654 research outputs found

    Effect of Cloud Accounting as Income Statement on Accountant Performance

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    A simple and secure security accounting system is a system needed by various large and small companies where of course the company is never separated from accounting in order to process financial expenditures and revenues owned by companies that have a purpose to make a profit. Efforts to achieve success in a company can be seen from financial management which can be monitored and can be managed properly so that finance can be controlled well too, for that accuracy is an important role so with the company's cloud accounting it can be easier to monitor and also manage financial well, so it will be easier to make income / loss statements. cloud accounting provides a user friendly look that can certainly facilitate users. The purpose of this study is so that companies can pay more attention to monitoring and managing finances well so that it can facilitate the making of income statement . In this study took place used observational research methods and field library studies so that the system made can meet the existing needs of the company

    Utilization of Scientific Publication Media to Improve the Quality of Scientific Work

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    The publication of scientific work is an absolute thing that must be owned and produced by academics at this time. Moreover, when referring to the Minister of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform (PAN RB) Regulation No. 17 of 2013 and the Minister of Education and Culture Regulation No. 92 of 2004 which states that the increase in the academic level of lecturers requires publication of accredited national scientific journals and journals Internationally reputable in their field. In addition to being very important for the performance of lecturers, the publication of scientific papers has become a government regulation through the Director General of Higher Education, which requires S1, S2 and S3 students to make a summary of scientific work published both online and in print as one of the graduation requirements. Seeing this, Raharja College has participated in providing publication media for scientific works, especially in online forms, one of which is iLearning Journal Center (iJC). Until now iLearning Journal Center has overseen 5 (five) journals in it with different scope of research. However, the problems that occur at this time are still a lack of the general public to know especially in the Higher Education environment regarding the iLearning Journal Center (iJC) as a publication media for online scientific work. In this study will be discussed about the steps or methods taken to maximize the use of iLearning Journal Center (iJC) as an online journal publication media to improve the quality and quantity of scientific works. This study uses SWOT analysis method and system design using the Unified Modeling Language (UML) and the applications used in this study by applying the Open Journal System (OJS) which is known as management software and publishing online journals. The results of this study are a governance or management that can be done as a step to maximize the increase of publication of online scientific works for the academic community. Keywords: iLearning Journal Center (iJC), Scientific Work Publication, Journal Online, Open Journal System (OJS

    Optimalisasi Reward Pada Penilaian Absensi Berbasis Gamifikasi Untuk Meningkatkan Motivasi Mahasiswa

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    Sistem Informasi Akademik dirancang sedemikian rupa untuk memenuhi sebuah kebutuhan pada Universitas bertujuan meningkatkan layanan pendidikan yang lebih modern dengan komputerisasi yang bertujuan dalam peningkatan kualitas pelayanan maupun SDM yang dihasilkan. Pada Perguruan Tinggi salah satu hal yang penting untuk dalam menunjukkan kehadiran mahasiswa ialah absensi . Kegiatan absensi bimbingan mahasiswa akan dapat berjalan baik dan lancar dengan bila adanya mahasiswa yang selalu hadir dan aktif dalam bimbingan dalam upaya menyelesaikan penelitian lebih cepat. Di Universitas Raharja sendiri sudah menerapkan sebuah sistem penilaian absensi online yaitu PenA (Penilaian Absensi) PenA atau Penilaian Absensi. PenA adalah sebuah sistem penilaian kehadiran absensi secara online yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pelayanan pada Universitas Raharja, PenA yang berjalan hingga saat ini yaitu menggunakan QR Code yang discan pada website milik PenA (pena.raharja.ac.id), namun masih banyak mahasiswa yang tidak mengikuti bimbingan dikarenakan kurang nya motivasi bagi para mahasiswa untuk mengikuti bimbingan. Jalan keluar terhadap masalah ini terus dikembangkan, terdapatnya reward di dalam sistem PenA agar mahasiswa menjadi lebih semangat dan lebih aktif lagi dalam mengikuti bimbingan. Di sistem PenA terdapat sebuah leaderboard yang merupakan sebuah fitur yang bisa melihat keaktifan mahasiswa dalam menjalankan bimbingan. PenA ini dirancang dengan menggunakan Yii Framework dan diharapkan berguna membantu dalam mengatasi permasalahan absensi yang ada pada sistem yang sebelumnya dan memotivasi mahasiswa bimbingan untuk lebih aktif

