22,063 research outputs found

    Zastosowanie programu gwarancji dla zdrowia jamy ustnej w opiece nad kobietą w ciąży w rodzinnym centrum zdrowia w Concepción, Chile, w latach 2014–2015

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    Indexación: Scopus.Background. Oral health plays a crucial role in general health, quality of life and well-being of pregnant women and their newborns. In Chile, pregnant women have dental care guaranteed by law. However, due to the lack of previous epidemiological studies on the benefits of this guarantee, it is necessary to describe this situation and evaluate the need to change the methods of providing dental services. Objectives. The objective of this study was to describe the pattern of providing dental benefits resulting from the Explicit Health Guarantee – Integral Oral Health in Pregnant Women (GES-SOIE) program to pregnant women attending the Juan Soto Fernández Family Health Center, Concepción, Chile, in 2014–2015. Material and methods. A cross-sectional study of the electronic dental records of patients admitted to GES-SOIE was conducted. The variables studied were sociodemographic data, dental chair hours, non-attendance, treatment completion, and the type of referral to secondary healthcare (SHC). Results. Of 233 pregnant women, 65.2% were registered for non-attendance, 21.2% required referral to SHC and 76.4% completed their treatment. When performing logistic regression, it was found that for each non-attendance the chance of not completing the treatment increased 1.4 times. Conclusions. The level of non-attendance and opting out of the treatment in pregnant women is high, which hinders the proper functioning and effectiveness of GES-SOIE. © 2018 by Wroclaw Medical University and Polish Dental Society.http://www.dmp.umed.wroc.pl/en/article/2018/55/2/179

    'Like-With-Like’: A Comparison of Natural and Synthetic Stitching Threads used in Textile Conservation

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    This paper reports research undertaken to investigate thread types used in textile conservation by quantitatively evaluating tensile strength and damage to conserved samples. A literature review and questionnaire sent to textile conservators were used to establish the most commonly used threads for laid-thread couching treatments and the rationale behind thread choice. Most common threads found were two-ply hair silk and polyester Tetex as well as other fine polyester, silk and cotton varieties. Three natural fibre plain-weave artefact samples conserved by laid-thread couching with five different thread types (lace cotton, hair silk, organsin, Skala and Tetex) were subjected to either tensile strength testing or a fixed-load experiment for two weeks. The tensile strength tests determined that the conservation treatment provided effective support and different thread types did not give statistically different results. The fixed-load experiment determined that longer time periods created more damage, even with lighter loads

    Use of a novel peripheral nerve conduit to support sciatic nerve regeneration in an animal model

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    Introduction : Les conduits nerveux synthétiques représentent une alternative chirurgicale aux autogreffes dans la réparation des traumatismes aux nerfs périphériques. Afin d’améliorer la régénération nerveuse périphérique, plusieurs biomatériels, tels que la multicouche polyélectrolyte de soie (MPE), et modèles ont été étudiés. Dans le cadre de ma maitrise, nos objectifs de recherche sont d’établir si la MPE de soie permet d’améliorer la régénération nerveuse périphérique in vivo et si notre nouveau modèle de conduit (« jelly roll ») peut mener à une meilleure régénération du nerf sciatique chez le rat que le modèle de conduit creux. Méthodes : Dans cette étude, une technique chirurgicale in vivo de lacération et de réparation du nerf sciatique chez le rat fut utilisé. Cinq conditions expérimentales de conduits (autogreffe, conduit creux avec et sans MPE de soie et « jelly roll » avec et sans MPE de soie) furent implantées (n= 2 rats par condition). Après 4 semaines, les conduits furent récupérés et marqués par immunohistochimie avec le neurofilament et la protéine basique de la myéline (MBP). La performance de chaque conduit fut évaluée par sa capacité à supporter l’excroissance axonale à travers le long du conduit et à travers la largeur de ce dernier à divers endroits. Résultats : Chaque condition expérimentale a supporté une régénération axonale avec différents degrés de succès. Globalement, l’autogreffe a supporté une plus longue croissance de fibres. De plus, la surface de fibres obtenue était plus large que les autres conditions. Les conduits avec la MPE de soie ont eu une performance similaire à leurs homologues sans soie. De plus, le modèle de conduit creux a mené à une meilleure régénération axonale que le modèle du « jelly roll ». Conclusion : L’autogreffe demeure le meilleur conduit pour supporter la régénération nerveuse périphérique. Les conduits avec la MPE de soie peuvent supporter une régénération nerveuse similaire aux conduits sans soie tandis que le modèle de « jelly roll » a généré des performances inférieures au modèle de conduit creux.Background: Synthetic nerve conduits constitute alternative surgical options to autografts in the repair of peripheral nerve injuries. Silk polyelectrolyte multilayer (PEM) as a biomaterial and novel conduit designs have been proposed to improve peripheral nerve regeneration. In my master’s project, my objective is to assess whether silk PEM can improve peripheral nerve regeneration in vivo and to assess whether our novel conduit design (“jelly roll”) can better support rat sciatic nerve regeneration than a hollow conduit design. Methods: In this study, an in vivo rat model of sciatic nerve laceration and repair was used. Five experimental conduit conditions (autograft, hollow conduit with and without silk PEM, and jelly roll with and without silk PEM) were implanted (n=2 rats per condition). After 4 weeks, the conduits were harvested and immuno-stained for neurofilament and myelin basic protein (MBP). Conduit performance was assessed by its ability to support axonal outgrowth throughout the conduit’s length and at various locations along its width. Results: Each condition supported axonal regeneration at varying levels of success. Overall, the autograft group outperformed all other groups by supporting the longest and widest occupying regenerating fibers. Conduits with silk PEM performed similarly to conduits without silk PEM. In addition, the hollow conduit design demonstrated better regenerative outcomes than the jelly roll design. Conclusion: The autograft remains the superior conduit to support peripheral nerve regeneration. Conduits with silk PEM support nerve regeneration in the same capacity as non silk-coated conduits while the jelly roll design underperformed in comparison to the hollow conduit design

