79,771 research outputs found

    To die at home

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    Norsk sammendrag:Norsk sammendrag: Bakgrunn: De fleste pasienter ønsker å dø hjemme. Norge er av de land i verden hvor færrest dør i eget hjem. En av grunnene til at ønskene ikke blir oppfylt er blant annet manglende trygghet blant pårørende. Som kreftsykepleier har vi et ansvar for den helhetlige omsorgen av pårørende til den døende kreftpasienten. Hensikt: Formålet med oppgaven er å undersøke hvilke betydning fenomenet mot har i det første møte med pårørende til døende kreftpasienter for å styrke pårørende slik at pasienten kan dø hjemme. Det mellommenneskelige aspektet mellom pårørende og kreftsykepleier i det første møte er i fokus. Problemstilling: Hvordan kan kreftsykepleier i det første møte med pårørende til døende kreftpasient bidra til å styrke pårørendes mot slik at pasienten kan dø hjemme? Metode: Oppgaven er en litteraturstudie som bygger på kunnskap fra bøker og andre skriftlige kilder, søk i databaser kombinert med egne erfaringer fra praksis. Resultat: Funn viser at pårørende fant det betydningsfullt å bli sett, hørt og være deltagende. I møte med kreftsykepleier vektlegges tilstedeværelse, øyekontakt, dialog og god kommunikasjon. Nærhet og håp er viktige fundament for omsorg, og får en spesiell dimensjon i omsorgen for pårørende til døende kreftpasienter. Konklusjon: Å styrke pårørende til døende kreftpasienter slik at pasienten kan dø hjemme bør være et overordnet mål i den helhetlige omsorgen av de pårørende. Kreftsykepleier må være oppmerksom på de pårørendes ulike behov og utfordringer i det første møte. Slik vil kreftsykepleier kunne bidra til at pårørende styrkes i sitt mot slik at pasienten kan dø hjemme.English abstract: Background: Most of the people who are dying, wish to die in their own home. Very few people in Norway get their wish about dying at home fulfilled. One of the reasons that their wishes are not fulfilled, is insecurity among relatives. As oncology nurses, we have a responsibility for general care for the relatives. Purpose: To study what affect the phenomenon courage has in the first meeting with relatives of a dying cancer patient, and how courage can strengthen relatives, so that the patient can die at home. The interpersonal aspect between relatives and the oncology nurse in the first meeting is in focus. Problem: How can an oncology nurse contribute to strengthen relatives already in the first meeting, in such way so that the patient can die at home? Method: This study is a literature study that builds on knowledge from books and other written sources, search in data bases combined with experiences from practice. Result: Findings show that relatives find it meaningful to be seen, heard and to participate. Presence, eye contact, dialogue and good communication are important in an appointment with an oncology nurse. To have hope and to be close are foundations that are important in health care. These two foundations have a special dimension in the care of dying cancer patients. Conclusion: To strengthen relatives of dying cancer patients so that the patient can die at home should be a superior goal in the general care of relatives. Oncology nurses have to consider the needs and challenges of relatives already in the first meeting. That way, oncology nurses can contribute to strengthen the relative’s courage, so that the patient can die at home

    Experimental demonstration of the antiherbivore effects of silica in grasses: impacts on foliage digestibility and vole growth rates

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    The impact of plant-based factors on the population dynamics of mammalian herbivores has been the subject of much debate in ecology, but the role of antiherbivore defences in grasses has received relatively little attention. Silica has been proposed as the primary defence in grasses and is thought to lead to increased abrasiveness of foliage so deterring feeding, as well as reducing foliage digestibility and herbivore performance. However, at present there is little direct experimental evidence to support these ideas. In this study, we tested the effects of manipulating silica levels on the abrasiveness of grasses and on the feeding preference and growth performance of field voles, specialist grass-feeding herbivores. Elevated silica levels did increase the abrasiveness of grasses and deterred feeding by voles. We also demonstrated, for the first time, that silica reduced the growth rates of both juvenile and mature female voles by reducing the nitrogen they could absorb from the foliage. Furthermore, we found that vole feeding leads to increased levels of silica in leaves, suggesting a dynamic feedback between grasses and their herbivores. We propose that silica induction due to vole grazing reduces vole performance and hence could contribute to cyclic dynamics in vole populations

    Nephropathia epidemica and Puumala virus occurrence in relation to bank vole (Clethrionomys glareolus) dynamics and environmental factors in northern Sweden

