587 research outputs found

    Synthesis of efficient and low-cost adsorbent for the removal of heavy metal ions from electroplating wastewater

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    随着社会经济的发展,环境问题逐渐受到人们的关注。近十年来,在中国的电镀行业中重金属污染问题逐渐显露出来,亟待解决。尽管现有治理电镀废水重金属污染的方法已取得重要的进步,但是能够满足日趋严格的废水排放标准的高效低成本废水治理方法仍然是一项挑战。为了能够提出一种可行的废水治理方案,本文制备了低成本吸附剂并应用于实际电镀废水的处理研究中。取得的主要结果如下: (1)通过对普通硅酸盐水泥进行简单的水化过程制备出无机粉体吸附剂。该吸附剂对Cu2+、Ni2+具有高的吸附能力主要源于三个方面:(a)水化硅酸钙(吸附剂成分之一)与Cu2+、Ni2+之间的配位作用;(b)材料表面的负电性;(c)物理吸附作用。...With the quick development of economy and society, environmental problem is receiving increasing attention. During past decade, heavy metal pollutants derived from the wastewater of electroplating industry have emerged as one of the most serious issue that need to be resolved in China. Although the tremendous progress has been made in the field of heavy metal treatment, the development of high eff...学位:工程硕士院系专业:化学化工学院_化学工程学号:2062014115145

    Catalytic activity of green synthesized iron nanoparticles for Fenton-like reaction to degrade dye wastewater

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    水是人类生存和发展的基本条件,大量工业废水的产生给水环境平衡带来巨大的压力和破坏,其中有机物废水特别是染料废水更是因为高色度、难降解、高毒性对水资源造成了严重的破坏。近年来,Fenton技术特别是改良或与其他技术/方法联用的Fenton技术在污水处理领域备受关注。Fenton技术具有操作简单,污染物适用范围广,降解效率高等优点,其中铁系类Fenton技术最为常见,但其应用备受严苛pH条件和二次污染等问题的限制。本研究针对以上问题,采用龙眼水提液在温和条件下还原制备铁纳米颗粒,并将其应用于Fenton体系,探究其类Fenton催化降解染料废水的性能。 实验采用福建省常见经济作物龙眼树的树叶为植...Water is essential for human survival and development. A large number of industrial wastewater generated by printing factories discharging which broke the ecological balance and brought great pressure to the environment. Especially the dye wastewater, which is ranked as one of organic wastewater. It is difficult to degareding due to its color and it has caused serious damage to water resources wit...学位:工程硕士院系专业:化学化工学院_化学工程学号:2062014115147

    Treatment of was tewater from jeans production by hydrolytic acidification /biological contact oxidation /sedimentation

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    [摘要]:针对牛仔衣染色( 以靛蓝染料为主) 废水色度较高、有毒性及污染严重的特点, 确定采用水解酸化/生物 接触氧化/沉淀的工艺处理该废水。在丽发制衣厂的应用实践表明: 该工艺切实可行, 运行费用低, 处理效果稳定, 出 水水质达到DB 44 /26—2001 中一级排放标准, COD、BOD5、SS、色度去除率分别达到94%、92%、87%、83%。[Abstract]:The wastewater fromjeans production(mainly containing indigo dyeing) is characterized by higher colourity, toxicity and severe pollutant. With the consideration of these special characters, the wastewater is treated by hydrolysis acidification /biological contact oxidation /sedimentation process. The operation in Lifa Clothing Manufacture demonstrates that this process is feasible. Its running cost is low and the treatment results are stable. Finally, it also shows that the treated effluent quality accords with the requirement of Ⅰclass standard of water pollutant discharge extreme(DB 44 /26—2001) in Guangdong province. Its COD, BOD5, SS and colourity removal rate reach 94%, 92%, 87% and 83% respectively.海南省自然科学基金资助项目( 80673

    Removal of livestock wastewater nutrient by mangrove systems

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    在 2种盐度条件下 (淡水与盐度 30的人工海水 )通过温室盆栽系统对比研究了 2种主要红树植物木榄和秋茄对牲畜废水的处理效应 .牲畜废水的加入使植物体P含量增加 1— 4倍 ,N含量增加 0 0 4— 1 30倍 .淡水条件下秋茄和木榄系统N的处理效率分别为 84 3%和 95 5 % ,海水条件下则为 92 7%和 98 0 % .淡水条件下秋茄和木榄系统P的处理效率分别为79 2 %和 91 8% ,海水条件下则为 88 0 %和 97 8% .盐度对秋茄植物体N的去除无显著效应 .2种植物体对P的处理效率为 4% ,远比N的处理效率低 .废水来源的营养盐大多被土壤去除The present investigation compared the capacity of greenhouse pot\|cultivation systems under two salinity conditions (freshwater and saline water) with two main mangrove species, Bruguiera gymnorrhiza and Kandelia candel ,to remove nutrients from livestock wastewater.The increasing times of P contents in plants receiving livestock wastewater were 1—4 times that of the controls,much more than those of N contents (0\^04—1\^30 times).The removal efficiencies of N nutrients from livestock wastewater were 84\^3% and 95\^5% respectively by Kandelia candel and Bruguiera gymnorrhiza pot\|cultivation systems under freshwater condition and 92\^7% and 98\^0% under saline water condition.P nutrient removal efficiencies by Kandelia candel and Bruguiera gymnorrhiza systems under freshwater condition were 79\^2% and 91\^8% respectively and 88\^0% and 97\^8% under saline water condition.Salinity condition has no significant effect on the N nutrient removal by Kandelia candel plants.The P removal efficiencies by Kandelia candel and Bruguiera gymnorrhiza plants were less than 4% and much lower than those of N.Under both salinity conditions,higher N/P absorption ratios by plants were found in Bruguiera gymnorrhiza plants (11\^64 and 10\^64 under freshwater and saline water conditions respectively).Most of the nutrients retained to the systems due to the discharges of livestock wastewater were removed by soils.Most N nutrients retained in soils lost away from the systems