    Implications of hybridisation and cytotypic differentiation in speciation assessed by AFLP and plastid haplotypes : a case study of Potentilla alpicola La Soie

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    Background: Hybridisation is presumed to be an important mechanism in plant speciation and a creative evolutionary force often accompanied by polyploidisation and in some cases by apomixis. The Potentilla collina group constitutes a particularly suitable model system to study these phenomena as it is morphologically extensively variable, exclusively polyploid and expresses apomixis. In the present study, the alpine taxon Potentilla alpicola has been chosen in order to study its presumed hybrid origin, identify underlying evolutionary processes and infer the discreteness or taxonomic value of hybrid forms. Results: Combined analysis of AFLP, cpDNA sequences and ploidy level variation revealed a hybrid origin of the P. alpicola populations from South Tyrol (Italy) resulting from crosses between P. pusilla and two cytotypes of P. argentea. Hybrids were locally sympatric with at least one of the parental forms. Three lineages of different evolutionary origin comprising two ploidy levels were identified within P. alpicola. The lineages differed in parentage and the complexity of the evolutionary process. A geographically wide-spread lineage thus contrasted with locally distributed lineages of different origins. Populations of P. collina studied in addition, have been regarded rather as recent derivatives of the hexaploid P. argentea. The observation of clones within both P. alpicola and P. collina suggested a possible apomictic mode of reproduction. Conclusions: Different hybridisation scenarios taking place on geographically small scales resulted in viable progeny presumably stabilised by apomixis. The case study of P. alpicola supports that these processes played a significant role in the creation of polymorphism in the genus Potentilla. However, multiple origin of hybrids and backcrossing are considered to produce a variety of evolutionary spontaneous forms existing aside of reproductively stabilised, established lineages

    Oxygen-isotope effect on the in-plane penetration depth in cuprate superconductors

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    Muon-spin rotation (muSR) studies of the oxygen isotope (^{16}O/^{18}O) effect (OIE) on the in-plane magnetic field penetration depth lambda_{ab} in cuprate high-temperature superconductors (HTS) are presented. First, the doping dependence of the OIE on the transition temperature T_c in various HTS is briefly discussed. It is observed that different cuprate families show a similar doping dependence of the OIE on T_c. Then, bulk muSR, low-energy muSR, and magnetization studies of the total and site-selective OIE on lambda_{ab} are described in some detail. A substantial OIE on lambda_{ab} was observed in various cuprate families at all doping levels, suggesting that cuprate HTS are non-adiabatic superconductors. The experiments clearly demonstrate that the total OIE on T_c and lambda_{ab} arise from the oxygen sites within the superconducting CuO_2 planes, demonstrating that the phonon modes involving the movement of planar oxygen are dominantly coupled to the supercarriers. Finally, it is shown that the OIE on T_c and lambda_{ab} exhibit a relation that appears to be generic for different families of cuprate HTS. The observation of these unusual isotope effects implies that lattice effects play an essential role in cuprate HTS and have to be considered in any realistic model of high-temperature superconductivity.Comment: 22 pages, 12 figures. To be published in a special issue of J. Phys. Cond. Ma

    La soie artificielle et sa fabrication

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    Contiene: Généralités sur la cellulose; Origine de la Soie Artificielle; La soie du Comte de Chardonnet; La soie deispeissis à l'oxyde de cuivre ammoniacal de fabrication; Description d'une usine, préparation, dissolutions, la filature, le lavage, les séchoirs, l'humidification, le dévidage, retordage, etc., machine de filature du Comte de Chardonnet, machine du Dr. Lehner, les Déchets, la Viscose,lLa Solution au chlorure de zinc, Les produits similaires, Le Crin, la paille, le cuir artificiel, la pellicule, la récupération, les procédés plus récents: Glanzstoffen, Pauly Linkmeyer, Prud'homme, Meister Lucius, Friedrich Thiele, Bernstein, Foltzer, etc. autres imitations de la soie naturelleFecha tomada de los preliminaresCopia digital. Madrid : Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte. Subdirección General de Coordinación Bibliotecaria, 201
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