17 research outputs found

    Preparation of Benzaldehyde By Micelle-catalytic Hydrolysis Of Cinnamon Oil

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    苯甲醛作为食品和饮料香料的主要原料,广泛应用于食品、饮料、保健品、制药等工业中。由于安全和美味的需要,食品添加剂中对于苯甲醛的天然度有着较高的要求。以含苦杏仁苷的果仁为原料生产苯甲醛的传统生产方法,由于去除氢氰酸的工艺要求严格,工序较多,加上原料来源有限,生产成本极高,大大限制了其在食品工业中的应用。这就需要寻找一条由天然产物生产天然苯甲醛的代替途径。实践证明,由富含肉桂醛的天然肉桂油在碱性条件下水解制备天然苯甲醛在工艺上是可行的,但得率不高,反应条件不易控制。本实验室选择了对本反应具有胶束催化特性的阳离子表面活性剂十六烷基三甲基溴化铵(CTAB),并用三乙醇胺代替部分碳酸钠。同时,采用控制一...As the main material of food and drinks spice, benzaldehyde is vastly used in Food, Drinks, Health products, Medicine etc. The nature degree of benzaldehyde is required to be a higher standard in food additives because of the needs of safety and delicious. The traditional method of preparation of benzaldehyde synthesized from laetrile cost greatly. On the other hand, it is so difficult to remove t...学位:理学硕士院系专业:化学化工学院化学系_物理化学(含化学物理)学号:20042508

    Comparison and Analysis of Hydrogenation Activity of Aromatic Acid for Synthesizing Chlorine-free Aromatic Aldehydes

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    芳香醛系列产品作为医药、农药、染料的重要中间体,近年来国内发展迅速,随着许多新用途的不断开发,加上出口行情看好,市场需求量越来越大,目前已成为国内热点的精细有机化工原料。芳香醛可以用很多种方法合成,例如:烷基芳香烃氧化,烷基芳香烃卤化水解,芳香酸卤化加氢,芳香醇氧化或脱氢,但是这些合成工艺都存在着不同的缺点而且醛的产率都不理想。所以,从经济环保角度出发,本实验运用共沉淀法制备了锌锰复合氧化物纳米催化剂,并用于气相催化加氢芳香酸合成相应的醛。选取了三种芳香酸:苯甲酸、对甲基苯甲酸、对苯二甲酸为催化加氢的反应物,同时考察了温度、氢压等条件对其加氢反应活性及选择性的影响,并对三者加氢性能进行了比较研...As a very important intermediate in pharmaceuticals, pesticides, dyes, Aromatic aldehydes products development in land is rapid in recent years. With continuous exploitation of many new uses and good export demand, the market demand is growing fast. Aromatic aldehydes products have become the hot domestic fine organic chemical raw materials. There are a lot of methods to synthesize Aromatic aldehy...学位:理学硕士院系专业:化学化工学院化学系_物理化学(含化学物理)学号:2005130185


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    目的:研究当归补血无糖颗粒的生产工艺。方法:探究不同辅料的配比配方对当归补血无糖颗粒的吸湿性、溶化性、成型率的变化影响;以颗粒的休止角、相对湿度为指标对药物颗粒成型进行考察评价,筛选出合理生产工艺条件。结果:实验结果表明,选择“浸膏∶甘露醇∶微晶纤维素(3∶0.1875∶0.063)”方案辅料配比最为合理,崩解剂选择5%羧甲基淀粉钠,可在30 min内完全崩解;矫味剂选择加入0.1%的甜蜜素口感适中,适合糖尿病人;休止角平均值为30.3°,临界相对湿度约为80%制得无糖颗粒抗湿能力强,满足生产装量差异的要求。结论:该生产工艺制备的当归补血汤无糖颗粒符合质量要求,扩大了当归补血汤的临床使用范围

    Researches into the RNA interference of White Spot Syndrome Virus (WSSV) and the Role of Envelope Protein VP19 in Virus Assembly