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    The objectives of the thesis were to investigate the spatio-temporal patterns of nephropathia epidemica (NE) in humans and Puumala virus (PUU) occurrence in relation to bank vole (Clethrionomys glareolus) dynamics and environmental factors in a region of high incidence of NE in northern Sweden. Nephropathia epidemica is a mild form of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome, and in northern Sweden the most prevailing serious febrile viral infection, second to influenza. All serologically confirmed NE cases during 1991-2001 in the four northernmost counties (n = 2,468) were used to establish spatio-temporal patterns of the occurrence of the human disease. Within the study region, the bank voles show marked population fluctuations with 3-4 yr cycles and the incidence of NE has a temporal component strongly correlated to annual numbers of bank voles in autumn. People living in rural dwellings near coastal areas were abundant among notified cases and middle-aged males were over-represented. The patients were often infected in autumn when engaged in activities such as handling of fire wood, gardening or hay-handling near man-made rodent refugia or cleaning/redecorating within one. A proportion of these patients, confident about site of PUU exposure, were used to establish field sites in two separate studies. Firstly a five year study (1995-1999) at six sites spanning a bank vole population cycle, and secondly a spatially extensive study at 32 sites was conducted in autumn 1998. Densities, fluctuations and demography of vole populations differ between sites of known occurrence of NE were compared to random forest sites. Five years of repeated biannual sampling revealed that case sites harbored more bank voles than random forest sites, in particular during population peaks. For the individual bank voles, the probability of PUU infection was significantly higher in population peak year, increased with age and was higher for males than for females. In the spatially extended study, it was found that in particular environmental characteristics associated with old-growth moist forests (i.e. Alectoria spp., Picea abies, fallen wood and Vaccinium myrtillus) were associated with high bank vole numbers and numbers of PUU infected bank voles. This implies that success in circulation and persistence of PUU within local bank vole populations is strongly influenced by the local environments. In future modeling of PUU transmission, influence of bank vole demography and environmental factors should be useful on establishing risk assessments and identifying areas of particular risk of PUU exposure

    Grasses and the resource availability hypothesis: the importance of silica-based defences

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    The resource availability hypothesis (RAH) predicts that allocation of resources to anti-herbivore defences differs between species according to their growth rate. We tested this hypothesis by assessing the growth and defence investment strategies of 18 grass species and comparing them against vole feeding preferences. In addition, we assessed the effectiveness of silica, the primary defence in many grasses, in influencing vole feeding behaviour. Across species, we found that there was a strong negative relationship between the overall investment in defence and growth rate, thus supporting predictions of the RAH. However, no such relationship was found when assessing the various individual anti-herbivore defences, suggesting that different grass species show significant variation in their relative investment in strategies such as phenolic concentration, silica concentration and leaf toughness. Silica was the most influential defensive factor in determining vole feeding preference. Experimentally induced increases in leaf silica concentration deterred vole feeding in three of the five species tested, and altered feeding preference ranks between species. The strong positive relationship between silica concentration and leaf abrasiveness, when assessed both within and between species, suggests that increased abrasiveness is the mechanism by which silica deters feeding. Although grasses are often considered to be tolerant of herbivore damage rather then defended against it, they do follow predictions of defence allocation strategy based on their growth rates, and this affects the feeding behaviour of generalist grass-feeding herbivores

    Vole trapping fences - a new approach to migration barriers

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    To control problematic vole species in organic orchards farmers can choose between different measures. Some methods like gassing, trapping and even the support of natural vole antagonists target to reduce vole population by killing individuals. Other methods like protective guards or migration barriers exclude voles from single trees or whole orchards. Recent combinations of the two approaches worked well but had some drawbacks in practice. Nevertheless, efficiency of migration barriers can be improved by attracted natural predators. Here we present first practical experiences and field observations of a vole-trapping-fence prototype. The new construction consists of prefabricated recyclable polypropylene pieces which are mounted to modules and assembled to fences of any length. It has a H-shaped profile with the horizontal line at ground level. The two „legs“ are pushed into the ground and the two „arms“ building a double wall fence above ground. Through one-way doors voles can enter the space between the walls they are trapped in. In contrast to wire mesh fences it allows the seasonal use in annual cultures due to its fast mounting and dismantling features. For the long term protection of orchards, however, an additional wire mesh to prevent deep tunnelling is still recommended. The above ground construction has shown some additional advantages as maintenance is easier with a decreased risk of penetration by mowing devices. Most important the new construction improved the accessibility by predators as not only terrestrial but also avian predators were attracted and were able to take the captured voles

    Evaluation of models for predicting number of annual rings in heartwood and diameter in heartwood of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.)

