2,053 research outputs found


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    Proper postharvest storage is an effective way to maintain the quality and nutritional values of fruits. The aim of this study was to determine how environmentally friendly postharvest treatments with salicylic acid solution, colloidal silver solution and ozone, affect the antioxidant activity of strawberry fruits (Fragaria x ananassa Duch. cv. Albion) during 7 days of storage at 4°C. The content of ascorbic acid, total phenols and antioxidant activity of strawberry fruits were determined spec-trophotometrically. After 7 days of storage in strawberry fruits treated with all three treatments separately, the contents of ascorbic acid were higher than in the control fruits, supporting the usefulness of these treatments for preserving fruit quality and nutritional value during storage. The treatment with salicylic acid solution showed the most beneficial effect during storage causing a significant increase in the content of ascorbic acid, phenols and antioxidant activity at the end of the storage period.Pravilno skladištenje voća učinkovit je način za održavanje kvalitete i nutritivne vrijednosti plodova nakon berbe. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi kako ekološki prihvatljivi tretmani (otopina salicilne kiseline, otopina koloidnoga srebra i ozon) utječu na ukupnu antioksidacijsku aktivnost u plodovima jagoda (Fragaria x ananassa Duch.) sorte Albion tijekom 7 dana skladištenja pri 4°C. Koncentracije askorbinske kiseline, ukupnih fenola i ukupna antioksidacijska aktivnost u plodovima jagoda određeni su spektrofotometrijski. Svi primijenjeni tretmani prouzročili su povećanje koncentracije askorbinske kiseline u plodovima jagoda, što potvrđuje povoljno djelovanje navedenih tretmana na očuvanje kvalitete i nutritivne vrijednosti plodova. Tretman otopinom salicilne kiseline bio je najučinkovitiji, jer je prouzročio značajno povećanje koncentracije fenola, askorbinske kiseline i ukupne antioksidacijske aktivnosti na kraju perioda skladištenja

    Uređaj MRI – alternativa za skladištenje električne energije

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    It is well known, that the electrical energy storage in the large scale is basically difficult process. Such a process is marked by the energy losses, as the conversion of electrical energy into another form, is most frequently for example mechanical, and then back to the primary electrical form. Though, the superconducting magnetic energy storage (SMES) technology offers the energy storage in an unchanged form, which is advantageous primarily in the achieved efficiency. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) devices, commonly used in the medical facilities are based on the application of superconducting magnet. After its rejection from operation, there is possibility of using such devices for energy storage purposes. Additionally, such a technology of storage is also ecological.Poznato je da je skladištenje električne energije u velikoj mjeri u osnovi težak proces. Takav je proces obilježen gubicima energije, budući da je pretvaranje električne energije u drugi oblik najčešće primjerice mehaničko, a onda natrag u primarni električni oblik. Iako, tehnologija supravodljivog skladištenja magnetske energije (SMES) nudi skladištenje energije u nepromijenjenom obliku, što ima prednost prvenstveno u postignutoj efikasnosti. Uređaji za snimanje magnetskom rezonancom (MRI) koji se obično koriste u medicinskim ustanovama temelje se na primjeni supravodljivog magneta. Nakon njihovog rashodovanja postoji mogućnost upotrebe takvih uređaja u svrhu skladištenja energije. Povrh toga, takva tehnologija skladištenja je i ekološka

    Mycotoxins in pathophysiology of cattle diet

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    Depending on the age and production category, cattle show different sensitivity towards certain mycotoxins. Microflora of the rumen degrades to a different degree and inactivates mycotoxins. In the work are presented the most important mycotoxicoses of cattle caused by fungal metabolites from the genera Fusarium, Aspergillus and Penicillium. Poisoning of cattle in our area is most often caused by Zearalenone, Dioxinivalenol, T-2 toxin, Ochratoxin A and Aflatoxin, but in the work are also presented Fumonisin B1 and B2. The work also describes preventive possibilities and protection of animal health from the effects of mycotoxins