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    RNA干扰是一个由dsRNA引导的mRNA序列特异的降解过程。在本研究中,体外合成对应于对虾白斑综合症病毒(WSSV)12个膜蛋白(分子量均小于60kDa)基因以及一个不相关的绿色荧光蛋白(GFP)基因的长双链RNA(dsRNA),分别对淡水螯虾(Procambarusclarkii)进行肌肉注射。这12个WSSV膜蛋白基因包括:vp19,vp24,vp28,vp31,vp32,vp33,vp38,vp39,vp41A,vp41B,vp52A和vp52B。实时荧光定量PCR结果显示,与GFP组或阳性对照组相比,基因特异的dsRNA对WSSV的复制有较强的抑制作用(PRNA interference (RNAi) is the process by which dsRNA directs sequence-specific degradation of messenger RNA. In this study, freshwater crayfish, Procambarus clarkii, were intramuscularly injected with double-stranded RNA(dsRNA) corresponding to 12 envelope protein genes ( protein molecular mass学位:理学硕士院系专业:生命科学学院生物学系_生物化学与分子生物学学号:2162007115196

    Study on the trends of nutrients and harmful substance in rice bran oil processing

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    To understand the trends of nutrients and harmful substances in the processing of rice bran oil(RBO).Three batches of RBO samples from three RBO factories, including crude oil, degum ming,dewaxing, deacidification, decolorization and degreasing were collected, Measurement of its vita min E,oryzanol and sterol and two harmful substances.Study its trends.Two harmful matters including benzopyrene (BaP), 3-chloro-1,2-propanediol (3-MCPD) and three nutritional contents including vita min E,oryzanol, sterol were determined.The trends of these substances change were studied.The vita min E decreased by 37.92%, oryzanol decreased by 23.05%, sterol decreased by 22.69%, BaP content of RBO decreased by 97.61%, 3-MCPD decreased by 80.47%, when compared with crude oil.BaP and 3-MCPD are produced, 3-MCPD shows a decreasing trend, and vita min E, oryzanol, sterol are decrease with different degrees during the processing of RBO

    Advances in production of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural from glucose

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    5-羟甲基糠醛(5-HMf)是一种重要的平台化合物,具有非常广泛的应用价值和市场前景。葡萄糖的选择性脱水是制备5-HMf的主要方法之一,也是碳水化合物降解研究中的重点和难点,现在已经受到了人们越来越广泛的重视。本文综述了近年来葡萄糖制备5-HMf的研究成果,着重介绍了5-HMf的形成机理以及制备5-HMf的催化体系与溶剂体系,并对葡萄糖制备5-HMf的研究前景进行了展望,以期为5-HMf的进一步研究提供思路和参考。5-Hydroxymethylfurfural(5-HMF)is a kind of important platform chemical compound and possesses wide application value and market prospect.Selective dehydration of glucose is one of main synthesis methods for 5-hydroxymethylfurfural and has attracted increasingly more attention.In this paper,the recent research achievements in the dehydration of glucose for preparation of 5-HMF are summarized,including formation mechanisms,catalyst systems and solvent systems,and the future research trends of 5-HMF from dehydration of glucose are prospected.国家973计划(2010CB732201);国家自然科学基金(50776035);中央高校基本业务费专项资金(2010121077)项

    Functional Analysis of Envelope Protein VP33 and Identification of non-structure protein wsv406 of White Spot Syndrome Virus

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    对虾白斑综合症病毒(whitespotsyndromevirus,WSSV)是危害全球对虾养殖业的主要病毒病原之一。它是一种具有囊膜的、无包涵体的、类杆状双链环状DNA病毒,具有传染力强,致死率高,难防治的特点。由于其宿主范围广泛,能够侵染多种甲壳纲动物,对养殖业和海洋环境都构成了严重威胁。本论文主要针对病毒结构蛋白开展研究。这有利于揭示病毒复制过程中的组装机制,从而为最终建立有效的防治方法提供有力的科学依据。研究工作主要分为两部分:(1)膜蛋白VP33的鉴定。之前的研究通过对完整病毒的结构蛋白进行SDS-PAGE电泳和质谱鉴定后,结合氨基酸序列比对分析,已确定VP33为WSSV基因组中ORF...Shrimp white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) is a pathogen causing heavy mortality in shrimp farms throughout the world, which is known to be the most critical shrimp disease known until now. Virion is a rod-shaped, tightly covered with three-layered envelope and has a tail-like appendage at its end. The WSSV genome consists of a double-stranded DNA estimated to be well over 200 kb in size. This virus ...学位:理学硕士院系专业:生命科学学院生物学系_生物化学与分子生物学学号:2012005130213

