152 research outputs found

    The interaction of journalist and media owner in the journalism culture of Albania

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    This paper will focus on the typology of the Albanian binomial model of journalist and media owner during the years of transition. Both categories are seen as interactive actors, where each of them tries to maximize their own interests. Journalists in the early 1990s saw their role in the society as an integrative part of their personality, identifying so the occupation with themself. Meanwhile today the role is incorporated through the socialization in the newsroom. So it can be "dressed" during working hours and "doffed" by the deadline next day. Journalism represents for the public a certain role and should not only meet the expectations of his audience, but also their own personal. The journalist also pursues his goals oriented towards profit (social capital, symbolic etc.). The owner too pursues his goals, oriented towards profit (cost-benefit calculation). The analysis presented in this paper is based on the Agent Theories of the sociologist Uwe Schimank (2000), Schudson (2005) and Goffman (1956). The author will bring statistics of this interaction obtained from a wide survey conducted with 295 journalists in the entire country

    Quitting with Style: Linguistic Analysis of Political Resignation Speeches

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    Political discourse mainly serves as a platform where a struggle for power takes place. Nevertheless, political resignation speeches stand out because their purpose is completely different – politicians relinquish power to other political actors. Quitting a high-ranking public position is never a simple matter; consequently, politicians are extremely cautious in coming forward with well-structured and well-phrased speeches. This research looks into the syntactic formula politicians apply in announcing their resignation. The focus is placed on determining the types of sentences (both according to function and structure) the resigning politicians prefer; their usage of syntactically marked sentences versus sentences in which the SVOCA rule is observed. Finally, the different realizations of the Subject and the use of passive voice are analysed, since these are deemed to have a direct bearing on the amount of responsibility politicians assume. The study offers a linguistic analysis of the resignation speeches of the last three British Prime Ministers and is directed at finding commonalities and differences in the syntactic features of their resignation speeches

    La place des femmes dans les medias francais

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    La place des femmes dans les mĂ©dias français est un sujet d’actualitĂ© dans la mĂ©tropole. Pas une semaine ne se passe sans que le sujet ne soit traitĂ© d’une façon ou d’une autre : nominations, publications, pĂ©titions, scandales, etc
 Ce choix de sujet n’est donc pas seulement thĂ©orique mais s’inscrit dans une rĂ©flexion plus large qui existe aujourd’hui au sein de la sociĂ©tĂ© française. En effet, la nĂ©cessaire reconnaissance du rĂŽle de la femme dans la sociĂ©tĂ© française est un processus en cours. Ainsi, ont Ă©tĂ© accueillies en avril 2015, au sein du PanthĂ©on, temple de la rĂ©publique dĂ©mocratique française, deux personnalitĂ©s fĂ©minines extraordinaires, Germaine Tillion et GeneviĂšve de Gaulle Anthonioz1. Toutes deux, figures emblĂ©matiques de la RĂ©sistance face Ă  l’occupation nazie mais plus encore Ă  la rĂ©sistance dans son acceptation la plus globale. C’est un exemple symbolique. Nombreux autres pourraient encore ĂȘtre citĂ©s. La rĂ©flexion que j’ai menĂ© concernant cette intervention peut s’axer sur deux problĂ©matiques plus particuliĂšrement. En effet, lorsque l’on parle de la place des femmes dans les mĂ©dias que voulons nous dire exactement ? De quoi parle-t-on ? De la place des femmes dans les colonnes des journaux Ă©crit ou web, sur les ondes des radios ou encore sur des images tĂ©lĂ©visĂ©es ? OĂč faisons nous rĂ©fĂ©rence aux femmes journalistes prĂ©sentes ou non dans les diffĂ©rents mĂ©dias

    Wood in Architectonic Identity – An Overview of Wood-based Architecture Development in Kosovo ï»ż

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    Traditional wooden architecture is a valuable heritage of Kosovo, developed in relation to local climate, geographical position, political circumstances, diversity of cultural influences, material accessibility and skills in construction techniques. In this context, this paper investigates building typologies in two terms: traditional building systems and applied to contemporary structures, by analyzing and classifying their structural elements as well as interpreting the architectural values. A brief chronological description is given, and detailed explications follow. Technical details of construction methods and figures are presented based on a literature review and field survey of both historical and contemporary timber architecture. Furthermore, wooden decorative handcraft of Kosovo popular craftsman, which takes a considerable part of traditional house, is described. In conclusion, this paper asserts some clear results that are categorized, therefore subsequent suggestions are provided. Suggestions are addressed toward the significance of traditional and contemporary timber architecture, the importance of preservation and further development of wood-based application