    Sensitization to Storage Mites in Urban Working Environment

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    Anamnestički podaci, prick kožno testiranje (PT) i specifični imunoglobulin E (sIgE) na skladišne grinje Lepidoglyphus destructor (LD) i Tyrophagus putresentiae (TP) analizirani su u 26 radnika tvornice recikliranog papira i u 36 poštara. PT je izvođen s Epipharm-ALK alergenima, a promjer urtike (D+d/2) od 3 mm i više smatrali smo pozitivnom kožnom reakcijom (PT+). SIgE mjeren je imunoCAP tehnologijom (Pharmacia AB Diagnostics). Vrijednosti >0,35 kU/I smatrali smo povišenima (sIgE+). Rezultati su pokazali značajno veće prevalencije osoba s PT+ i sIgE+ na LD i TP u radnika tvornice papira nego u poštara (38,5%: 8,3%; P<0,005 za LD, te 50%: 16,6%; P<0,005 za TP). U radnika tvornice papira sa sIgE+ nađen je značajno veći srednji promjer urtika (D+d/2) u kožnom testu za TP nego za LD (6,31±2,31: 3,11±1,53; P<0,001). Takva razlika nije nađena u poštara. Prevalencija respiratornih simptoma u osoba s PT+ i sIgE+ iznosila je u radnika tvornice papira 40% za LD i 53,8% za TP, dok je u poštara bila 100% za LD i 83,3% za TP. Rezultati upozoravaju na značajno veću prevalenciju senzibilizacije dišnog sustava na skladišne grinje LD i TP u radnika tvornice papira nego u kontrolnoj skupini, te potrebu otkrivanja broja i vrsta grinja u radnom okolišu, kao i otkrivanje i praćenje zdravstvenog stanja senzibiliziranih radnika tijekom prethodnih i periodičnih pregleda.This paper presents an analysis of a medical history questionnaire, skin prick test (SPT) and specific immunoglobulin E (sIgE) to storage mites Lepidoglyphus destructor (LD) and Tyrophagus putresentiae (TP) performed on 26 male paper mill workers and 36 postmen. SPT was performed with Epipharm-ALK allergens. Positive (PT+) were considered urticas with the mean diameter (D+d/2) of 3 mm or over. ImmunoCAP technology (Pharmacia AB Diagnostics) was applied in measuring sIgE. Increased (sIgE+) were considered values of over 0.35 kU/I. Paper mill workers manifested a significantly higher frequency of positive test results (sIgE+ and PT+) to LD and TP than did the postmen (38.5% vs. 8.3%, P<0.005 for LD, and 50% vs. 16.6%, P<0.005 for TP, respectively). Paper mill workers with sIgE+ manifested significantly greater mean skin reactivity (D+d/2) to TP than to LD (6.31±2.31 mm vs. 3.11±1.53 mm, P<0.001, respectively), while the postmen did not manifest such difference. Respiratory symptoms were found in 40% of paper mill workers with PT+ and sIgE+ to LD, and in 53.8% with PT+ and sIgE+ to TP. All postmen with PT+ and sIgE+ to LD and 83.3% with PT+ and sIgE+ to TP had respiratory symptoms. The study results indicate that it is necessary to monitor sensitization to mites and to establish methods for identification and quantification of mites in the working and general environment

