4,344 research outputs found

    Broadband SFG Study of Methanol Molecular Orientation of Methanol-Water Solution on Gold Surface

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    宽带和频振动光谱是(BroadbandSumFrequencyGenerationSpectroscopy,BB-SFG)是一种二阶非线性光谱技术。BB-SFG具有独特的表面选择性和极高的灵敏度,适用于任何光能到达的界面,包括被液层埋藏的界面,是一种界面分析的理想工具。使用SFG光谱不仅可以得到界面的振动光谱、分子的取向、吸附位点等信息,还可以研究表界面上的超快动力学和反应机理。 醇类化合物是工业生产烯烃、酯类、醚类、醛类和烷基胺中一类重要的中间体,同时醇还是新配方汽油的重要组成部分。日常生活中我们也会大量使用水、甲醇和它们的溶液。它们被广泛的应用在医疗、食品、运输、化工等方面。甲醇是最重要...Broadband Sum Frequency Generation Spectroscopy(BB-SFG) is a second order nonlinear spectroscopy technique. With its surface-selectivity and high sensitivity, BB-SFG can reach a variety of surfaces, even for those buried surfaces. It is an ideal tool to study interfaces. BB-SFG is not only capable of investigating vibrational spectroscopy, molecular orientation, adsorption sites of surface/interfa...学位:理学硕士院系专业:化学化工学院_物理化学学号:2052013115164

    Study on Mo based ZSM-5 catalyst for methanol to aromatics

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    摘要 为了面对能源供需格局新变化,保障能源安全,国家已积极推动能源革命,而我国又是富煤少油的资源消费大国,因此,建立现代煤化工产业体系已势在必行。随着我国新型煤化工产业的快速发展,下游产品中的甲醇产能严重过剩。另一方面,轻质芳烃(苯、甲苯和二甲苯,简称BTX)是重要的石油化工原料,主要源于传统的石脑油催化重整和原油热裂化。所以为了解决石油危机、甲醇过剩和BTX的广泛需求,这三方面问题,甲醇制芳烃(MTA)这一条工艺路线的提出也是势在必行的。 由于较强的择形性、水热稳定性和抗积碳能力,ZSM-5分子筛被广泛应用于各种酸催化反应,所以本论文首先对的H型ZSM-5分子筛进行初步改性并考察最适宜的...Abstract To cope with the new pattern of energy supply and demand and ensure energy security, the Chinese government has formulated some new energy reformation policies. Fortunately, our country is rich in coal rather than oil resource, a modern coal energy system must be established to deal with the challenges. However, there is huge overcapacity in the methanol due to the rapid development of ...学位:工学硕士院系专业:化学化工学院_工程硕士(化学工程)学号:2062014115142


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    甲醇重整制氢微反应器是一种实现高效氢燃料电池的在线供氢的有效方法。该文以切削加工的铜纤维为原材料,结合低温固相烧结技术,制造形成具有渐变孔隙率结构作为催化剂载体的新型多孔铜纤维烧结板(PCFSS),采用两层浸渍方法负载Cu/Zn/Al/Zr四元体系催化剂。用扫描电镜(SEM)进行微观形貌分析。改变反应空速(GHSV)和反应温度,对几种不同孔隙率结构的微反应器,测试分析了制氢性能。结果表明:相比于80%的均匀孔隙率多孔铜纤维烧结板,以进口端到出口端孔隙率为90%~70%的渐变PCFSS为催化剂载体的微反应器,展现出95%的甲醇转化率和0.51 mol/h的较好氢气摩尔流量,并具有较好反应稳定性能。汽车安全与节能国家重点实验室开放基金(KF16072);;福建省杰出青年科学基金项目(2017J06015


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    甲缩醛(methylal)是一种重要的化工基本原料,广泛应用于化工中间体、溶剂、涂料及燃料添加剂等的生产中。目前,反应精馏技术是用于以甲醇和甲醛为原料制取甲缩醛的主要方法。利用Aspen Plus过程模拟软件模拟了常规的双进料甲缩醛反应精馏工艺流程,同时提出并模拟了反应精馏隔壁塔(RDWC)工艺制备甲缩醛的流程,通过对比来探究RDWC流程的优越性。结果表明,采用RDWC制备甲缩醛可避免中间组分在塔内的返混效应,同时可使年度总费用降低8.09%,显著提高过程的经济性

    Study on Microwave-assisted Preparation and Electrocatalytic Performance of Anode Catalyst for Direct Methanol Fuel Cell