    Perancangan Sistem Kendali Otomatik Proses Pengolahan Limbah Cair Tahu Berbasis Mikrokontroler At89s52

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    Tofu industry is one of the people industries which are many in Pontianak. The existence of this industry causes a negative impact which is environmental pollution caused by tofu liquid waste. Tofu liquid waste is a kind of wastewater which is produced along with the making of tofu. The environmental pollution caused by tofu liquid waste can be overcome by giving the tofu liquid waste a treatment process before it's being wasted to the environment. To make the treatment process easy, I desinged an automation control system for the tofu liquid waste treatment process. The controller is a microcontroller AT89S52 which is a cheap microcontroller and also easy-to-program. The assembly programming is used to program the microcontroller. The results showed 83,98 % of average reduction of Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) for treatment process in 3 days

    Analisis Proses Bisnis : Studi Kasus Bagian Customer Care Pada PT. Telkom Indonesia Tbk – Kandatel Pontianak

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    PT. Telkom Tbk – Kandatel Pontianak is one of biggest Government Owned Company (BUMN) which service is in telecomunication service for public in Indoeisa. Business process in Customer Care department is to know the quality of customer service, how much the dependence of Customer Care to the use of technology is, and what the respond of customers for the service given by Customer Care is. Research type used in this paper is descriptive methode according to facts taken from Customer Care department of PT. Telkom Tbk – Kandatel Pontianak. Data collecting methode used in this paper is primary data taken directly from respondent by using questioners and interviews. The methode used is business process analysis with data analysis strategy in form of business area analysis. The conclusion that can be taken from this research is that running business process for Customer Care department can be seen in the availability of interrelationship between business functions and business units. Each business functions have their own tasks and responsibilities. Every executive members in Customer Care department have their roles and relations with their business functions. Mapping of business functions vs organisational units matrix is used so that every activities in organisational functions become clear. Those activities are create, read, update and delete

    Data Mining Potensi Akademik Siswa Berbasis Online

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    Abstact: Problem-solving school difficulties in determining the classification of the student's academic potential can be sought through a system of student's academic potential predictive analysis. The results of predictive analysis are useful to carry out the enrichment program and the improvements program in preparation for the race of academics. Systems analysis of this prediction using data mining to determine the classification of students with academic potential classification models through techniques that form the decision tree of C4.5 algorithm. Predicted results are in the form of the rule of academic potential of students who subsequently entered into an online-based system of academic potential. The data on the student report book information academic potential of students who set and approved by the school. The rule is tested the prediction that yielding a prediction of 77.78% and then applied to other data that is testing the data as much as 20 report book data that generate 90% prediction rate. After the rules are received then put into an online-based system of academic potential

    Strategi Pengembangan Web Services Untuk Integrasi Antar Sistem Aplikasi Dan Website Dalam E-government Di Pemkab Bantul YOGYAKARTA

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    Bantul District Government has been developing e-Gov applications through the development of application systems 28 and 34 websites, and the two GIS-based applications. Application system is used for internal data processing needs, while the website and GIS-based application used to display the content information to the public. One application of ICT is an urgent problem to be addressed by the Bantul regency is how to integrate data between systems and between the existing website in order to provide accurate nd consistent information. This problem arises because each application system and website are still using the separately database, and the development of new systems are always developed a new database and repeat the data entry process from initial. This paper reveals how to utilize the potential national people database in the e-ktp systems and integration in 17 priority application systems and 21 existing website. Three strategies for integration between the proposed system is to utilize the population as a master database, web services development strategies, and web services modeling strategy. By using the national people database, then the system of existing applications and websites can be communicated with each other through the mechanism of data exchange services using web services. By using a single source of verified data, then the system of existing applications and websites will result in an accurate and consistent information
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