7,441 research outputs found

    Assessment of the Attractiveness of Sacred Tourism

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    The article presents the experience of scoring sacred objects, the most promising for the purposes of development of sacred tourism in the territory of Almaty region of Kazakhstan. These objects were the object of research, and the subject was the methodology of integrated assessment of these objects in order to determine the most priority and promising centers of sacred tourism in the studied territory. The research purpose is to determine the tourist attractiveness of sacred objects of Almaty region. The level of tourist attractiveness of sacred objects of Almaty region was assessed using the method of expert assessments. The tourist attractiveness of the studied objects was estimated in points by 3 groups (suitability, accessibility, significance) and by 6 indicators. 14 most attractive sacred objects for tourists of Almaty region were allocated. The obtained results allow the parties interested in the development of sacred tourism to concentrate their efforts on developing the most attractive sacred objects for tourists

    Protection of Navajo Sacred Objects

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    Navajo cultural items are being misused, lost, stolen, and sold in pawnshops, Indian stores, the internet, and at pow-wows. This thesis argues that tribes should consider enacting tribal legislation to prevent this spiritual loss and provides a model tribal code developed for the Navajo Nation. This study draws from years of personal direct observation, and secondary and primary sources, such as newspaper articles, federal Indian laws, and books. Navajo traditional law and western law visualize "ownership," differently especially the ownership of sacred items. As the two societies interacted, serious problems emerged when western legal concepts were applied to items the Navajo people consider to have spiritual nature. This research finds that current tribal programming is not designed to prevent the sale or pawning of such items. This thesis proposes that the Nation adopt a tribal code that reflects traditional Navajo concepts of ownership to prevent such losses

    Обустройство пространства вокруг мощей святых в пещерах Киево-Печерской лавры как способ коммуникации с богомольцами (конец XVIII — первые десятилетия ХХ вв.)

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    В статті поставлено за мету через свідчення про комунікацію навколо святинь охарактеризувати їхніх хранителів.The article deals with the creation of environment around the holy relics in the caves of Kyiv Pechersk Lavra during late 18th — first decades of 20th ct. This environment is examined as a method of communication between monks of Lavra and believers. The aim of this article is to estimate the sacred objects keepers, including the reconstruction of Lavra habitants organizational activity devoted to sacred environment adaptations to communication near the relics. The abbot and the monks of Kyiv Pechersk Lavra tried to provide unimpeded access of believers to the sacred objects. They also promoted, that there were some eloquent details near earthly remains of saints in caves. Such details would not only underline the honouring in monastery but also confirm the presence of donors and report, who exactly rests in a that or other shrine. Using some details of holy relics or their environment the sacred objects keepers propagandized correct from orthodoxy point actions and suppressed some inadvisable moments. They also cared of safety and maintainance of sacred objects, in particular from damages from a contact with numerous believers.В статье поставлена цель через свидетельства о коммуникации вокруг святынь охарактеризовать их хранителей, а именно: реконструировать организационную деятельность насельников Киево-Печерской лавры по об - устройству пространства для коммуникации вокруг лаврских святых мощей в конце XVIII — первых десятилетиях XX вв

    Re-mystifying the exhibition of medieval sacred objects

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    Through this study, I identify and ascertain contexts found within the medieval church, specifically focusing on the architectural experience of the Abbey of St.-Denis, and the design characteristics and features of three medieval objects, in order to see how museums can translate the messages of sacred medieval objects. In this work, I use theories of material culture and visual culture studies, museum practices, design observation and analysis to reveal a broader, conceptual way of applying curatorial and exhibition design practices. In addition, I rely heavily on a textual analysis of Abbot Suger's diary about St.-Denis to both provide a context for the artifacts under scrutiny and then to inspire contemporary curatorial and design practices. As objects shift from their place of origin to a museum setting, and then from one institution to another through museum loans and purchases, I posit that exhibit designers and curators must take great care in placement and display of these relics. Reverent and sacred presentation of inspirational and transcendent artifacts requires great sensitivity and scrutiny to translate both authentic context and material meaning for visitors. Of particular import, I show the connections between the medieval and contemporary worlds and the value inherent in the original contexts of objects as a catalyst for exhibition design. In doing so, I shed light to "re-mystify" the rich promise of artifacts to tell important stories in the museum, helping visitors to understand other worlds - and maybe more of their own - through meaningful exchange

    Power inequity and the repatriation right in the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act

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    2014 Summer.The Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act of 1990 sought to empower Native communities to reattain their ancestral human remains, funerary objects, sacred objects, and objects of cultural patrimony. Issues both in theory and in practice have arisen in regard to the law and have made implementation difficult and controversial. This paper seeks to analyze the power provided by the legislation and how it applied in the practice of compliance. This power dynamic is then reconciled within the repatriation ethic of the United States as well as internationally. As the scope broadens, an international repatriation ethic emerges that establishes repatriation of culturally affiliatable human remains and sacred objects as a basic human right for indigenous peoples

    Мироточивые главы в системе пещерных святынь Киево-Печерской лавры (конец XVIII — начало ХХ вв.)

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    У статті охарактеризовано мироточиві глави в системі шанованих святинь у Ближніх і Дальніх печерах Києво-Печерської лаври кінця XVIII — початку ХХ ст.The article deals with problem of myrrh-pouring heads in Kyiv Pechersk Lavra sacred objects system in Near and Far caves. The place of this heads in both caves and its physical accessibility for prayers is analized. The infrastructure development around the myrrh-pouring heads and its informational potentiality are investigated. The author compares this heads inter se and with other sacred objects in Lavra caves. The monks tactic concerning the myrrh-pouring heads is described and analized.В статье охарактеризованы мироточивые главы в системе почитаемых святынь в Ближних и Дальних пещерах Киево-Печерской лавры конца XVIII — начала ХХ вв. При этом была поставлена задача принять во внимание такие факторы: 1) место глав в пространстве пещер; 2) обустройство ближайшего пространства; 3) действия лаврских насельников с мироточивыми главами