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    直接甲醇燃料电池由于其低毒、高能量密度、环境可持续性、高能量转换效率和结构紧凑等优点受到了大量的关注。然而较低的催化性能和高成本是限制直接甲醇燃料电池商业化应用的主要挑战。因此迫切需要制备出催化活性高、成本较低的催化剂来顺应直接甲醇燃料电池的发展趋势。 为了提高催化剂性能、降低催化剂成本,本文制备了PtRu/C核壳催化剂、双壳层PtRu/TiO2催化剂和H-PtRu催化剂。采用X射线衍射(XRD)、扫描电子显微镜(SEM)、能谱分析(EDX)、透射电子显微镜(TEM)以及X射线光电子能谱(XPS)来研究催化剂的形貌、结构和组分。利用循环伏安法和计时电流法来测试催化剂的甲醇氧化电化学性能。主要...Direct methanol fuel cell (DMFC) has attracted many interests due to its low toxicity, high energy density, environmental sustainability, high energy-conversion efficiency and compact system. However, the insufficient catalytic performance and high cost issues are the main challenges that hinder the commercial application of DMFC. Thus, developing new catalysts to improve the catalytic activity an...学位:工学硕士院系专业:化学化工学院_工程硕士(化学工程)学号:2062013115147

    Study on catalyst for carbon nanotubes with special shape and its application for catalytic hydrogenation

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    摘要 几个世纪以来,在科学研究发展的道路上,几乎每一次的重大突破都与新材料的发现密切相关。自从1991年碳纳米管在高分辨率透射电镜下被发现以来,世界各国科学家掀起了纳米材料的研究热潮,由于这种新型碳材料特殊的管状结构和量子尺寸效应,使其具有良好机械力学性能和独特的电学性质。短短十年间,它已经广泛地影响了化学、物理、材料等众多科学领域并显示出巨大的应用前景。因此在如何温和条件下,大规模地、稳定地合成碳纳米管就成了当前研究的热门课题。 从目前的文献报道来看,合成碳纳米管的方法有电弧法、化学气相沉积法离子或激光溅射法、热解聚合物法、固相热解法等。但是,大量的碳纳米管主要采用电弧放电法及化学气...Abstract Every important breakthrough is related to development of new material in way to get knowledge for several centuries. Since carbon nanotubes(CNTs) was discovered by HRTEM in 1991, many scientist have dedicated to investigate nano-material. Because of their special tubular structure and effect of quantum size, they have many excellent properties, such as mechanistic and electronic prope...学位:理学硕士院系专业:化学化工学院_物理化学(含化学物理)学号:19992503


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    Rare Earth Eu Doped PtRu/C Catalysts and Their Properties for Methanol Electrooxidation

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    Commercially available PtRu/C catalyst was doped with Eu by chemical reduction and sintering, resulting in PtRuEux/C catalysts with different Eu contents. The catalysts were characterized by transmission electron microscopy (TEM), energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction (XRD), and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). Results showed that Eu doping did not change the average size of the PtRu/C catalysts (ca 3 nm), and their surfaces were modified by both Eu metal and oxide. Cyclic voltammetry and chronoamperometry demonstrated that the activity of the PtRuEux/C catalysts was higher than that of commercial PtRu/C for methanol electrooxidation. Among the PtRuEux/C catalysts, PtRuEu0.3/C exhibited the best performance. The electrocatalytic oxidation of methanol on the catalyst was further investigated by in situ Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy at molecular level. Results indicated that the adsorbed species derived from the dissociative adsorption of methanol on the catalysts were linear. bonded CO (COL). Eu doping decreased the oxidation potential of COL and thus significantly enhanced the activity of the catalysts and their tolerance to CO.National Natural Science Foundation of China [20833005, 20828005]; Scientific Research Foundation, Ministry of Education ; Opening Foundation of the State Key Laboratory for Physical Chemistry of Solid Surface of Xiamen University ; Innovation Project of Guangxi Graduate Education, Chin

    Isolation and Identification of Secondary Metabolites from Halophytic Helianthustuberosus Tuber-Derived Fungus

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    盐生植物菊芋(Helianthus tuberosus)是一种新型经济作物,特殊生境可能会使其内生真菌产生特殊的次生代谢产物,如结构新颖或活性显著的化合物.为研究这种耐盐植物内生真菌的次生代谢产物以及植物宿主和内生真菌之间可能存在的关系,本实验室从耐盐菊芋块茎中分离纯化出10株内生真菌,对这10株内生真菌进行抗卤虫活性筛选,初步筛选出1株抗卤虫活性良好的菌株Mucor sp.ht-7,规模发酵后通过提取分离技术得到7个化合物,用波谱手段鉴定了7个化合物的结构,对这株内生真菌和宿主次生代谢产物之间的关系进行分析探讨,并对化合物生物活性加以分析