42 research outputs found

    Pelestarian kearifan lokal melalui pelatihan mendongeng bagi bunda PAUD kelurahan Dr. Soetomo, Surabaya

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    The Community Service Project funded by the Higher Education IbM grant as reported here was conducted in order to meet the real need of the focus group in terms of training attendants of Early Childhood Education (ECE) in Kelurahan Dr Soetomo, Surabaya to have the competence to tell Nusantara folk tales These skills of storytelling that have been rare and marginalized by the advancement modern means of communication were badly needed by attendants or would-be attendants who are organized under Early Childhood Education (ECE). Through the training, ECE attendants will be enabled to tell Nusantara folktales which are rich in local wisdom as a media of character education for todlers in the local ECE. Such a community service project could also be beneficial if it is disseminated in other focus groups that badly need it in the inner city of Surabaya

    Pembuatan dan Penggunaan Alat Peraga bagi Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus

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    Di Indonesia, jumlah anak berkebutuhan khusus yang berusia sekolah terus meningkat. Sekolah dan orang tua murid perlu berkolaborasi untuk mendukung proses belajar siswa. Dalam hal ini, perlu ada pengadaan dan penggunaan alat peraga bagi siswa berkebutuhan khusus. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji manfaat pembuatan dan penggunaan alat peraga bagi anak berkebutuhan khusus. Pembuatan dan penggunaan alat peraga ditujukan terutama bagi siswa berkebutuhan khusus di tingkat Sekolah Dasar, di sekitar Sekolah Teologi Kristen Pelangi Kristus, Surabaya. Dalam kegiatan tersebut, digunakan metode direct teaching dan praktik agar setiap peserta bisa menyesuaikan alat peraga dengan kebutuhan siswa. Hasil pelatihan yang telah dilakukan di Sekolah Teologi Kristen Pelangi Kristus, Surabaya menunjukkan bahwa siswa mampu menangkap materi pembelajaran jika diadakan adaptasi dan modifikasi cara menyampaikan materi

    Penanaman Jiwa Bijak Mengelola Uang pada Siswa PAUD Kelurahan Siwalankerto Surabaya Melalui Kegiatan Service Learning Mata Kuliah Personal Finance

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    Kesempatan emas tidak akan terulang dua kali. Hal ini berlaku pula pada masa pembinaan siswa PAUD yang berada pada Golden Period. Pembelajaran pada periode ini menjadi sangat penting, karena akan ikut menentukan arah perkembangan jiwa anak pada tahap berikutnya. Penanaman jiwa bijak mengelola uang melalui kebiasaan menabung akan menjadi salah satu pilar yang akan menopang kehidupan anak kelak saat ia beranjak dewasa. Keterlibatan para mahasiswa dalam kegiatan Service Learning merupakan salah satu momen yang berharga bagi para mahasiswa, karena kegiatan ini memberikan kesempatan kepada mahasiswa untuk membagikan pengetahuan dan sebagian dana yang mereka miliki kepada masyarakat, khususnya para siswa PAUD, belajar bersosialisasi dengan strata masyarakat yang berbeda, belajar makna mengabdi dari para Bunda PAUD yang mengajar anak-anak dari keluarga berpendapatan rendah tanpa mengharapkan imbalan


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    As the simplest communication media, mading is a significant medium to encourage creativity, imagination and provide opportunity for students to be expresive. In fact, there aren’t many schools utilizing mading as a communication medium to empower students. Mading management that empowers students will also provide benefits to improve the literacy skills and build a culture of teamwork. This paper aims to examine the utilization of mading as a learning medium for students at SDN Tanjung Anom 3 Nganjuk. Mading is merely informative medium or one-way communication from the teacher to the students. Mading utilization is emphasized as a bulletin board only. Community service activities were implemented then, aimed to put mading as a medium of participatory communication in order to foster synergies between school as educational institution and the needs of the students. The results of the training has been done in SDN Tanjung Anom 3 shows that the management of mading within involvement of students will make them become more creative, expressive and imaginative. Students further become collaborative and explorative in mading management thus the function of mading as a medium of two way communication might be implemented


