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    焼畑農耕後の森林植生の復元力を評価することを目的とし,植生および埋土種子についての予備調査をラオス北部のウドムサイ県ラ郡において実施した。フアイペー村の焼畑耕作地の土壌中には,生残種子が確認された。フアイペー村の焼畑休閑林の特徴として,焼畑耕作後は1年目にユーパトリウムが出現すること,遷移に伴いブナ科の樹種が出現してくることが確認されていることから,今後の調査では,これらの撹乱依存種や遷移後期種に的を絞った調査を検討している。To evaluate of resilience of forest vegetation after shifting cultivation, preliminary research of soil seed bank and vegetation was conducted in La district Oudomxay province, Lao PDR. Some seeds of a plant species were observed in soil at cultivated field in Houayphee village. It was observed that main characteristics of vegetation after shifting cultivation in this village were the rapid growth of Eupatorium just after slash and burn, appearance of Fagaceae with succession process. It was suggested that a study plan of dispersal seeds and soil seed bank of these plants was needed

    焼畑と赤カブ --福井県美山町河内の焼畑による赤カブ栽培体験録--

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    特集 : 焼畑をめぐっ


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    特集 : 焼畑をめぐっ


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    特集 : 焼畑をめぐっ

    ヤキハタ ト ノウリンギョウ

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    Self-sufficiency with Shifting Cultivation in a Reestablished Salain Chin Village of the Rakhine Mountains

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    この論文は国立情報学研究所の学術雑誌公開支援事業により電子化されました。This paper considers, firstly, changes in shifting cultivation practices after village reestablishment, placing special emphasis on tenure and land use systems. Secondly, this paper clarifies how self-sufficiency in rice is attained through the system of shifting cultivation in view of risk avoidance and mutual aid systems. Finally, I discuss possible changes in the self-sufficient rice production system in the region brought about by the new forest policy restricting shifting cultivation, in view of the gap between permitted and needed areas of shifting cultivation and the discrepancy between traditional perception and official boundary in land use patterns. Rebels invaded village A between 1969 and 1972,and all the villagers took refuge in nearby towns. When the peace and order condition improved, some villagers returned and reestablished their village. In the process of reestablishment, the land tenure system became more communal because some land owners didn't return. Since the late 1980s, roads and general stores have been constructed, and they have reinforced the impact of the market economy on Salain Chin. For instance, fruit growing was introduced, and new hamlets were constructed in places closer to the market, making the transport and selling of fruits more efficient. However, residents of Hamlet D with the worst access to the market persisted in cultivating rice for self-sufficiency. The residents prefer to avoid risks of decreasing harvests from wild boar attacks and unstable weather by planting various species of rice in the hamlet. Furthermore, the mutual aid system still exists. For instance, apuuyeei, a custom of lending rice to households suffering from its lack, plays an important role in maintaining self-sufficiency of rice for all lineage members. Influences of the market economy and other external factors continue to change the traditional system of risk avoidance and self-sufficiency employed by residents of Hamlet D. For instance, villagers introduced partial rice sufficiency with cash in recent years. Furthermore, customary boundaries stretch over the Magwe division and Rakhine state-Hamlet D and four other hamlets are located in Rakhine state-but the regional forest office has forced five hamlets to leave Rakhine state and to pay shifting cultivation fees since 1997. This paper shows that villagers face a difficult situation in attaining self-sufficiency through the system of shifting cultivation

    Changes in the Swidden System of the Kenyah Dayak Tribe

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    この論文は国立情報学研究所の学術雑誌公開支援事業により電子化されました。Since the 1950s, the Kenyah Dayak people have been moving out of their isolated home. The further they migrate downstream, the more the monetary economy infiltrates into the village. At the same time, social and economic structures such as work organization, the mutual aid system, and the traditional land tenure system change. As the result of such changes, the originally sustainable swidden system has changed to a less sustainable one. To examine the dynamics of the swidden system practiced by the Kenyah people, the infiltration of monetary economy and the effect of the system on the environment are adopted as parameters

    放牧と焼畑 ―ラオス山村でのウシ・スイギュウ飼養をめぐる土地利用―

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