    Alergeni u poljoprivrednim proizvodima tijekom uskladištenja

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    The increasing occurrence of allergies in the developed countries and greater interest in food safety has drawn attention to the presence of allergens in agro products during storage. Stored agro products can contain allergenic contaminants of plant, microbial, or animal origin. Several stored-product insect and mite species were confirmed as sources of allergens. The most important are storage mites because they cause occupational asthma by inhalation and anaphylactic reactions when ingested in high numbers. The urine of rats and mice can be a significant source of allergens that are mainly present as large airborne particles. Stored moulds are also confirmed as potential source of allergens. However, it is likely that the major problem resulting from the presence of moulds in food will be due to the toxic effects of mycotoxins, rather than allergenic effects. The adoption of good management and processing technique can help to minimise the risk.Na poljoprivrednim proizvodima tijekom čuvanja u različitim skladišnim objektima pojavljuje se niz rizičnih situacija poput kontaminacije grinjama, insektima, glodavcima, plijesnima, nedostatne higijene, uporabe opasnih i toksičnih pesticida, razvoja mikotoksina i alergena. Problemi su osobito naglašeni u zemljama u razvoju gdje su zalihe hrane nedostatne i zbog potrebe za jelom zanemaruju se potencijalne i stvarne opasnosti koje takva hrana može imati za ljudsko zdravlje. Smatra se da dobar sustav integrirane zaštite robe poljoprivrednog podrijetla može znatno smanjiti potencijalnu i stvarnu opasnost nastalu onečišćenjem tijekom čuvanja u skladištima. Porast pojava alergije u razvijenim zemljama i želja da se poveća sigurnost hrane usmjerila je pozornost znanstvenika na mogući razvoj alergena na uskladištenoj poljoprivrednoj robi i u njoj tijekom čuvanja. Istražujući moguće uzroke pojave respiratornih simptoma u radnika zaposlenih u žitarskoj i mlinarskoj industriji, brojnim testovima i u objavljenim radovima potvrđena je uska povezanost između profesionalnih bolesti i kontaminacije uskladištene robe i radnog prostora grinjama, insektima, glodavcima i plijesnima. Uskladišteni proizvodi mogu sadržavati alergijska onečišćenja biljnog, mikrobiološkog i životinjskog podrijetla. Utvrđeno je da su grinje najvažniji onečišćivači robe i proizvođači alergena. Uzrokuju astmu kad se unose u organizam disanjem. Osobito su opasne kad se u velikom broju unose u organizam s hranom jer izazivaju anafilaktičke reakcije. Premda su kao izvori alergena potvrđene i neke skladišne gljivice (Aspergillus oryzae i A. niger), smatra se da su njihovi mikotoksini znatno opasniji problem. Kao izvori alergena navode se ove skladišne grinje i insekti: grinje Dermatophagoides farinae, Lepidoglyphus destructor, Tyrophagus putrescentiae, Tyreophagus entomophagus i Suidasia spp., insekti Tenebrio molitor, Sitophilus granarius, Plodia interpunctella, Ephestia kuehniella, Liposcellis bostrychophila i Blatta orientalis. Izmet artropoda kao i mokraća štakora i miševa jednako su važni izvori alergena

    Effects of hygiene-sanitary measures on microbiological safety of finished product in butter production plant

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    This work presents the results of investigations of the effects of hygienesanitary measures at critical points in the technological process of butter production on its quality and microbiological safety. With this object in mind, hygiene safety was checked using the swab method at the machine for churning and packing butter (125 g packages and bulk butter), the equipment, hands and clothing (work aprons) of employees directly engaged on the machines. The evaluation of the safety parameters, as well as of the hygiene of the production process itself, was carried out in keeping with the Regulations on general and special conditions of food hygiene at any stage of production, processing and trade (RS Official Gazette, No.72/2010). The results of the hygiene safety of swabs taken from the 125g-butter packing machine, after sanitation, showed an increased number of mesophilic bacteria (up to 90 cfu/cm2), as well as the presence of bacteria from the Family Enterobacteriaceae (4 cfu/cm2). The results of swabs taken from the hands of workers engaged on the line for wrapping the butter following the churning process and on the packing line reveal the presence of aerobic mesophilic sporogenic bacteria (20 cfu/cm2), while the presence of pathogenic microorganisms was not established. Butter samples packed into 125g portions present more risky forms of commercial packaging than bulk butter, which is a consequence of various handling activities and additional outside contamination that takes place during the production process if continuous production in the plant has not been ensured. Moreover, the established presence of certain microorganisms (aerobic mesophilic microorganisms, lipolytic bacteria, as well as fungi) in packed butter during its shelf life, is largely a result of outside contamination and the hygienic condition of the equipment. The obatined results of the investigations indicate the need for special attention to be paid during the butter production process on meeting the hygiene-sanitary conditions during the production process tself, which primarily implies adequate washing and disinfecting of the equipment, the required temperature regimen for the pasteurization of the cream and similar activities, as well as the immaculate hygiene of the workers engaged in the production process. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. III 46009: Unapređenje i razvoj higijenskih i tehnoloških postupaka u proizvodnji stočne hrane sa ciljem proizvodnje visokokvalitetnih i bezbednih proizvoda konkurentnih na globalnom tržištu

