33,493 research outputs found

    Concurrent coupling of atomistic simulation and mesoscopic hydrodynamics for flows over soft multi-functional surfaces

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    We develop an efficient parallel multiscale method that bridges the atomistic and mesoscale regimes, from nanometer to micron and beyond, via concurrent coupling of atomistic simulation and mesoscopic dynamics. In particular, we combine an all-atom molecular dynamics (MD) description for specific atomistic details in the vicinity of the functional surface, with a dissipative particle dynamics (DPD) approach that captures mesoscopic hydrodynamics in the domain away from the functional surface. In order to achieve a seamless transition in dynamic properties we endow the MD simulation with a DPD thermostat, which is validated against experimental results by modeling water at different temperatures. We then validate the MD-DPD coupling method for transient Couette and Poiseuille flows, demonstrating that the concurrent MD-DPD coupling can resolve accurately the continuum-based analytical solutions. Subsequently, we simulate shear flows over polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS)-grafted surfaces (polymer brushes) for various grafting densities, and investigate the slip flow as a function of the shear stress. We verify that a "universal" power law exists for the sliplength, in agreement with published results. Having validated the MD-DPD coupling method, we simulate time-dependent flows past an endothelial glycocalyx layer (EGL) in a microchannel. Coupled simulation results elucidate the dynamics of EGL changing from an equilibrium state to a compressed state under shear by aligning the molecular structures along the shear direction. MD-DPD simulation results agree well with results of a single MD simulation, but with the former more than two orders of magnitude faster than the latter for system sizes above one micron.Comment: 11 pages, 12 figure

    Nearly Scale-Invariant Spectrum of Adiabatic Fluctuations May be from a Very Slowly Expanding Phase of the Universe

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    In this paper we construct an expanding phase with phantom matter, in which the scale factor expands very slowly but the Hubble parameter increases gradually, and assume that this expanding phase could be matched to our late observational cosmology by the proper mechanism. We obtain the nearly scale-invariant spectrum of adiabatic fluctuations in this scenario, different from the simplest inflation and usual ekpyrotic/cyclic scenario, the tilt of nearly scale-invariant spectrum in this scenario is blue. Although there exists an uncertainty surrounding the way in which the perturbations propagate through the transition in our scenario, which is dependent on the detail of possible "bounce" physics, compared with inflation and ekpyrotic/cyclic scenario, our work may provide another feasible cosmological scenario generating the nearly scale-invariant perturbation spectrum.Comment: 4 pages, no figures, to appear in Phys. Rev. D. Many thanks for referee's kind comments and criticism

    Theoretical Exploration on the Magnetic Properties of Ferromagnetic Metallic Glass: An Ising Model on Random Recursive Lattice

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    The ferromagnetic Ising spins are modeled on a recursive lattice constructed from random-angled rhombus units with stochastic configurations, to study the magnetic properties of the bulk Fe-based metallic glass. The integration of spins on the structural glass model well represents the magnetic moments in the glassy metal. The model is exactly solved by the recursive calculation technique. The magnetization of the amorphous Ising spins, i.e. the glassy metallic magnet is investigated by our modeling and calculation on a theoretical base. The results show that the glassy metallic magnets has a lower Curie temperature, weaker magnetization, and higher entropy comparing to the regular ferromagnet in crystal form. These findings can be understood with the randomness of the amorphous system, and agrees well with others' experimental observations.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure

    Lattice Boltzmann Model for The Volume-Averaged Navier-Stokes Equations

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    A numerical method, based on the discrete lattice Boltzmann equation, is presented for solving the volume-averaged Navier-Stokes equations. With a modified equilibrium distribution and an additional forcing term, the volume-averaged Navier-Stokes equations can be recovered from the lattice Boltzmann equation in the limit of small Mach number by the Chapman-Enskog analysis and Taylor expansion. Due to its advantages such as explicit solver and inherent parallelism, the method appears to be more competitive with traditional numerical techniques. Numerical simulations show that the proposed model can accurately reproduce both the linear and nonlinear drag effects of porosity in the fluid flow through porous media.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figure

    Three-dimensional numerical study of flow characteristic and membrane fouling evolution in an enzymatic membrane reactor

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    In order to enhance the understanding of membrane fouling mechanism, the hydrodynamics of granular flow in a stirred enzymatic membrane reactor was numerically investigated in the present study. A three-dimensional Euler-Euler model, coupled with k-e mixture turbulence model and drag function for interphase momentum exchange, was applied to simulate the two-phase (fluid-solid) turbulent flow. Numerical simulations of single- or two-phase turbulent flow under various stirring speed were implemented. The numerical results coincide very well with some published experimental data. Results for the distributions of velocity, shear stress and turbulent kinetic energy were provided. Our results show that the increase of stirring speed could not only enlarge the circulation loops in the reactor, but it can also increase the shear stress on the membrane surface and accelerate the mixing process of granular materials. The time evolution of volumetric function of granular materials on the membrane surface has qualitatively explained the evolution of membrane fouling.Comment: 10 panges, 8 figure

