25,759 research outputs found

    Leksyka religijna we współczesnych słownikach języka polskiego (nazwy zakonnic i zakonników)

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    The purpose of this text, being a continuation of our considerations concerning the functioning of religious vocabulary in lexicographical context, is the analysis of one-word Christian names of religious nuns and monks. The material for study has been extracted from three modern dictionaries of Polish (Słownik języka polskiego [Dictionary of Polish], edited by Mieczysław Szymczak, Słownik współczesnego języka polskiego [Dictionary of Modern Polish], edited by Bogusław Dunaj and Uniwersalny słownik języka polskiego [Universal Dictionary of Polish], edited by Stanisław Dubisz). The total number of entries obtained is composed of 50 designations extracted from the dictionary edited by Szymczak, 32 from the volume edited by Dunaj and 52 from the last of the three dictionaries (for comparison – in the dictionary that inspired us to study religious lexis – Słownik tematyczny języka polskiego. Człowiek w krainie słów [The Topical Dictionary of Polish. Man in the Land of Words], by Małgorzata Kita and Edward Polański – there were 120 names of religious nuns and monks). The paper offers a careful chronological analysis of the material with the use of numerous lexicographic studies – from Słownik staropolski [Old-Polish Dictionary], Słownik polszczyzny XVI wieku [Dictionary of Polish of the 16th Century], through Słownik [Dictionary] by Linde, wileński [Dictionary of Vilnius], warszawski [Dictionary of Warsaw], to Praktyczny słownik współczesnej polszczyzny [Practical Dictionary of Modern Polish], edited by Halina Zgółkowa. Additionally, the authors indicated that in the network of records of individual dictionaries, the same linguistic units appear most often, and, what is more, they are defined in a similar way. As far as the differences between the dictionaries are concerned, they become more conspicuous in the sphere of lexicographical description, and especially in qualification of entries.Celem niniejszego tekstu, będącego kontynuacją naszych rozważań dotyczących  unkcjonowania słownictwa religijnego na płaszczyźnie leksykograficznej, jest analiza jednowyrazowych chrześcijańskich nazw zakonnic i zakonników. Materiał badawczy został wyekscerpowany z trzech współczesnych słowników języka polskiego (Słownika języka polskiego pod redakcją Mieczysława Szymczaka, Słownika współczesnego języka polskiego pod redakcją Bogusława Dunaja oraz Uniwersalnego słownika języka polskiego pod redakcją Stanisława Dubisza). Na uzyskany z nich zbiór jednostek złożyło się 50 określeń wynotowanych ze słownika pod red. Szymczaka, 32 z dzieła pod red. Dunaja i 52 z ostatniego z wymienionych tytułów (dla porównania – w stanowiącym inspirację do podjęcia przez nas tego zagadnienia Słowniku tematycznym języka polskiego. Człowiek w krainie słów autorstwa Małgorzaty Kity i Edwarda Polańskiego nazw zakonnic i zakonników odnotowano 120). W tekście przeprowadziłyśmy wnikliwą analizę chronologiczną materiału, do czego posłużyły nam liczne opracowania leksykograficzne – od Słownika staropolskiego, Słownika polszczyzny XVI wieku, przez Słownik Lindego, wileński, warszawski, po Praktyczny słownik współczesnej polszczyzny pod redakcją Haliny Zgółkowej. Wykazałyśmy również, że w siatce haseł poszczególnych słowników pojawiają się w większości te same jednostki językowe, a także w podobny sposób są one definiowane. Natomiast różnice między słownikami zaznaczają się wyraźniej na płaszczyźnie opisu leksykograficznego, a zwłaszcza dotyczą kwestii kwalifikacji haseł

    The Concept of Integrity and Its Application to Engineering Ethics

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    Integrity is a common and well established concept in the ethical vocabulary. It is also being used in various codes of ethics, and investigated by means of various methods. However a review of the contemporary reference literature reveals various meanings associated with this term, which is followed by its variable applicability. It is mentioned among the desirable virtues possessed by the professionals. In various Polish codes of engineering ethics there is an absence of the integrity concept, at least comprehended as fully as it is in the ethics literature. The paper contains an analysis of the meaning of integrity in English and its translations into Polish in selected codes of engineering ethics. The scopes of the used terms are compared and in result it is postulated that some initiatives be undertaken in order to clarify the discrepancies existing in various engineering codes of ethics around the professional integrity concept

