27 research outputs found


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    A Study on Accounting Standards Change Based on the Convergence and Accounting Standards Implementation

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    资本市场国际化的持续深入发展,迫切需要会计信息可比性的提高。会计信息可比性的提高以会计准则的协调乃至趋同为前提。目前,各国纷纷变迁本国准则,向国际财务报告准则(IFRS)趋同。趋同的准则变迁能否实现会计信息的可比,关键在于准则如何被执行。如果准则不能得到严格、一致的执行,准则趋同的作用会被弱化。 本文介绍了国际会计准则、若干国家和我国会计准则趋同的变迁历程,分析了会计准则变迁的含义、动因、路径和结果;界定了会计准则执行的概念内涵,构建了会计准则执行的理论框架,据此提出若干推论,回顾了相关的研究;基于若干调查报告,研究了欧盟IFRS和我国新准则的执行问题;实证检验了我国新准则执行的一致性和影响...The in-depth and persistent internationalization developments of capital markets need eagerly the increase of accounting information comparability, while the precondition of the increase of accounting information comparability is the harmonization even convergence of accounting standards. Presently nearly every country changes its native accounting standards to converge with IFRS. Whether the conv...学位:管理学博士院系专业:管理学院会计系_会计学学号:1752006015310

    Increase or decrease holding of insurance capital, analysts’ following and analysts’ forecast bias

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    在监管失位的大背景下,利益相关者如何诱导分析师做出不道德的行为成为了学者的关注点,与分析师紧密联系的保险资金正是其中之一。当前,保险资金频繁增减持股份对资本市场的稳定性产生了重大负面影响,招致监管层“野蛮人”、“害人精”的斥责;但险资频繁增减持对分析师独立性的影响还相对隐蔽,其作用机理有待进一步挖掘。 为此,本文从信息不对称理论、委托代理理论和行为金融学理论的角度出发,以2012-2016年每年的前三季度作为考察期,筛选A股上市公司作为研究样本,借鉴Lang和Landholm(1996)的方法构建回归模型和分析师预测偏差指标,在控制了公司财务风险、信息披露水平和盈余可预测性的基础上,探究险资...With the lack of supervision, how stakeholders induce the unethical behavior of security analysts has attracted the attention of scholars. At present, insurance capital‘s the frequent turnover has a significant negative impact to the stability of stock market, inducing the scold of "barbarians" and "vermin" by the regulators. But how frequently increase or decrease on share holding by insurance ca...学位:管理学硕士院系专业:管理学院_会计学学号:1752014115115


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    Design and Implementation of Library Literature Information Management System Based on RFID

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    我国图书馆文献工作正处于从传统图书馆文献向现代化图书馆文献转变的阶段,图书馆文献管理工作也要同步转变,在科学技术迅速发展的时代,借用计算机和网络技术实现图书馆文献信息化管理,能够保证图书馆文献安全和提高图书馆文献效益。高校图书馆是服务于高校内部及其相关科研项目的图书馆,通过内置磁条实现其图书馆文献的安全管理,存在图书馆文献资源基础采集数据分散、数据共享性差、综合管理与应用能力薄弱等缺点。为提高图书馆文献管理水平,设计开发了基于RFID的图书馆文献信息管理系统。 本文采用J2EE技术和RFID技术设计和开发图书馆文献信息管理系统,首先从某校图书馆管理平台的项目背景,阐述研究的内容和意义;然后从...The work of Chinese books and literature are in the stage of changing from traditional books and literature to modern books and literature. The management of books and literature also changes, in times of science and technology are developing quickly, we can use computer and network technology to manage books and literature. It will make sure library literature is safe, improve the benefits of lib...学位:工学硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201323184

    Method Innovation of Model Life Tables and Regional Death Pattern-recognition Study of China ---The County Data Mining of China Fifth National Census

