408 research outputs found

    Analisa Finansial pada USAha Persemaian Bibit Ulin oleh Masyarakat di Desa Sungai Merdeka Kecamatan Samboja

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    This study aimed to determine: (1) Business profit of ironwood seedlings nursery (Eusidroxy zwageri T, et B) in the village of Sungai Merdeka. (2) Eligibility of ironwood seedling nursery business in the village of Sungai Merdeka.The study population was all ironwood seedler/farmers in villages of Sungai Merdeka, Samboja sub district, which total 15 people. Data collection using observation, interview and note taking. Instrument of data collection using questionnaires.Result of the descriptive analysis revealed that the average revenue of ironwood seedling nursery of 0.10 ha giving Rp 143,000,000.00, income of Rp 92,523,701.67, and a profit Rp 92,057,535.00. Result of the analysis showed that ironwood seedling nursery businesses is feasible, as it can be seen from the R/C ratio is 2.81; Production > BEP production volume (28,600 > 1.521) and the selling price > of BEP Price (5.000 > 1.781

    Respon Tanaman Kacang Panjang (Vigna Sinensis L.) terhadap Pemberian Pupuk Npk Pelangi dan Pupuk Organik Cair Nasa

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    The objective of research was to study the response of long bean and its interaction upon the application of NPK Pelangi fertilizer and Nasa liquid organic fertilizer, as well as to find proper dosage for gaining better production of long bean. The research was carried out from March to May 2013, at Melapeh Baru Village of Linggang Bigung Sub-District, West Kutai Regency. The Randomised Block Design was employed for the research with factorial 4 x 4 and 3 replications. The first factor was dosage of NPK Pelangi fertilizer (P) consisted of 4 sub-factors: no NPK Pelangi fertilizer application (p0), 1 kg/plot (p1), 3 kg/plot (p2), and 5 kg/plot (p3). And the second factor was concentration of Nasa liquid organic fertilizer (N): no Nasa liquid organic fertilizer application (n0), 2 cc/liter-1 water (n1), 4 cc/liter-1 water (n2), and 6 cc/liter-1 water (n3). Results of the research revealed that: (1) the dosage of NPK Pelangi fertilizer (P) affected significantly on the crop length, age of 80% crop flowered, number of fruit per crop, fruit length per crop. The highest production was attained by the 5 kg/plot (p3) treatment with 4,9250 kg , and the least one was attained by the no NPK Pelangi fertilizer application (p0) treatment with only 2,9167 kg; (2) the Nasa liquid organic fertilizer application affect significantly on crop length, age of 80% crop flowered, number of fruit per crop, fruit weight per crop, fruit length, and production per crop. The highest production was attained by 6 cc/liter-1 water (n3) treatment with 4,4833 kg , and the least one was attained by the no Nasa liquid organic fertilizer application (p0) treatment with only 2,9167 ; and (3) the interaction between the two above factors also affected significantly on crop length, age of 80% crop flowered, fruit weight per crop, fruit length per crop, production per crop. The highest production was attained by the 5 kg/plot and 6 cc/liter-1 water (p3n3) treatment with 5,6333 kg, and the least one was attained by no application of NPK Pelangi and Nasa liquid organic fertilizer (p0n0) treatment with only 2,4667 kg

    Tinjauan Beberapa Komoditas Pertanian Strategis sebagai Basis Penetapan Produk Unggulan Daerah Tingkat Desa di Kabupaten Paser Provinsi Kalimantan Timur

