11,229 research outputs found

    A summary of NASTRAN fluid/structure interaction capabilities

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    A summary of fluid/structure interaction capabilities for the NASTRAN computer program is presented. Indirect applications of the program towards solving this class of problem were concentrated on. For completeness and comparitive purposes, direct usage of NASTRAN is briefly discussed. The solution technology addresses both steady state and transient dynamic response problems

    An efficient high-order algorithm for acoustic scattering from penetrable thin structures in three dimensions

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    This paper presents a high-order accelerated algorithm for the solution of the integral-equation formulation of volumetric scattering problems. The scheme is particularly well suited to the analysis of “thin” structures as they arise in certain applications (e.g., material coatings); in addition, it is also designed to be used in conjunction with existing low-order FFT-based codes to upgrade their order of accuracy through a suitable treatment of material interfaces. The high-order convergence of the new procedure is attained through a combination of changes of parametric variables (to resolve the singularities of the Green function) and “partitions of unity” (to allow for a simple implementation of spectrally accurate quadratures away from singular points). Accelerated evaluations of the interaction between degrees of freedom, on the other hand, are accomplished by incorporating (two-face) equivalent source approximations on Cartesian grids. A detailed account of the main algorithmic components of the scheme are presented, together with a brief review of the corresponding error and performance analyses which are exemplified with a variety of numerical results

    Studies into the detection of buried objects (particularly optical fibres) in saturated sediment. Part 2: design and commissioning of test tank

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    This report is the second in a series of five, designed to investigate the detection oftargets buried in saturated sediment, primarily through acoustical or acoustics-relatedmethods. Although steel targets are included for comparison, the major interest is intargets (polyethylene cylinders and optical fibres) which have a poor acousticimpedance mismatch with the host sediment. This particular report details theconstruction of a laboratory-scale test facility. This consisted of three maincomponents. Budget constraints were an over-riding consideration in the design.First, there is the design and production of a tank containing saturated sediment. Itwas the intention that the physical and acoustical properties of the laboratory systemshould be similar to those found in a real seafloor environment. Particularconsideration is given to those features of the test system which might affect theacoustic performance, such as reverberation, the presence of gas bubbles in thesediment, or a suspension of particles above it. Sound speed and attenuation wereidentified as being critical parameters, requiring particular attention. Hence, thesewere investigated separately for each component of the acoustic path.Second, there is the design and production of a transducer system. It was the intentionthat this would be suitable for an investigation into the non-invasive acousticdetection of buried objects. A focused reflector is considered to be the most costeffectiveway of achieving a high acoustic power and narrow beamwidth. Acomparison of different reflector sizes suggested that a larger aperture would result inless spherical aberration, thus producing a more uniform sound field. Diffractioneffects are reduced by specifying a tolerance of much less than an acousticwavelength over the reflector surface. The free-field performance of the transducerswas found to be in agreement with the model prediction. Several parameters havebeen determined in this report that pertain to the acoustical characteristics of the waterand sediment in the laboratory tank in the 10 – 100 kHz frequency range.Third, there is the design and production of an automated control system wasdeveloped to simplify the data acquisition process. This was, primarily, a motordrivenposition control system which allowed the transducers to be accuratelypositioned in the two-dimensional plane above the sediment. Thus, it was possible forthe combined signal generation, data acquisition and position control process to be coordinatedfrom a central computer.This series of reports is written in support of the article “The detection by sonar ofxdifficult targets (including centimetre-scale plastic objects and optical fibres) buriedin saturated sediment” by T G Leighton and R C P Evans, written for a Special Issueof Applied Acoustics which contains articles on the topic of the detection of objectsburied in marine sediment. Further support material can be found athttp://www.isvr.soton.ac.uk/FDAG/uaua/target_in_sand.HTM

    Waveguide physical modeling of vocal tract acoustics: flexible formant bandwidth control from increased model dimensionality

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    Digital waveguide physical modeling is often used as an efficient representation of acoustical resonators such as the human vocal tract. Building on the basic one-dimensional (1-D) Kelly-Lochbaum tract model, various speech synthesis techniques demonstrate improvements to the wave scattering mechanisms in order to better approximate wave propagation in the complex vocal system. Some of these techniques are discussed in this paper, with particular reference to an alternative approach in the form of a two-dimensional waveguide mesh model. Emphasis is placed on its ability to produce vowel spectra similar to that which would be present in natural speech, and how it improves upon the 1-D model. Tract area function is accommodated as model width, rather than translated into acoustic impedance, and as such offers extra control as an additional bounding limit to the model. Results show that the two-dimensional (2-D) model introduces approximately linear control over formant bandwidths leading to attainable realistic values across a range of vowels. Similarly, the 2-D model allows for application of theoretical reflection values within the tract, which when applied to the 1-D model result in small formant bandwidths, and, hence, unnatural sounding synthesized vowels

    A method for three-dimensional particle sizing in two-phase flows

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    A method is devised for true three-dimensional (3D) particle sizing in two-phase systems. Based on a ray-optics approximation of the Mie scattering theory for spherical particles, and under given assumptions, the principle is applicable to intensity data from scatterers within arbitrary interrogation volumes. It requires knowledge of the particle 3D location and intensity, and of the spatial distribution of the incident light intensity throughout the measurement volume. The new methodology is particularly suited for Lagrangian measurements: we demonstrate its use with the defocusing digital particle image velocimetry technique, a 3D measurement technique that provides the location, intensity and velocity of particles in large volume domains. We provide a method to characterize the volumetric distribution of the incident illumination and we assess experimentally the size measurement uncertainty

    An efficient high-order Nystr\"om scheme for acoustic scattering by inhomogeneous penetrable media with discontinuous material interface

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    This text proposes a fast, rapidly convergent Nystr\"{o}m method for the solution of the Lippmann-Schwinger integral equation that mathematically models the scattering of time-harmonic acoustic waves by inhomogeneous obstacles, while allowing the material properties to jump across the interface. The method works with overlapping coordinate charts as a description of the given scatterer. In particular, it employs "partitions of unity" to simplify the implementation of high-order quadratures along with suitable changes of parametric variables to analytically resolve the singularities present in the integral operator to achieve desired accuracies in approximations. To deal with the discontinuous material interface in a high-order manner, a specialized quadrature is used in the boundary region. The approach further utilizes an FFT based strategy that uses equivalent source approximations to accelerate the evaluation of large number of interactions that arise in the approximation of the volumetric integral operator and thus achieves a reduced computational complexity of O(Nlog⁥N)O(N \log N) for an NN-point discretization. A detailed discussion on the solution methodology along with a variety of numerical experiments to exemplify its performance in terms of both speed and accuracy are presented in this paper

    Anharmonic properties from a generalized third order ab~initio approach: theory and applications to graphite and graphene

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    We have implemented a generic method, based on the 2n+1 theorem within density functional perturbation theory, to calculate the anharmonic scattering coefficients among three phonons with arbitrary wavevectors. The method is used to study the phonon broadening in graphite and graphene mono- and bi-layer. The broadening of the high-energy optical branches is highly nonuniform and presents a series of sudden steps and spikes. At finite temperature, the two linearly dispersive acoustic branches TA and LA of graphene have nonzero broadening for small wavevectors. The broadening in graphite and bi-layer graphene is, overall, very similar to the graphene one, the most remarkable feature being the broadening of the quasi acoustical ZO' branch. Finally, we study the intrinsic anharmonic contribution to the thermal conductivity of the three systems, within the single mode relaxation time approximation. We find the conductance to be in good agreement with experimental data for the out-of-plane direction but to underestimate it by a factor 2 in-plane
