341 research outputs found

    Research on the Strategic Planning of Talent Echelon in Company Y

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    在企业发展中起到决定性的因素中,人才始终是核心中的核心,不论从宏观角度还是从微观角度分析,人才的成长是企业发展的主要力量来源之一。纵观各行各业的企业发展历程,凡是能实现跨越式,可持续发展的企业,都有充足的人才在推进。充足的人才,完备的人才建设梯队,有计划的培养梯队人才,对企业的快速发展具有至关重要的作用。Y公司一直是集团内部各级管理的人才培养基地,为集团各公司输送了大量的管理人才。为了适应日新月异的市场环境,同时满足集团国际化进程的需求,集团内部需要解决一系列的问题,在这一过程中,最主要的问题便是对企业人力资源的激活以及如何构建一个适合人才成长的平台。这对调动员工工作积极性,促进内部人才合理流...Among those decisive factors that influence the development of enterprises, talents are the core one. Viewing no matter from a macro perspective or a microscopic one, talents is one of the main strength to the development of the enterprise. The enterprises from all professions and trades can’t achieve great-leap-forward and sustainable development without the power of talents. To possess sufficien...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院_工商管理硕士(高级管理人员工商管理硕士)学号:X201515602

    Design and Implementation of the Security Technology Recruitment Management System Based on MVC

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    随着科技日新月异的发展,安全防范技术作为朝阳产业逐渐渗透到生活的方方面面,安防人才成为了新兴行业的新生力量,其行业特色有别于传统行业的特点,导致很多人才招聘类型的网站没有准确的人才分类和人才定位。将安全防范技术划分到弱电系统,从属于电子信息专业,更有平台几乎没有提及安全防范技术这一新兴的专业,而且所有的招聘行为达成之后,就没有任何后续的规范管理,在企业的约束和人才的管控上存在缺口。因此,采用更具备安全防范技术专业特点的、功能独立的人才管理系统的设计与实现就有着现实意义。 本文旨在结合某职业学院特色专业安全防范技术建设的具体情况,从实际情况出发,结合社会需求、专业人才需求、用人职位需求等多方面...With the fast development of technology, security technology as a new discipline gradually effects every aspect of life, security personnel has become a new force in the emerging industry, its industry characteristics is quite different from the traditional characteristics of the industry, mainly concentrated in the weak stage talent system, several areas surrounding the intelligent system, every ...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201323190

    Design and Implementation of Management System for the Tax Information Talent

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    国税系统长期以来一直坚持“科技强税”方针,大力推行税收信息化建设,税收信息化取得了显著的发展。而税收信息化建设的关键在于拥有一批既掌握现代化科技手段又精通税收业务的复合型人才队伍。为了全面掌握国税系统税收信息化人才的总量、结构及分布情况,为国税系统税收信息化建设提供人才保证和智力支持,本文探讨税收信息化人才管理系统的开发过程以及相关技术。 本课题根据人事部门的实际工作需要,从微观角度提供管理手段,从宏观角度提供决策支持手段。本系统采用与总局、省局完全一致的SSH2技术架构,确保了系统的先进性和拓展性,具有实用性强、使用方便、界面友好、系统稳定性高等特点。通过注册登录、加人才库、申请积分、积分...The Tax System has been to adhere to use the scientific and technological means to strengthen tax administration, making efforts to promote tax information construction, which has been made significant development. However, tax information construction lies the people of both master the modern means of science and technology are also proficient in the tax business. In order to make clear about the...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201123026

    A Study on Development Strategies of Shunfun Chain Co.,Ltd.

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    []于波,范从来.我国先进制造业发展战略的PEST嵌入式SWOT分析[J].南京社会科学,2011(7):34-40. []牛晓帆.西方产业组织理论的演化与新发展[J].经济研究,2004(3):116-123. []刘长军.基于产业组织理论的我国装备制造业产业竞争力研究[D].哈尔滨工业大学,2008. []刘益.波特“五力模型”的缺陷及其改进[J].管理工程学报,1999(S1). []张光明,吴燕.基于波特五力模型的我国造船产业结构分析[J].江苏科技大学学报:社会科学版,2009,9(1):58-61. []龚小军.作为战略研究一般分析方法的SWOT分析[J].西安电子科技大...无学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院_工商管理硕士(高级管理人员工商管理硕士)学号:X201415636

