90 research outputs found

    Performance Analysis of Classification and Regression Tree (CART) Algorithm in Classifying Male Fertility Levels with Mobile-Based

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    Fertility is the ability to produce offspring in a man or the ability of the reproductive organs to work optimally in fertilization. Fertility rates have declined drastically in the last fifty years. Machine Learning is a field devoted to understanding and building learning methods. This study will use machine learning algorithms to classify male fertility levels, namely the Classification and Regression Tree (CART) algorithm and the K-Fold Cross Validation validation method. The fertility dataset used in this study was obtained from the UCI Machine Learning website, with a total of 100 data and the variables used are Age, Childish diseases, Accident or serious trauma, Surgical intervention, High fevers in the last year, Frequency of alcohol consumption, Smoking habit, Number of hours spent sitting per day and Diagnosis. K-Fold Cross Validation can be used together with CART to measure the performance of the CART model on different data, so as to avoid overfitting or underfitting the CART model. Based on the calculation of the CART algorithm and the K-Fold Cross Validation validation method (K = 1 to K = 9), the average accuracy value for training data is 98.70% and the average accuracy value for testing data is 81.16%. The results of this study have proven that the CART algorithm can be used to classify the level of fertility in men well. In addition, the classification model formed can be implemented into a mobile application (android) so that it is easy to use and understand.Fertility merupakan kemampuan untuk menghasilkan keturunan pada seorang laki-laki atau kemampuan alat reproduksi untuk bekerja secara optimal dalam melakukan pembuahan. Angka fertility telah menurun secara drastis dalam lima puluh tahun terakhir. Machine Learning merupakan bidang yang dikhususkan untuk memahami dan membangun metode pembelajaran. Dalam penelitian ini akan menggunakan algoritma machine learning untuk mengklasifikasikan tingkat kesuburan pria yaitu algoritma Classification and Regression Tree (CART) dan metode validasi K-Fold Cross Validation. Adapun dataset fertility yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini diperoleh dari situs UCI Machine Learning, dengan jumlah data sebanyak 100 dan variabel yang digunakan yaitu Age, Childish diseases, Accident or serious trauma, Surgical intervention, High fevers in the last year, Frequency of alcohol consumption, Smoking habit, Number of hours spent sitting per day dan Diagnosis. K-Fold Cross Validation dapat digunakan bersama dengan CART untuk mengukur performa model CART pada data yang berbeda-beda, sehingga dapat menghindari overfitting atau underfitting pada model CART. Berdasarkan perhitungan algoritma CART  dan metode validasi K-Fold Cross Validation (K=1 sampai dengan K=9) diperoleh nilai rerata akurasi untuk data training sebesar 98,70% dan rerata akurasi untuk data testing diperoleh nilai rata-rata akurasi sebesar 81,16%. Hasil penelitian ini telah membuktikan bahwa algoritma CART dapat digunakan untuk mengklasifikasikan tingkat kesuburan pada pria dengan baik. Selain itu, model klasifikasi yang terbentuk dapat diimplementasikan ke dalam sebuah aplikasi mobile (android) sehingga mudah untuk digunakan dan dipahami

    Implementation eBudgeting Against Performance PT Primer Eka Property Through Internal Control

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    Cost management budget applications are needed by the Company in the business process. The design of the budget system to be built aims to create a budget that will be used for a certain period and without any changes in the current period so that the system can produce an accurate report and improve the effectiveness and efficiency in determining the funds required division. Data collection method used is by doing observation, interview and literature study. The design result of this writing is a budget management system in the form of web cost so that the control in the financing required by each division and can avoid the occurrence of excess or lack of budget. Based on the results of the design and implementation of the budget draft can solve the problem in the process of financing at PT Primer Eka Property

    Design System of Student Registration and The Purchase of Musical Concert Ticket at Samuel Riedone Course & Music Performance

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    Music is an entertainment media for most people in the world. The existence of music can help all work activities done by people. In the world of music itself there are also various musical instruments that create a beautiful blend of sound and calm the mind. Instruments that are very influential and can make the feeling of a person feeling happy and happy among them is piano. A well-known private piano course in BSD area called Samuel Riedone private Piano course, Prepare a range of learning materials and a highly skilled and enjoyable teaching team. But the name of the music course also has bureaucracy or administration that must be run every day so that the running business process can be as expected. To facilitate the manual business process is now more modern it will be created a WEB-based information system that is able to assist in the daily business process. The system will use the Term Frequency (TF) and Inverse Document Frequency (IDF) methods to be able to process the data of many documents in the business process from the music course., And by using the PHP programming language and MySQL database to create the system

    Implementation of Random Forest Algorithm on Palm Oil Price Data

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    One of the potential commodities that are widely cultivated in Indonesia is palm oil, and palm oil or commonly referred to as palm oil is one of the processed products of palm oil which generates the most important foreign exchange for Indonesia. Data mining is a process that utilizes mathematical techniques, statistics, artificial intelligence, and machine learning techniques to extract and identify useful information and related knowledge from large databases [3], including palm oil price data. Random Forest is one of the methods in the decision tree. A decision tree is a flowchart shaped like a tree with a root node that is used to collect data that is used to solve problems and make decisions. In this study, a random forest algorithm was used to classify palm oil price data from 2014 to 2019. The classification method used the random forest algorithm on palm oil data using the Mtry parameter of 1 and the Ntree parameter of 500 resulting in an accuracy percentage of 100%. The most influential variable (importance variable) in the classification model using the resulting random forest algorithm is the palm oil variable

