113,976 research outputs found

    Mount Rushmore Photo Magnet

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    The magnet features a photograph of Mount Rushmore at its front.https://scholarsjunction.msstate.edu/fvw-artifacts/4166/thumbnail.jp

    Quality of Food Souvenirs to Support Agribusiness and its Effect on Satisfaction and Loyalty

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    Food souvenirs have a strategic role in supporting agribusiness. Although it has an important role, there is no agreement on the factors that affect the quality of food souvenirs. This study aims to develop a model for measuring the quality of food souvenirs and testing the influence of food souvenir quality on tourist satisfaction and loyalty. In this study, the quality of food souvenirs is a multi-dimensional construct and second order. The sample of this study was 339 people selected by purposive sampling.The data is processed using SEM PLS. The quality of food souvenirs is reflected in the appearance, authenticity, packaging, health benefits, price, and taste. Taste, price, and appearance have the greatest role to play in quality. The quality of food souvenirs effect on tourist satisfaction and tourist satisfaction effect on loyalty. Food souvenir manufacturers should improve those attributes especially the taste, price, and appearance of food souvenirs

    Collecting the Memories: The Potential of Augmented Reality Souvenirs in Agro-Tourism

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    Souvenirs are an essential artifact in tourism because tourists want to keep a memory of the places they visit. Despite the enormous variation in souvenirs, there are no decent souvenirs for agro-tourism in Indonesia. Agro-tourism allows tourists to experience the natural beauty of landscapes and to be exposed to farming products, making the agricultural products the souvenirs themselves. Some Indonesian agro-tourism provides undifferentiated souvenirs like keychains or T-shirts that exhibit the place’s logo, which we perceive as an opportunity to develop a novel design of souvenir. Our previous study about augmented reality products in agro-tourism delivered good outcomes but needs further research. This article explored the potential of developing agro-tourism souvenirs with technology to engage tourist enthusiasm with augmented reality. The researchers conducted literature studies, interviews and product testings to answer the main research question: “What is the tourist attitude towards augmented reality souvenirs in Indonesian agro-tourism?”. The findings during the prototype trial indicated that augmented reality souvenirs could escalate tourism experiences. However, we found there was a problem in human-computer interaction: some of the target audience’s tools cannot support the technology. Although the immersive sensation from augmented reality souvenirs potentially enhances the tourist experience, future studies about the effectiveness of its more extended implementation are necessary. Keywords: augmented reality souvenir, agro-tourism, souvenir, digital souveni

    Prototype Aplikasi Informasi Oleh-Oleh Di Purwokerto Dengan Menerapkan Metode User Experience Lifecycle

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    The Information Application for Souvenirs in Purwokerto is a mobile-based application that can be used to find information about souvenirs and gift shops in the city of Purwokerto. This application is intended for local tourists, immigrants and local residents to make it easier to find souvenirs in Purwokerto. Of course, when discussing travel or tourism, it cannot be separated from souvenirs, souvenirs, or souvenirs. This application is designed to provide information about souvenirs in the city of Purwokerto from products, shops, location of gift shops, prices for souvenirs and others. This study designed a prototype of information application for souvenirs in Purwokerto using the User Experience Lifecycle method, the method proposed by Hartson and Pyla to develop user experience with an emphasis on usability and user experience aspects. This method is divided into four stages, namely analysis, design, prototype, and evaluation. Testing in this study uses usability testing on the results of the medium fidelity level prototype with the System Usability Scale (SUS) method at the evaluation stage. The results of usability testing using the SUS method get a score of 74.17 or B (Good) where the score meets the minimum standard of the SUS score of 68. Usability measurement on the prototype application for souvenirs in Purwokerto has met the efficiency level with an overall relative efficiency value of 88 .5%, and the percentage effectiveness level is 91.3% of the results of task completion by all respondents. Thus the application prototype for souvenirs in Purwokerto has met the usability value in terms of efficiency, effectiveness and satisfaction. Based on this, this research has succeeded in applying the User Experience Lifecycle method to application design and usability testing with the System Usability Scale (SUS) which has exceeded the minimum standard. Therefore, the application design for souvenirs in Purwokerto based on user experience and needs can be carried out to the application development or production stage.   Keywords : Gift, Application Prototype, User Experience Lifecycle, Usability, System Usability Scale (SUS

    ABE Souvenirs

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    The ABE department at Iowa State University frequently hosts both international and domestic visitors. The challenge we were given was to design three ABE-specific brand souvenirs to give the visitors. The souvenirs should impress the visitors and be clear, attractive, useful, and memorable. These souvenirs are to be crafted out of metal, wood, or plastic and include the skills of all members involved. External help was used for the artistic aspects of the design via personal contacts in the design department. The project was completed over the course of the 2019-2020 academic year. The main stakeholders helped to determine the final designs for each of the souvenirs. The souvenirs included feedback from the voting