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    Kjerneved fra furu (Pinus Sylvestris) er et materiale som er naturlig holdbart og motstandsdyktig mot biologisk nedbrytning. Dette er en fordel ved at man kan produsere trelast som kan tåle litt fuktighet, uten at man trenger å bruke impregneringsmiddel. Det er gjort flere studier på utviklingen av kjerneved i furu, og hvilke faktorer som påvirker dette. Det er blant annet utviklet ulike modeller som predikerer antall årringer i kjerneved i furu, og diameter i kjerneved i furu langs hele stammeprofilen på stående furutrær. Målet med studiet var å sammenligne kjerneveddiameter, kjernevedandel og antall årringer i kjerneved i rotstokkene fra 5 forskjellig bestand. Én modell for predikasjon av antall årringer i kjerneved, og 7 modeller for predikasjon av diameter i kjerneved, skulle i tillegg evalueres. Det ble totalt samlet inn data fra 97 prøvetrær fra 5 bestand; 1 i Skåbu i Nord-Fron kommune, 1 i Løten kommune, 2 i Stange kommune og 1 i Våler kommune. Forskjeller i diameter i kjerneved, andel kjerneved og antall årringer i kjerneved, og modellene ble validert på rotstokkene fra hvert prøvetre. Bias, RMSE og R2 ble funnet for å validere modellene. Det ble funnet at andelen kjerneved var størst i stokkene fra Skåbu, mens gjennomsnittlig diameter i kjerneved var nesten identisk for områdene Skåbu, Løten og Stange 1. Stokkene fra Våler, som hadde betraktelig lavere alder enn stokkene fra de andre områdene, viste seg å ha lavest diameter i kjerneved, lavest andel kjerneved, og færrest antall årringer i kjerneveden. Modellen for predikering av antall år i kjerneved, viste god evne til å predikere antall år i kjerneved i både rot- og toppende av stokkene. For modellene som predikerte diameter i kjerneved, ble det funnet at modellen som brukte diameter i brysthøyde under bark, høyde på treet, og kroneprosent som forklaringsvariabel, viste god evne til å predikere diameter i kjerneved i stokkene fra dette studiet. Modellen for predikering av diameter i kjerneved som i tillegg brukte radius i yteved ved brysthøyde, radius i kjerneved ved brysthøyde, og diameter ved predikeringspunkt på stammen, viste også god evne til predikere diameter i kjerneved i stokkene fra dette studiet. Resultatene tyder på at man kan bruke modeller for å predikere både antall årringer i kjerneved og diameter i kjerneved, på stående furutrær.Heartwood from Scots pine (Pinus Sylvestri) is a material that has a natural durability and a good defense against biodegradation. This is an advantage because you can produce lumber which can withstand wet conditions to some degree, without the use of impregnating agents. Several studies have been conducted to investigate the distribution of heartwood, and which factors that affect it. Models have been developed to predict the number of annual rings in the heartwood, and the diameter of the heartwood along the stem of standing Scots pine trees. The goal of this study was to compare diameter, proportion, and number of annual rings in heartwood in the butt logs from 5 different stands. One model for prediction of number of annual rings in heartwood, and 7 models for prediction of diameter in heartwood, was also going to be evaluated. Data from 97 trees, divided between five stands; one in Skåbu in Nord-From municipality, one in Løten municipality, two in Stange municipality, and one in Våler municipality, were collected. The differences in heartwood between all the areas, plus the prediction models was validated on the butt logs of each sample tree. Bias, RMSE and R2 was calculated for the validation of the models. The results showed that the proportion of heartwood was largest in the logs from Skåbu, although the diameter of the heartwood was almost identical in the logs from Skåbu, Løten and Stange1. The logs from Våler, which had a substantial lower age than the logs from the other areas, had the lowest average diameter of heartwood, lowest proportion of heartwood, and the lowest number of annual rings in heartwood. The models for predicting number of annual rings in heartwood, seemed to predict the annual rings in heartwood in the logs from this study well, both in the butt- and top end of the logs. For the models that predicted diameter in heartwood, it was found that the model that used diameter at breast height under bark, tree height, and crown percentage as variables, predicted the diameter of heartwood well for the logs from this study. The model that in addition used radius in sapwood at breast height, radius in heartwood at breast height, and diameter under bark at the prediction height along the stem, also predicted the diameter of heartwood well for the logs from this study. The results indicate that annual rings in heartwood and the diameter of heartwood can be predicted in standing Scots pine trees.M-S

    How expensive is vole damage?

