49 research outputs found

    Comparing and Ranking Parametric, Nonparametric and Semi-parametric VaR Models

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    在这个机遇与风险并存的时代,在投融资环境越来越复杂多样的情况下,如何控制和管理我国股票市场上的投资风险,对各金融投资机构而言,成为其生死存亡的一个关键,各个赢利性机构都要在最大化收益的同时,严格控制好各项资产风险。 目前,测量风险应用最广泛的是VaR方法,但可用于计算VaR的模型众多且各有千秋,因此本文以寻找适合计算中国股市上股票的VaR为目标,选取发行过权证的32只股票从2000年至2007年的日数据,运用参数、非参以及半参三大类十二种模型和方法,包括正态分布和Student-t分布两种分布下的五种GARCH族模型、三种渐进演变的历史模拟法、蒙特卡罗模拟法、极值理论以及过滤的极值理论和条件...In this era, opportunities are accompanied by risks and financing environment is more and more complicated, thus as a finance institute in Chinese capital market, how to control and manage its investment risk is the key point to survive in the market. Nowadays, the most popular tool to measure the risk of assets is Value-at-Risk, however, there are so many existing models and methods to e...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:王亚南经济研究院_金融学(含保险学)学号:2005130094

    RMB exchange rate risk assessment based on CAViaR model

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    2005年人民币汇率改革至今,我国的外汇市场机制不断发展和完善,我国 更加主动地参与国际范围内的资源配置,汇率变得市场化。而与此同时,人民币 汇率波动也变得更大,增大外汇交易者的风险。2015年8月11日,央行将外汇 交易中心的人民币汇率中间价下调1.9%,次日再度下调中间价1.6%,两天之内 美元对人民币升值幅度超过3%。近期人民币汇率呈现出波动更加频繁更加剧烈 的趋势,人民币汇率风险管理显得越来越重要。2015年11月30日,IMF宣布 同意将人民币纳入“特别提款权”(SDR)篮子,这将减少对资本流动的管制,将 使人民币更加国际化。然而越来越市场化、国际化的人民币,也给外汇风...Since 2005, the RMB exchange rate reform, China's foreign exchange market mechanism of continuous development and improvement, China actively participate in the market of the international exchange rate, RMB exchange rate become market oriented.At the same time, the RMB exchange rate fluctuation becomes larger, increase the risk of foreign exchange traders. Aug...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院_资产评估硕士学号:1552013115193

    The Application of VaR Method Based on the MS-GARCH Model in Securities Asset Management Market

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    近几年来,我国券商资产管理业务取得了突飞猛进的发展,然而相应的风险管理学术研究较少。为了研究券商资管市场的风险管理VaR方法,本文选取股票型券商理财指数作为数据处理对象,假定模型的扰动项分别服从正态分布、t分布、广义误差分布、偏t分布、偏广义误差分布,采用单一状态GARCH族模型(GARCH模型、EGARCH模型、GJR-GARCH模型、APARCH模型)对数据进行建模。之后,文章在GARCH模型中引入马尔可夫状态转换过程,构建MS-GARCH模型,建模结果显示券商资管市场存在明显的高波动和低波动两种状态,且处于低波动状态的持续时间更长。通过与单一状态GARCH族模型进行对比,发现MS-GAR...In recent years, securities asset management market experienced rapid growth, however, related academic research is deficient. Therefore, this paper studied VaR method based on MS-GARCH model empirically on securities asset management market. First, we constructed one single state GARCH models, that is, GARCH model, EGARCH model, GJR-GARCH model and APARCH model, with normal distribution, t distri...学位:应用统计硕士院系专业:经济学院_应用统计硕士学号:1542013115204


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    The VaR Measuring Study Based on Shanghai Composite Index

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    近年来,伴随着全球金融一体化趋势,金融风险管理已成为金融机构管理的核心内容。随着我国经济金融体制改革的不断深入,如何防范和管理我国金融机构所面临的风险,已成为金融机构和管理当局日益重视的问题。VaR作为近年来国际上新兴起的金融风险管理工具,目前已被全球各主要银行、证券公司和监督机构所采用。本文首先详细介绍了当前计算VaR的几种方法,即方差-协方差方法、历史模拟法、蒙特卡罗模拟和极值方法。并将他们应用于上证综合指数,进行比较研究。着重探讨了各种不同计算方法在应用于上证综合指数时所得出结果的异同,以便在实际应用VaR时根据不同目的选择相对有效的风险价值方法。结果发现,利用方差-协方差方法得出的结果...In recent years,financial risk management has become the focus issue of financial institutions with the tendency of integration of finance around the world . How to prevent and manage risk financial institutions face in our country is being paid more and more attention by financial institutions and regulatory authorities. Value-at-risk(VaR) is now adopted by main banks、security companies and r...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院财政金融系_金融学(含保险学)学号:20024201