    Studies on the separation of a polysaccharide bioflocculant and its application in wastewater treatment

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    多糖生物絮凝剂是从微生物发酵液中提取、分离纯化而获得的一种胞外聚合物。由于其可生物降解、无毒、无害、降解中间体不会引起二次污染等优点而有广泛的应用。本研究以地衣芽孢杆菌CGMCC2876为出发菌株,将其胞外聚合物---多糖生物絮凝剂提取、分离纯化,最后将其应用于刚果红废水和含Pb2+废水的处理。主要研究内容及结果如下: (1)使用3倍体积无水乙醇沉淀发酵上清液,在pH=9条件下静置4h,再经过DEAESepharoseFastFlow离子交换层析和SephacrylS-400HighResolution凝胶层析后,得到一种多糖,分子量为4.47×105Da,纯度为96.4%,多糖的最终得率为...Polysaccharide bioflocculant is an extracellular polymer isolated from microbial fermentation broth. Due to its biodegradability, non-toxicity, harmlessness and no secondary pollution, polysaccharide bioflocculant has a wide range of applications. In this study, Bacillus licheniformis CGMCC 2876 was used as the starting strain, and the extracellular polymer---polysaccharide bioflocculant was isola...学位:工学硕士院系专业:化学化工学院_化学工程学号:2062014115144

    Application of yeasts in wastewater treatment

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    酵母菌既具有细菌单细胞、生长快、能形成很好的絮体、适应于各种不同的反应器等特点,又具有真菌细胞大、代谢旺盛,耐酸、耐高渗透压、耐高浓度的有机底物等特性,因而可用于多类难处理有机废水的处理,并且具有处理效率高、污泥负荷高、占地面积小、剩余污泥可回收用作饲料蛋白等特殊的优越性。酵母菌废水处理技术有望成为常规好氧和厌氧处理技术的重要补充而在工业废水治理中发挥重要作用。Yeast cells have both the virtues of bacteria (living in single cell, growing fast, forming good flocs and suitable for various bioreactors) and fungi (high tolerance to acids, high salt and high concentration of substrates). When used in wastewater treatment, the yeast technology permits a high COD load and a small bioreactor and could endure various bad wastewater environments such as acid, high osmotic pressures and so on. Its residual sludge normally contains high protein and can be used as good additives in animal food. So this technology is expected to be a promising supplement for traditional aerobic and anaerobic wastewater treatment techniques to solve some intractable problems in industrial pollution.国家自然科学基金资助项目(50278095

    Engineering practice of the treatment of wastewater from flexible printed circuit board factories

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    介绍了厦门某电子科技有限公司废水处理工程实例。针对该线路板厂废水来源的不同,依据分类收集、先预处理再综合处理的原则对废水进行合理的细化分类,对不同的水质进行不同的物化处理。工程试车结果表明,采用本工艺路线处理后的柔性印制电路板废水出水水质达到或优于GB8978—1996一级排放标准。An example of the engineering practice of the wastewater treatment at an electronic technology company in Xiamen is introduced. Considering the different characteristics of wastewater sources at the circuit board factory, and based on classifying the collections, the principle of classifying the wastewater is followed and the wastewater is treated properly and detailedly by pre-treatment firstly and then by comprehensive treatment. Wastewater with different water quality is treated by different physicochemical treatment. The practice results show that when flexible printed circuit board wastewater is treated by this process,the effluent water quality meets or superior to the requirement of the first class of the standard,GB 8978—1996


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    Discussion on Problems of Pollution Controland Environmental Management in Leather Enterprises

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    通过对数家制革企业开展调查分析,探讨了制革企业在含铬、含硫废水分流处理和各生产环节臭气防治方面存在的若干技术与管理问题。首先,含铬废水和含硫废水收集与管理不规范统一致使后续废水预处理及生化处理受到影响;部分企业忽略了原皮存放及转运、皮革水场加工车间、污水处理设施等臭气产生环节的细节控制。最后提出针对性的对策与措施建议,包括统一规范含铬废水和含硫废水的收集与预处理范围,加强原皮仓库、水场和污水处理系统的恶臭全过程控制。Based on the survey of several leather enterprises, some technical and administrative problems about treatment of wastewater containing chromium and sulfide, and odorous gas control in leather enterprises were discussed.First, collection and treatment of waste water containing chromium and waste water containing sulfide were not yet unified, leading to impact on the follow-up waste water pretreatment and biochemical treatment.Some enterprises neglected the details in treatment of odorous gas from leather warehouse, leather workshop of wet processing, and sewage treatment facilities.In the end, targeted suggestions were proposed to solve the above problems, including unifying and standardizing the range of Cr, S waste water collection and pretreatment, strengthening the control of leather warehouse, workshop of wet processing and sewage treatment system

    Analysis about the Application of Membrane Separation Technique in Heavy Metal Wastewater Treatment

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    本文介绍了膜分离技术及其特点,对膜分离技术进行了分类,同时阐述了液膜、电渗析、微滤、超滤、反渗透和纳滤膜分离技术在重金属废水中的研究和应用情况。This paper briefly introduces and classifies the membrane separation technology and their characteristics,at the same time it expound the studies and the applications of liquid membrane,Electro dialysis,Micro filtration,Ultra filtration,Reverse Osmosis,Nanofiltration which we think they are routine membrane separation technology for heavy metal wastewater treatment