7,577 research outputs found

    The impact of land reform on the livelihoods of farm workers : the case of the Oaks/Willows citrus farm

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    South Africa‟s social, economic and political landscape was shaped by a long and bitter history of land reform and dispossession. It is against this background that the land reform policy was introduced. According to the Department of Land Affairs the objective of land reform was to alleviate poverty and improve the livelihoods of the poor. Since the introduction of the land reform policy in South Africa, there is no empirical evidence that land reform is improving the livelihoods of its beneficiaries and other affected groups such as farm workers. However government focus has been on how much land was redistributed to the previously disadvantaged and dispossessed. The study sought to assess the impact of land reform on the livelihoods of farm workers with specific reference to the Oaks/Willows Citrus farm in Maruleng Local Municipality, Limpopo Province. The study focussed on whether this land reform project achieved its intended objective of improving livelihoods and alleviating poverty. The following groups participated in the study: The farm workers, project committee members, representative of the traditional leader and a representative of the Department of Rural development. The study found that the livelihoods of the farm workers had not improved after the implementation of this land reform project. The study also revealed that government intervention with post settlement support programmes to monitor progress or offer assistance with regard to farm management and extension services, is very important to ensure that land reform projects achieve their intended objective of reducing poverty and improving the livelihoods of the poor

    Community development projects in Ingquza Hill and its impact on poverty alleviation

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    The fight against poverty is one of South African government priorities and challenges. Despite the large amounts of funds donated by government to poverty alleviation in South Africa almost half of the population still continue to live below the poverty line. There have been many government interventions towards projects. These projects are established in an effort to reduce poverty. However, most of these projects have had a minimal impact on the poverty level of the country. In this study, the researcher illustrated the impact of community development projects on poverty alleviation in Lubala village in Ingquza Hill Local municipality. The research methodology for the study is descriptive, sourced from available literature

    The management of knowledge workers for the benefit of an organisation

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    The main research problem in this study was to identify strategies that could assist South Afrian companies in managing knowledge workers for their opt imal benefit . To achieve this goal, the following act ions were ta ken: Aliterature study was conducted to identify the best strategies that South African companies could use to manage knowledge workers for optimal benefit; Following the literature review interviews were concluded with key people in the human resource and recruitment industry to determine how a knowledge worker was defined in their organisations as well as to probe what management and human resources strategies were used to manage knowledge workers to their full potential; The interviews, in addition to the literature study, also served as a basis for a survey questionnaire, which was used to probe the views of knowledge workers to determine tools and strategies managers use to manage them. The empirical results from the study showed some concurrence with best strategies suggested from the theoret ical study. In essence, the study revealed that knowledge was well managed in the organisations where the study was conducted and that the knowledge workers were motivated and productive. However, it appeared that there was uncer tainty around the remuneration, rewards and recognition of these employees, which could ultimately reflect in less promising levels of commitment and lower levels of retention. The main findings were that: knowledge workers should be recognised for their good performance by providing financial incentives; knowledge workers should be provided with opportunities to continuously develop their competencies but be allowed to craft their own developmental experiences; knowledge workers should be empowered by delegat ing tasks to them that carry decision making responsibility and af fectinnovation; and Managers and knowledge workers should cont inuously have performance and organisational development discussions

    Managing the implementation of management structure changes at the Eastern Cape Department of Education

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    The Eastern Cape Department of Education has been in the forefront of the media – mostly for the wrong reasons. The major problems that have been reported range from the mismanagement of the feeding schemes, unpaid service providers, lack of adequate infrastructure, corruption committed by the officials, unfilled posts, poor service delivery and the second lowest matriculation pass rate in the country. Although there are many problems, as stated, this study research is focused on the management of change and its implementation in the organisational structure

