37,977 research outputs found

    Design and Implementation of After-sale Dispatching System for Commercial Lighting Enterprise

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    随着市场经济深入发展,商业照明行业竞争形势日益激烈,在逐步发展成为以服务导向的专业化领域的当前阶段,从事该行业的企业都开始重视自身向客户提供服务的整体质量及时效性,以便满足市场和客户日益增高的服务水平期望值,而信息技术的发展成熟也对解决商业照明企业售后服务难点提供了有利条件。售后派工系统是对商业照明企业原有信息化管理系统支撑的有效扩展,是商业照明企业提升优势服务竞争力的有益补充。 该系统的设计建立在商业照明领域专业服务体系的基础上,使用了高性能的PHP开发框架:Yii(Yesitis)进行开发,主要实现售后服务的维保订单管理,通过在线下单、匹配劳务资源、实时互动、提报服务状态等,为企业售后派...Commercial lighting industry is facing increasingly fierce competition, with rapid development of market economy, which gradually developing to Service Orientation in professional field. Marketing and client propose higher requirements of ability and level to more Enterprises that work on After-sales Services. Moreover, the development of information technology and maturity, which offers a favor...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201323073

    Design and Implementation of One-click Video Alarm System

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    公共服务场所人员流动性大,发生警情时,需要迅速报警,才能减少人员伤亡和财产损失。如果发生警情的场所不方便拨打求救电话110报警,这时候,一套一键式视频报警系统就能起到重要的作用。工作人员在紧急情况下只要按下安装在服务场所的紧急报警按钮,就能迅速将视频报警信息自动传送到派出所值班室的一键式视频报警服务平台上,同时将视频报警信息自动传送到紧急场所片区的指定人员手机上,实现群防群治功能。实时监控将现场警情视频通过互联网自动传给公安部门,公安部门便对报警现场一目了然,迅速出警。一套方便服务场所安防监控的一键式视频报警系统,能保护群众安全,起到促进社会和谐的作用。 本文基于J2EE三层架构和MySQL...Because of the tremendous liquidity of public, it needs to call the police rapidly to reduce casualties and property damage when alert happens in public. If it is not convenient to call 110 for help in places where alert happens in, a One-click Video Alarm System is necessary. Staffs only push the knob installed in service in emergency, and then the video alarm information will be sent automatical...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201323077

    Design And Implementation of the Low-pressure Non-resident New Management System in Nanchang Power Supply Company

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    南昌供电公司的低压非居民新装管理长期是通过手工操作方式来实现的,采用传统的手工操作方式,无论是申请用户还是相关部门都需要填写大量的数据信息,在填写过程中会出现重复填写和申请单据丢失的现象。随着时间的推移,一些相关资料文件的增多,想查找这些文件信息就非常的困难,这样使得低压非居民新装工作不仅效率低下,还要浪费大量的人力、财力及物力。 论文介绍了南昌供电公司低压非居民新装管理系统的研究背景、项目意义、研究现状、研究内容和主要工作。在业务分析中,论文对系统存在的问题、组织机构、原有业务流程等进行了分析,给出了改造后的业务流程;在功能分析中,论文通过用例分析和用例描述,明确了系统的功能,给出了系统的...Nanchang power supply company of low voltage non-resident new management is done by manual operation mode for a long time, the traditional way of manual operation, whether to apply for the user or relevant departments need to fill in a large amount of data information, will appear in the process of filling out repeat fill in and the phenomenon of the application documents are missing. As time goes...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201323159

    Design and Implementation of Graduates Employment Information Management System for a College

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    随着我国高校毕业生人数逐年攀升,高校毕业生的就业难问题日益凸显。提供尽可能多的就业信息是给毕业生提供更多就业机会的最直接、最有效的手段。面对大量的就业信息数据的频繁更新、统计、上报,就业工作日益繁重,提升就业管理工作的信息化已成为高校迫在眉睫的问题。 过去,学校的就业信息管理使用EXCEL,ACCESS,VisualFoxPro等办公软件,命令比较复杂,操作较难。加上就业工作人员队伍稳定性不高,计算机水平参差不齐,报送数据出错现象时有发生,无形中加重了一线就业工作人员的工作量。导致无法实时、准确掌握学生就业信息,影响了学校就业工作的开展。 本文从某高校实际需求出发,结合当前就业信息管理工作...With the number of college graduates in China increased, the employment problem of college graduates has become increasingly prominent. Provides employment information as much as possible is that we provide more employment opportunities for graduates of the most direct and effective means. Facing a lot of employment information is frequently updated information, statistics, reporting, employment i...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201323096