    Expert System Selection Topics Thesis Title With Forward Chaining Method Web-Based

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    Expert Systems are computer-based applications that are used to solve problems as the expert thinks. Many college students majoring in Information Technology are difficult to get the thesis title topic even though it has been reading many journals and looking for some references. Therefore to make it easier college students, then the author wants to create an application where college students majoring in Information Technology can more easily get the thesis title topic so the work of thesis becomes more fluent and not obstructed. This app is web based. In system design, the author used several methods in his research that is method of Analyze, Design, and Implementation. Methods in the design of this expert system even this also used forward chaining method as tracking ahead and best first search method. And also using data collection method mean literature study and questionnaire from system that has been created. The result of Expert System of Thesis Title Topic Selection with Forward Chaining method web based expected to be useful and helpfully college students in getting the thesis title topic. Based on questionnaire that has been shared and filled, it can be said that the Expert System of Thesis Title Topic Selection with Forward Chaining Method Web Based is helpful and beneficial for the college students because it helps college student Information Technology in getting Thesis Title

    Analysis and Design Ecommerce with User Centered Design (UCD) Method at PT. Multi Prima Mandiri Sukses

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    The development of technology moves so rapidly beyond human expectations in general, all eyes and minds are shocked by the sophistication of a technology that is packaged to represent various systems in the world, as well as the business world which is touched by technological developments and changes the way of doing business from the old model to be more sophisticated and efficient. PT. Multi Prima Mandiri Sukses is a company that sells laserjet toner ink and various laserjet printer rentals for office needs. The problem that occurs is in the sales department that so far sales are still carried out conventionally by ordering by telephone and sales records are still in the form of physical data where sales reach is not wide and sales data are easily lost. To overcome this problem, an online sales platform was built in the form of e-commerce with the UML (Unified Modeling Language) approach and with the design of the UCD (User Centered Design) method, the programming language used was PHP with MySQL database. The results of this research are in the form of an available online sales system which includes purchases and sales reports with a user center as a reference for developing an e-commerce sales system

    The Design of Basic Computer Neworking Simulation Learning using Multimedia Development Life Cycle Method based on Augmented Reality at SMKN 1 Tangerang

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    Augmented Reality has entered technology trends in all fields, both marketing and education, Augmented Reality media also requires users to be comfortable when interacting. SMKN 1 Tangerang organizes a distance education system with various methods, in this case the subject which is Basic Computer Networks uses mobile-based learning simulations with Augmented Reality which aims to develop students' abilities in the world of networked computers independently. This system also requires a user experience and user interface development method, namely Luther's Multimedia Development Life Cycle model because it has six stages, namely concept, design, data collection, merging, testing, and distribution, resulting in interactive applications

    Singme Music Entertainment Services Marketing Information System with Content-Based Filtering Method and TAM Testing

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    With the times, the website used as marketing and sales media, which developed into E-Commerce. In 2019, there was 16,277 businesses used the E-Commerce concept, and also the value of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) was about 5.07%. Furthermore, because of the Coronavirus Disease (COVID) pandemic, the GDP decreased to -2.07% In 2020 and even impacted 10 out of 17 business sectors. Music entertainment business was also impacted by the pandemic, because during the pandemic, the government restricted certain public activities. Therefore, this system named Singme will help singers or music groups to market their services and provide related information for the public. Searching the services in Singme will be assisted by using Content-Based Filtering (CBF) method, it will give the recommendations of the services which have correlations with the keywords. Using Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) to test 122 feedback data about Singme with SmartPLS application v3.2.9. As the results, all hypotheses are acceptable because each t-statistic value > t-table value (1.981), and also each p-value < 0.05. Which PEOU influences PU by 34.3%, PU and POEU influence ATU by 50.7%, PU and ATU influence BITU by 56.1%, and BITU influences ASU by 52.3%

    Online Learning Service Application Using Flutter Framework and Laravel

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    Online learning is a concept of learning that is carried out online or through the internet network. Very advanced technology in the modern era and globalization makes various activities carried out efficiently and can be done using only gadgets. Technological developments in the field of education with the use of e-learning in learning activities in schools, colleges, courses and even online communities have started to use concepts like this. This study uses Flutter to create applications for users and consultants in conducting online consultations on android devices. The author uses a collection of widgets that have been provided by flutter to create components in the user interface such as buttons, input text, text, icons, and others. In this study, we use the Laravel framework to create an admin dashboard and provide a Restful API for android applications to handle database management on the server. The author uses Laravel's features to build a fullstack application that handles requests, routing, controllers, services, models, and views

    Systematic Literature Review: Smart City Framework

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    Smart cities are currently becoming the trend of large cities in the world and large cities in Indonesia. As the center of human civilization, cities cannot do without the problems of excess capacity and comfort. More and more people are migrating from the countryside to the cities, which brings new problems to the cities. Cities need to change to survive in the future. Strong indicators are needed to support cities, whether in terms of natural environment, society, communities, infrastructure, and education. In this article, we discuss a systematic literature review of research related to smart cities. The systematic literature review is divided into three stages, introduction stage, demographic analysis stage and result analysis. The results reveal important indicators of smart cities based on the conclusions of previous researc
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