22,833 research outputs found

    Pshchological Fragments, on the Construction of Verbal Behavior

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    Past and Present States of the 53 Tokaido Stations Through the Utagawa Hiroshige\u27s Ukiyo-e

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    We will compare the landscape and customs that were the characteristic of each post town during the Edo period in the past with those of the present, and consider the factors behind the changes by Hiroshige Utagawa\u27s "Toukaidou 53 Stations". We completed bibliographic survey and a field survey to analyze the landscape and customs that were characteristic of each post town during the Edo period in the past compared with those of the present, and considered the factors behind the changes. The characteristics that appear in Ukiyo-e, old tales, and legends are valued and easily remain. There are many characteristics that remain in rural areas and residential areas where development is difficult. However, in a big city or an industrial area, there are few characteristics that remain because it is in the commercial and industrial areas with national roads that have changed greatly between the past and the present

    How Person-Centered Therapy is Perceived by Beginning Therapists : Searching for Better Training Methods

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    パーソン・センタード・セラビー(PCT)は他の学派、特に認知行動療法などと異なり、それぞれのセラピストが個人としてのgenuineな関わりを行い、定式化されたあり方がないため、初学者は学びにくい。加えて、PCTにとって重要な中核条件(Rogers1957, 1959)は内的な体験(Bozarth 1997)であるために、そこに到達するためにどんな努力をすればよいか分かりにくい。PCTが初学者にどのように感じられ、理解され、どのようなイメージを持たれているのか、を知ることは今後の初学者の教育・訓練を考える上で意味があると思われる。それはまた、初学者にとっての困難を知るだけでなく、PCTの理論の中で十分に展開されてこなかった領域を浮かび上がらせる可能性さえある。本研究はインタビューを通して初学者のPCTに対するイメージ等を調査し、その教育や理論について示唆を得ることを目的とする。It is not easy, particularly for beginning therapists, to learn Person-Centered Therapy (PCT), because it requires practitioners to relate to clients as genuine persons and, consequently, does not have fixed ways of functioning as therapists, in contrast to other orientations, especially Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy. In addition, it makes it difficult to learn how to reach the core conditions (Rogers, 1957, 1959), which are essentially "internal experiences" (Bozarth, 1997). It seems important to examine how PCT is perceived, understood, and felt by beginning therapists in order to get ideas on education for beginners. Such examinations may illuminate the unexplored fields of PCT theories. The study aims to examine the perception of PCT by beginning therapists and to come up with better training methods for them

    The Reliability and Validity of FMS ver.a.j

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    福盛・森川(2003)によってフォーカシング的態度を測定する体験過程尊重尺度(the Focusing Manner Scale;FMS)が開発されて以来、FMS を用いた研究が日本国内では盛んになされてきた。それらの研究結果は、Aoki, Kawasaki & Miyake(2009)によって英語で概観が発表されるまでは日本語でのみ発表されており、海外の研究者に知られることはなかった。筆者は日本国内外の研究者らと共に、英語版を試作したが、その過程で改定が成され、原版のFMS とは異なる点がいくつかできた。筆者は、この改訂版FMSを体験過程尊重尺度青木版(the Focusing Manner Scale version a.; FMS ver.a.)と名付け、英語版をFMS ver.a.e とし、日本語版をFMS ver.a.j とした。本研究では、ひとまず日本語版の信頼性と妥当性を検討した。因子分析の結果、原版と同様の因子構造が認められ、因子的妥当性が示された。信頼性については、α係数が尺度全体で.75、各因子で.66、.55、 .64 であった。原版同様にGHQ28との相関分析を行った結果、両尺度の総得点では有意な弱い負の相関(r=-.26 p<.001, N=287)、FMS ver.a.j の各因子とGHQの下位項目群との間ではr=-.17(p<.01)からr=-.40(p<.001)と、原版とおおよそ同程度の負の相関が認められた。GHQ28は心理学的、医学的な症状を測定するものであるため、これらの結果から、FMS ver.a.j の併存的妥当性が示された。Since the Focusing Manner Scale (FMS) which measures Focusing Attitudes has been developed by Fukumori & Morikawa (2003), FMS had been utilized in many researches. The outcomes of those FMS researches had been reported only in Japanese until Aoki, Kawasaki & Miyake (2009) reviewed them in English. In collaboration with English speaking researchers, the author attempted to make an English version of FMS which entailed some revisions in the original FMS. This revised FMS is named the Focusing Manner Scale version a. (FMS ver.a.), "version a." signifies the version rivised by Aoki, and its Japanese and English versions are named FMS ver.a.j, and FMS ver.a.e, respectively. In this paper, the author demonstrated the validity and reliability of FMS ver.a.j. Factor analysis showed that FMS ver.a.j had an almost identical 3-factor structure as the original FMS and confirmed the factorial validity of FMS ver.a.j. The Cronbach alpha coefficient of the whole scale was .75 and each of the 3 factors was .66, .55, and .64. These Cronbach alpha coefficients confirmed the reliability of FMS ver.a.j. Finally, correlation analysis with GHQ28 a measure of psychological and somatic symptoms, revealed almost the same correlations as FMS did in the original study. FMS ver.a.j correlated negatively with GHQ28 total (r=-.26 p<.001, N=287), and the negative correlations of the subscales of FMS ver. a.j and GHQ items were between r=-.17(p<.01) and r=-.40(p<.001). Since GHQ28 measures psychological and somatic symptoms, these results confirm the concurrent validity of FMS ver.a.j