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    Tinjauan Beberapa Komoditas Pertanian Strategis Sebagai Basis Penetapan Produk Unggulan Daerah Tingkat Desa Di Kabupaten Paser Provinsi Kalimantan Timur. Tujuan penelitian adalah : (1) mengidentifikasi komoditi pertanian dan bentuk produk yang dipasarkan di lokasi studi yang memiliki potensi untuk ditingkatkan daya saingnya;, (2) membuat ranking komoditi pertanian dan bentuk produk yang teridentifikasi di lokasi studi untuk ditetapkan sebagai sektor komoditi yang diunggulkan daya saingnya; (3) membuat daftar one village one product (OVOP) dan sebarannya pada lokasi studi sebagai usulan komoditas yang diunggulkan daya saingnya; (4) menganalisis faktor-faktor yang turut memberikan pengaruh dalam rencana pengembangan OVOP di Kabupaten Paser; dan (5) merekomendasikan alternatif strategi dalam rangka program percepatan pengembangan OVOP di Kabupaten Paser.Penelitian dilaksanakan di wilayah Kabupaten Paser Provinsi Kalimantan Timur dengan dua desa pada setiap kecamatan sebagai sampel. Penelitian dilaksanakan dalam rentang waktu selama kurang lebih delapan bulan sampai akhir pembuatan laporan.Data yang dikumpulkan meliputi : (1) data primer bersumber dari hasil wawancara dengan responden (tingkat rumah tangga/ kelompok dan/atau pelaku USAha) di lokasi penelitian; dan (2) data sekunder diperoleh dari instansi terkait seperti Dinas/Instansi yang menangani sektor komoditaspertanian tanaman pangan dankomoditas perkebunan, Dinas Perindustrian dan Perdagangan, Bappeda, BPS di lingkup Kabupaten Paser dan Provinsi Kalimantan Timur. Metoda pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui survei, wawancara dengan informan kunci dan penelaahan data sekunder. Jumlah responden di setiap kecamatan sebanyak ± 10 pelaku USAha. Alat analisis yang digunakan adalah model LocationQuotient (LQ) dan Shift-Share, khususnya dalam rangka untuk mengidentifikasi jenis sektor komoditas atau produk yang akan diunggulkan pada setiap kecamatan. Hasil dari analisis ini akan menjadi pijakan dasar dalam melakukan kajian berikutnya, yaitu penetapan OVOP pada setiap kecamatan. Untuk merumuskan strategi dan kebijakan yang direkomendasikan untuk penerapan Program OVOP digunakan analisis SWOT.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) Kecamatan-kecamatan yang paling dominan di Kabupaten Paser untuk komoditas dari sub-sektor tanaman pangan dan palawija adalah kecamatan Kuaro, Muara Samu, Long Kali, dan Tanjung Harapan; dan (2)kecamatan-kecamatan yang paling dominan di Kabupaten Paser untuk komoditas dari sub-sektor perkebunan adalah kecamatan Muara Komam, Tanah Grogot, Tanjung Harapan, dan Kuaro

    Studi Pemanfaatan Lembo Rumah untuk Peningkatan Ekonomi Masyarakat di Desa Mencimai Kecamatan Barong Tongkok Kabupaten Kutai Barat

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    The average total income of Respondents. Rp 3.080.000. Every month from the average income of Primary Works Rp. 2.070.000. and the average income of part time job. Rp 1.165.384. Every month. Income from Lembo Rumah can increase the average income of Rp. 1.097.200. Every month with 35.62% percent / household / month. This shows that Lembo Rumah can increase economic income of family in the village of Mencimai

    Viabilitas dan Pertumbuhan Benih Semangka Non Biji (Citrullus Vulgaris Schard) terhadap Pengaruh Suhu dan Pemecahan Kulit Luar

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    The purpose of this research is to determine the effect of temperature and outer rind peeling and their interactions on the viability and growth of seedless watermelon seedlings, and to obtain the appropriate temperature and the outer rind peeling for resulting good seed of seedless watermelon.Research conducted at the Laboratory of the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Widya Gama Samarinda Mahakam from March to June 2014. It applied 2 x 4 factorial experiment in a completely randomized design and repeated 6 times. The first factor is the treatment of temperature (T) with 4 levels, namely: the temperature of 28-300C (t1), a temperature of 30-320C (t2), a temperature of 32-340C (t3), and a temperature of 34-360C. The second factor is the outer rind peeling (P) with 2 levels, namely: no rind peeling (p0) and with the outer rind peeling (p1).Observational data collected in the study, namely: (1) age when the seeds begin to germinate, (2) the germination of seeds, (3) the length of radicle, (4) age in leaf formation, and (5) the number of leaves. Data analysis was performed using analysis of variance and when significant (F count> F table 5%) or highly significant (F count> F table 1%), then further tested by Duncan\u27s multiple range test (DMRT) level of 5% .The results showed that: (1) the effect of the interaction between the outer rind peeling and different temperatures factors affected very significantly on to the age of the seeds begin to germinate, seed germination, radicle length, age of the leaf formation, and number of leaves; and (2) the combination treatment with outer rind peeling and a temperature of 30 - 32oC (p1t2) produces the best viability and growth of seedless watermelon

    Pertumbuhan Tanaman Gaharu (Aquilaria SP.) di Desa Giri Agung Kecamatan Sebulu Kabupaten Kutai Kartanegara Provinsi Kalimantan Timur

