568,781 research outputs found

    Nascent RNA sequencing reveals mechanisms of gene regulation in the human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum.

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    Gene expression in Plasmodium falciparum is tightly regulated to ensure successful propagation of the parasite throughout its complex life cycle. The earliest transcriptomics studies in P. falciparum suggested a cascade of transcriptional activity over the course of the 48-hour intraerythrocytic developmental cycle (IDC); however, the just-in-time transcriptional model has recently been challenged by findings that show the importance of post-transcriptional regulation. To further explore the role of transcriptional regulation, we performed the first genome-wide nascent RNA profiling in P. falciparum. Our findings indicate that the majority of genes are transcribed simultaneously during the trophozoite stage of the IDC and that only a small subset of genes is subject to differential transcriptional timing. RNA polymerase II is engaged with promoter regions prior to this transcriptional burst, suggesting that Pol II pausing plays a dominant role in gene regulation. In addition, we found that the overall transcriptional program during gametocyte differentiation is surprisingly similar to the IDC, with the exception of relatively small subsets of genes. Results from this study suggest that further characterization of the molecular players that regulate stage-specific gene expression and Pol II pausing will contribute to our continuous search for novel antimalarial drug targets

    Plant responses to abiotic stress: the chromatin context of transcriptional regulation

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    The ability of plants to cope with abiotic environmental stresses such as drought, salinity, heat, cold or flooding relies on flexible mechanisms for re-programming gene expression. Over recent years it has become apparent that transcriptional regulation needs to be understood within its structural context. Chromatin, the assembly of DNA with histone proteins, generates a local higher-order structure that impacts on the accessibility and effectiveness of the transcriptional machinery, as well as providing a hub for multiple protein interactions. Several studies have shown that chromatin features such as histone variants and post-translational histone modifications are altered by environmental stress, and they could therefore be primary stress targets that initiate transcriptional stress responses. Alternatively, they could act downstream of stress-induced transcription factors as an integral part of transcriptional activity. A few experimental studies have addressed this ‘chicken-and-egg’ problem in plants and other systems, but to date the causal relationship between dynamic chromatin changes and transcriptional responses under stress is still unclear. In this review we have collated the existing information on concurrent epigenetic and transcriptional responses of plants to abiotic stress, and we have assessed the evidence using a simple theoretical framework of causality scenarios

    Epidermal growth factor-mediated T-cell factor/lymphoid enhancer factor transcriptional activity is essential but not sufficient for cell cycle progression in nontransformed mammary epithelial cells

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    Because beta-catenin target genes such as cyclin D1 are involved in cell cycle progression, we examined whether beta-catenin has a more pervasive role in normal cell proliferation, even upon stimulation by non-Wnt ligands. Here, we demonstrate that epidermal growth factor (EGF) stimulates T-cell factor/lymphoid enhancer factor (Tcf/Lef) transcriptional activity in nontransformed mammary epithelial cells (MCF-10A) and that its transcriptional activity is essential for EGF-mediated progression through G(1)/S phase. Thus, expression of dominant-negative Tcf4 blocks EGF-mediated Tcf/Lef transcriptional activity and bromodeoxyuridine uptake. In fact, the importance of EGF-mediated Tcf/Lef transcriptional activity for cell cycle progression may lie further upstream at the G(1)/S phase transition. We demonstrate that dominant-negative Tcf4 inhibits a reporter of cyclin D1 promoter activity in a dose-dependent manner. Importantly, dominant-negative Tcf4 suppresses EGF- mediated cell cycle activity specifically by thwarting EGF- mediated Tcf/Lef transcriptional activity, not by broader effects on EGF signaling. Thus, although expression of dominant-negative Tcf4 blocks EGF- mediated TOPFLASH activation, it has no effect on either EGF receptor or ERK phosphorylation, further underscoring the fact that Tcf/ Lef-mediated transcription is essential for cell cycle progression, even when other pro-mitogenic signals are at normal levels. Yet, despite its essential role, Tcf/Lef transcriptional activity alone is not sufficient for cell cycle progression. Serum also stimulates Tcf/ Lef transcriptional activation in MCF-10A cells but is unable to promote DNA synthesis. Taken together, our data support a model wherein EGF promotes Tcf/ Lef transcriptional activity, and this signal is essential but not sufficient for cell cycle activity

    Transcriptional memory emerges from cooperative histone modifications

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Transcriptional regulation in cells makes use of diverse mechanisms to ensure that functional states can be maintained and adapted to variable environments; among them are chromatin-related mechanisms. While mathematical models of transcription factor networks controlling development are well established, models of transcriptional regulation by chromatin states are rather rare despite they appear to be a powerful regulatory mechanism.
We here introduce a mathematical model of transcriptional regulation governed by histone modifications. This model describes binding of protein complexes to chromatin which are capable of reading and writing histone marks. Molecular interactions between these complexes and DNA or histones create a regulatory switch of transcriptional activity possessing a regulatory memory. The regulatory states of the switch depend on the activity of histone (de-) methylases, the structure of the DNA-binding regions of the complexes, and the number of histones contributing to binding. 
We apply our model to transcriptional regulation by trithorax- and polycomb- complex binding. By analyzing data on pluripotent and lineage-committed cells we verify basic model assumptions and provide evidence for a positive effect of the length of the modified regions on the stability of the induced regulatory states and thus on the transcriptional memory.
Our results provide new insights into epigenetic modes of transcriptional regulation. Moreover, they implicate well-founded hypotheses on cooperative histone modifications, proliferation induced epigenetic changes and higher order folding of chromatin which await experimental validation. Our approach represents a basic step towards multi-scale models of transcriptional control during development and lineage specification. 
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