137,791 research outputs found

    Animacy in early New Zealand english

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    The literature suggests that animacy effects in present-day spoken New Zealand English (NZE) differ from animacy effects in other varieties of English. We seek to determine if such differences have a history in earlier NZE writing or not. We revisit two grammatical phenomena — progressives and genitives — that are well known to be sensitive to animacy effects, and we study these phenomena in corpora sampling 19th- and early 20th-century written NZE; for reference purposes, we also study parallel samples of 19th- and early 20th-century British English and American English. We indeed find significant regional differences between early New Zealand writing and the other varieties in terms of the effect that animacy has on the frequency and probabilities of grammatical phenomena

    Observational evidence favors a resistive wave heating mechanism for coronal loops over a viscous phenomenon

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    Context. How coronal loops are heated to their observed temperatures is the subject of a long standing debate. Aims. Observational evidence exists that the heating in coronal loops mainly occurs near the loop footpoints. In this article, analytically and numerically obtained heating profiles produced by resonantly damped waves are compared to the observationally estimated profiles. Methods. To do that, the predicted heating profiles are fitted with an exponential heating function, which was also used to fit the observations. The results of both fits, the estimated heating scale heights, are compared to determine the viability of resonant absorption as a heating mechanism for coronal loops. Results. Two results are obtained. It is shown that any wave heating mechanism (i.e. not just resonant absorption) should be dominated by a resistive (and not a viscous) phenomenon in order to accomodate the constraint of footpoint heating. Additionally it is demonstrated that the analytically and numerically estimated heating scale heights for the resonant absorption damping mechanism fit the observations very well

    Four-Dimensional SCFTs from M5-Branes

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    We engineer a large new set of four-dimensional N=1 superconformal field theories by wrapping M5-branes on complex curves. We present new supersymmetric AdS_5 M-theory backgrounds which describe these fixed points at large N, and then directly construct the dual four-dimensional CFTs for a certain subset of these solutions. Additionally, we provide a direct check of the central charges of these theories by using the M5-brane anomaly polynomial. This is a companion paper which elaborates upon results reported in arXiv:1112:5487.Comment: 45 pages, 11 figure

    Shape Coexistence in Pb186: Beyond-mean-field description by configuration mixing of symmetry restored wave functions

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    We study shape coexistence in Pb186 using configuration mixing of angular-momentum and particle-number projected self-consistent mean-field states. The same Skyrme interaction SLy6 is used everywhere in connection with a density-dependent zero-range pairing force. The model predicts coexisting spherical, prolate and oblate 0+ states at low energy.Comment: 5 pages REVTEX4, 4 eps figures, accepted by Phys. Lett. B. Revised version with some polishing of the text without changing its conten

    A C*-Algebraic Model for Locally Noncommutative Spacetimes

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    Locally noncommutative spacetimes provide a refined notion of noncommutative spacetimes where the noncommutativity is present only for small distances. Here we discuss a non-perturbative approach based on Rieffel's strict deformation quantization. To this end, we extend the usual C*-algebraic results to a pro-C*-algebraic framework.Comment: 13 pages, LaTeX 2e, no figure

    Noninvasive Embedding of Single Co Atoms in Ge(111)2x1 Surfaces

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    We report on a combined scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) and density functional theory (DFT) based investigation of Co atoms on Ge(111)2x1 surfaces. When deposited on cold surfaces, individual Co atoms have a limited diffusivity on the atomically flat areas and apparently reside on top of the upper pi-bonded chain rows exclusively. Voltage-dependent STM imaging reveals a highly anisotropic electronic perturbation of the Ge surface surrounding these Co atoms and pronounced one-dimensional confinement along the pi-bonded chains. DFT calculations reveal that the individual Co atoms are in fact embedded in the Ge surface, where they occupy a quasi-stationary position within the big 7-member Ge ring in between the 3rd and 4th atomic Ge layer. The energy needed for the Co atoms to overcome the potential barrier for penetration in the Ge surface is provided by the kinetic energy resulting from the deposition process. DFT calculations further demonstrate that the embedded Co atoms form four covalent Co-Ge bonds, resulting in a Co4+ valence state and a 3d5 electronic configuration. Calculated STM images are in perfect agreement with the experimental atomic resolution STM images for the broad range of applied tunneling voltages.Comment: 19 pages, 15 figures, 3 table

    The Landau gauge gluon and ghost propagator in the refined Gribov-Zwanziger framework in 3 dimensions

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    In previous works, we have constructed a refined version of the Gribov-Zwanziger action in 4 dimensions, by taking into account a novel dynamical effect. In this paper, we explore the 3-dimensional case. Analogously as in 4 dimensions, we obtain a ghost propagator behaving like 1/p21/p^2 in the infrared, while the gluon propagator reaches a finite nonvanishing value at zero momentum. Simultaneously, a clear violation of positivity by the gluon propagator is also found. This behaviour of the propagators turns out be in agreement with the recent numerical simulations.Comment: 26 pages, 16 .eps figures. v3: version accepted for publication in Phys Rev

    Shocks and a Giant Planet in the Disk Orbiting BP Piscium?

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    Spitzer IRS spectroscopy supports the interpretation that BP Piscium, a gas and dust enshrouded star residing at high Galactic latitude, is a first-ascent giant rather than a classical T Tauri star. Our analysis suggests that BP Piscium's spectral energy distribution can be modeled as a disk with a gap that is opened by a giant planet. Modeling the rich mid-infrared emission line spectrum indicates that the solid-state emitting grains orbiting BP Piscium are primarily composed of ~75 K crystalline, magnesium-rich olivine; ~75 K crystalline, magnesium-rich pyroxene; ~200 K amorphous, magnesium-rich pyroxene; and ~200 K annealed silica ('cristobalite'). These dust grains are all sub-micron sized. The giant planet and gap model also naturally explains the location and mineralogy of the small dust grains in the disk. Disk shocks that result from disk-planet interaction generate the highly crystalline dust which is subsequently blown out of the disk mid-plane and into the disk atmosphere.Comment: 25 pages, 4 figures, 1 table. Accepted to Ap

    Zeta functions and Bernstein-Sato polynomials for ideals in dimension two

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    For a nonzero ideal I of C[x_1,...,x_n], with 0 in supp I, a generalization of a conjecture of Igusa - Denef - Loeser predicts that every pole of its topological zeta function is a root of its Bernstein-Sato polynomial. However, typically only a few roots are obtained this way. Following ideas of Veys, we study the following question. Is it possible to find a collection G of polynomials g in C[x_1,...,x_n], such that, for all g in G, every pole of the topological zeta function associated to I and the volume form gdx on the affine n-space, is a root of the Bernstein-Sato polynomial of I, and such that all roots are realized in this way. We obtain a negative answer to this question, providing counterexamples for monomial and principal ideals in dimension two, and give a partial positive result as well.Comment: 19 pages, 8 figure

    Computing parametric rational generating functions with a primal Barvinok algorithm

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    Computations with Barvinok's short rational generating functions are traditionally being performed in the dual space, to avoid the combinatorial complexity of inclusion--exclusion formulas for the intersecting proper faces of cones. We prove that, on the level of indicator functions of polyhedra, there is no need for using inclusion--exclusion formulas to account for boundary effects: All linear identities in the space of indicator functions can be purely expressed using half-open variants of the full-dimensional polyhedra in the identity. This gives rise to a practically efficient, parametric Barvinok algorithm in the primal space.Comment: 16 pages, 1 figure; v2: Minor corrections, new example and summary of algorithm; submitted to journa