    Research on Management of Core Employees in Travel Agency

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    旅行社业作为服务型企业,是人力资本极为重要与集中的企业,旅行社业的竞争就是人才的竞争,并最终都体现为核心人才的竞争。核心人才是旅行社最重要的人力资本,是旅行社核心能力的体现。能否管理好核心人才是旅行社在激烈的市场竞争中得以持续发展的决定性因素。本文围绕旅行社核心人才管理这一课题,从获取、激励、发展和离职管理四个方面建构旅行社核心人才管理的系统。目前我国旅行社业快速发展,旅行社数量不断增加,规模不断扩大,旅行社对核心人才的需求增加;同时我国旅行社内外争夺核心人才的竞争日趋激烈,旅行社核心人才的高流失现象一直没有得到很好控制,危及旅行社的持续、健康、稳定地发展。针对这些问题,本文围绕旅行社核心人才...As a type of service trade, travel agency is a vital business that concentrates human capitals. Competition within Travel Agency means Elite Employee Competition, represented by Core Employee Competition. The most important human capital in Travel Agency is Core Employee, which reflects its core competence. This thesis focuses on the Core Employee Management in Travel Agency, and constructs the sy...学位:管理学硕士院系专业:管理学院旅游系_旅游管理学号:X200433002

    Design and Implementation of Personnel Management Information System

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    随着社会的经济高速发展,使计算机的应用已经普及到社会生活的各个角落。人事人才信息、单位招聘、个人求职的需求日益增长,使得传统的人事人才信息的发布方式已经不能满足当前人们信息量的需求。为了适应现代社会人们高度强烈的时间观念,人事管理系统软件为机关、团体、事业单位、企业、公司等的人事管理带来了极大的方便,能够为用户提供可靠的信息储存和快捷的查询手段。如何顺应电子政务普及的大潮,运用高新技术提升管理手段、管理水平与管理能力,为需求人群提供高效、安全、方便的人事人才管理信息服务是需要完成的一个重要课题。 作为政府人社部门下属单位的人才服务中心,通过本系统的建立和应用,可以向大众提供一个单位招聘、个人...With the development of economy and society, the computer application has spread to all fields of economic and social life.Personnel information, units recruitment and individual job demand grow day by day, the personnel information of traditional publishing mode can no longer meet the people's information demand.In order to adapt to modern society of highly strong concept of time, personnel manag...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201223093

    Understanding Post 1995s’ career expectations: What employers need to know

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    In the present hunt for human capital with intense competition for talents, talent management has become an important priority for employers. Dynamic adjustments in strategies are necessary to attract and retain talents as factors affecting employees’ decisions have witnessed a generational change. The paper examines the theoretical validity of talent attraction and talent retention and how it develops in a Chinese context, which stresses the importance of updating the understanding on a young generation’s career expectations. Serving as the methodology, a questionnaire survey is conducted among university students, most of which are post 1995s’, to understand their career expectations. The results showed a shift in their career expectations such as preference for stability and attention paid to a fair system. Based on the research findings, recommendations are put forward for employers to better attract and retain talents

    Design and Implementation of Xinjiang People’s Bank of China Honor Information Management System

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    近年来,新疆省人民银行实施“文化筑魂、素质强行、创新发展”战略,为新疆省经济社会稳定和长治久安做出了积极贡献,涌现出一批又一批的先进单位、先进集体和先进个人,先后获得了多项总行级、分行级、自治区级及州市等各类荣誉。如何加强荣誉信息的管理,为单位和个人保存在各个历史时期有价值的荣誉信息,客观地反映基层央行的工作业绩,已成为当前荣誉信息管理工作的研究课题之一。为加强荣誉信息的管理,运用现代信息技术对荣誉信息数据进行采集、整合、处理、构建、存储和应用,构建和开发荣誉信息管理系统,以实现荣誉信息各业务环节的自动化、网络化,有效提升荣誉信息的利用率和服务水平。 本文以人民银行银行内部基层单位荣誉信息管...In recent years, under the strategy of culture building, quality leading and innovation orientation,The People’s Bank of China has contributed positively to the stability and safety of Xinjiang’s economy and society, with a batch of advanced units, groups and individuals emerging, while wining a variety of honors from the head office of PBC, Xi’an’s Branch of PBC, local government and autonomous r...学位:工学硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201323144


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    Investigation and Analysis on the Brain-drain of HS Construction Company

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    HS建筑公司是福建省一家资质为房屋建筑工程施工总承包壹级的民营建筑企业,公司近年来在企业规模、经济效益、社会效益等方面都取得了长足发展,但另一方面,人才流失已制约了公司的进一步可持续发展。如何控制人才流失,稳定人才队伍,增强企业的行业竞争力,已成为公司发展壮大的当务之急。作者在建筑企业从事管理工作多年,在企业管理工作实践的基础上,立足于HS建筑公司人力资源管理工作的实际情况,连结人力资源管理基本理论,对民营建筑企业中人才流失问题进行了有针对性的系统研究,并提出了相应的解决方案。作者充分了解民营建筑企业在人才管理工作上的问题所在,所以选取了民营建筑企业人才流失问题与对策研究这个课题。该论文研究对...HS group of Fujian in Fujian province is a qualification for the total construction contract for building engineering level of foreign investment enterprises, the company in recent years in the enterprise scale, economic benefit, social reputation and have made great development, but on the other hand,, the loss of a lot of talent of non willingness has seriously restricted the further sustainable...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院_工商管理硕士(高级管理人员工商管理硕士)学号:X201315608