19,250 research outputs found

    Kako učitelji-trenerji vplivajo na pomembne spremembe v vedenju športnih trenerjev?

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    This article provides an overview of how coach educators influence meaningful behavior change in sports coaches. Drawing upon the extant research, we outline gaps in the literature before reviewing key factors that influence behavior change in sport coaches. The framework for this article provides examples of five specific hypotheses, including: H1: Ensure coach education programs are structured and sequenced; H2: Coach characteristics drive behaviors: H3: Behavior change is more likely to occur when coaches understand the impact of their behavior: H4: The learning environment must align with needs of coaches; and H5: Delivering and receiving feedback appropriately informs coach education practice. We include evidence of how an experienced coach educator influences meaningful behavior change in sports coaches. We conclude with recommendations for sport coach development programs and future researchers.//Prispevek obsega pregled, kako učitelji-trenerji vplivajo na pomembne spremembe v vedenju športnih trenerjev. Na podlagi obstoječih raziskav smo prikazali vrzeli v literaturi, nato pa smo pregledali glavne dejavnike, ki vplivajo na spremembo vedenja športnih trenerjev. Okvir tega prispevka so primeri petih specifičnih hipotez, in sicer H1: zagotovitev, da so programi izobraževanja trenerjev strukturirani in izvedeni zaporedno; H2: značilnosti trenerjev pogojujejo njihovo vedenje; H3: sprememba vedenja se bolj verjetno pojavi, kadar trenerji razumejo vpliv svojega vedenja; H4: učno okolje je treba uskladiti s potrebami trenerjev in H5: ustrezno dajanje in prejemanje povratnih informacij izpopolnjuje prakso izobraževanja trenerjev. Predstavljamo tudi dokaze, kako izkušen učitelj-trener vpliva na pomembne spremembe vedenja športnih trenerjev. Prispevek se zaključi s priporočili za programe razvoja športnih trenerjev in bodočih raziskovalcev

    Ageing Policies in Slovenia: Before and After "Austerity"

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    Similarly, to other European countries, Slovenia is facing ageing of the population. The European Year for Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations in 2012 and the recent economic crisis have influenced social policy in the area of ageing and care for older people. While the EY2012 has raised awareness about issues related to the ageing of the population, the economic crisis after 2008 has put pressure on the welfare system. The purpose of the chapter is to examine the influences of the EY2012 together with the changes in social policies, i.e., austerity measures, which were the results of economic crisis. We analyzed the dominant trends in the development of the care for older people, starting from 1992, when Slovenia gained independence, until the recent economic crisis. We have confirmed the main thesis, claiming that the EY2012 had beneficial effects in raising the awareness about population ageing in general population, but was not followed by the policy development, which would be useful for older people. Moreover, the social policy development was marked by results of austerity measures, which significantly worsen the quality of life of older people and their families

    Spraying Religion: (Anti-)Religious Graffiti of the Post-Socialist Transition

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    This article discusses graffiti and street art concerning religion, part of the author\u27s much broader and continuous research on contemporary political graffiti and street art in post-socialist Central and Eastern Europe, from the Baltics to the Balkans, from Prague to Moscow, comprising over 20 years of systematic fieldwork

    Hormonske spremembe pri pretreniranih športnikih

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    Dependency of strains and rotations in geodetic network

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    At each point of the geodetic network, kinematic\ud quantities are considered: normal strain, shear\ud strain and rotation. This differs from the treatment\ud of deformations on the basis of point movements as\ud the traditional geodetic approach. Strain and rotation\ud depend on the changes of geodetic datum. In the case\ud of two different coordinate systems in each epoch,\ud we cannot calculate the real value of movements,\ud strains and rotations. Despite the empirical studies\ud of the datum invariance, we derived analytical\ud mathematical expressions of functional dependency\ud of strains and rotations from the relative change of\ud datum parameters between two measurement epochs.\ud Practical demonstration of functional dependencies\ud has been shown in the case of the selected planar\ud geodetic network

