482,067 research outputs found

    Investigation of Ceramic Roof, Metallic Roof and Concrete Roof Thermal Performance in Tropical Climate

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    . The objectives of this research are to investigate thermal performance of ceramic roof, metallic roof, and concrete roof. Experimental buildings were located in Universiti Teknology PETRONAS (UTP), Perak, Malaysia that had three different types of roof: ceramic roof, metallic roof, and concrete roof. This research measured temperature outdoor and indoor. The results of this research were the highest outdoor and indoor temperature compared between three types of roofs was on metallic roof. The highest heat flux compared between three types of roofs was on metallic roof. The highest value of cooling energy compared between three types of roofs was on metallic roof. The room in building with metallic roof needs more energy to reduce temperature than room in building with ceramic roof and concrete roof


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    This research explains the Javanese sound distribution, the sound change that is caused by the suffix /-i/, and the phonological process of the base word that is attached by the suffix /-i/. The data used in this study are from the utterances of Javanese native college students from Semarang, Kendal, and Solo. The result shows that the distribution is divided into two based on the position. Besides, in Javanese, the suffix /-i/ has the functions, which are (1) to change the part of speech, (2) to show the passive verb, (3) to show the repetitive action. The result also shows that there are two phonological processes that are caused by the suffix /-i/. They are addition of the /n/ consonant and the vowel weakening

    The Ideological Questions of Marriage in Thomas Hardy's Jude the Obscure

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    As one of the prominent ideologies of the nineteenth-century— in a complex interrelation with other contemporary ideological discourses particularly femininity and marriage—religion adopts a critical stance in Hardy's presentation of characters. Breaching the religio-conventional image of femininity as “Angel in the House” and “Cow Woman,” Hardy's Jude the Obscure (1895) is indeed deemed to be his milestone in presenting his anti-Christian attitudes towards the contemporary religion. This study aims to present Hardy's outright hostility towards the nineteenth-century Christianity through his creation of non-conformist characters, necessitating a parallel study with other contemporary discourses regarding marriage and femininity, and conflict with the religion of the time. Hardy's magnum opus, the work on which he was to stake his final reputation as a novelist, was clearly Jude the Obscure which as a noticeable socio-religious experimentation of the late nineteenth-century, reveals Hardy's perception of new ideas about femininity and marriage by presenting the hot contemporary issues of “New Woman” and “Free Union” through the development and presentation of Sue Bridehead and her free union with Jude, respectively. Hardy's presentation of Sue Bridehead as a “New Woman,” and employing the “Free Union” in marked contrast with the nineteenth-century convention of marriage as a “Bonded Pair” is Hardy's closing upshot of his final novelistic attempt. The non-conformist Jude and Sue are presented as figures touching the Victorian Christian standards of morality, while, the final tragic destiny of Jude and Sue's helplessness attest to the writer's substantial contribution as a Victorian male novelist to the ideologies circulating at the time

    The Illocutionary Act of Hazel Grace in the Fault in Our Stars Movie

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    This study deals with Illocutionary Act of Hazel Grace as the main character inThe Fault in Our Stars movie. The objectives of the study was discovered thetypes of Illocutionary Act which were used by Hazel Grace as the main characterand described in what contexts that she used in The Fault in Our Stars movie. Thesubject of this study was The Fault in Our Stars movie and each spoken words orthe conversation by Hazel Grace that were written in The Fault in Our Starsmovie script became the source of the data. The data were collected by browsingand downloading from internet. This study was conducted by using qualitativedescriptive design. The result of analyzing types and the contexts of IllocutionaryAct were used by Hazel Grace as main character such as representatives with34.6% (236 utterances), directives with 24.3% (166 utterances), expressives with22.2% (152 utterances), declaratives with 15.5% (106 utterances) andcommissives with 3.4% (23 utterances) and made representative became the mostdominant type. And representative context was the dominant context because TheFault in Our Stars movie used first person, main character\u27s point of view fromperspective of the main character that Hazel Grace used like informing,describing, sharing, believing, stating a fact, assuming, predicting and alsocomplaining which make her like a narrator in that movie because she informs,describes, shares about her diseases, her interests, her thought also about life oreverything, and what she believe by herself

    Radiographic Evaluation of Osteoporosis Through Detection of Jaw Bone Changes: a Simplified Early Osteoporosis Detection Effort

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    Osteoporosis has become a worldwide problem and has been known as a silence disease. Nowadays, there are a lot of diagnostic tools for detecting osteoporosis. Eighty eight postmenopausal were included and underwent digital panoramic, digital periapical, and conventional radiography. Ultrasound bone densitometry of os calcis used as gold standard. Correlation between stiffness index (SI) with a digital dental, digital panoramic and conventional dental radiography are 0.170 (p = 0.11), -0382 (p = 0.001) and 0.246 (p = 0.021) respectively. Significant relationship was found between the SI only with digital panoramic and conventional dental. The highest correlation was found between SI values with mandibular Inferior Cortex on digital panoramic (-0.382, Pearson Correlation Tests). Correlation between digital panoramic radiographs and the SI values was the highest of the three radiographic modalities in this study. This indicates that evaluation of cortical bone is more accurate than cancellous bone. Bone quality evaluation in patients at high risk for osteoporosis using panoramic and dental conventional radiograph by dentist, contributes in preventing further occurrence of osteoporosis which in turn could reduce mortality and morbidity of osteoporosis in Indonesia

    Dyspnea Experience and Dyspnea Management in Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease in Bangladesh

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    Purpose: This study aimed to evaluate dyspnea experience and dyspnea management intervention used by Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) patients in Bangladesh.Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional design was used. The symptom management model developed by Dodd et al. was used to guide the study. Data were collected from 140 COPD patients by using self-report questionnaire. Descriptive statistics was used to analyze the data.Results: The patients perceived dyspnea difficulty within the past 24 hours and within the past 7 days at moderate level. The most used dyspnea management methods included bronchodilators, leaning forward position, and keeping still. The patients perceived bronchodilators as somewhat effective method and perceived leaning forward position as quite a bit effective method in reducing dyspnea.Conclusion: The study could guide nurses to promote dyspnea management intervention for COPD patients in Bangladesh, in order to enhance higher quality of life


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    This thesis analyzes traumatic experience in Stephen Chbosky’s novel entitled The Perks of Being a Wallflower. The novel describes about the life of Charlie as a young boy who suffers from traumatic experience. The purposes of this thesis are to explain Charlie’s personality and traumatic experiences resulting from sexual abuse. The methods that are used in this thesis are library research and psychological approach. The writer uses the novel as the main data and several books, journals, and online documents as the supporting data. In analyzing intrinsic elements, the writer uses theme, characters, setting, and conflicts. Moreover, in analyzing extrinsic aspects, the writer uses Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) from American Psychiatric Association (APA). Based on APA, there are five symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder; exposure to stressor, re-experiencing of traumatic event, avoidance, arousal, and duration. The result proves that Charlie suffers from PTSD. Charlie’ personality is also affected by the symptoms of PTSD

    The Correlation Between Prior Knowledge and Skimming Ability in Reading Comprehension of Second Semester Students of English Language Teaching Department at STAIN Jurai Siwo Metro

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    Prior knowledge is believed to be one of the factors related to students\u27 reading comprehension. In reading, a student brings their experience about the topic to the act of reading to ease them comprehend the text. In this case, selection of reading techniques is very crucial. Among reading technique which depends on prior knowledge is skimming. When students are to skim the text, their prior knowledge will help them catch the gist of the text easily because they are familiar with the topic of the text.Therefore, this research tried to investigate the correlation between prior knowledge and skimming ability in reading comprehension
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