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    金沢大学におけるspam メールの現状

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    学位の種別: 課程博士審査委員会委員 : (主査)東京大学准教授 小野 俊介, 東京大学特任准教授 堀 里子, 東京大学特任准教授 五十嵐 中, 東京大学講師 前田 和哉, 東京大学特任講師 桝田 祥子, 東京大学客員教授 木村 廣道, 帝京大学教授 関水 和久, 順天堂大学特任教授 入村 達郎University of Tokyo(東京大学


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    This paper focuses on “A” company’s sales strategies in China. Thiscompany, founded in Shanghai in 2003, produces health food in China. Acompany’s parent company has built its own sales system in Japan, and Acompany sells products in the Chinese market using its own sales system.For example, the organization creation method in Japan was formalizedin the countries where it has advanced in the past, and brought directly toChina. At present, A company has 35 branches, but the organization of thebranches is all the same according to this method. The employees of Acompany deliver their products to retailers using their own cars anddisplay them on shelves. In addition, salespersons of A company deliver theproducts directly to the consumers. In this way, the employees andsalespersons of A company are able to explain the effects of the productsand deeply acquire sales channels. A company selects and sells retail storesthat are profitable. A company has been conducting public relationsactivities in the academic field. This has led to a significant increase in theA company’s name recognition, and has succeeded in raising the bargainingpower with retailers