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    暗黙的機能の観点から見た心理療法のための一考察 : ジェンドリンのフォーカシング・セッションより

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    Human Behavior after the 2018 Osaka Earthquake

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    This study examined human behavior after the 2018 Osaka earthquake. The 2018 Osaka Earthquake was the first earthquake that struck an urban area during morning commuting hours in Japan. The internet questionnaire survey was carried out for the 500 people who used the railway in the earthquake occurrence. It was found that 60.4 percent of people went to work and 39.6 percent of people returned home. There were many people who answered that they went home because it was impossible to go to the office. It can be said that most Japanese think that they should go to work even if an earthquake occurs. Because the Internet was available during the earthquake, many people collected information with their smartphones. It was indicated that the anxiety and confusion were little even in the situation where people were confined in the train and the train did not move.本研究は、2018年度関西大学教育研究緊急支援経費による助成を受けた

    Analyzing the Value Stream Mapping to Achieve Lean Manufacturing via Line Balancing

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    Value stream mapping (VSM) visually depicts the flow of materials and information as a product passes through the manufacturing process; this information enables companies to meet customer demand by getting these materials and information for improvement at the right place and at the right time. This paper reviews the existing literature on VSM, describes the concepts and techniques of line balancing, and demonstrates through empirical study how the concepts and techniques of line balancing can help optimize VSM implementation to enhance business performance

    Stock returns, volume and stock price volatility : An empirical firm-level analysis

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    This paper examines the relation between stock returns and stock market volatility in an autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity model framework. Using a GARCH-M model, we examine the relation between stock returns, volume and stock price volatility. Using daily returns from January 1990 until December 1999 for a sample of 20 firms listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange, first of all, we examine if there exists a risk premium for stock return volatility. Second, using daily volume and a new measure of daily stock price volatility as a proxy for the amount of daily arrival of information, we try to find out how contemporaneous and lagged trading volume and volatility explain conditional volatility. As a result we find that (1) stock returns are positively related to the conditional variance but the correlation is not always significant. Only when introducing contemporaneous volume in the variance equation, the GARCH parameter in the mean equation becomes significant; (2) contemporaneous trading volume is positively correlated to the conditional variance and highly statistically significant, while lagged trading volume has a mixed impact on the conditional variance; (3) we find evidence that our new measure of stock price volatility using the daily high, low and closing price can catch information in return volatility. Both contemporaneous and lagged stock price volatility are positively related with the conditional variance and are highly significant. Volatility models for daily returns are therefore improved by including information such as the daily high and low price. Together with volume our measure of stock price volatility can be very useful in explaining volatility clustering in daily returns; (4) introducing stock price volatility and volume in the GARCH variance equation reduces the persistence and significance of variance considerably but does not turn them insignificant. After controlling for the rate of information flow using volume and volatility, lagged squared residuals still contribute additional information about the variance of the stock return process. This is in contrast with the research of Lamoureux and Lastrapes (1990) who found empirical evidence that the ARCH effects vanish when volume is included as an explanatory variable in the conditional variance equation.松谷勉教授古稀記念特