    Design and Implementation of the Vehicle Management System for a Company

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    随着信息时代的到来,工作效率日益提高,车辆管理部门的信息化建设势在 必行;同时中央发布的机构改革、企业改制等政策影响,要求车辆部门精兵简政、 减少日常经费开支、充分合理利用现有资源;社会对车辆管理部门也提出了更高 的要求,为了适应新形势下某公司对车辆管理提出的高要求,推进车辆管理体系 建设、提高车辆管理集约化、规范化和标准化,某公司的车辆管理系统应运而生, 帮助解决某公司车辆管理的实际问题,节约管理成本,提高工作效率。 本文探讨某公司车辆管理系统的设计与实现相关技术,利用GPS全球定位 系统(GlobalPositioningSystem)对车辆进行定位、导航以及跟踪,通过GPR...With the advent of the information age and the work efficiency is increasing, it is imperative to information transformation of vehicle management department, the effect of the government release of institutional reform, corporate restructuring and other policy, asked the department to reduce the daily expenses, have better troops and simpler administration, make full use of existing resources...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_软件工程学号:X201323244

    Design and Implementation of Basic Information Management System for a Police Station

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    随着社会的发展,各地人口也在不断增加,人员的流动性越来越大,对人口的管理问题也越来越严峻。乡镇一级的基层派出所,一般辖区情况较复杂,有农村有城镇,涉及的地域可能会比较广,人口结构也多种多样,外来人口的管理更是会有一些盲区。为了能够更好的对常驻人口和流动人口进行有效的管理,提出了“以房管人”的新思路,即以房屋这种固定资产的存在为依托,从而对与该房相关的人员进行信息登记,并有效的管理起来。为了能更好的推进基层派出所的这项工作,开发出一套行之有效的派出所基础信息管理系统势在必行。 派出所基础信息管理系统是基于B/S(浏览器/服务器)模式开发的,使用目前较流行的ASP.NET技术,利用面向对象的程序...With the development of the society, a population management topic has been becoming more serious because of increased quantity and fluidity. In the local police station, jurisdiction situation is more complex. There are urban and rural areas, involved territory may be more widely, a variety of population structure, the flowing population governance have some blind spot. In order to better carry o...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201223074

    The Bayes factor and its implementation in JASP: A practical primer

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    Statistical inference plays a critical role in modern scientific research, however, the dominant method for statistical inference in science, null hypothesis significance testing (NHST), is often misunderstood and misused, which leads to unreproducible findings. To address this issue, researchers propose to adopt the Bayes factor as an alternative to NHST. The Bayes factor is a principled Bayesian tool for model selection and hypothesis testing, and can be interpreted as the strength for both the null hypothesis H0 and the alternative hypothesis H1 based on the current data. Compared to NHST, the Bayes factor has the following advantages: it quantifies the evidence that the data provide for both the H0 and the H1, it is not “violently biased” against H0, it allows one to monitor the evidence as the data accumulate, and it does not depend on sampling plans. Importantly, the recently developed open software JASP makes the calculation of Bayes factor accessible for most researchers in psychology, as we demonstrated for the t-test. Given these advantages, adopting the Bayes factor will improve psychological researchers’ statistical inferences. Nevertheless, to make the analysis more reproducible, researchers should keep their data analysis transparent and open


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    The Influence Research on Local Faction after the Merger of Taichung City and County

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    2010年12月25日,原台中县和原台中市合并升格为台中“直辖市”。原台中县、原台中市地方派系是台湾地方派系的典型:2010年以前原台中县地方派系势力强劲,左右着原台中县的地方选举;而原台中市地方派系却随着政党政治的运作及都市化进程加快而消亡;一盛一衰正是乡村地方派系与都市型地方派系真实的发展写照。台中县市合并改制涉及到地方选举制度的变迁,势必对台中市地方派系产生影响。本文将从地方选举与派系动员、地方派系与政党关系、地方派系势力重组变迁与地方派系未来发展方向这四个角度来探讨台中县市合并改制给地方派系带来的影响。 本文首先探讨了地方派系的定义及相关理论,回顾了原台中县、原台中市地方派系的历史发...On 2010-12-25, Taichung City and County of Taiwan Province merged into a new special municipality of Taichung. The local factions in Taichung City and County might be the most typical representatives of local factions in Taiwan. Before 2010, it was easy to win the local election for local factions in Taichung county, While, with the development of urbanization and party politics, local factions di...学位:法学硕士院系专业:台湾研究院_中外政治制度学号:2562013115269

    Entrepreneurship and Regional Income Disparities

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    本文通过数理模型及经验数据分析,研究企业家精神对区域收入差距影响。在理论模型中,企业家精神作为外生变量,是个体职业选择的重要影响因素,进而间接地影响产品创新,以此揭示企业家精神与人均收入之间的关系;并在此基础上,利用1992-2008年间的省级面板数据对模型结论进行检验,企业家精神的代理变量是企业家人数占总人口比重,得到的结论是企业家精神的地区差异是影响地区间收入差距的重要因素。This paper studies the impact of entrepreneurship on regional income disparities by mathematical model and empirical data analysis. In the mathematical model, the entrepreneurship is an exogenous variable that affects individual career choice, thereby affecting product innovation. Through this economic mechanism, we reveal the relationship between entrepreneurship and per capita GDP. To test the a...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院_西方经济学学号:1532013115220