    Pair-Copula Constructions of Multiple Dependence and Its Application

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    随着金融市场的不断发展和创新,金融市场和金融资产之间的相关关系越来越复杂,呈现出非线性、非对称以及尾部相关的相关形式。因此,传统使用的线性相关系数的分析方法早已不能准确地反映金融市场的相关信息。此外,由SKlar提出的copula理论则认为,随机变量之间的相关信息可以用copula函数表达。因此,国内外学者开始利用不同形式的copula函数来表示多元随机变量之间的相关模式,但没有考虑到多元随机变量两两之间服从的分布并非全部一致。基于这一考虑,本文介绍了一种新的方法,即pair-copula方法,不仅允许应用不同的copula函数,更准确地反映不同随机变量之间的相关性,而且可以十分方便地建立联合...With the development of the financial markets, the dependent relationship between financial assets become more and more complicated and represent nonlinear, asymmetric and tail dependence, as well. Methods based on the traditional linear correlation coefficients can not describe the dependence pattern accurately. SKlar’s theory on copulas believes that the information about the dependence of rando...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院计划统计系_数量经济学学号:1542006115086

    Risk Analysis of Real Estate Market Based on VaR: Empirical Research on Zhejiang,China

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    本文采用VaR方法构建房地产市场风险的测量模型,通过收集1991年-2010年浙江省房地产业发展数据,应用SPSS17.0和Matlab软件进行回归分析和蒙特卡洛仿真,定量分析房地产市场风险累积程度的大小,为房地产政策制订和市场监管提供直观量化的决策依据。 This paper uses value at risk(VaR) model to predict the risk of real estate market. By collecting the real estate data of Zhejiang province in 1991- 2009, multinomial-regression analysis and Monte Carlo simulation were made by using SPSS 17.0 and Matlab software respectively. Then quantitative analyzing how big the accumulation level of the market risk is. VaR method can offer reference index for the government to control the market risk and make effective policies.浙江农林大学科研发展基金项目(项目编号:2351000935

    The Market Risk Management of Securities Companies in China:A Research Based on VaR

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    市场风险是证券公司面临的主要风险之一,对市场风险的管理是证券公司风险管理中最重要的工作。从我国的实际来看,一方面,我国证券市场波动频繁,投机氛围比较浓厚,市场风险较为复杂多变,另一方面,中国证券公司发展历程短,风险意识较为淡薄,市场风险管理水平还有待提高。研究证券公司市场风险管理问题,对于我国证券公司提高管理水平、增强竞争力有很大意义,也有助于保护投资者,促进中国证券市场健康、快速发展。 本文首先梳理了市场风险管理主要理论的发展脉络,对国内外近期相关研究成果进行综述。接着分析中国证券公司市场风险管理现状,指出中国证券公司目前在市场风险管理上存在的主要问题。然后本文针对中国证券公司市场风险管理...Market risk is one of the main risks the securities companies face, the management of market risk is the most important part in the risk management for securities companies. To our country, on the one hand, the securities market’s volatility is often more serious, market risk is more complex and changeable, on the other hand, the history of securities companies in China is very short, their risk a...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院经济系_西方经济学学号:1532010115203

    Research on Measurement and Allocation of Economic Capital of Life Insurance Companies

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    寿险公司是经营风险的特殊企业,资本是其“风险缓冲器”,是寿险公司赖以生存和发展的基础。为加强资本管理,提高资本的利用效率,寿险公司应引入“经济资本”这一管理理念和工具。经济资本实现了基于资本管理的全面风险管理和价值管理的统一。在资本有限的情况下,准确的计量各种资产、业务所面临的风险,合理有效的经济资本配置不仅可以提高寿险公司的风险管理水平,更可以正确指导寿险公司的业务决策,实现公司的股东价值最大化。其中,如何准确计量寿险公司所面临的市场风险,成为现代寿险公司管理中不可回避的难题。 本文从理论分析和现实考察两个层面,运用比较分析等研究方法,对“如何准确计量寿险公司面临的市场风险和合理配置公司的...Life insurance companies are enterprise of run risk. Capital is the foundation of companies management and development. In order to strength the capital management and improve the efficiency of capital, life insurance companies introduced the concept of "Economic Capital". Economic capital has fully considered the risk and income, is the direct embodiment of risk and shareholders' value. Under the...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院金融系_金融学(含保险学)学号:1562008115211

    VaR Models in Risk Management: A Comparative Analysis

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    摘要 VaR是一定期限内特定金融资产头寸在一定概率下可能遭受的最大损失。自上世纪九十年代以来,VaR模型由于其度量风险的定量性、综合性、通俗性等特点而被许多金融机构和监管当局广泛使用,逐渐成为金融风险度量的重要基准。而在由美国次贷危机引发的国际金融危机中,很多金融机构因为资产遭受巨大损失而被迫将自身出卖给竞争对手甚至破产。在这种环境下,研究VaR模型在度量风险方面的应用、存在的问题和改进的方向对金融风险管理的实践有着重要的意义。 VaR估计的基础是选择适当的收益率分布。为此,在进行VaR估计之前本文简要介绍了各种收益率和波动率模型并分析了上证综指的收益率和波动率特点,结果发现,上证综指收益...Abstract VaR can be defined as the maximal loss of a financial position during a given time period for a given probability. With quantitative, comprehensive and easy-to-follow meaurement of financial risk, VaR models have been used more and more widely by financial institutions and regulation authorities since the 1990s and eventually developed into an important benchmark for risk measurement. Ho...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院金融系_金融学(含保险学)学号:1562006115098