    Hybrid forms of entertainment in the media

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    The media environment is an extremely variable universe where every now and again we can observe the emergence of new phenomena. Many of those form through blending of often rather different and distant areas. As a result, there emerge hybrid forms, which are not entirely established or completely defined. This article is focussed on those kinds of mixed types based on media entertainment, e.g. infotainment, edutainment, politainment, politicotainment, docutainment etc., which can be observed in the means of mass communication. The goal of the study was to define their essence, their distinctive features, and to indicate the place of those hybrid forms within the media discourses being carried on today

    Dadaism (Re)activated. Artzins and Dada

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    The article analyses in what way artzins (independent art and literary journals published in Poland in the 1980s and 1990s) drew inspiration from the Dada tradition, and how they made its philosophy live again. Artzins are seen here both as a medium of literature and art and as specific forms of artistic expression (press art). The article attempts to show why artzins and their authors were interested in reviving the avant-garde and Dada ideas. It also investigates how Dadaism functions today in the form of contemporary works and styles which are influenced by this avant-garde movement. What is more, the article tries to answer the question about the nature and definition of Dadaism shaped and reflected by today's artistic projects

    Linguistic Equivalence of the Hebrew Term Eden in Slavic Translations of the Bible

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    The authors study different equivalents of the Hebrew word Eden in selected old and new Slavic translations of the Bible. The equivalents of this lexeme have been excerpted from several Slavic translations of the Bible, which were selected on the basis of diverse criteria. The translations are presented chronologically and old translations are opposed to the new ones. They represent three groups of Slavic languages: West Slavic, East Slavic and South Slavic and are connected with the base of translation, i.e. the original text and/or Greek or Latin text. They can also be classified according to religious denomination and the strategy of the translation.The observation of those equivalents enables us to see not only their variety and mutual influence among translations but also the struggle of Slavic translators with a very difficult language matter. Many factors were important in that struggle: genetic and structural distances between Semitic and Slavic languages, different perceptions of reality in distant cultures, the discrepancy between biblical and Slavonic realities and the influence of religious denomination. Another important factor was the state of biblical knowledge at the time – incomparably poorer in the case of the oldest Slavic translations in comparison to modern ones

    Processes of tourism space formation

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    The article is an attempt to name and define the processes which transform geographical space and result in the appearance or disappearance of tourism space as broadly understood. The processes include restructurization (modernization and revitalization) and degradation. All of them have been discussed in the context of their actual stage of tourism space development. More attention is devoted to degradation, which has only recently been seen as a process which may lead to the creation of spaces attractive to tourists

    Literary Competitions Organised by the Ministry of Culture and Arts in 1949–1950 in the Light of Archive Records

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    The subject of this paper are these literary competitions organized by Ministry of Culture and Arts in the late 1940s and early 1950s. Analysys of the materials from archivesenabled to tackle the issues: these competitions are one of the many aspect of stalinism offensive. Competitions encouraged writers for moving problems of socialist realism, they enforced artists for submission in accordance with Government of country.In article characterized six competitions. Most curious was “Third competition on mass song”, in which took part important writer Tadeusz Różewicz

    Gloomy Images of Yellow and Żółty in a Corpus-Based Cognitive Study

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    The outcomes confirm a conceptual proximity reflected in the semantics of these colour terms, which seems to be - perhaps surprisingly - incongruous with the popular association of yellow/żółty with the sun. As the evidence provided by the British National Corpus and the Polish Scientific Publishers' corpus (PWN) reveals, the central and peripheral readings are inspired by the imagery of autumnal and physiological changes, while the semantics of both yellow and żółty reflect the significant influence of cultural factors, unparalleled in the polysemies of the other five basic colour terms

    The landscapes of tourism space

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    The author attempts to define the term ‘tourism landscape’. It is treated as an important attribute of tourism space therefore, apart from its definition, the author presents its characteristic features and various types of such spaces with differing tourism landscapes. The landscapes of tourism space are treated not only as tourism assets or attractions, but also as the consequences of tourism activity on the natural and cultural environment