72 research outputs found

    Using seam to better understand born globals. A spanish case

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    This work presents a systematic overview of the opportunities and challenges for international ventures. Moreover, it seeks to reflect on success-factors of launching a venture in international context and how Socio-Economic Approach to Management (SEAM) can help. Using a practical case study, we discuss the limitations of the “state of art” in BGs and reflect on what SEAM can provide in understanding the main managerial complexities faced by BGs and in leading BGs change in order that they develop the dynamic capabilities to succeed in International markets.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Internal orientation in the growth of Born-Globals. Learning from inside

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    Este paper ha recibido dos premios en el congreso: 1. Thomson South-Western Award OUTSTANDING RESEARCH-BASED PAPER ON MANAGEMENT CONSULTING 2. FINALIST CAROLYN DEXTER AWARD FOR BEST INTERNATIONAL PAPERBased on a longitudinal case study in a young BG by means of action-research, that allows the participation of all employees in the co-creation of internal knowledge, we identify organisational dysfunctions during the early phase that affect the development of entrepreneurial and market orientation. Using the Socio-Economic Approach to Management (Savall, 1974), we propose that the entrepreneurs need to adopt an Internal Orientation (aiming at developing a cohesive organisation), and that the ‘right time’ for doing so is not after a few years, as the literature suggests, but much earlier.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Intervención socioeconómica y supervivencia de los emprendimientos

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    Existe un interés creciente en la literatura estratégica y económica por investigar los factores que explican la supervivencia de los emprendimientos. Junto a la proliferación de investigaciones con clara orientación hacia los aspectos externos, en consonancia con la importancia que los emprendedores conceden al mercado, se empieza a reclamar una mayor atención a los aspectos internos. Este trabajo pretende responder a la pregunta: ¿cómo superar las limitaciones internas que obstaculizan la rentabilidad en los primeros años de vida de una empresa?. A partir de una intervención socioeconómica en una empresa consultora de reciente creación, este trabajo muestra cómo el Socio-Economic Approach to Management (SEAM) ayuda a que las nuevas empresas implementen una estrategia interna que estructure la organización y establezca un sistema de dirección de personas que asegure su supervivencia.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech


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    The socio-technical perspective has been recognized as the mainstream of Information Systems (IS) philosophy for decades. Besides, a complementary perspective in the IS philosophy, the socio-economic theory, would allow identifying more precisely the business problems, considered “Organizational Dysfunction”. Digital transformation is supposed to fix the specific business problem as cross-department communication, and it is essential to involve the analysis of organizational dysfunctions ahead. A case study was conducted in operation in China, where digital transformation was implemented to solve cross-department communication business problems. Beyond this specific business problem, this case study relies on the relevance of the theories “Organizational Dysfunctions” and “Socio-Economic Approach to Management (SEAM).” Focus group was adopted to figure out the key business problem, and semi-structured interviewing for the main root causes. It revealed digital transformation significance on the inefficient cross-department communication through the identification of the analytical results and the theories of Organizational Dysfunctions and SEAM

    Development of a Business Case for Investment in Analytic Software: An Organization Development Perspective

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    Expenditures for data and analytics may be among the most costly investments an organization can make, and yet the traditional cost-benefit models that support decision making about those investments have themselves become outdated approaches – often leaving out the social and socio-economic factors that are related to development of new capabilities. This exploratory case study considers alternative perspectives about the construction of the business case for organizational investments in software used in analytics. As investments in new analytic capabilities are considered, costs for new technology are often evaluated and weighed against potential benefits. Although there are many potential points of view that could be considered, legacy organization development theory and the Socio-economic Approach to Management (SEAM) provide critical perspective. Cross-model comparisons show how paradigms of thought can affect evaluation and measurement of costs, benefits and productivity. Findings from this research are discussed in context with organization development and capability-building for data and analytics