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    Special Junior High School of Educational Foundation for the Blind Children (SMPLB-A YPAB), in Jalan Gebang Putih No.5 Surabaya, was a special school for diffable students for years. Unfortunately the school was less accessible. Therefore an accessibility evaluation and participatory design were needed for answering this challenge. The evaluation and design were conducted in a framework of Service Learning AR.633 Inclusive Design Course conducted by the Architectural Program if Petra Christian University. The Service Learning method was suitable for this because educating the architectural students about the Inclusive Design and serving the less privilege persons such as diffable students. The evaluation process as well as participatory or inclusive design was creative. The process involved the interview with blind students and blind teachers, the accessibility simulation of the Architectural students in the blind school, the Focus Group Discussions with diffable students and teachers (including the diffable teachers). The 1:20 - scale - architectural - model was found effective for the communi-cation process. And, two alternative designs were proposed for renovating the blind school. The case emphasized that creative process need more participation of all stakeholders in the building


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    Service Learning yang menjadi implementasi dalam metode mata kuliah Arsitektur Anak dibagi menjadi 3 tahapan pembelajaran yaitu tahapan pendalaman teori tentang perkembangan anak dan arsitektur, eksplorasi taman publik, serta kegiatan live in di Desa Tututr yang menjadi aplikasi nyata dari pembelajaran dengan metode Service Learning itu sendiri. Dalam kegiatan ini, mahasiswa bukan hanya sekedar memberikan pelayanan masyarakat, namun mencoba untuk menganalisa dan memahami masalah sosial apa yang dihadapi oleh masyarakat serta mengangkat problem tersebut ke dalam permasalahan desain lalu memberikan gagasan untuk pemecahan masalah sebagai wujud kemitraan dalam kegiatan service learning di PAUD Baithani Tengger di Desa Tutur, Nongkojajar


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    This article describes the community service activity that has been carried out by Petra’s Department of Architectureunder full support of LPPM Petra. Healthy and Functional Toilet Socialization in Surabaya activity comes in the form of video playback and comic distribution to the people in two villages of The Residents of Surabaya’s River Bank Community and two elementary schools around District of Ngagel. This activity is done to support the East Java Provincial Government to actualize defecation free area in East Java. This socialization is considered very critical looking at the lack of awareness of citizens in culturing healthy and functional toilet


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    The GKJ Synod Web had undergone several modifications independently. It led to a vulnerability condition that cost system breaches. Building the web application independently in limited security resource was the main problem for GKJ Synod. In order to resolve the problem, the GKJ Synod collaborated with FTI UKDW. Wordpress was implemented to restore the the GKJ Synod web. The  restoration process, requirement and  content analysis, and information architecture design. Based on the information architecture design, the website had been setup and then the team empowered the Data and Multimedia Information Service Center of GKJ Synod to maintain the web application and the contents. The installed WordPress utilised the VPS service with an additional SSL security protocol that provides development support and security. Thie web application project will continue to the next  stage which is online document management services