    Land-use changes and the resulting socio-economic population structure in the Upper Gorenjska region

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    Avtorja v članku analizirata rabo tal na Zgornjem Gorenjskem v letih 1827, 1896, 1979 in 2002. Leta 1827 je bilo na obravnavanem območju 49 % zemljišč pod gozdom, leta 2002 pa kar 72 %. Medtem ko je bilo v 19. st. in prvi polovici 20 st. v rabi tal zelo malo sprememb, pa so družbene spremembe po 2. sv. vojni sprožile obsežen proces ozelenjevanja in še posebej ogozdovanja, ki traja še danes. Zanimive so povezave med spremembami rabe tal ter socialno-ekonomsko sestavo prebivalstva, ki kažejo, da se le-te v pokrajini zrcalijo šele po daljšem času.The paper analyses land-use changes in the Upper Gorenjska region (Slovenia) in the years 1827, 1896, 1979 and 2002. In 1827, 49 % of the land was covered with woods, whereas by 2002 this figure increased to no less than 72 %. While in the 19th century and in the first half of the 20th century only few changesoccurred as far as land-use is concerned, social changes took place after World War II that triggered an extensive process of land greening and afforestation, which in fact still lasts. Particularly interesting are the relations between the changes in land-use and the socio-economic population structure, which show that they are reflected in the region with a considerable delay

    The relationship between the price and compensation for change of agricultural land use in the municipality of Litija

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    The thesis deals with the sale of agricultural land in terms of ratio between the selling price and the amount of compensation for the change of use during the period of 2011 and the first quarter of 2012. General presentation is followed by a central part of the thesis, which is aimed at analyzing the sales price and damages. The practical part thoroughly analyzes only the relationship between the selling price and the compensation for change of agricultural land usage in the Municipality of Litija. Presented are the essential elements that affect the amount of damages and their dependence on the selling price. More detailed analyses are conducted on the basis of the acquired sample of sold agricultural land in the Municipality of Litija. I assumed that the selling price is dependent on the amount of compensation for the change of agricultural land use. The methodology for calculating the amount of compensation is determined by the Law on Agricultural Land (ZKZ-C, Ur. list 43/2011), which depends on the credit rating and the size of agricultural land. In theory, the land with a higher rating must be sold at a higher selling price, precisely because of higher compensation in the event of conversion of agricultural land. The analysis showed that the selling price does not depend on the amount of compensation

    The analysis of spatial changes in the cadastral community of Postojna based on archival materials of franziscean land cadastre

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    In this diploma thesis, the archived documents of Franziscean Land Cadastre is presented, which we used to analyse the spatial characteristics in the 19th century for the case of the area in the cadastral community of Postojna. A brief introduction about the history of land cadastre in Slovenia is followed by the presentation of results of comparative analysis, where the situation of land use was analysed from the perspective of plot’s structure and land use patterns. Here we compared the situation of land use as it was at the time of establishment of the Franziscean cadastre with the situation as it is evident from the current official data about the land. For the purpose of land use change analyses we compared the land use data of the Franziscean land cadastre with the current cadastral land use data obtained from the official land cadastre and with the land use data about the actual land use from the agricultural and forest land use records of the agricultural ministry. The results of the analytical work confirmed the assumption that visible changes have occurred in the study area in the past two centuries. In addition to the changes observed by analysing the land plot’s structure, where the number of land plots has increased, we also observed immense land use changes in the studied period. Comparison of data on actual land use from the year 2013 with the data about the cadastral land use from the Franziscean cadastre has primarily shown the reduction of agricultural land, where new built-up areas have appeared (expansion sealing) and, on the other hand, notable process of overgrowing of the agricultural land is evident.\u

    Deformation analysis: the DELFT approach

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    The Delft approach, a method for the deformation\ud analysis, is presented in this article. Based on\ud geodetic measurements, the statistical significance\ud of displacements at the surface is determined with\ud statistical methods. A numerical example shows the\ud effectiveness of the presented method