    Liver steatosis and insulin-resistance : reversal by Sutherlandia frutescens

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    Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is rapidly emerging as one of the greatest global health issues of the 21st century. Insulin-resistance is a condition associated with T2DM and in the cell it is defined as the inadequate strength of insulin signalling from the insulin receptor downstream to the final substrates of insulin action involved in multiple metabolic, gene expression, and mitogenic aspects of cellular function. To investigate the potential mechanisms involved in the development of insulin-resistance, two in vitro liver cell models were established using palmitate or a combination of insulin and fructose as inducers. The development of insulin-resistance was determined via the capacity of the hepatocytes to maintain normal glucose metabolism functionality by measuring hepatic gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis. It was established that the treatments induced the development of insulinresistance after 24 hours chronic exposure. Previous studies have investigated the potential of Sutherlandia frutescens extracts as therapeutic agents for insulin-resistance. The aim of this study was thus to investigate the ability of a hot aqueous extract of S. frutescens to reverse the insulin-resistant state, via measuring gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis, the associated changes in cellular physiology (lipid accumulation, oxidative stress, and acetyl- CoA levels), and changes in mRNA expression. The results showed that S. frutescens had a significant effect on reversing the insulin-resistant state in both models of insulin-resistance. Furthermore, S. frutescens was capable of reducing lipid accumulation in the form of triacylglycerol in the high insulin/fructose model, while this was unaffected in the palmitate model. However, S. frutescens did reduce the accumulation of diacylglycerol in the palmitate model. Oxidative stress, seen to be associated with the insulin-resistant state, was successfully treated using the extract, as indicated by a reduction in reactive oxygen species. However no change was seen in the nitric oxide levels, in either model. Interestingly, although S. frutescens had no effect on the level of acetyl-CoA in the insulin/fructose model, it was found to increase this in the palmitate model. It is suggested that this may be due to increased β-oxidation and metabolic activity induced by the extract. The analysis of mRNA expression gave some insight into possible mechanisms by which insulin-resistance develops, although the results were inconclusive due to high variability in samples and the possibility of the RNA being compromised. Future studies will address this issue. The results of this study reflect different proposed clinical causes of insulin-resistance through the responses seen in the two cell models. These indicate that liver steatosis and insulin-resistance are induced by high palmitate as well as high insulin and fructose levels, and reversed by S. frutescens. Therefore the potential of S. frutescens to be used as a therapeutic agent in the treatment of insulin-resistance is indicated by this study

    Die bestuursrol van die skoolhoof in die implementering van 'n nuwe kurrikulum

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    The implementation of a new curriculum has become a very relevant issue in South Africa with the implementation of Curriculum 2005 (C 2005) since 1998. The school principal plays a very important role at school level in the implementation of change in general and a new curriculum in particular. The aim of this study was to have a closer look at this role. It is a qualitative study executed in six schools in the Port Elizabeth area. It investigates the problems school principals experienced with the implementation of C 2005 with the objective of identifying guidelines for the role of the principal in the implementation of a new curriculum The most important findings include the importance of equipping the principal to provide guidance with the implementation of a new curriculum. This equipping refers to the principal’s knowledge of the new curriculum, the ability to employ various leadership styles, as well as the maintenance of a certain balance between supporting and putting pressure on the staff. Other findings refer to the importance of well-trained and prepared facilitators of workshops, as well as the role the Department of Education needs to play in the training and preparation of these facilitators. The ongoing support of schools in the implementation process also needs to be emphasized. The principal should play a key role with respect to this last role of the Department. The study also emphasizes the principal’s responsibility to bind the educators together in building a shared vision, so that their focus will remain on the curriculum implementation

    'n Evalueering van die implementering van die graad 9 natuurwetenskapkurrikulum in skole in die Noord-Kaap Provinsie

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    Curriculum 2005 was originally implemented in grade 1 in 1998. In 2002 it was implemented in grade 9. Similar problems and questions, which arose during the initial implementation, arose again during the implementation in grade 9. Implementation gave rise to many questions and uncertainties. Only in October 2001 was it finally decided to implement the curriculum for grade 9 in 2002. The result was that publishers, the national as well as provincial education departments as well as schools were not ready for the implementation in January 2002. This treatise aims to determine the amount of support offered to educators and the degree of uncertainty still being experienced by them. Information regarding these unnecertainties and problems has been obtained from educators by means of questionnaires, circulated to 38 schools in the Northern Cape Province, offering Natural Science. This sampling of schools is representative of schools offering Natural Science in the region. Data regarding the uncertainties from educators have been obtained from the SOC (Stages of Concern) questionnaires of Hall, George and Rutherford. The rest of the questionnaire concerned the biographical information regarding the educators as well as the support that educators have received during the implementation of the learning area. It emerged from the questionnaire that educators understand the importance of a new Natural Science curriculum for SA. They are however sceptical regarding the hasty manner in which the learning area was implemented; the fact that no textbooks or educational teaching aids were available prior to implementation was of concern. Educators are similarly concerned about the inadequate training prior to implementation and lack of support during implementation. Educators are also concerned about the administrative liability that the new curriculum will bring about

    Culture shock the differences between Chinese and South African students at the University of Port Elizabeth

