424,620 research outputs found

    Ideal two-dimensional electron systems with a giant Rashba-type spin splitting in real materials: surfaces of bismuth tellurohalides

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    Spintronics is aimed at active controlling and manipulating the spin degrees of freedom in semiconductor devices. A promising way to achieve this goal is to make use of the tunable Rashba effect that relies on the spin-orbit interaction (SOI) in a two-dimensional (2D) electron system immersed in an inversion-asymmetric environment. The SOI induced spin-splitting of the 2D-electron state provides a basis for many theoretically proposed spintronic devices. However, the lack of semiconductors with large Rashba effect hinders realization of these devices in actual practice. Here we report on a giant Rashba-type spin splitting in 2D electron systems which reside at tellurium-terminated surfaces of bismuth tellurohalides. Among these semiconductors, BiTeCl stands out for its isotropic metallic surface-state band with the Gamma-point energy lying deep inside the bulk band gap. The giant spin-splitting of this band ensures a substantial spin asymmetry of the inelastic mean free path of quasiparticles with different spin orientations.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figure

    Scalar field in cosmology: Potential for isotropization and inflation

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    The important role of scalar field in cosmology was noticed by a number of authors. Due to the fact that the scalar field possesses zero spin, it was basically considered in isotropic cosmological models. If considered in an anisotropic model, the linear scalar field does not lead to isotropization of expansion process. One needs to introduce scalar field with nonlinear potential for the isotropization process to take place. In this paper the general form of scalar field potentials leading to the asymptotic isotropization in case of Bianchi type-I cosmological model, and inflationary regime in case of isotropic space-time is obtained. In doing so we solved both direct and inverse problem, where by direct problem we mean to find metric functions and scalar field for the given potential, whereas, the inverse problem means to find the potential and scalar field for the given metric function. The scalar field potentials leading to the inflation and isotropization were found both for harmonic and proper synchronic time.Comment: 10 page

    Black-brane solution for C_2 algebra

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    Black p-brane solutions for a wide class of intersection rules and Ricci-flat ``internal'' spaces are considered. They are defined up to moduli functions H_s obeying non-linear differential equations with certain boundary conditions imposed. A new solution with intersections corresponding to the Lie algebra C_2 is obtained. The functions H_1 and H_2 for this solution are polynomials of degree 3 and 4.Comment: 12 pages, Latex, submitted to J. Math. Phy

    On the "scattering law" for Kasner parameters in the model with one-component anisotropic fluid

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    A multidimensional cosmological type model with 1-component anisotropic fluid is considered. An exact solution is obtained. This solution is defined on a product manifold containing n Ricci-flat factor spaces. We singled out a special solution governed by the function cosh. It is shown that this special solution has Kasner-like asymptotics in the limits \tau \to + 0 and \tau \to + \infty, where \tau is a synchronous time variable. A relation between two sets of Kasner parameters \alpha_{\infty} and \alpha_{0} is found. This formula (of "scattering law") is coinciding with that obtained earlier for the S-brane solution (when scalar fields are absent).Comment: 23 pages, 1 figure, Late

    Finite-time Singularities in Swampland-related Dark Energy Models

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    In this work we shall investigate the singularity structure of the phase space corresponding to an exponential quintessence dark energy model recently related to swampland models. The dynamical system corresponding to the cosmological system is an autonomous polynomial dynamical system, and by using a mathematical theorem we shall investigate whether finite-time singularities can occur in the dynamical system variables. As we demonstrate, the solutions of the dynamical system are non-singular for all cosmic times and this result is general, meaning that the initial conditions corresponding to the regular solutions, belong to a general set of initial conditions and not to a limited set of initial conditions. As we explain, a dynamical system singularity is not directly related to a physical finite-time singularity. Then, by assuming that the Hubble rate with functional form H(t)=f1(t)+f2(t)(tts)αH(t)=f_1(t)+f_2(t)(t-t_s)^{\alpha}, is a solution of the dynamical system, we investigate the implications of the absence of finite-time singularities in the dynamical system variables. As we demonstrate, Big Rip and a Type IV singularities can always occur if α2\alpha2 respectively. However, Type II and Type III singularities cannot occur in the cosmological system, if the Hubble rate we quoted is considered a solution of the cosmological system.Comment: EPL Accepte

