3,254 research outputs found

    Value Relevance of Financial and Non-Financial Information: Evidence from the Gaming Industry

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    Using financial and non-financial data from casino gaming firms listed in the United States from 1999–2017, we explore two research questions: (1) Is financial information value relevant to financial markets in the casino gaming industry? (2) Does non-financial information have incremental explanatory power over financial information? In general, we find that accounting numbers can explain a firm’s market value and stock returns in the casino gaming industry, except for accounting accruals, which may behave differently compared to other industries. We also find that non-financial information, such as the number of table games, number of slot machines, and their relative proportion, have significant value relevance in explaining market valuation. Our findings contribute to a better understanding of the value relevance of financial and non-financial information in the casino gaming industry. We also provide analysis of firms characterized by these non-financial attributes. Keywords: hospitality, casino, gaming, value relevance, table games, slot machines JEL Code: L83, M19, M4

    Perfecting the Table Games Dealer: Improving Initial Table Games Dealer Training Curriculum to Create More Versatile Gaming Employees

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    Casinos are hospitality operations in which a gaming experience is offered to guests in addition to general hospitality services. To create stable, high-quality guest services while generating satisfactory guest experiences, casinos rely significantly on the skills of their front-line employees. The initial training before employees begin to work in a live-gaming casino environment is crucial. It gives them the basic knowledge to be able to perform their tasks proficiently and deliver the required guest-service standards to all patrons during live gaming sessions. Table games dealers are the primary front-line employees in a table game operation, they receive majority of their training before becoming employed by any casino. Table games dealer (TGD) training schools curricula mostly focus on the game rules and procedures and on a general understanding of the table games operation from the dealer’s perspective. During their training period, TGDs learn the rules and procedures of each table game, e.g., black jack, craps, roulette—they will deal later. They also have the opportunity to develop their manual skills, computation techniques, and shortcuts and learn the procedures related to table game protection

    English vocabulary enrichment through table games

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    Experience with Educational and Prevention Table Games for Social Work in Local Communities

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    В статті розкрито сутність та проаналізовано специфіку використання настільних ігор в просвітницько-профілактичній роботі фахівців соціальної сфери. Представлено особливості зародження та розвитку вітчизняних просвітницько-профілактичних настільних ігор. У статті схарактеризовано вітчизняну теорію гри С. Рубінштейна і О. Леонтьєва, а також дослідження інтерактивної гри та інтеракції К. Фопеля. Представлено просвітницько-профілактичні настільні ігри, які були розроблені спеціалістами Всеукраїнського громадського центру «Волонтер» за підтримки ЮНІСЕФ та активно використовуються фахівцями центрів соціальних служб для сім’ї, дітей та молоді для роботи з цільовою групою. Охарактеризовано ряд особливостей настільних ігор, також визначено переваги та недоліки у використанні інтерактивних ігор в роботі фахівця із соціальної роботи. Представлено сутнісні характеристики настільних ігор, які потрібно враховувати фахівцям під час надання соціальних послуг на рівні місцевих громад.В статье раскрыты сущность и проанализирована специфика использования настольных игр в просветительско-профилактической работе специалистов социальной сферы. Представлены особенности зарождения и развития отечественных просветительско- профилактических настольных игр. В статье дана характеристика отечественную теорию игры С. Рубинштейна и А. Леонтьєва, а также исследование интерактивной игры и интеракции К. Фопеля. Представлено просветительско-профилактические настольные игры, которые были разработаны специалистами Всеукраинского общественного центра «Волонтер» при поддержке ЮНИСЕФ и активно используются специалистами центров социальных служб для семьи, детей и молодежи для работы с целевой группой. Охарактеризованы ряд особенностей настольных игр, также определены преимущества и недостатки в использовании интерактивных игр в работе специалиста по социальной работе. Представлены сущностные характеристики настольных игр, которые нужно учитывать специалистам во время работы специалиста в местных общинах.The article reveals the essence and analyze the specificity of the use of table games in the educational and preventive work of specialists in the social sphere. Article presents features of the origin and development of domestic educational and preventive table games. The article describes the domestic game theory of S. Rubinstein and A. Leontyev, as well as the study of interactive game and interaction of K. Fopel. Educational and preventive table games presented which developed by the specialists of the All-Ukrainian Volunteer Social Center with the support of UNICEF and actively used by specialists of social services centers for families, children and youth to work with the target group. A number of features of table games characterized and presented, as well as advantages and disadvantages in using interactive games in the work of a specialist in social work. Essential characteristics of table games that need to consider by specialists during the work of a specialist in local communities

    Nevada Gaming Revenue: A Comparative Analysis of Slots and Tables

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    Throughout much of its existence, Nevada’s gambling industry has been dominated by table games. Historically, slot machines were of secondary importance because they did not generate much revenue and were costly to maintain and operate. Starting in the late 1970s, a series of technological milestones improved the form and function of slot machines, and fueled replacement cycles on casino floors. Nevada gaming revenue data provides evidence of the economic effects of these improvements. Since 1984, slots generally have produced larger revenue gains than tables, although those gains are distributed neither uniformly over time nor across gaming markets. In addition, slots have achieved most of those revenue gains through superior unit growth, and to a lesser extent, through improvements in efficiency. Overall, the evidence suggests technological advances have broadened the appeal of slots relative to table games. However, there is comparatively little evidence of wholesale increases in the revenue-generating ability or usage of the devices on a per unit basis

    Motivation and negative discretionary effort among casino slot floor-persons

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    This study conducted an analysis of the working environment of casino slot floor-persons in four Las Vegas casinos. The floor-persons were asked to rank a selection of ten variables that may be important to their motivation and satisfaction at work. Their immediate supervisors were also surveyed to see whether they could correctly predict the job attributes the floor-persons considered most important. A review of general motivational theories, and operational specifics for the position of slot floor-person are presented; The results of the survey were compared with the results of similar studies on casino table games dealers, hospitality employees, and general industry employees. Slot floor-persons were shown to have the same motivational and satisfaction needs as table games dealers, but different ones from hospitality and general industry workers. Suggestions are presented on how the working environment for casino slot floor-persons may be improved