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    Vole species, especially Arvicola terrestris and Microtus arvalis cause significant economical damage in organic pomiculture by gnawing the root system of trees. The importance of voles as pest organisms is well known. Nevertheless, the estimation of financial loss caused by voles is difficult for German fruit growers. We conducted a survey among organic fruit growers to get data on kind and amount of annual damage. Using the available publications and official statistics we calculated economical values of organic apple trees for different types of orchard processing and tree ages. Furthermore we calculated the number of trees lost due to voles in one year

    Urban grasslands support threatened water voles

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    Urbanisation is often linked with habitat loss and a reduction in species richness but some species may be able to adapt to urban environments. Water voles Arvicola amphibius, a rapidly declining species in the UK, have recently been recorded in isolated grassland habitats in Glasgow, Scotland’s largest city (human population 1.2 million). The aim of this study was to determine the distribution and habitat characteristics of water vole populations occupying these dry grasslands. Field work was undertaken from March to October 2014 in a 34 km2 study area located 3 km east of the city centre. Field sign transects recorded water vole presence in 21/65 (32%) and 19/62 (31%) surveyed sites in spring and autumn, respectively. Vole occupancy increased with distance from water and was greatest in parkland, followed by sites with rank vegetation and roadside habitats. Occupancy was lower where signs of predators were recorded but surprisingly occupancy was found to be greater in the most disturbed sites, perhaps linked to the fact that many of these sites were public parks containing suitable grassland. Sites occupied by water voles were classed as neutral grasslands with species composition dominated by two main species. The number of grassland sites occupied by water voles, especially within public areas suggests that careful management of these urban grassland habitats will benefit the conservation of this highly threatened species in the UK

    To die at home

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    Norsk sammendrag:Norsk sammendrag: Bakgrunn: De fleste pasienter ønsker å dø hjemme. Norge er av de land i verden hvor færrest dør i eget hjem. En av grunnene til at ønskene ikke blir oppfylt er blant annet manglende trygghet blant pårørende. Som kreftsykepleier har vi et ansvar for den helhetlige omsorgen av pårørende til den døende kreftpasienten. Hensikt: Formålet med oppgaven er å undersøke hvilke betydning fenomenet mot har i det første møte med pårørende til døende kreftpasienter for å styrke pårørende slik at pasienten kan dø hjemme. Det mellommenneskelige aspektet mellom pårørende og kreftsykepleier i det første møte er i fokus. Problemstilling: Hvordan kan kreftsykepleier i det første møte med pårørende til døende kreftpasient bidra til å styrke pårørendes mot slik at pasienten kan dø hjemme? Metode: Oppgaven er en litteraturstudie som bygger på kunnskap fra bøker og andre skriftlige kilder, søk i databaser kombinert med egne erfaringer fra praksis. Resultat: Funn viser at pårørende fant det betydningsfullt å bli sett, hørt og være deltagende. I møte med kreftsykepleier vektlegges tilstedeværelse, øyekontakt, dialog og god kommunikasjon. Nærhet og håp er viktige fundament for omsorg, og får en spesiell dimensjon i omsorgen for pårørende til døende kreftpasienter. Konklusjon: Å styrke pårørende til døende kreftpasienter slik at pasienten kan dø hjemme bør være et overordnet mål i den helhetlige omsorgen av de pårørende. Kreftsykepleier må være oppmerksom på de pårørendes ulike behov og utfordringer i det første møte. Slik vil kreftsykepleier kunne bidra til at pårørende styrkes i sitt mot slik at pasienten kan dø hjemme.English abstract: Background: Most of the people who are dying, wish to die in their own home. Very few people in Norway get their wish about dying at home fulfilled. One of the reasons that their wishes are not fulfilled, is insecurity among relatives. As oncology nurses, we have a responsibility for general care for the relatives. Purpose: To study what affect the phenomenon courage has in the first meeting with relatives of a dying cancer patient, and how courage can strengthen relatives, so that the patient can die at home. The interpersonal aspect between relatives and the oncology nurse in the first meeting is in focus. Problem: How can an oncology nurse contribute to strengthen relatives already in the first meeting, in such way so that the patient can die at home? Method: This study is a literature study that builds on knowledge from books and other written sources, search in data bases combined with experiences from practice. Result: Findings show that relatives find it meaningful to be seen, heard and to participate. Presence, eye contact, dialogue and good communication are important in an appointment with an oncology nurse. To have hope and to be close are foundations that are important in health care. These two foundations have a special dimension in the care of dying cancer patients. Conclusion: To strengthen relatives of dying cancer patients so that the patient can die at home should be a superior goal in the general care of relatives. Oncology nurses have to consider the needs and challenges of relatives already in the first meeting. That way, oncology nurses can contribute to strengthen the relative’s courage, so that the patient can die at home
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