    Identification and Functional Analysis of Envelope Proteins VP38 and VP150 of White Spot Syndrome Virus

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    对虾白斑综合症病毒(whitespotsyndromevirus,WSSV)是一种具有囊膜、无包涵体的杆状型双链环状DNA病毒,也是严重危害对虾养殖业的最主要病原。本论文围绕病毒膜蛋白开展研究,包括以下两个部分。(1)质谱分析发现病毒膜蛋白VP38是ORFwsv259的编码产物。随后在E.coliBL-21菌株中表达纯化了GST-VP38并制备了相应的抗血清。利用Far-Westernblotting和GSTpull-down分析发现VP38和另一个病毒膜蛋白VP24有相互作用。进一步分别重组表达了VP38的N-端VP38n(aa1-142)和C-端VP38c(aa143-309),GSTpu...White spot syndrome virus (WSSV) is a large, rod-shaped, enveloped double-stranded DNA virus that has caused massive losses in the shrimp farming industry. This paper is concerned about the envelope proteins, including two major parts below. (1) Recently, ORF wsv259 was showed to encode an envelope protein VP38 by proteomic analysis. In this study, VP38 gene was expressed as a glutathione S-transf...学位:理学硕士院系专业:生命科学学院生物化学与生物技术系_生物化学与分子生物学学号:2012005130210

    Construction of Whole Genome Bacterial Two-Hybrid System Library and Primary Research of Structural Proteins VP664 and VP41A of White Spot Syndrome Virus

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    对虾白斑综合症病毒(whitespotsyndromevirus,WSSV)是一种具有囊膜的、无包涵体的、类杆状双链环状DNA病毒,是危害对虾养殖的主要病原之一,对世界对虾养殖业造成了严重的损失。细菌双杂交系统是新近建立的一种研究蛋白质间相互作用的方法。应用细菌双杂交系统,我们分别以pBT、pTRG诱饵质粒构建编码WSSV基因组DNA随机片段的融合表达质粒pBT-wssv、pTRG-wssv。重组质粒共转化双杂交报告菌株XLl-BlueMRF′,通过LB-TCK平板筛选对虾白斑综合症病毒中相互作用的蛋白质。本研究中我们构建了WSSV基因组细菌双杂交系统,为该病毒功能基因组的研究打下良好的基础。...White spot syndrome virus (WSSV),an enveloped, non-occluded, bacilliform and circular dsDNA virus, is one of the major pathogens of shrimp diseases, causing considerable mortality in penaeid shrimp. Bacterial two-hybrid system is a newly developed method for studying protein-protein interaction. We used BacterioMatch two-hybrid system (Stratagene) to study the interaction of WSSV protein. First, t...学位:理学硕士院系专业:生命科学学院生物学系_生物化学与分子生物学学号:20032612

    Preliminary identification of Envelope Protein VP32 and Collagen-like protein CLP of White Spot Syndrome Virus

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    对虾白斑综合症病毒(whitespotsyndromevirus,WSSV)是一种具有囊膜、无包涵体的杆状型双链环状DNA病毒,Nimaviridae属Whispovirus种中唯一的物种,也是严重危害对虾养殖业的最主要病原。 目前我们的研究主要围绕WSSV的蛋白功能开展研究。这是因为病毒蛋白参与病毒的形态构成、对宿主细胞的入侵、增殖等一系列活动,并在其中扮演了重要角色。 本论文研究分为以下两个部分: (1)质谱发现病毒膜蛋白VP32是ORFwsv198的编码产物。我们构建了融合表达载体pGEX-2Th-vp32和pMAL-vp32并分别在E.coliBL-21菌株中表达纯化了GST-V...White Spot Syndrome Virus (WSSV) is a large, rod-shaped, enveloped double-stranded DNA virus. The WSSV has been classified to be the sole species of Whispovirus in genus of Nimaviridae, and the main pathogen harming shrimp industry. At present, our research mainly focuses on the main proteins of WSSV. These proteins play important roles in the formation construction, invasion, proliferation, etc...学位:理学硕士院系专业:生命科学学院生物学系_细胞生物学学号:2012005130206