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    The experiment was conducted at the Community Forestry area in the Giri Agung Village of Sebulu Sub District, Kutai Regency. Planting implementation was in 2006. Research carried out for about 2 effective months (from May to June 2012). The object was Gaharu crop of 6 years old in the Giri Agung Village with the total samples 30 crops planted at the top of hill, and 30 crops planted at the slope. The data was analysed with SPSS 12 t-test to determine the differences in growth at the top and on the slopes at the significant level 95%. The results showed that the Gaharu crop growth at top and at slope hill were not significantly different on both crop diameter and height growth by the t test. The results of the statistical test using t-test showed that t-count is less than t-table which means there is no significant difference in the average of crop height at the top and slope. There were several limiting factors for optimum growth of Gaharu. They were soil factors, especially pH and limitation availability of some macro and micro nutrients, because almost all the nutrients required by the Gaharu is generally lacking. Therefore, it needed an improvement or increase in the availability of nutrients by fertilizing with both organic and inorganic fertilizers that are required by the Gaharu

    Pengaruh Jenis Dan Konsentrasi Pupuk Organik Cair Terhadap Pertumbuhan Dan Hasil Tanaman Sawi (Brassica Juncea L.) Varietas Tosakan

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    Objectives of the research were to study the effect of type and concentration organic liquid fertilizer, as well as their interaction on the growth and yield of mustard green; and to find proper type and consentration of organic liquid fertilizer for better growth and production of mustard green. The research was carried out from September to October 2012, since preparation of growing media until crop harvested. It was held at Experiment Garden Area of Faculty of Agriculture, The 17th ofAugust 1945 University, Samarinda. The research employed Completely Randomised Design (CRD) with factorial 2 x 5 experiment and 3 replications. The first factor was type of organic liquid fertilizer (B), that consisted of two levels, namely: Nasa (b1), and Bio Sugih (b2). The second factor was concentration of organic liquid fertilizer (N), that consisted of five levels, namely: no organic liquid fertilizer as control (n0); 1,0 ml l-1 water (n1); 2,0 ml l-1 water (n2); 3,0 ml l-1 water (n3), and 4,0 ml l-1 water (n4). Results of the research indicated that: (1) organic liquid fertilizer types (B) affect significantly on plant weight, but it did not affect significantly on plant height and number of leafs at 7 and 21 days after planting and at harvest time; (2) concentration of organic liquid fertilizer (N) affect significantly on plant height at 21 days after planting and plant height at harvest time, number of leafs at 21 days after planting and plant weight, but it did not significantly on plant height at 7 days after planting and number of leaf at 7 days after planting and at harvest time. The highest plant weight was attained on the 2,0 ml l-1 water treatment (n2) with 185,59 g plant-1 while the worst one was on the no organic liquid fertilizer treatment (n0) with 84,02 g plant-1; and (3) the interaction between those two factors did not affect significantly on all parameters observed

    Efektifitas Beberapa Fungisida terhadap Perkembangan Penyakit dan Produksi Tanaman Cabai (Capsicum Frutescens)

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    Efektifitas Beberapa Fungisida Terhadap Perkembangan Penyakit Dan Produksi Tanaman Cabai (Capsicum frutescens). Aplikasi beberapa fungisida terhadap berbagai macam intensitas serangan penyakit pada pertumbuhan dan produksi tanaman cabai rawit (Capsicum frutescens L.) khususnya penyakit bercak daun dan Antraknose yang sering menyerang tanaman cabai rawit (Capsicum frutescens L.). Penelitian ini bertujuan Untuk mengetahui pengaruh aplikasi beberapa fungisida dalam mengendalikan intensitas serangan penyakit bercak daun dan Antraknose oleh cendawan Cercospora dan colletotrichum capsici terhadap pertumbuhan dan produksi tanaman cabai (Capsicum frutescens L. ) dan untuk mengetahui fungisida manakah yang paling efektif dalam menekan perkembangan cendawan penyebab penyakit bercak daun dan Antraknose terhadap pertumbuhan dan produksi tanaman cabai (Capsicum frutescens L. ).Penelitian ini dilaksanakan kurang lebih 5 bulan terhitung mulai persiapan lahan penelitian hingga pengambilan data terakhir. Tempat penelitian berlokasi di lempake Samarinda.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan aplikasi beberapa fungisida mampu menekan intensitas penyakit-penyakit pada tanaman cabai rawit baik penyakit bercak daun maupun terhadap busuk buah. Intensitas penyakit bercak daun terendah terdapat pada perlakuan penyemprotan 7 hari sekali yaitu 1,92 % pada umur 33 hari setelah tanam. Intensitas penyakit busuk buah terendah terdapat pada perlakuan penyemprotan 7 hari sekali yaitu 1,25 % pada umur 88 hari setelah tanam. Penyebab penyakit yang ditemukan pada tanaman cabai besar adalah: Cercospora capsici (penyebab penyakit bercak daun) dan Colletotricum capsici (penyebab penyakit busuk buah). Aplikasi fungisida Antracol adalah jenis fungisida yang paling efektif menekan laju intensitas serangan penyakit bercak daun dan Antraknose yang disebabkan oleh cendawan Cercospora dan colletotrichum capsici terhadap pertumbuhan dan produksi tanaman cabai rawit (Capsicum frutescens L.). Dapat dilihat dari produksi terbaik pada perlakuan penyemprotan 7 hari sekali yaitu rata-rata jumlah buah 231,74 buah, rata-rata berat segar 157,65g ha-1