    Changes in Peroxidase Activity in the Peel of Unshiub Mandarin (Citrus unshiu Marc.) Fruit with Different Storage Treatments

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    The Unshiu mandarin (Citrus unshiu Marc.) is the major Citrus crop in Croatia. Limiting factors for longer consumption of Unshiu mandarin are low storage performance and the appearance of chilling injuries during storage. Previous studies indicated that oxidative stress might be involved in cold-induced peel damage of harvested Citrus fruit. The aim of the present study was to investigate peroxidase distribution, isoenzyme pattern and activity in the peel of Unshiu mandarin fruit. Special goal of our study was to investigate the changes of peroxidase activity in respect to two different hot water dipping (HWD) treatments (3 min at 48 and 52 °C) and two different storage temperatures (1 and 3 °C) combined. Peroxidase activity was detected at the border of oil glands, in the peel surface and in the conducting elements positioned in the inner part of the peel. Electrophoretic analysis revealed the presence of two peroxidase isoenzymes. There were no differences in the electrophoretic pattern after the HWD treatments and cold storage. Lowering of both total and specific peroxidase activity was measured in HWD-treated samples in comparison with the control ones. However, it appeared that significant decrease in total peroxidase activity was influenced by the storage temperatures, while the increase in total soluble protein content was influenced by the HWD pretreatment

    Пројекти дигиталне заштите Националне библиотеке Чешке Републике

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    The National Library of the Czech Republic (NKP) made the first steps in digital preservation of the Czech scientific and cultural heritage in the beginning of the 1990s. During the time three projects have stabilized among other digital preservation activities at NKP: Manuscriptorium for digitized manuscripts and old printed books, Kramerius for monographic and serial publications and WebArchiv as digital archive of online-born documents. This paper reviews these projects, but also presents the main information about present and future work in digital preservation at NKP

    Hazard analysis and possibilities for preventing botulism originating from meat products

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    The paper presents the more important data on the bacteria Clostridium botulinum, the appearance of botulism, hazard analysis and the possibilities for preventing botulism. Proteolytic strains of C.botulinum Group I, whose spores are resistant to heat, create toxins predominantly in cans containing slightly sour food items, in the event that the spores are not inactivated in the course of sterilization. Non-proteolytic strains of Group II are more sensitive to high temperatures, but they have the ability to grow and create toxins at low temperatures. Type E most often creates a toxin in vacuum-packed smoked fish, and the non-proteolytic strain type B in dried hams and certain pasteurized meat products. The following plays an important role in the prevention of botulism: reducing to a minimum meat contamination with spores of clostridia, implementing good hygiene measures and production practice during the slaughter of animals, the inactivation of spores of C. botulinum during sterilization (F>3), and, in dried hams and pasteurized products, the prevention of bacterial growth and toxin forming by maintaining low temperatures in the course of production and storage, as well as the correct use of substances that inhibit the multiplication of bacteria and the production of toxins (nitrites, table salt, etc.)

    Results of mycological and mycotoxicological investigations of corn-based feed for dairy cow diet

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    In this study, fungal contamination was determined as well as total aflatoxin B1(AB1), ochratoxin A (OTA) and zearalenon (ZEA) levels in corn-based feed samples obtained from four different farms in Serbia (n=35) during one year. Mycotoxins were detected in feed using the VICAM fluorometric method. It was determined that 97.14% of all samples were contaminated with moulds which belonged to following genera: Absidia, Acremonium, Aspergillus, Cladosporium, Geotrichum, Eurotium, Fusarium, Mucor, Mortierella, Oidiodendron, Penicillium, Rhizopus, Scopulariopsis, Syncephalastrum, Trichoderma, Ulocladium and Wallrothiella. A total of 58 different species were identified. Total mould count per 1 g ranged from 1.00 log cfu/g (dried corn silage - autumn, fresh corn silage - summer and corn grain silage - spring) to 7.32 log cfu/g (dried corn silage - winter). Mycotoxins were isolated from 28.5% of samples: ZEA was found in summer (220-240 μg/kg) and in spring (240 μg/kg) in concentrate samples; OTA was detected in winter in dried corn silage (16 μg/kg) and in spring (12 μg/kg); all samples were AB1 free