3 research outputs found

    std-Convergence in fuzzy metric spaces

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    In this note we answer two recent questions posed by Morillas and Sapena [10] related to standard convergence in fuzzy metric spaces in the sense of George and Veeramani. The obtained results lead us to establish what conditions must satisfy a concept about sequential convergence to be considered compatible with a concept of Cauchyness.Juan Jose Minana acknowledges the support of Conselleria de Educacion, Formacion y Empleo (Programa Vali+d para investigadores en formacion) of Generalitat Valenciana, Spain, ACIF/2012/040, and the support of Universitat Politecnica de Valencia under Grant PAID-06-12 SP20120471.Gregori Gregori, V.; Miñana, JJ. (2015). std-Convergence in fuzzy metric spaces. Fuzzy Sets and Systems. 267:140-143. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fss.2014.05.007S14014326

    Strong convergence in fuzzy metric spaces

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    [EN] In this paper we introduce and study the concept of strong convergence in fuzzy metric spaces (X, M,*) in the sense of George and Veeramani. This concept is related with the condition Lambda M-t > 0(x, y, t) > 0, which frequently is required or missing in this context. Among other results we characterize the class of s-fuzzy metrics by the strong convergence defined here and we solve partially the question of finding explicitly a compatible metric with a given fuzzy metric.Valentn Gregori acknowledges the support of the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under Grant MTM2015-64373-P (MINECO/FEDER, UE).Gregori Gregori, V.; Miñana, J. (2017). Strong convergence in fuzzy metric spaces. Filomat. 31(6):1619-1625. https://doi.org/10.2298/FIL1706619GS1619162531

    Cauchyness and convergence in fuzzy metric spaces

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    [EN] In this paper we survey some concepts of convergence and Cauchyness appeared separately in the context of fuzzy metric spaces in the sense of George and Veeramani. For each convergence (Cauchyness) concept we find a compatible Cauchyness (convergence) concept. We also study the relationship among them and the relationship with compactness and completeness (defined in a natural sense for each one of the Cauchy concepts). In particular, we prove that compactness implies p-completeness.Almanzor Sapena acknowledges the support of Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of Spain under grant TEC2013-45492-R. Valentín Gregori acknowledges the support of Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of Spain under grant MTM 2012-37894-C02-01.Gregori Gregori, V.; Miñana, J.; Morillas, S.; Sapena Piera, A. (2017). Cauchyness and convergence in fuzzy metric spaces. Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas Físicas y Naturales Serie A Matemáticas. 111(1):25-37. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13398-015-0272-0S25371111Alaca, C., Turkoglu, D., Yildiz, C.: Fixed points in intuitionistic fuzzy metric spaces. Chaos Solitons Fractals 29, 1073–1078 (2006)Edalat, A., Heckmann, R.: A computational model for metric spaces. Theor. Comput. Sci. 193, 53–73 (1998)Engelking, R.: General topology. PWN-Polish Sci. Publ, Warsawa (1977)Fang, J.X.: On fixed point theorems in fuzzy metric spaces. Fuzzy Sets Syst. 46(1), 107–113 (1992)George, A., Veeramani, P.: On some results in fuzzy metric spaces. Fuzzy Sets Syst. 64, 395–399 (1994)George, A., Veeramani, P.: Some theorems in fuzzy metric spaces. J. Fuzzy Math. 3, 933–940 (1995)George, A., Veeramani, P.: On some results of analysis for fuzzy metric spaces. Fuzzy Sets Syst. 90, 365–368 (1997)Grabiec, M.: Fixed points in fuzzy metric spaces. Fuzzy Sets Syst. 27, 385–389 (1989)Gregori, V., Romaguera, S.: Some properties of fuzzy metric spaces. Fuzzy Sets Syst. 115, 485–489 (2000)Gregori, V., Romaguera, S.: On completion of fuzzy metric spaces. Fuzzy Sets Syst. 130, 399–404 (2002)Gregori, V., Romaguera, S.: Characterizing completable fuzzy metric spaces. Fuzzy Sets Syst. 144, 411–420 (2004)Gregori, V., López-Crevillén, A., Morillas, S., Sapena, A.: On convergence in fuzzy metric spaces. Topol. Appl. 156, 3002–3006 (2009)Gregori, V., Miñana, J.J.: Some concepts realted to continuity in fuzzy metric spaces. In: Proceedings of the conference in applied topology WiAT’13, pp. 85–91 (2013)Gregori, V., Miñana, J.-J., Sapena, A.: On Banach contraction principles in fuzzy metric spaces (2015, submitted)Gregori, V., Miñana, J.-J.: std-Convergence in fuzzy metric spaces. Fuzzy Sets Syst. 267, 140–143 (2015)Gregori, V., Miñana, J.-J.: Strong convergence in fuzzy metric spaces Filomat (2015, accepted)Gregori, V., Miñana, J.-J., Morillas, S.: Some questions in fuzzy metric spaces. Fuzzy Sets Syst. 204, 71–85 (2012)Gregori, V., Miñana, J.-J., Morillas, S.: A note on convergence in fuzzy metric spaces. Iran. J. Fuzzy Syst. 11(4), 75–85 (2014)Gregori, V., Morillas, S., Sapena, A.: On a class of completable fuzzy metric spaces. Fuzzy Sets Syst. 161, 2193–2205 (2010)Gregori, V., Morillas, S., Sapena, A.: Examples of fuzzy metric spaces and applications. Fuzzy Sets Syst. 170, 95–111 (2011)Kramosil, I., Michalek, J.: Fuzzy metric and statistical metric spaces. Kybernetika 11, 326–334 (1975)Mihet, D.: On fuzzy contractive mappings in fuzzy metric spaces. Fuzzy Sets Syst. 158, 915–921 (2007)Mihet, D.: Fuzzy φ\varphi φ -contractive mappings in non-Archimedean fuzzy metric spaces. Fuzzy Sets Syst. 159, 739–744 (2008)Mihet, D.: A Banach contraction theorem in fuzzy metric spaces. Fuzzy Sets Syst. 144, 431–439 (2004)Mishra, S.N., Sharma, N., Singh, S.L.: Common fixed points of maps on fuzzy metric spaces Internat. J. Math. Math. Sci. 17(2), 253–258 (1994)Morillas, S., Sapena, A.: On Cauchy sequences in fuzzy metric spaces. In: Proceedings of the conference in applied topology (WiAT’13), pp. 101–108 (2013)Ricarte, L.A., Romaguera, S.: A domain-theoretic approach to fuzzy metric spaces. Topol. Appl. 163, 149–159 (2014)Sherwood, H.: On the completion of probabilistic metric spaces. Z.Wahrschein-lichkeitstheorie verw. Geb. 6, 62–64 (1966)Sherwood, H.: Complete Probabilistic Metric Spaces. Z. Wahrschein-lichkeitstheorie verw. Geb. 20, 117–128 (1971)Tirado, P.: On compactness and G-completeness in fuzzy metric spaces. Iran. J. Fuzzy Syst. 9(4), 151–158 (2012)Tirado, P.: Contraction mappings in fuzzy quasi-metric spaces and [0,1]-fuzzy posets. Fixed Point Theory 13(1), 273–283 (2012)Vasuki, R., Veeramani, P.: Fixed point theorems and Cauchy sequences in fuzzy metric spaces. Fuzzy Sets Syst. 135(3), 415–417 (2003)Veeramani, P.: Best approximation in fuzzy metric spaces. J. Fuzzy Math. 9, 75–80 (2001