9,686 research outputs found

    HL-1 cells express an inwardly rectifying K+ current activated via muscarinic receptors comparable to that in mouse atrial myocytes

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    An inwardly rectifying K^+ current is present in atrial cardiac myocytes that is activated by acetylcholine (I_{KACh}). Physiologically, activation of the current in the SA node is important in slowing the heart rate with increased parasympathetic tone. It is a paradigm for the direct regulation of signaling effectors by the Gβγ G-protein subunit. Many questions have been addressed in heterologous expression systems with less focus on the behaviour in native myocytes partly because of the technical difficulties in undertaking comparable studies in native cells. In this study, we characterise a potassium current in the atrial-derived cell line HL-1. Using an electrophysiological approach, we compare the characteristics of the potassium current with those in native atrial cells and in a HEK cell line expressing the cloned Kir3.1/3.4 channel. The potassium current recorded in HL-1 is inwardly rectifying and activated by the muscarinic agonist carbachol. Carbachol-activated currents were inhibited by pertussis toxin and tertiapin-Q. The basal current was time-dependently increased when GTP was substituted in the patch-clamp pipette by the non-hydrolysable analogue GTPγS. We compared the kinetics of current modulation in HL-1 with those of freshly isolated atrial mouse cardiomyocytes. The current activation and deactivation kinetics in HL-1 cells are comparable to those measured in atrial cardiomyocytes. Using immunofluorescence, we found GIRK4 at the membrane in HL-1 cells. Real-time RT-PCR confirms the presence of mRNA for the main G-protein subunits, as well as for M2 muscarinic and A1 adenosine receptors. The data suggest HL-1 cells are a good model to study IKAch

    Quadratic algebras related to elliptic curves

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    We construct quadratic finite-dimensional Poisson algebras and their quantum versions related to rank N and degree one vector bundles over elliptic curves with n marked points. The algebras are parameterized by the moduli of curves. For N=2 and n=1 they coincide with the Sklyanin algebras. We prove that the Poisson structure is compatible with the Lie-Poisson structure on the direct sum of n copies of sl(N). The derivation is based on the Poisson reduction from the canonical brackets on the affine space over the cotangent bundle to the groups of automorphisms of vector bundles.Comment: 21 page

    Interplanetary particle transport simulation for warning system for aviation exposure to solar energetic particles

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    Solar energetic particles (SEPs) are one of the extreme space weather phenomena. A huge SEP event increases the radiation dose received by aircrews, who should be warned of such events as early as possible. We developed a warning system for aviation exposure to SEPs. This article describes one component of the system, which calculates the temporal evolution of the SEP intensity and the spectrum immediately outside the terrestrial magnetosphere. To achieve this, we performed numerical simulations of SEP transport in interplanetary space, in which interplanetary SEP transport is described by the focused transport equation. We developed a new simulation code to solve the equation using a set of stochastic differential equations. In the code, the focused transport equation is expressed in a magnetic field line coordinate system, which is a non-orthogonal curvilinear coordinate system. An inverse Gaussian distribution is employed as the injection profile of SEPs at an inner boundary located near the Sun. We applied the simulation to observed SEP events as a validation test. The results show that our simulation can closely reproduce observational data for the temporal evolution of particle intensity. By employing the code, we developed the WArning System for AVIation Exposure to Solar energetic particles (WASAVIES).Comment: 23 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in Earth, Planets and Spac

    Infinite genus surfaces and irrational polygonal billiards

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    We prove that the natural invariant surface associated with the billiard game on an irrational polygonal table is homeomorphic to the Loch Ness monster, that is, the only orientable infinite genus topological real surface with exactly one end.Comment: 15 pages, 18 figure

    Health care operations management

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    Health care operations management has become a major topic for health care service providers and society. Operations research already has and further will make considerable contributions for the effective and efficient delivery of health care services. This special issue collects seven carefully selected papers dealing with optimization and decision analysis problems in the field of health care operations management

    Designing an information system for updating land records in Bangladesh: action design ethnographic research (ADER)

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    Open Access. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License which permits any use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author(s) and the source are credited.This article has been made available through the Brunel Open Access Publishing Fund.Information Systems (IS) has developed through adapting, generating and applying diverse methodologies, methods, and techniques from reference disciplines. Further, Action Design Research (ADR) has recently developed as a broad research method that focuses on designing and redesigning IT and IS in organizational contexts. This paper reflects on applying ADR in a complex organizational context in a developing country. It shows that ADR requires additional lens for designing IS in such a complex organizational context. Through conducting ADR, it is seen that an ethnographic framework has potential complementarities for understanding complex contexts thereby enhancing the ADR processes. This paper argues that conducting ADR with an ethnographic approach enhances design of IS and organizational contexts. Finally, this paper aims presents a broader methodological framework, Action Design Ethnographic Research (ADER), for designing artefacts as well as IS. This is illustrated through the case of a land records updating service in Bangladesh

    Complete intersection vanishing ideals on degenerate tori over finite fields

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    We study the complete intersection property and the algebraic invariants (index of regularity, degree) of vanishing ideals on degenerate tori over finite fields. We establish a correspondence between vanishing ideals and toric ideals associated to numerical semigroups. This correspondence is shown to preserve the complete intersection property, and allows us to use some available algorithms to determine whether a given vanishing ideal is a complete intersection. We give formulae for the degree, and for the index of regularity of a complete intersection in terms of the Frobenius number and the generators of a numerical semigroup.Comment: Arabian Journal of Mathematics, to appea

    On the Saturation of Astrophysical Dynamos: Numerical Experiments with the No-cosines flow

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    In the context of astrophysical dynamos we illustrate that the no-cosines flow, with zero mean helicity, can drive fast dynamo action and study the dynamo's mode of operation during both the linear and non-linear saturation regime: It turns out that in addition to a high growth rate in the linear regime, the dynamo saturates at a level significantly higher than normal turbulent dynamos, namely at exact equipartition when the magnetic Prandtl number is on the order of unity. Visualization of the magnetic and velocity fields at saturation will help us to understand some of the aspects of the non-linear dynamo problem.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, submitted to the proceedings of "Space Climate 1" to be peer-reviewed to Solar Physic