    Green chemistry and green engineering in China: drivers, policies and barriers to innovation

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    With the world’s largest population and consistently rapid rates of economic growth, China faces a choice of whether it will move towards a more sustainable development trajectory. This paper identifies the different factors driving innovation in the fields of green chemistry and green engineering in China, which we find to be largely driven by energy efficiency policy, increasingly strict enforcement of pollution regulations, and national attention to cleaner production concepts, such as “circular economy.” We also identify seven key barriers to the development and implementation of green chemistry and engineering in China. They are (1) competition between economic growth and environmental agendas, (2) regulatory and bureaucratic barriers, (3) availability of research funding, (4) technical barriers, (5)workforce training, (6) industrial engineering capacity, and (7) economic and financial barriers. Our analysis reveals that the most crucial barriers to green chemistry and engineering nnovations in China appear to be those that arise from competing priorities of economic growth and environmental protection as well as the technical challenges that arise from possessing a smaller base of experienced human capital. We find that there is a great deal of potential for both the development of the underlying science, as well as its implementation throughout the chemical enterprise, especially if investment occurs before problems of technological lock-in and sunk costs emerge

    Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Macromolecules Using Graphics Processing Unit

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    Molecular dynamics (MD) simulation is a powerful computational tool to study the behavior of macromolecular systems. But many simulations of this field are limited in spatial or temporal scale by the available computational resource. In recent years, graphics processing unit (GPU) provides unprecedented computational power for scientific applications. Many MD algorithms suit with the multithread nature of GPU. In this paper, MD algorithms for macromolecular systems that run entirely on GPU are presented. Compared to the MD simulation with free software GROMACS on a single CPU core, our codes achieve about 10 times speed-up on a single GPU. For validation, we have performed MD simulations of polymer crystallization on GPU, and the results observed perfectly agree with computations on CPU. Therefore, our single GPU codes have already provided an inexpensive alternative for macromolecular simulations on traditional CPU clusters and they can also be used as a basis to develop parallel GPU programs to further speedup the computations.Comment: 21 pages, 16 figure

    Condensation of Eigen Microstate in Statistical Ensemble and Phase Transition

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    In a statistical ensemble with MM microstates, we introduce an M×MM \times M correlation matrix with the correlations between microstates as its elements. Using eigenvectors of the correlation matrix, we can define eigen microstates of the ensemble. The normalized eigenvalue by MM represents the weight factor in the ensemble of the corresponding eigen microstate. In the limit MM \to \infty, weight factors go to zero in the ensemble without localization of microstate. The finite limit of weight factor when MM \to \infty indicates a condensation of the corresponding eigen microstate. This indicates a phase transition with new phase characterized by the condensed eigen microstate. We propose a finite-size scaling relation of weight factors near critical point, which can be used to identify the phase transition and its universality class of general complex systems. The condensation of eigen microstate and the finite-size scaling relation of weight factors have been confirmed by the Monte Carlo data of one-dimensional and two-dimensional Ising models.Comment: 9 pages, 16 figures, accepted for publication in Sci. China-Phys. Mech. Astro

    A stability condition for turbulence model: From EMMS model to EMMS-based turbulence model

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    The closure problem of turbulence is still a challenging issue in turbulence modeling. In this work, a stability condition is used to close turbulence. Specifically, we regard single-phase flow as a mixture of turbulent and non-turbulent fluids, separating the structure of turbulence. Subsequently, according to the picture of the turbulent eddy cascade, the energy contained in turbulent flow is decomposed into different parts and then quantified. A turbulence stability condition, similar to the principle of the energy-minimization multi-scale (EMMS) model for gas-solid systems, is formulated to close the dynamic constraint equations of turbulence, allowing the heterogeneous structural parameters of turbulence to be optimized. We call this model the `EMMS-based turbulence model', and use it to construct the corresponding turbulent viscosity coefficient. To validate the EMMS-based turbulence model, it is used to simulate two classical benchmark problems, lid-driven cavity flow and turbulent flow with forced convection in an empty room. The numerical results show that the EMMS-based turbulence model improves the accuracy of turbulence modeling due to it considers the principle of compromise in competition between viscosity and inertia.Comment: 26 pages, 13 figures, 2 table

    Multiscale modeling of rapid granular flow with a hybrid discrete-continuum method

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    Both discrete and continuum models have been widely used to study rapid granular flow, discrete model is accurate but computationally expensive, whereas continuum model is computationally efficient but its accuracy is doubtful in many situations. Here we propose a hybrid discrete-continuum method to profit from the merits but discard the drawbacks of both discrete and continuum models. Continuum model is used in the regions where it is valid and discrete model is used in the regions where continuum description fails, they are coupled via dynamical exchange of parameters in the overlap regions. Simulation of granular channel flow demonstrates that the proposed hybrid discrete-continuum method is nearly as accurate as discrete model, with much less computational cost