    Evolution of PR: the skills needed for practitioners in nowadays

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    This paper will be focused on the evolution of the profession of the public relations, identifying the skills needed by practitioners to provide their professional experience or to be a potential candidate to be employed in this profession. Through the analysis of 60 job vacancies of various agencies the paper addresses the following questions: How did the development of technology and social media have influenced the traditional practices of public relations?; What is the role of PR in social media?; What are the skills and abilities the practitioners of PR must have? Using the theories of communication and public relations intertwined with empirical evidences, the paper suggests that social media have affected the evolution of the profession, but did not reduce the importance of traditional practices of public relations. Growing demands of qualifying criteria for the PR practitioners encourages discussion of the acquisition of multi qualities and skills of pros, as well as about their role in the integration and strategic decision making

    The sophistication of the tactics of PR in the municipality of Tirana

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    This article is tackling the subject of public relation of Tirana Municipality, the techniques which were used for the transmission of messages to the public audience, and the communication channels used by the PR team at this institution as well. The used methodology was based on the contemporary literature which has to do with public relation, in order to analyse the techniques used for PR. In this article are used also the data obtained from monitoring of three televisions and online communication, starting from the period February - 1 to June - 1, when in Tirana has been raised the huge debate on the construction of the Games Park at the Tirana lake area. The televisions which have been monitored are: Top Channel, Klan and Vizion Plus TV in their central editions. Also, during this period of time has been followed the online- communications used by official sites of the institution and the mayor himself, and the other different social networks as well

    A typology of the Albanian journalist today

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    In contrast with the other countries of Eastern Europe, the journalists1 who had operated within the norms and the frame of the ruling ideology of the old system in Albania were forced to abandon the profession immediately after the fall of the regime. A new generation of journalists replaced them and started operating in a legislative vacuum, ignoring both legal and moral norms. This radical behavior marked the whole Albanian transition, as this study suggests. The local development of journalism in the last twenty years reflects clearly the efforts to fuse imported Western values into the existing cultural and traditional bed. Specifically this paper raises two fundamental questions: What is the profile of the Albanian journalist today? Which are the features of the Albanian journalism? As “professional culture” we are going to understand ‘the characteristic or presentation of journalism as an independent institution, as a profession and discourse within a concrete political, economic and cultural context’2. According to this definition, we cannot reduce the complex dynamic of the journalistic culture into simply ethical, theoretical and systemic norms of a given profession

    Coinciding concerns, Stavileci and Kadare, a comparative analysis

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    Apology of the Albanian Issue written by Masar Stavileci1 and The Disagreement written by Ismail Kadare2 are two works written in different space and time, and different circumstances, but which correspond with each other for the serious concerns raised about the Albanian people. While the first author (Stavileci) raises concerns about erosion from the outside and from the inside as a result of the lack of coordination of internal major interests, the second author (Kadare) raises concerns about the “erosion” within the Albanians themselves. Stavileci, writing during the pre-war time in Kosovo (1999), raises concerns about the damage to the national development, spiritual, moral and psychological pan-Albanian development, as a result not only of foreign chauvinistic assaults, but also of the oligarchy and the inability of the Albanian political and intellectual class who, in dramatic conditions and situations of our people were to exceed themselves, thus leaving behind them narrow and small-minded political interests and bring together the divided Albanian nation; while, Kadare (2010) raises concerns about the consequences of some individuals eroding the identity and values of the Albanian soul. Although written in various times and various geopolitical circumstances, both works meet with the concerns they raise: the preservation and strengthening of physical and spiritual Albanian integrity

    Ethical issues in photojournalism ï»ż

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    Photographic cameras are based on the fidelity of the eyes.Consequently, the camera never lies. For many years, media photographers have used this reasoning typology as a shield and justification during early debates regarding the relationship between this visual medium and the objective truth. Simplifying the theoretical and philosophical analysis, the questions which arise here are: Is photography a mirroring of reality or a kind of visual information which is affected by the subjectivity of its author? What role do beliefs, stereotypes, prejudices, interests, personal standpoints, individual affiliation or tastes of the author of a photograph play in creating the final product? The following article intends to shed light on the relationship between media photography and the objective truth, focusing on the theoretical debate in this field. The analysis of ethical problems in Albanian photojournalism and the role of media digitalization and Internet in amplifying these problems, occupy a considerable place in the article. After a detailed panoramic view, the conclusions and recommendations that follow will serve for the practice of photojournalism in minimizing ethical violations by building a self-regulatory framework and an effective and transparent editorial policy

    Tele-Democracy: Albanian Talk Shows and New Media

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    When Phil Donahue first aired The Phil Donahue Show in Dayton, Ohio, in 1967, he made the studio audience a full participant by putting them in direct dialogue with guest experts or celebrities. Critics evaluated this as a revolution in television talk, which has variously been called participatory television.1 Today, nearly half a century later, history recurs. Social networks create opportunities for talk show programs to have an interactive communication with a much wider audience, even international.2 Thanks to the social media tele-democracy takes a full dimension! But, how do talk shows in Albania exploit these new platforms? What is the opinion of the TV hosts on them? What is the studio audience involvement and what are the social networks used for? – These are some of the questions that will be given an answer in this paper. The research is based on interviews and a survey with 31 talk show TV hosts in Albania; archived talk show programs and contemporary authors on communication and new media