    Looking for Evidence of the TFW Virus

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    On an almost daily basis I am confronted with stories or examples of people disengaged at work, or stories of managers who are frustrated by their inability to engage employees. In many cases, work simply is not working. Researchers at the ISEOR Institute in France have identified a root cause of organizational dysfunction they have worked with throughout Europe and Latin America that may explain some of the flaws of the modern workplace. ISEOR researchers have determined that management ideology is largely based on the modern interpretation of three proponents of scientific management; Taylor, Fayol, and Weber. Thus they named this ideological flaw the TFW Virus. This was an interpretive case study seeking to discover if management practices of American organizations reveal and transmit the TFW Virus. The study took place at Manufacturing Corp., a high tech business in the Pacific Northwest of the United States and included interviews with 19 individuals in middle management and line worker positions. In the study I found that the workers did express that they experienced depersonalization and a need to submit to the organization at work. Additionally, I found the four elements of the virus; an aristocratic view, apathy, separation, and massification. While this study may not be applicable to other organizations, it does indicate clearly that there is value in looking at the ideological influences of American management to determine if there are foundational flaws leading to organizations that are inhumane and unproductive. Even in a very successful American organization where people reported they were happy the elements of the virus were easy to find, indicating that that virus may be prevalent throughout organizations in America

    Structuring the Inside of a New-born Business – Case of a Consulting Service Company

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    When starting a new business, most entrepreneurs usually focus on the external aspects in order to make their new business successful. Consequently, most research in entrepreneurship has been focused on the external factors to explain the high rate of entrepreneurial failures. But there is also a lack of consideration of the internal aspects by the new entrepreneurs. This paper focuses on these internal aspects and how to help a new business implementing an internal strategy.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    El trabajo en casa, trabajo a distancia y el modelo híbrido: las nuevas formas de trabajo de las pequeñas y medianas empresas. Una perspectiva socioeconómica

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    The highly competitive environment and the accelerated pace of change in companies affect social and economic performance, hindering the identification of problems in organizational structure, training, communication and working conditions. COVID-19 is an example of the impact of the changes on the imbalance of the companies, as it encouraged the adoption of new work modalities to continue their operations despite the difficulties of the environment. This work was carried out by means of an organizational diagnosis, a tool proposed by the Institut de socio-économie des entreprises et des organisations (ISEOR), known as Socio-Economic Approach to Management or SEAM; by means of two case studies, the contexts were analyzed and the dysfunctions that prevent a balanced performance between the economic and social, during the transition to remote forms of work, were discovered. The research had a descriptive-exploratory scope, where it was discovered that remote modalities are a different work option for some areas and positions; highlighting a greater effectiveness in the activities of service sectors, the opposite case with companies in the industrial or manufacturing sector. However, the study does not show the risks derived from remote work in individuals.El entorno altamente competitivo y el acelerado ritmo de los cambios en las empresas, afecta el rendimiento social y económico, obstaculizando la identificación de problemas en la estructura organizacional, la formación, la comunicación y las condiciones de trabajo. El COVID-19 es un ejemplo del impacto de los cambios en el desequilibrio de las empresas, pues impulso la adopción de nuevas modalidades de trabajo para continuar sus operaciones a pesar de las dificultades del entorno. Este trabajo fue realizado por medio de un diagnóstico organizacional, herramienta propuesta por el Institut de socio-économie des entreprises et des organisations (ISEOR), conocida como Socio-Economic Approach to Management (SEAM); que por medio de dos casos de estudio, se analizaron los contextos y se descubrieron los disfuncionamientos que impiden un desempeño equilibrado entre lo económico y social, durante la transición a formas de trabajo remota. La investigación tuvo un alcance de tipo descriptivo-exploratorio, donde se descubre que las modalidades remotas son una opción diferente de trabajo para algunas áreas y puestos; destacando una mayor efectividad en las actividades de sectores de servicio, caso contrario con las empresas del sector industrial o manufacturero. No obstante, no se muestran los riesgos derivados del trabajo remoto en los individuos.   [1] Previo a la pandemia, muy pocas organizaciones permitían un trabajo flexible, en promedio 752 000 personas laboraban bajo esta modalidad, en su mayoría hombres, según la encuesta del INEGI (2021) en el 2018. [2] Nuevas Formas de Trabajo (NFT): Teletrabajo, home office, Modelo Hibrido; son las que se estudiarán. [3] Institut de socio-économie des entreprises et des organisation