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     Keberhasilan wirausaha peternakan kambing Etawah adalah pemilihan bibit, pemberian pakan berkualitas dan manajemen kesehatan ternak. Hasil samping pengelolaan susu dan kotoran dapat meningkatkan nilai ekonomis. PKM ini bertujuan membantu peternak mitra (Bapak Solikan) di Desa Morowudi, Cerme, Gresik yang memiliki 214 ekor kambing Etawah. Masalah yang dihadapi mitra adalah : Ketersediaan pakan berkualitas terutama saat kemarau, tingkat mortalitas anak dan induk kambing tinggi, pengetahuan pengelolaan susu dan feses, manajemen wirausaha dan pemasaran belum dikuasai. Keterbatasan pengetahuan peternak menyebabkan masalah tidak terselesaikan dengan baik. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan berupa pelatihan pembuatan pakan berkualitas dan murah, penanganan induk dan anak pasca kelahiran, teknik pengelolaan susu dan feses, serta manajemen asset dan pemasaran. Hasil pengabdian ini dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan peternak menyediakan pakan yang difermentasi dengan MC-4, mudah dan murah dengan kualitas lebih baik, palabilitas tinggi, daya simpan pakan lebih lama dibanding pakan sebelumnya yang mencampur hijauan/jerami dengan ampas tahu, difermentasi 4 jam sehingga cepat busuk karena basah sehingga mudah busuk dan menyebabkan ternak kembung apabila tidak segera dikonsumsi. Hasil pelatihan penanganan induk dan anak pasca kelahiran, pengelolaan susu dan feses, serta manajemen asset dan pemasaran dapat dimengerti dengan baik dan mudah oleh peternak mitra sehingga dalam jangka panjang akan menekan mortalitas anak dan induk. Kata Kunci: Ternak, Etawa, pakan, perawatan, wirausaha AbstractThe success of Etawah goat farming bussines influenced by the selection of broodstock, feeding and livestock health management. The aims ofpeople service programe (PKM) to help partner of goat farmers (Mr. Solikan) in Morowudi Village, Cerme, Gresik who have 214 heads of Etawah goats. The Unavailability of high quality of fodder forage especially during dry season, and high mortality of lamb and adult goat female are major problem that faced by partners goat farmer. In addition, partner goat farmer also have problems in milk and feces processing techniques, bussines management and marketing of livestock products. The limited knowledge and skill of fermentation and feed technology, bussines management and marketing techniques have caused these problems not resolved by the partner farmers. The method of carrying outactivities in the form of training in making quality and inexpensive feed, handling mother and child after birth, milk and feces management technique, and asset management and marketing. The result of this service can increase the knowledge of breeders providing fermented feed with MC-4, easy and inexpensive with better quality, high palability, longer shelf life of feed compared to previous feeds that mix forage/straw with tofu pulp, fermented 4 hours so that it decays quickly because it is wet soit easily rot and cause cattle to bloat if not consumed immediately. The results of training in handling post-natal mother and child, management of milk and feces, as well as asset management and marketing can be understood well and easily by partner farmers so that in the long run it will reduce the mortality of children and mother. Key word : Livestock, Etawah, feeding, handling, enterpreneu


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    Mempersiapkan daya saing masyarakat dalam industri era 4,0 dari generasi imigran digital memiliki tantangan tersendiri. Dewan Paroki Santa Maria Assumpta Klaten adalah contoh dari sebuah komunitas yang sebagian besar diisi oleh orang yang lahir sebelum generasi Milenium, atau sebelum 1980. Tugas kerja dan pelayanan dewan paroki sendiri memerlukan banyak bantuan teknologi dalam mempersiapkan, mengelola dan melaporkan program pastoral. Google Suite dipilih sebagai teknologi yang diharapkan dapat membantu pekerjaan dewan paroki. Pelatihan Google Suite disediakan dalam empat sesi, masing-masing berfokus pada pembuatan akun, penyimpanan data dan manajemen file, kolaborasi pengeditan file, koordinasi acara bersama, dan pembuatan formulir online. Pada akhir pelatihan, kuesioner dikerahkan untuk mengukur tingkat penerimaan teknologi. Dari perhitungan yang dibuat, disimpulkan bahwa Dewan Paroki Santa Maria Assumpta Klaten memiliki niat baik untuk belajar Google suite dan menganggap bahwa aplikasi ini bermanfaat untuk kegiatan pelayanan gerejawi mereka.Preparing competitiveness in the Industry 4.0 era towards the people from digital immigrant generation has its own challenges. The Parish Council of Santa Maria Assumpta Klaten is an example of a community that is mostly filled by people born before the millennial generation, or before 1980. The work and service assignments of the Parish Council itself require a lot of technological assistance in preparing, managing and reporting pastoral programs. Google Suite was chosen as a technology that is expected to help the work of the Parish Council. Google Suite training is provided in four sessions, each of which focuses on account creation, cloud storage and file management, file editing collaboration, coordination of shared events, and online form creation. At the end of the training, a questionnaire was deployed to measure the level of acceptance of the technology. From the calculations made, it was concluded that the Parish Council of Santa Maria Assumpta Klaten had good intentions to study Google Suite and considered that this application was beneficial for their ecclesiastical service activities