    Pengaruh Pupuk Npk Mutiara Dan Pupuk Kandang Sapi Terhadap Pertumbuhan Dan Hasil Tanaman Cabai Merah Keriting Varietas Arimbi (Capsicum Annuum L.)

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    The Effect of NPK Mutiara Fertilizer And Cow Manure on the Growth and Yield of Curly Red Chili (Capsicum annuum L.), Arimbi Variety. Objectives of the research were to know the effect of NPK Mutiara fertilizer and cow manure as well as its interactio on the growth and yield of curly red Chili varieties Arimbi.The research to start was from February 2013 to June 2013, carried out at Asa Gemuhan Village, Barong Tongkok Sub District of West Kutai Regency, East Kalimantan Province.The research design employed was Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with factorial 3x3 and five replications. The first factor was application of NPK Mutiara Fertilizer (M), that consisted of three sub-factors : NPK Mutiara fertilizer 150 kg per ha or equal 1.5 g per polybag (m1), 300 kg per ha or equal 3 g per polybag) (m2) and 450 kg per ha or equal 3 g per polybag (m3). And second factor was Cow Manure (K), consisted of three sub-faktor : no cow manure (k0), 5 ton per ha or equal 50 g per polybag (k1) and 10 ton per ha or equal 100 g per polybag (k2).Results of the research revealed that the application of NPK Mutiara fertilizer (M) significantly on plant height 40 days and 60 days after planting and age of plant harvested, but did not affect significantly on age of plant height 20 days after planting, the number of branches, the age of flowering, number of fruits per crop and fruit weight per crop.The cow manure (K) did not a affected significantly on plant height at 20 days, 40 days and 60 days after planting, the number of branches, age of flowering ,age at harvested, number of fruits per crop and fruit weight per cropThe interaction between cow manure and NPK Mutiara fertilizer did not affected significantly on plant height at 20 days, 40 days and 60 days after planting, the number of branches, age of flowering, age of harvested, number of fruits per crop and fruit weight per crop

    Studi Rendemen Bahan Baku Log pada IU-IPHHK Rusmandiansyah di Kecamatan Damai Kabupaten Kutai Barat

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    Peningkatan rendemen pada industry pengolahan kayu pada akhirnya merupakan suatu penilaian tentang peningkatan efisiensi di dalam pemanfaatan bahan baku memperoleh data atau informasi tentang efisiensi pemanfaatan bahan baku pada industry pengolahan kayu.Lokasi penelitian ini dilaksanakan di IU-IPHHK Rusmandiansyah yang berlokasi di Desa Mantar, Kecamatan Damai, Kabupaten Kutai Barat, Provinsi Kalimantan Timur selama 3 bulan (Maret - Mei 2014).Jumlah sampel di dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 15 sampel kayu bulat sesuai dengan stok yang dimiliki oleh Perusahaan dan akan diolah menjadi kayu gergajian. Pemilihan sampel kayu bulat di dalam penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode Purposive Sampling (penarikan contoh sampel secara sengaja). Jenis data yang dikumpulkan di dalam penelitian ini terdiri dari data primer (kualitas kayu bulat, panjang dan diameter kayu bulat, panjang, lebar dan tebal kayu hasil penggergajian dan jumlah sortimen masing-masing bahan baku) dan data sekunder.Berdasarkan hasil penelitian pada Industri Primer Hasil Hutan Kayu (IPHHK)IU-IPHHK Rusmandiansyah diperoleh data yaitu Rendemen rata-rata kayu bulat secara umum yang dihasilkan adalah sebesar 52,32 %; rendemen rata -rata tertinggi yang dihasilkan adalah jenis Bengkirai sebesar 53,42%, diikuti jenis Kapur sebesar 52,39% dan jenis Keruing sebesar 50,16 %. Beberapa faktor yang berpengaruh menurunnya rendemen kayu bulat menjadi kayu gergajian di IU-IPHHK Rusmandiansyah adalah bahan baku kayu bulat yang keadaannya lengkung/bengkok, mesin generator berkapasitas daya kecil dan tenaga kerja yang kurang terampil
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