    Cosmological dynamics in six-order gravity

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    We consider cosmological dynamics in generalized modified gravity theory with the RRR\Box R term added to the action of the form R+RNR+R^N. Influence of RRR \Box R term to the known solutions of modified gravity is described. We show that in particular case of N=3N=3 these two non-Einstein terms are equally important on power-law solutions. These solutions and their stability have been studied using dynamical system approach. Some results for the case of N3N \ne 3 (including stability of de Sitter solution in the theory under investigation) have been found using other methods

    On a general class of brane-world black holes

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    We use the general solution to the trace of the 4-dimensional Einstein equations for static, spherically symmetric configurations as a basis for finding a general class of black hole (BH) metrics, containing one arbitrary function gtt=A(r)g_{tt} = A(r) which vanishes at some r=rh>0r = r_h > 0, the horizon radius. Under certain reasonable restrictions, BH metrics are found with or without matter and, depending on the boundary conditions, can be asymptotically flat or have any other prescribed large rr behaviour. It is shown that this procedure generically leads to families of solutions unifying non-extremal globally regular BHs with a Kerr-like global structure, extremal BHs and symmetric wormholes. Horizons in space-times with zero scalar curvature are shown to be either simple or double. The same is generically true for horizons inside a matter distribution, but in special cases there can be horizons of any order. A few simple examples are discussed. A natural application of the above results is the brane world concept, in which the trace of the 4D gravity equations is the only unambiguous equation for the 4D metric, and its solutions can be continued into the 5D bulk according to the embedding theorems.Comment: 9 pages, revtex

    Toda p-brane black holes and polynomials related to Lie algebras

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    Black hole generalized p-brane solutions for a wide class of intersection rules are obtained. The solutions are defined on a manifold that contains a product of n - 1 Ricci-flat internal spaces. They are defined up to a set of functions H_s obeying non-linear differential equations equivalent to Toda-type equations with certain boundary conditions imposed. A conjecture on polynomial structure of governing functions H_s for intersections related to semisimple Lie algebras is suggested. This conjecture is proved for Lie algebras: A_m, C_{m+1}, m > 0. For simple Lie algebras the powers of polynomials coincide with the components of twice the dual Weyl vector in the basis of simple coroots. The coefficients of polynomials depend upon the extremality parameter \mu >0. In the extremal case \mu = 0 such polynomials were considered previously by H. L\"u, J. Maharana, S. Mukherji and C.N. Pope. Explicit formulas for A_2-solution are obtained. Two examples of A_2-dyon solutions, i.e. dyon in D = 11 supergravity with M2 and M5 branes intersecting at a point and Kaluza-Klein dyon, are considered.Comment: 24 pages, Latex, typos are eliminated, a correct relation on parameters of special block-orthogonal solution is added in third line after eq. (4.10

    Diversity of universes created by pure gravity

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    We show that a number of problems of modern cosmology may be solved in the framework of multidimensional gravity with high-order curvature invariants, without invoking other fields. We use a method employing a slow-change approximation, able to work with rather a general form of the gravitational action, and consider Kaluza-Klein type space-times with one or several extra factor spaces. A vast choice of effective theories suggested by the present framework may be stressed: even if the initial Lagrangian is entirely fixed, one obtains quite different models for different numbers, dimensions and topologies of the extra factor spaces. As examples of problems addressed we consider (i) explanation of the present accelerated expansion of the Universe, with a reasonably small cosmological constant, and the problem of its fine tuning is considered from a new point of view; (ii) the mechanism of closed wall production in the early Universe; such walls are necessary for massive primordial black hole formation which is an important stage in some scenarios of cosmic structure formation; (iii) sufficient particle production rate at the end of inflation; (iv) it is shown that our Universe may contain spatial domains with a macroscopic size of extra dimensions. We also discuss chaotic attractors appearing at possible nodes of the kinetic term of the effective scalar field Lagrangian.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figures, revtex4. Final version, some considerations added in response to referee remark

    Uniformization and an Index Theorem for Elliptic Operators Associated with Diffeomorphisms of a Manifold

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    We consider the index problem for a wide class of nonlocal elliptic operators on a smooth closed manifold, namely differential operators with shifts induced by the action of an isometric diffeomorphism. The key to the solution is the method of uniformization: We assign to the nonlocal problem a pseudodifferential operator with the same index, acting in sections of an infinite-dimensional vector bundle on a compact manifold. We then determine the index in terms of topological invariants of the symbol, using the Atiyah-Singer index theorem.Comment: 16 pages, no figure