484 research outputs found

    Self-perception and proffesional identity of nurses

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    Self-image as a constantly changing phenomenon

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    Psychometric characteristics of the Self-perception profile for children

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    Namen raziskave je bil preveriti osnovne psihometrične značilnosti slovenskega prevoda Lestvice samozaznave za otroke - SPPC (Self-Perception Profile for ChildrenHarter, 1985). Rezultati na vzorcu 480 osnovnošolskih otrok so pokazali, da ima lestvica podobno konstruktno veljavnost in zanesljivost kot originalna oblika. Kljub temu, da predstavlja lestvica koristen pripomoček za ugotavljanje samopodobe starejših osnovnošolskih otrok, zahteva v bodoče dodatna preverjanja in nekatere izboljšave z vidika metrične ustreznosti.The purpose of the study was to examine the psychometric characteristics of the Slovene version of the Self-Perception Profile for Children (Harter, 1985). Results on a sample of 480 students showed that the Slovene version of the questionnaire had construct validity and reliability comparable of those found in the original version. Although the scale represents a useful instrument to ascertain self-concept in school settings, it requires further examination and some improvements of its metric characteristics

    Psihometrične lastnosti vprašalnika telesne samopodobe (PSDQ) na vzorcu slovenskih mladostnikov

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    razlike po spolu, starosti in učnem uspehu

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