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    生命表是人口研究中的最基本内容之一,也是人口研究的一个重要方法;模型生命表的基本思想是利用数学模型将大量的以实际数据编制的生命表分成若干类别之后,再编制出一系列标准型的生命表,它在人口统计分析、人口规划及预测中有着广泛的作用,在人口统计数据不完整及误差较大时,对研究人口的发展规律是一种非常有用的信息补充。死亡模式,是指按龄人口死亡概率的分布特征与趋势。在人类生命发展规律研究里,它是一种基于统计和数理人口学的方法。本文对死亡模式的各种方法做了归纳和分析,选取了布拉斯的死亡数学模型来研究中国的区域死亡模式差异,为研究中国分类模型生命表打下基础。研究中所应用的数据是来自2000年第五次全国人口普查的...The life table is one of the most basic contents and important methods in the study of population. The basic thought of model life table is that first to divide a large amount of life tables which are drawn up with the actual data into several classifications by means of establishing the mathematics models; second to work out a series of more standard life tables, which is of extensive functions i...学位:工学硕士院系专业:计算机与信息工程学院自动化系_系统工程学号:20023102

    Design and Implementation of a Commercial Bank Corporation Customer Relationship Management

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    随着新常态的到来,在利率市场化、人民币国际化和市场准入放松的大背景下,大数据、云计算和互联网金融为代表的信息革命的正在兴起,银行业又一次面临新的机遇和挑战。当前,中国金融业正朝着“互联网”的模式进行信息产业升级。建设对公客户关系管理系统正顺应了时代的发展,坚持“以客户为中心”的战略指导思想,逐步提升商业银行的综合竞争能力,为商业银行的创新和发展,打下坚实的基础。 本文以国内某股份制商业银行对公客户关系管理系统项目为研究背景,系统前端采用J2EE进行应用架构,结合JSF框架进行设计开发;后端以数据集市为基础数据平台,运用ETL技术进行数据集成;最后通过JDBC技术实现数据访问,从而实现该系统的...With China's New Normal featuring market-oriented reforms in the adjustment of interest rate, the internationalization of RMB and the loosening of market access, a new era has arisen. In the course of upgrading its information system, China's banking system is faced with both opportunities and challenges posed by an overhaul of information technology, as represented by the rise of mass data, cloud...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201323080


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    【中文摘要】 本文围绕“高等教育产业化”这一主题 ,就高等教育的“产业性”、“产业化”、“理论基础”、“争论焦点”以及一些与之相关的问题逐一展开探讨 更多还

    Biomedical Images Denosing with Texture and Detail Preservation Based on PDE

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    基于偏微分方程的医学图像去噪方法已公认为具有显著效果的去噪技术。常用的偏微分方程去噪方法虽然可以去除变化平缓的图像中的噪声,同时保持边缘结构信息,但对带有较多纹理细节的医学图像的去噪效果却不太理想。在对目前有关纹理医学图像理解和综合的基础上,介绍了三种纹理图像去噪技术。第一种自适应调整参数的全变分方法,在不同尺度空间下去噪,可保持纹理和细节;第二种将医学图像空间由bV空间上升到g空间以保持纹理;第三种使用多尺度分解噪声以保持细节特征。这些方法均能在实际应用中达到一定的效果,但是如何更好的去除噪声,文章对其进行分析,并提出新的改进思路。Biomedical images denosing based on partial differential equation are well-known for their good processing results.General denoising methods based on PDE can remove the noise of images with gentle change and preserve more structure detail of edges,but have a poor effectiveness on the denoising of biomedical images with many texture details.This paper attempts to make an overview of biomedical images texture detail denosing based on PDE.Three kinds of important image denosing schemes are introduced in this paper:one is image denosing based on the adaptive parameter estimation total variation model,which denosing the images based on muti-scale space;the other is using G norm to the perception of scale,which provides a more intuitive understanding of this norm;finial is multi-scale denosing decomposi- tion.These former can preserve more structure of biomedical images texture detail.Then this paper demonstrates the applications of the three kinds of methods.At the end,the future trend of biomedical images texture detail denosing based on PDE is pointed out.国家自然科学基金项目(60778046);福建省科技项目(2008I0015;2008J0016);卫生部科研基金项目(WKJ2008-2-046


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