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    Introduction-Motivation: Living, studying, traveling and working abroad can be an incredible, challenging experience or a nightmare, depending on how you interact with the local culture. Many things bring on culture shock: different food and ways of eating, shops and prices, attitude of people, customs and language problems. It is the strangeness, uneasiness or even fear we experience when we move from our home country and familiar surroundings, to live in a new and different society. Culture shock is now considered to be a natural part of the adjustment to studying abroad (Carmen, 1998:3). Although it can be disconcerting and a little crazy, the shock gradually eases as you begin to understand the new culture. It is useful to realize that often the reactions and perceptions of others towards you - and you towards them - are not personal evaluations, but are based on a clash of cultural values. The more skilled you become in recognizing how and when cultural values and behaviours are likely to come in conflict, the easier it becomes to make adjustments that can help you avoid serious difficulties. This research is aimed at identifying the most common differences between local South African and Chinese culture, and will investigate the experiences of Chinese students at the University of Port Elizabeth (UPE), South Africa, as well as a local Chinese family in order to develop a strategy to minimize culture shock. Research Problem: Chinese students at UPE experience various difficulties in adjusting to local university life. These problems range from practical difficulties regarding transport, accommodation and finances to less easily defined issues related to language and culture. While the “practical” difficulties are often prioritized and solved (or at least alleviated), those relating to culture are not adequately addressed. Chinese students at UPE consequently find it difficult to socialize with local students; they find it difficult to interact during lectures, and they are unsure about forming student-teacher relationships. All of this impedes academic progress, increase worry/fear of failure, and lead to homesickness and ultimately depression. Local Chinese business people have, through trial and error, learnt to adapt to the idiosyncrasies of South African culture (in its diverse forms). This is apparent from interviews which were conducted with a local Chinese businessman and his family who have successfully adapted to the local environment in order to identify the major obstacles to cultural acclimatization, as well as useful strategies, communicational ones among others, that enabled them to adapt

    The development of organisational rights in South Africa

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    Under the previous Labour Relations Act of 1956, (herein after refered as old LRA) organisational rights in South Africa were conspicuous by their absence. In addition, theright to access was restricted by the Trespass Act No. 6 of 1959, which made it a criminal offence to enter land without thepermission of the owner or lawful occupier, except for a lawful reason. During the 1980’s and the first half of the 1990’s several trade union rights, including the right to engage in collective bargaining were established by the Industrial Court under its unfair labour practice jurisdiction. After 1994, South African courts were bound to uphold the basic rights entrenched in the Constitution, Act No. 108 of 1996, and the new Labour Relations Act, 66 of 1995, (herein after refered as new LRA) was promulgated. A new system of collective bargaining which is voluntary in nature was established in order to level the playing fields between employees and trade unions. The new LRA grants organisational rights to registered trade unions. The aim of this treatise is to consider and evaluate these rights. The main source of organisational rights in international public law is to be found in the International Labour Organisation’s Convention on Freedom of Association. Decisions of the International Labour Organisation’s bodies of supervision and interpretation have upheld the protection of various organisational rights, such as trade union access to the employer’s premises,representation of employees by the officials of their trade union, and the right of union officials to collect union dues. These rights have now been incorporated into our labour law system. In this treatise, the pre-1994 situation and the scenario after the 1994 democratic elections is analysed. The contents of these rights are considered as well as enforcement there-of

    Assessment of selected supply and demand components of the tourism industry in the George/Wilderness Area

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    In this research paper a database of accommodation establishments was compiled, and certain supply and demand aspects of the tourism industry in the George / Wilderness area were measured with a view to determine whether planning by the private sector and local authorities could benefit therefrom. Attention was given to the peculiar nature of tourism demand and tourism supply and how selected components thereof could be measured. The research methodology followed included: a literature survey to facilitate an understanding of the nature of tourism supply and tourism demand; the construction of a database of accommodation establishments in order to identify all participants in the George / Wilderness tourism industry; a telephone survey to determine the supply of bed nights in the area; and a questionnaire survey to determine the demand by tourists for bed nights in the area. The following recommendations and conclusions were made: The database compiled during this study should be kept up to date and be expanded to include visitor profiles such as country of origin, length of stay, and primary reason for travel in order that private and public sector concerns may draw statistics / data to be used in the planning and / or marketing of the tourism industry to tourists. Greater co-operation and co-ordination between private and public sectors of the tourism industry are needed to obtain data concerning the tourism market required for planning purposes as well as a concerted marketing effort. Failing this, legislation should be introduced, compelling accommodation establishments to make available supply and demand data to the regional services council for statistical purposes. The study should be extended to cover the entire Southern Cape region in order to obtain statistics applicable to the region as a whole. This will then facilitate both local and regional planning as well as a coordinated marketing effort
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