34,368 research outputs found

    Vertical integration, technological choice and foreclosure

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    This article examines why, and how, fiscal decentralization could increase the economic growth rate (the hypothesis is predatory, or "corrupt", govemments). Searching for the optimal level of decentralization, the article first investigates the effects of an horizontal partition of the political power. Two effects will compete : a positive effect due to "proximity" and a negative effect linked to "coordination failures" (for raisons of externalities, small independent régions failed to implement a sufficient level of public spending). Then, the analysis seems to provide a theory of frontiers. But the article also shows that the intervention of a super-center (even corrupted), which centralizes taxes and decentralizes spending, should realize a higher growth rate. In that way, "federalism", which rather is a vertical partition of the political power, is the optimal rule.

    Émergence d’une littĂ©rature maghrĂ©bine d’expression française : La gĂ©nĂ©ration de 1954

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    Émergence d’une littĂ©rature maghrĂ©bine d’expression française : La gĂ©nĂ©ration de 1954

    Émergence et rĂ©sistance spatiale d’un quartier en contexte autoritaire. Le cas du quartier 1 Mayıs Ă  Istanbul

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    International audienceL’objectif de ce chapitre est d’abord de dĂ©montrer, aprĂšs une brĂšve prĂ©sentation de l’histoire du quartier, les conditions de son Ă©mergence, son Ă©volution et sa morphologie socio-culturelle. Puis il est question d’analyser comment son Ă©mergence a contribuĂ© Ă  la formation d’une identitĂ© collective et d’une culture de rĂ©sistance s’inscrivant dans une dimension spatiale. Il s'agira de s'interroger sur les liens entre les mobilisations et les contextes autoritaires au prisme des politiques d'urbanisation en Turquie


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    Fast computation of quadrupole and hexadecapole approximations in microlensing with a single point-source evaluation

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    The exoplanet detection rate from gravitational microlensing has grown significantly in recent years thanks to a great enhancement of resources and improved observational strategy. Current observatories include ground-based wide-field and/or robotic world-wide networks of telescopes, as well as space-based observatories such as satellites Spitzer or Kepler/K2. This results in a large quantity of data to be processed and analyzed, which is a challenge for modeling codes because of the complexity of the parameter space to be explored, and the intensive computations required to evaluate the models. In this work, I present a method that allows to compute the quadrupole and hexadecapole approximation of the finite-source magnification with more efficiency that previously available codes, with routines about x6 and x4 faster respectively. The quadrupole takes just about twice the time of a point-source evaluation, which advocates for generalizing its use to large portion of the light curves. The corresponding routines are available as open-source python codes.Comment: Published in MNRAS (7 pages, 2 figures, 1 table). Open source codes available on GitHub (cf. reference in the paper

    ModĂšles d’évaluation des actifs financiers dans les marchĂ©s boursiers en Ă©mergence : identification des facteurs de risque et tests de changement structurel

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    Dans cet article, nous faisons un survol des modĂšles d’évaluation des actifs financiers Ă©tudiĂ©s dans le contexte des marchĂ©s boursiers en Ă©mergence. Nous soulignons qu’il est plus facile de prĂ©voir les rendements et leur variabilitĂ© pour de tels marchĂ©s que pour ceux des pays dĂ©veloppĂ©s, et nous essayons de vĂ©rifier si ceci peut ĂȘtre expliquĂ© par l’existence de mesures prĂ©visibles du risque et des primes de risque. À cet Ă©gard, nous insistons sur l’importance des tests de changement structurel et des tests diagnostiques pour vĂ©rifier si les relations sont stables dans le temps et si des facteurs importants n’ont pas Ă©tĂ© oubliĂ©s. Ces tests sont d’autant plus importants dans le contexte d’un environnement Ă©conomique et politique d’une plus grande instabilitĂ©. Nous terminons par une analyse de l’intĂ©gration de ces marchĂ©s boursiers en Ă©mergence au marchĂ© mondial et dĂ©crivons un modĂšle qui permet de capter l’évolution de cette intĂ©gration Ă  travers le temps.In this paper, we survey the asset pricing models that have been used in the context of emerging markets. We emphasize that both returns and their variability are more predictable than in developed markets and investigate whether this predictability can be explained by predictable measures or risk premia. In this regard, we stress the importance of testing for structural change and of diagnostic tests to check for the stability of relationships over time and for the omission of relevant risk factors. These tests are all the more important when economic and political conditions are less stable. Finally, we ask whether the emerging markets are integrated with the world market and describe a model which allows for a time-varying integration
