54,878 research outputs found

    Трансформация метода правового регулирования как необходимое условие совершенствования системы гражданского права

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    Mankovsky, IA Transformation of the method of legal regulation as a necessary condition for improving the civil law systemАКТУАЛЬНЫЕ ВОПРОСЫ ГРАЖДАНСКОГО ПРАВ

    Information Value of Two-Prover Games

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    We introduce a generalization of the standard framework for studying the difficulty of two-prover games. Specifically, we study the model where Alice and Bob are allowed to communicate (with information constraints) - in contrast to the usual two-prover game where they are not allowed to communicate after receiving their respective input. We study the trade-off between the information cost of the protocol and the achieved value of the game after the protocol. In particular, we show the connection of this trade-off and the amortized behavior of the game (i.e. repeated value of the game). We show that if one can win the game with at least (1 - epsilon)-probability by communicating at most epsilon bits of information, then one can win n copies with probability at least 2^{-O(epsilon n)}. This gives an intuitive explanation why Raz\u27s counter-example to strong parallel repetition [Raz2008] (the odd cycle game) is a counter-example to strong parallel repetition - one can win the odd-cycle game on a cycle of length mm by communicating O(m^{-2})-bits where m is the number of vertices. Conversely, for projection games, we show that if one can win n copies with probability larger than (1-epsilon)^n, then one can win one copy with at least (1 - O(epsilon))-probability by communicating O(epsilon) bits of information. By showing the equivalence between information value and amortized value, we give an alternative direction for further works in studying amortized behavior of the two-prover games. The main technical tool is the "Chi-Squared Lemma" which bounds the information cost of the protocol in terms of Chi-Squared distance, instead of usual divergence. This avoids the square loss from using Pinsker\u27s Inequality

    Информационная безопасность: кибернетический взгляд

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    Повышение прочности сварных соединений при дуговой сварке

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    INCREASING STRENGTH OF ARC WELDING JOINTS F. PANTELEENKO, A. SHUMAVАнализируются подходы по улучшению механических свойств сварных соединений, в частности повышению их прочности. Предлагается повысить механические свойства сварных соединений за счет ограничения зоны высокотемпературного нагрева путем использования при дуговой сварке твердого диоксида углерода в качестве охладителя. Выполнено математическое моделирование дуговой сварки стыковых соединений с использованием несимметричной трехмерной модели источника тепла, в которой распределение потока тепла в области двойного эллипсоида происходит по закону Гаусса. Определено температурное поле деталей. Моделирование показало уменьшение площади зоны высокотемпературного нагрева в ходе дуговой сварки с использованием твердого диоксида углерода как охладителя. Определены значения прочности сварных соединений из аустенитной стали при различных условиях охлаждения. Установлено, что при использовании твердого диоксида углерода наблюдается увеличение прочности сварных соединений по сравнению со сваркой в обычных условиях.= Some approach to increase the mechanical properties of welding joints, for example strength, has been considered. It has been proposed to increase the mechanical properties by limiting on zone of high temperature heating by the use of hard dioxide carbon as a coolant. It has been accomplished the numerical simulation of arc welding of welding joints to calculate the temperature field of pieces. It has been used non-symmetric three-dimensional model of the heat source. The model had the heat flow distribution in double ellipsoid area as the Gaussian law. Numerical simulation demonstrates the decrement of zone of high temperature heating in the course of arc welding with the use of hard dioxide carbon as a coolant. Strength of welding joints of austenitic steels under different cooling conditions has been defined. It is found that the use of hard dioxide carbon had led to increasing of strength e in comparison with the strength of welding joints accomplished under usual conditions

    Вопросы равенства при исполнении конституционных обязанностей

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    Kiseleva, TM Equality issues in the performance of constitutional dutiesАКТУАЛЬНЫЕ ПРОБЛЕМЫ КОНСТИТУЦИОННОГО И МЕЖДУНАРОДНОГО ПРАВ

    Materiality and a Theory of Legal Circularity

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    This Article argues that the materiality doctrine, which lies at the heart of securities fraud, has the potential to operate as a self-fulfilling prophecy. This Article labels this phenomenon legal circularity. In order to place the potential legal circularity of materiality in context among the various other legal doctrines that share this potential, this Article proposes a two part Theory of Legal Circularity. First, this Article proposes the following Legal Circularity Test to identify potentially circular doctrines: A legal doctrine is potentially circular if: (1) the legal doctrine incorporates the behavior or attitude of a population or person, either hypothetical or real; and (2) the subject population or person either would (if hypothetical) or does (if real) consider prior precedent interpreting the legal doctrine when choosing said behavior or when adopting said attitude. Materiality, among other legal doctrines, arguably satisfies this test because: (1) the materiality standard focuses on whether there is a substantial likelihood that a hypothetical reasonable investor would consider information important when making an investment decision, and (2) a reasonable investor would arguably consider prior materiality precedent when assessing whether information is important to his or her investment decision. Second, this Article proposes a Framework to Assess Legal Circularity, with the goal of providing guidance about whether to embrace a doctrine\u27s potential legal circularity. Under this framework, which draws from the rich scholarship on the related but distinct concepts of stare decisis, substantive law heuristics, and precedential herding, courts and scholars should weigh (1) the risk of a wrong rule; (2) the effects of greater predictability; and (3) the import of reconceiving the courts\u27 role. Finally, this Article applies this framework to materiality, concluding that courts and scholars should explicitly embrace the legal circularity of materiality, coupled with increased investor education about materiality and absent any clarifying guidance from the Securities and Exchange Commission about the scope of the doctrine

    ACTA and the Specter of Graduated Response

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    This short paper, prepared for a workshop on the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) and the Public Interest at American University’s Washington College of Law, considers the draft Internet provisions of ACTA in the context of concerns raised in the media that the treaty will require signatories to mandate graduated response regimes (à la France’s controversial HADOPI system) for online copyright enforcement. Although the Consolidated Text of ACTA, released in late April, confirms that mandatory graduated response is off the table for the treaty’s negotiators, the treaty in its current form both accommodates and promotes the adoption of graduated response. Moreover, opponents of graduated response should be wary of the fact that public law mechanisms—be they domestic or international—are not the only means by which graduated response can effectively become the law for Internet users. The United States and Ireland provide examples of the trend toward private ordering in the project of online copyright enforcement