2,707 research outputs found

    The potential use of oil palm frond mulch treated with imazethapyr for weed control in Malaysian coconut plantation

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    Introduction of new weed management strategy for coconut plantation in Malaysia is essential since the current weed control methods are less effective and highly herbicide dependent, thus leading to development of herbicide resistance in weeds as well as environmental and human health concerns. Thus, the present study aimed to evaluate the phytotoxic effects of oil palm frond mulch treated with imazethapyr at a reduced rate on weed emergence and growth. The results of glasshouse experiments have shown that imazethapyr at 12 g a.i. ha-1 in combination with oil palm residues of leaflet (OPL), rachis (OPR) or frond (OPF) at rates of 1.4-1.8 t ha-1 inhibited Eleusine indica emergence and growth by 90-100%, implying that imazethapyr is compatible with oil palm residue mulches. In the field experiment, hand weeding followed by OPF at 3.4 t ha-1 treated with imazethapyr at 24 g a.i. ha-1 have demonstrated excellent control of Mikania micrantha, Asystasia gangetica, Phyllanthus amarus, Panicum sp. and Echinochloa colona by reducing their total dry weight up to 95% at three months after treatment. The present results suggested that the integration of chemical, physical and mechanical methods can provide effective weed control in the coconut plantation for months

    Selfish routing with incomplete information

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    Karsten TiemannPaderborn, Univ., Diss., 200

    The Hall algebra and the composition monoid

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    Let Q be a quiver. M. Reineke and A. Hubery investigated the connection between the composition monoid, as introduced by M. Reineke, and the generic composition algebra, as introduced by C. M. Ringel, specialised at q=0. In this thesis we continue their work. We show that if Q is a Dynkin quiver or an oriented cycle, then the composition algebra at q=0 is isomorphic to the monoid algebra of the composition monoid. Moreover, if Q is an acyclic, extended Dynkin quiver, we show that there exists an epimorphism from the composition algebra at q=0 to the monoid algebra of the composition monoid, and we describe its non-trivial kernel. Our main tool is a geometric version of BGP reflection functors on quiver Grassmannians and quiver flags, that is varieties consisting of filtrations of a fixed representation by subrepresentations of fixed dimension vectors. These functors enable us to calculate various structure constants of the composition algebra. Moreover, we investigate geometric properties of quiver flags and quiver Grassmannians, and show that under certain conditions, quiver flags are irreducible and smooth. If, in addition, we have a counting polynomial, these properties imply the positivity of the Euler characteristic of the quiver flag.Comment: 111 pages, doctoral thesis University of Paderborn (2009

    Patterson-Sullivan distributions for symmetric spaces of the noncompact type

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    We generalize parts of a special non-Euclidean calculus of pseudodifferential operators, which was invented by S. Zelditch for hyperbolic surfaces, to symmetric spaces X=G/KX=G/K of the noncompact type and their compact quotients Y=Γ\G/KY=\Gamma\backslash G/K. We sometimes restrict our results to the case of rank one symmetric spcaes. The non-Euclidean setting extends the defintion of so-called Patterson-Sullivan distributions, which were first defined by N. Anantharaman and S. Zelditch for hyperbolic systems, in a natural way to arbitrary symmetric spaces of the noncompact type. We find an explicit intertwining operator mapping Patterson-Sullivan distributions into Wigner distributions. We study the important invariance and equivariance properties of these distributions. Finally, we describe asymptotic properties of these distributions

    Realisability and Localisation

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    Let AA be a differential graded algebra with cohomology ring H∗AH^*A. A graded module over H∗AH^*A is called \emph{realisable} if it is (up to direct summands) of the form H∗MH^*M for some differential graded AA-module MM. Benson, Krause and Schwede have stated a local and a global obstruction for realisability. The global obstruction is given by the Hochschild class determined by the secondary multiplication of the A∞A_{\infty}-algebra structure of H∗AH^*A. In this thesis we mainly consider differential graded algebras AA with graded-commutative cohomology ring. We show that a finitely presented graded H∗AH^*A-module XX is realisable if and only if its p\mathfrak{p}-localisation XpX_{\mathfrak{p}} is realisable for all graded prime ideals p\mathfrak{p} of H∗AH^*A. In order to obtain such a local-global principle also for the global obstruction, we define the \emph{localisation of a differential graded algebra AA at a graded prime p\mathfrak{p} of H∗AH^*A}, denoted by ApA_{\mathfrak{p}}, and show the existence of a morphism of differential graded algebras inducing the canonical map H∗A→(H∗A)pH^*A \to (H^*A)_{\mathfrak{p}} in cohomology. The latter result actually holds in a much more general setting: we prove that every smashing localisation on the derived category of a differential graded algebra is induced by a morphism of differential graded algebras. Finally we discuss the relation between realisability of modules over the group cohomology ring and the Tate cohomology ring

    Marii Mercatoris S. Augustino Æqualis Opera Quæcumque Extant

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    Prodevnt Nvnc Primvm Stvdio Joannis Garnerii Societatis Jesu Presbyteri, Qui Notas etiam ac Dissertationes addiditErschienen: 1 (1673) - 2 (1673
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