shape.In addition, another pleiotropic QTL located between RM169 and RM289 on rice chromosome 5 was associated with less PVE for PGWC, grain width, grain thickness and grain shape than RM7118-RM3683.福建省科技创新平台建设计划项目(2007N2005);福建省科技重大专项(2008NZ0001);福建省自然科学基金项目(2011J01249);中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(2010121088);厦门市科技计划项目(3502Z20083003)共同资

    Advances of Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification

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    环介导等温扩增(lOOP-MEdIATEd ISOTHErMAl AMPlIfICATIOn,lAMP)是一种新式核酸扩增技术,它依靠一种具有链置换活性的dnA聚合酶和2对特殊设计的引物,不需要反复的温度循环和昂贵的仪器设备,在等温条件下即可高效快速地完成扩增反应,目前已广泛应用于细菌、病毒、寄生虫等病原体的检测,及动物胚胎性别的鉴定。该文总结了lAMP技术的基本原理、相对于传统核酸检测技术的优点、产物的检测方法及其临床应用,最后指出lAMP目前存在的不足以及采取的相应措施,并对其发展前景进行了展望。Loop-mediated isothermal amplification(LAMP) which relys on a DNA polymerase with strand displacement activity and two pairs of specially designed primers is an novel nucleic acid amplification method,no repeated temperature cycling,no expensive equipment,the LAMP reaction was carried out under isothermal conditions with a high efficiency and a high speed,it has been widely applied to the detection of such pathogens as bacteria,virus,parasite etc,as well as sexing of animal embryos.The basic principle,advantages relatived to other gene amplification techniques,the methods to judge target sequence as well as application of LAMP were reviewed,finally,some existing problems and corresponding measures and prospects for LAMP were discussed in order to provide reference for reader studying.中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金项目(2010121035)资


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    荧光共振能量转移 (FRET)可用于对生物大分子之间的距离进行定性、定量检测 ,所采用的材料、方法在近年都有了很大的发展 ,在核酸、蛋白质、细胞器结构功能检测、免疫测定、配体 受体相互作用测定等方面都有巧妙而有效的应用 ,应用前景十分广


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    1实验动物科学概述1.1实验动物科学的概念实验动物科学(lAbOrATOry AnIMAl SCIEnCES)是以实验动物资源研究、质量控制和利用实验动物进行科学实验的一门综合性学科。在《学科分类与代码标准》(gb/T13745-1992)中,与实验动物科学有关的学科分别是“实验动物学“、“医学实验动物学“、“比较病理学“等

    The Historical Evolution and Evaluation of Development Policies for Western China

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    After the founding of P.R. China, China’s regional development strategy experienced the evolution progress of “Balanced Development→Unbalanced Development→Coordinated development”. There exist twice “GO-WEST” campaigns which laid the foundation of modern industries for wetern region in Balanced Development era, and the third one, known as Western Development Strategy which began in 2000, is the symbol of entering regional coordinated development era. These three “GO-WEST” campaigns were carried out in defferent historical backgrounds and finally obtained different achievements. Following the historical evolution of regional policies in China, this paper analysed the backgrounds, reasons, patterns and effects of three “GO-WEST” campaigns.Werstern Development; Regional Policy; Economy Development